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Page 17

by Prax Venter

  A tight whimper fell upon his ears, and the writhing woman beneath him began to transform. Her fleshy skin became an illusion and fell away as wisps of otherworldly magic. She hooked her very solid yet ghostly legs around the back of his neck and pulled him deep into her crotch as she gushed her mind-breaking nectar all over his face.

  “Ahhh…” Her content sigh echoed through all of eternity.

  Her ethereal legs came loose, slowly at first and then she moved instantly, and her beautiful face was near his again. They were back in outer space, and her whole body was crackling with immense power.

  “I find your offering very, very pleasing, Mark,” she whispered from everywhere. “I agree to a mutually beneficial relationship. All you must do to renew our contract is think of me when you lick someone’s genitals every now and then.”

  “I can do that,” Mark said, resisting the urge to shield his eyes before the brilliance of this supercharged sex-deity.

  “Feed Amina your sperm to sign our contract,” she said, and then Mark found himself back under the Awysai dome. Black clouds roiled past the circular opening, and rain poured down, but the sleek salamander warrior slurping his cock into her mouth quickly stole all his attention. Her pink swirling tongue stroked his hyper-sensitive skin as he lay floating on the surface of the Eternal Echo sex drug, feeling weightless.

  It didn’t take long. After pleasuring a goddess, his balls ached from how horny he had become. Mark reached his hand to caress her smooth head as he began to pump his load into her muzzle. She locked her glowing blue eyes on his and fluttered her long lashes as he came hard in her mouth. The chieftain’s daughter massaged his scrotum with her thick fingers as she swallowed every drop, gently sucking to make sure she got it all.

  With a sigh similar to the deity’s whom he had just made a pact with, Mark felt a new sphere of power open like an eyelid in the darkness of his mind.

  Amina licked his shaft, sending aftershocks of painful pleasure up his spine, but he clenched his teeth and let her continue through the ritual. Once she considered it clean, she let his cock go and stood up.

  “I have never felt a communion like that, Mark. I knew you would go above and beyond to please our Goddess.”

  “You felt some of that?” he asked.

  Her lids drooped, and she nodded her sleek head up and down. “I felt everything and will dream of this for many nights.”

  Mark stood up and wondered why he felt perfectly fine. He didn’t feel drugged and wasn’t disorientated at all, yet he was still wading in a pool of potent, psychedelic sex water. He blinked that mystery away. Who cares? He had a new toy to try out.

  Mark held out his hand and attempted to summon a mystical club in his hand. Nothing impressive happened right away, but a few sparks and fizzing lines of energy began to take shape.

  “I suggest that you do not force it,” Amina said. “Let the form flow out of you. Later you can work on shaping.”

  Mark let his brow relax, and he pulled in a deep breath from his nose. The smell of fresh rain and syrupy sex filled his lungs as he unclenched every muscle and let his new power find its home within his mind.

  A delicate weight pulled down his hand, and when he looked, he saw a ghostly wooden log. The summoned object appeared very similar to the simple club he had broken earlier, but malformed and lumpy.

  The salamander woman nodded, again. “I am pleased. You are a good friend to the Awysai and now share the pact with our Goddess. All is as it should be.”

  “Thank you for the opportunity, Amina. My quest to restore the Crystal Heart might take me far across the lands of your world, but I hope to come back this way sometime in the future.”

  He could Enthrall Amina right now, and she would fight by his side for as long as she was able, but she also didn’t feel right for the party. He needed someone more ranged, like an archer or spell caster. He had to be honest with himself- he hoped they’d find a good fit in one of the Vulpath elemental magic users.

  “I will think of that meeting often,” she said, turning to leave the pool.

  The female warrior led Mark out into the darkness and rain, and he wondered how long he’d been… communing with their goddess. No that wasn’t right. She was his goddess now. As they walked, Mark formed his basic club again, and it seemed to come easier to his hand. He also noticed it lit up a small area around them. More good news.

