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Warranted Pleasures (A Warranted Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Shannon Nemechek

  Sam jumped at Raleigh’s frustration, and the tone of his voice scared her to the core. She didn’t know Raleigh or his history, and she had no idea how far he could go. Is this kind of frustration and anger usual for him? How violent could he get? Sam wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to those questions. Maybe I’m just making too much of this? It’s not as if he killed anyone, who didn’t deserve it that is. It’s just a little road rage. Despite Sam’s feelings about the current situation, she still felt fear sweep over her and a tear fell down her cheek. Raleigh realized what was happening. He had frightened Sam, and his heart fell into his stomach.

  “Sam, darlin’, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just a little road rage. I’m just not used to driving with this much traffic, and we have so much to get done before we leave. I wasn’t thinking. Baby, please forgive me.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I know I get jumpy sometimes too. It’s a long story. When we get a few minutes alone, I will tell you all about it,” she promised, “but for now we have a job to do and people to see.”

  Pulling into the parking lot of the Chicago Police Department, Raleigh looked at Sam, placed his hand on her leg, and said, “I’m with you, baby. Let’s head on in, talk to Detective Johnson, then head back to pack a bag for our flight to Bragg.”

  Sam lead Raleigh into the Police Precinct and to the front desk clerk. “We are here to see Detective Johnson. He’s expecting us.” Pointing to Raleigh, she said, “This is Chief Fitzgerald and I am Sergeant O’Hara. Can you please let him know?” As they waited, the noise and the crowded precinct affected Sam. She was still recovering, her head was pounding, and she was feeling a bit of anxiety. She closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing slowly. In and out, in and out.

  Sam was startled when the officer behind the front desk said, “If you follow me, I can take you to Detective Johnson’s office.” The officer motioned towards the swinging gate. “Just right through here.”

  Stepping through the crowds of suspects and officers alike, they inched their way to the back where Detective Johnson’s office was. As they stepped through the door, Johnson stood up from behind his desk and held his hand out to Raleigh.

  “Good to see you, Chief. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, just wanted to stop by and see if you might be able to assist us on this.” Raleigh handed Johnson his cell phone with the picture of the paper that was recovered from Wilson’s body.

  “Do you know anything about this guy? This was pulled from Wilson’s pants pocket, and we need to find a connection. Got any ideas?”

  Johnson sat down with a plop in his chair. “Well, ya, he’s well known here and around the city. Spends his time on the Southside mostly. Small time dealer and addict, but lately he’s been seen hanging around Mosque Maryham on East Seventy-Forth. Rumor is he’s been trying to change his life and converted to Islam. Want us to go pick him up?”

  Raleigh paused and thought for a minute. “Is it possible to watch him first? See where he goes and what he’s up to?”

  “I will have to get clearance from the Chief, but I don’t think he will have a problem with it. How long you want us to tail him for?”

  Raleigh took a hard breath in, and with a sigh he weighed his options. If I have them bring him in, it might scare him off and then we won’t get anything. But if they tail him for a few days till we get back, then we will have more to go on.

  “Can you tail him until we return from Fort Bragg? We need to follow up on a few leads there, then we will be back.”

  “Sure, no problem, Chief. Just call me when you get back and we will bring him in.”

  “Thanks, Detective Johnson, we appreciate all the help you’ve given us so far. I will call you in a few days.”

  Sam glanced at her watch. “Raleigh, we have about two and a half hours to get packed and get to the airport.”

  “Ok, let’s get outta here,” he said as they rushed to the truck and took off towards Sam’s apartment. They arrived with two hours left to grab everything they needed and get back on the road to catch a Navy helicopter on base. It would fly them to Scott Air Force Base in St. Louis to hitch a MAC flight to Fort Bragg.

  “I will drop you off and you grab some clothes, and I’ll be back in thirty minutes. That helicopter won’t leave without us, so no rush ok? Grab what you need, and take your time.”


  Sam was hesitant get into a helicopter again. The last time she was in one was in Afghanistan, and was a mess both mentally and physically. She and her partner, Staff Sergeant Roy Chance, had spent weeks in Taliban hands. They had been tortured, beaten, and starved. Sam had been stripped and tied up and made to watch as her torturers beat her partner with guns, clubs, and iron pipes. She could remember the screams Roy made with each swing of their weapons as they struck him, and the spray of his blood as it flung from the torturers’ weapons, landing on Sam’s body. Sam relived those events in her mind daily and could still see Roy as he looked at her one last time with goodbye in his eyes. When Roy died, Sam begged God to let her die, too. She was alone and no one could help her. It was almost a week before her torturers removed Roy’s body, and she had no idea where they took it. She just knew she was alone and his family would need closure.

  The day finally came when she was rescued. She remembered the kindness and gentleness of the soldier who cut her ropes and wrapped her up in an elephant blanket. He then swept her up in his arms, carrying her to the helicopter. It all seemed like a dream at the time and she could still picture that soldier’s eyes and his smile, even thru the mask he wore, as he held her in his arms and they flew away. It was the first time she had ever felt safe and secure in her life. He had saved her, and she never got to say thank you.