  Amina left him outside the same lakeside dome they had stayed before. With another firm grasp of the arm, Mark agreed to meet with the chieftain in the morning before they left.

  “Honeys, I’m home,” he said, before pulling open the curtain covering the doorway.

  The two beast-women were sitting on the pillows, naked. Sasha sat up, her heavy pink breasts thrusting out.

  “Well? Show us!”

  He flashed them both a smile before he summoned his new ethereal weapon. A club shaped like a shriveled baseball bat.

  “I never had a doubt,” the smug succubus said as she gazed over to the tan satyr.

  Jezebel blinked and then turned her emerald eyes up to his. He saw pain there, anger at herself for continuing to doubt him. Her resolve in letting him follow his own path hardened. To her, he continued to do the impossible. There was also a hint of anger at Sasha for throwing her under the bus.

  She narrowed her emerald eyes at the succubus, then got up on her knees. She spun around and thrust her brown furry ass into the air, her tiny, white tail raised high. Mark’s eyes were drawn to the thick, darkly colored pussy lips bulging out from under her hot-pink pucker of an asshole. He had a full load of essence pressing on his balls, and his shaft began to swell at the sight.

  “I know those shards must have filled you up,” Jezebel said, looking over her shoulder. “Please allow me to take some of the pressure off your aching sack, Lover.”

  Mark’s concentration broke and his summoned club vanished. He moved one hand down to his belt when Sasha also got on her knees and backed her pink, round posterior right up to Jezebel’s.

  “You’ll have to choose who to fuck first,” the succubus said, pulling her spade tail aside. “You can even take me in the ass if you want.”

  Mark took off his clothes and then stepped up to the two perfect rear ends waving below him. Jezebel was looking at Sasha, her eyes narrowed in frustration. Sasha was looking at him sweetly with her bright blue eyes.

  The scar on his succubus’ face caught his attention as it was currently in close proximity to the two pink scars on Jezebel’s tan back. Mark put a hand to his own eye and realized that all three of them were physically and mentally scarred in some way. Something buried in their pasts that had changed who they were. Jezebel said she’d been insane, and he knew Sasha had been through some serious shit… he had his mind ripped from his body and an entire section of his life erased.

  But none of it mattered. Jezebel wasn’t insane anymore, and Sasha was safe- as long as he was there to protect her. They were all here now, together. Together they would show this world who they really were.

  And this rivalry between satyr and succubus needed to end.

  “I want you two to kiss. Now.”

  Mark’s Enthralled turned to look into each other’s eyes. He’d seen them both eat the other’s pussy, but he’d never seen them actually kiss.

  Jezebel licked her lips as Sasha leaned in close. Their mouths touched, and Mark felt them both drop a small portion of the tension they didn’t even realize they were holding. It could be hard work trying to always be in competition with someone else.

  He got down on his knees between them and ran the palms of his hands on their taut, round ass cheeks. They were both thickly built, and their plump asses were always drawing his eye. The two beast-women knocked their horns together gently as they began to become more passionate.

  “That’s right,” Mark said as he lightly rubbed his thumb down both of their slits. “What does Jez smell like, Sasha?”

  The succubus pulled her lips off the freck
led satyr for a moment to smile and whisper, “strawberries,” before pressing her face back in for more.

  “Jezebel,” Mark said, petting their pussies from behind. “What does Sasha taste like to you?”

  The tan satyr pulled back and furrowed her eyebrows. “I haven’t had much calibration for taste sense- but she’s sweet and lovely.”

  Sasha practically growled before she slid her fingers through Jezebel’s reddish-blonde hair, pulling their lips back together. Mark nodded. They would have to make it a point to stop and feast soon.

  “Vanilla,” he said, “she tastes like sweet vanilla.” Then he tried something new on them. He already knew he could split the target of his Heals after last night. And after his experience with the Goddess… Twisting his mind like a faucet, Mark turned both his hands into magic ecstasy dispensers.

  Both beast-women moaned as he massaged their slick, fleshy folds with his ability-enhanced fingers. Jezebel and Sasha passionately nibbled on each other’s lips and caressed their faces while he continued to encourage them both from behind.

  Mark listened to what his magic eye was showing him and used his thumbs to rub their clenching anuses while his fingers rubbed their clits. He could see his Enthralled begin to exchange tongues, lost in each other and their blissful euphoria. He brought them both to a climax with his magic-imbued fingers and had to pour more power into Jezebel to get her synced up with Sasha, but they both whimpered into each other’s mouths as he forced them to come together.

  “Now,” he said, lying back on the pillows, “both of you work together and suck out this essence.”

  Sasha and Jezebel obediently moved to include the tip of his cock between their passionate kissing. As they ravaged his shaft for a while, Mark turned his eyes up to see a flash of lightning through the hole in the roof of their Awysai-made dome and said a silent prayer to the Goddess of Oral Sex.

  - 14 -

  “I could upgrade Side Kick,” Sasha said, pulling her stretchy blue top over her heavy breasts. “Or there’s a new ability in the Lightning tree I’ve opened called Shock Bomb. I can tag a bomb to any surface, and it will blow up after 3 seconds. Big area-damage and chance to stun… that is- if they survive.” Her eyes went back to re-read the skill, and Mark felt her excitement spike. Sasha still wanted him to spend her points for her, yet she clearly had an ability that she wanted.

  “That Shock Bomb, all the way,” Mark said, popping his lumpy blue club back in and out of existence. There didn’t feel like there was a limit to how many times he could summon the weapon, only how skillfully he could wield the power allotted to him.

  “Done,” Sasha said as her leathery wings unfurled in pleasure.

  Jezebel slipped on her pink top over her dark brown nipples, and he noticed a hint of sadness for the loss of her own wings. It was something they still needed to talk about.

  “I put a lot of points into Bear Form, level two,” the satyr said. “I get tougher skin and take less damage. If I get some leather armor it will come with as bear armor when I shift.”

  Mark raised an eyebrow. “Bear armor? Sounds awesome.”

  Jezebel shrugged, “Awesome indeed. It should help keep us alive as we fight tougher enemies. Speaking of that, we really should decide which direction to go next. The Dreamcatcher near the Vulpath, or through the Skeema portal to this Wrongside place?”

  “Or we could fuck right off into a whole new area,” Sasha said, a hand on her hip. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not married to the idea. But there are tons more shards out there. Perhaps there’s some low-hanging fruit, you know?”

  Mark frowned. “Good thinking, Sasha, but I’d rather chase down the ones we’ve located. We should be careful, though. If either place appears too deadly, we fuck right off and come back later. What do you say, Jezebel?”

  The green-eyed satyr nodded. “It’s a valid point. We could just walk in a direction and hope we run into another one or at least data on their whereabouts. But I agree with Mark. If we’re acting, I’d rather it be toward securing the shards we know exist.”

  Sasha shrugged, “Yeah, it would feel too much like giving up. So- which is it? Nightmare castle or wacky world?”

  “Let’s check out this Dreamcatcher place, up the mountain,” Mark said. “At least scout it out. It’s also not in another dimension, so it’s got that going for it.”

  They all agreed and left their hut to meet with the Awysai chieftain. As they were led past the Goddess Echo, he could have sworn the sprit followed him with her ghostly eyes.

  He summoned his crude club for the Chieftain who was in naked awe of Mark’s accomplishments. They were gifted four vials of Eternal Echo for their own purposes. And before leaving, Mark promised Amina and her father that they would return to visit when they could.

  A few steps out of the massive Awysai dome, Jezebel pulled out the Recall Charm that would take them back to Thomellia. It was a miniature marble statue.

  “Loa said we all need to be touching or someone will get left behind,” the satyr said, looking around the group.

  “Ugh, I have to touch you?” Sasha said playfully and then pulled Jezebel close against her hip. “Seriously though, who could resist this smooth, caramel skin.”

  Mark pressed into Jezebel from the other side. “And have you seen these perfectly placed freckles. I could get lost in them.”

  “Right,” Jezebel said, flushing a little from their attention, “here goes nothing.”

  She held up the charm and snapped it in half.

  An instant later, all three were standing on a large slab of carved stone in the middle of Thomellia’s Earth Level. Shortly after, a flash of light caught Mark’s eye and another human female with a huge sword strapped to her back appeared next to them. Looking like this was an everyday thing for the warrior, she stalked off toward one of the nearby streets.

  “Must be some sort of landing zone,” Jezebel muttered.

  Mark nodded and began walking to where he thought the Statue Steps were located. His Enthralled followed.

  “Let’s just head upward,” he said. “See how far we can go before someone stops us.”

  Jezebel and Sasha each took a flank and clomped alongside him, their hooves ringing off the carved stone. He felt unstoppable with these two beauties with him.

  “We should probably check to see what other Recall Charms we can find,” Jezebel said. “It would be convenient if we didn’t have to walk everywhere.”

  Mark looked over to her gold-flecked green eyes. “I’m in no hurry.” After he said the words, a thought struck him. Jezebel had seemed worried about her reactor plans getting into the wrong hands… just how much time did they have in here?

  “Now that I’m thinking about it… Jez, um, do we have a time limit? Could someone come into the room in the real world and pull the plug on your mainframe or whatever?”

  Jezebel held her tongue as they crossed a marble bridge by a thundering waterfall and when they had put the plummeting water behind them, she answered. They were also talking about things no one in this world would know anything about, and shouting about servers and real-world threats while surrounded by NPCs just didn’t feel right.

  “First thing you should know, Mark, is that we are experiencing reality many times faster than the physical world. Especially since you are now digital yourself- with no biology getting in the way.”

  “How much faster?”

  “Our cute little doe is really an elite machine,” Sasha said, stepping into the conversation. “About one million years per real-world second.”

  Mark stopped moving just as he put one foot up on the first statue stair of the next level.

  “One million years…” he whispered, his eyes wide. He looked over at his two stunning sex-demons and smiled. “Awesome.”

  Jezebel reached back and took his hand. He let her pull him forward and they resumed moving up the stairs.

  The satyr continued. “Also, my elite machine is housed under one kilometer of ro
ck and quite physically secure. We’d survive a nuclear blast. I have a working fusion reactor supplying us power and won’t even mention the number of virtual years we have before that runs out. Just know it has more zeroes than stars in the universe. Lastly, those escaped thieves apparently disabled my connection to the Net. Even if someone came back with Sasha’s preposterously powerful weapon and tried to hack in from the digital world, they’d only find a dead line.”

  Mark focused on the statues below his feet as he absorbed what Jezebel had said. He imagined life standing still out there while he had the experience of a lifetime- many lifetimes, in this simulated sex world.

  They reached the Fire Level, and an emotional blip from Sasha pulled his eye. He saw her relive a part of her past that she regretted deeply. It was about him.

  Before he saw any real details, Mark laced his other hand through hers, and the succubus shot her blue eyes to his.

  “Thank you,” he said and then squeezed both of their hands. “If it weren’t for whatever both of you did to that other Mark, there wouldn’t be a me. And this Mark is very glad to be near you both, hopefully for eternity.”

  It was exactly what Sasha and Jezebel wanted to hear, and he felt a tangible widening of their interconnected bonds.

  They passed by the flame wielders and artisans of this level, and before they ascended the stairs to the Wind Level, Jezebel opened her backpack and distributed their cold-weather clothes. Mark slipped on his leather jacket, Jezebel put on her blue cloak, and Sasha folded her wings in before wrapping her chest in her tight red coat.

  The pattern of where the switchback stairs were located on each level led them to believe that the path further up the mountain would be at the far end of this brisk and breezy Wind Level, and they weren’t wrong. But the gate made of diamond and the heavily armored Vulpath guards standing in front with giant axes told a different story.

  As they approached, the two black-furred warriors stepped forward. This was when he noticed the faintly uncomfortable pulsing in his blind eye.


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