  Throwing some civilian clothes in a bag, she added some toiletries and grabbed another clean uniform. Sam tried to stuff the bag down as much as she could. Damn it, I need all these things. Sam grabbed the bigger suitcase from her closet. “Let’s start again,” she said as she smiled and tossed the items into the larger bag. Raleigh’s gonna just love this. I couldn’t have a medium sized bag, just small and extra-large. As she pulled out another drawer in her dresser, she grabbed a few pieces of lingerie that, despite all efforts, you could see right through. Sam had picked them up eons ago at a shop in Europe while traveling on a rest and recovery trip. Well, you never know what will happen, best be prepared. Sam zipped up the bag just as she heard a knock at the door. She peered through the peephole to see Raleigh.

  Sam opened the door, bag in hand and said, “Ok, I’m ready.”

  Raleigh let out a laugh the whole building could hear. “Are you sure you're ready? You haven’t grabbed the kitchen sink.”

  “Oh, ha ha,” Sam said as she dragged her bag out the door.

  Raleigh reached for her bag. “Here, darlin’, I got it.”

  Sam couldn’t help but giggle. He had a way of making her laugh and it felt good; she hadn’t laughed in a long time. Raleigh threw the bag in the back of the truck and opened the passenger door for Sam as he helped push her up into the cab. “You do love assisting me into the truck, don’t you? Gives you a chance to grab my ass.”

  Sam leaned against Raleigh as he pushed her forward into the cab. “Can you do me a favor while your back there? Just move that hand over to the right some and rub in between my legs. I got an ache I just can’t seem to get rid of. Got any ideas on how to take care of it?”

  Raleigh about lost balance but caught himself. Surprise was the least of what he was feeling. Mostly, it was arousal. Woman, you’re killing me. Instead, he said, “Sam, baby, we got plenty of time to take care of that ache. I have the same one, but for now let’s focus on…”

  He then rubbed the warmth between her legs. She was on fire, and he could feel the heat rush right to his crotch. As quickly as he started he quit. “That’s just a teaser for what I have in store for you, Sam.”

  Her breath caught and she almost screamed at him for stopping, but the t
easing now would make it so much better later. They had to get on the road, so Raleigh quickly changed the subject and jumped into the cab of the truck and took off for the helipad on post.

  “We have a ’copter to catch. The flight to Scott won’t take long. About an hour, then we load onto the C-130 for the flight to Bragg. You ever been in a helicopter, Sam?”

  “Actually, ya, once in Afghanistan. I am excited and a little scared. I remember little from the first ride I had, but that’s a story for another day.”

  “Ok, darlin’, I will hold you to that story.”

  Chapter 9

  The flight to Scott took a little over an hour, but Sam felt like it took forever. She hadn’t remembered being this ill in a long time. Raleigh kept the air sickness bag at the ready and held her hair back as she vomited in not one, but three bags.

  “Well, not the reaction I thought you would have on your second helicopter flight. I’m sorry you feel so bad, sweetie. We have about forty-five minutes before the flight crew will be ready for takeoff. Do you want me to help you to the bathroom to freshen up?”

  “No, I can do it. I’m just embarrassed. Not what you wanted to see, I’m sure.”

  “Doesn’t bother me at all. I just don’t like to see you suffering.”

  “I’m sure the flight to Fort Bragg will be better. I’ve never gotten sick on an airplane before.” She laughed as she walked to the bathroom. “Although there is always a first time.”

  As Raleigh watched Sam round the corner to the bathroom, his phone rang.

  “This is Chief Fitzgerald. How can I help you?”

  The voice on the other end sounded weird and he suspected it was recorded or changed in some way. “If you want to keep Sergeant O’Hara alive, you will drop this case.”

  “Who the fuck is this?” he screamed.

  “It doesn’t matter who this is. If you want your Sam alive, you will stop investigating this case and go back to Alabama.” The phone went dead.

  What the hell? Why threaten Sam’s life? What is it about this case that garners so much attention? It makes no sense.

  Raleigh threw his phone across the terminal in frustration as Sam emerged from the bathroom. She watched as his phone slid past her.

  “Ok, I know I got a little sick but does that necessitate trashing your phone? I didn’t vomit on it, did I?” She laughed and picked up the phone. “Looks like it still works. Next time take it out of the Otter Box case if you wanna break it.”

  Sam handed Raleigh the phone. He grabbed it and stuffed it in his pocket. “Damn phone is just frustrating. Half the time, the damn thang doesn’t work and the other half it loses signal. Didn’t mean to throw it at you, though. I was aiming for the wall.”

  “Oh, that’s ok. You missed.” She congratulated him on his aim, giggling.

  “If you want, we can go down the terminal and grab a bite to eat before we load up. There is a Subway, and I’m sure you gotta be hungry.”

  “Ya, actually I am,” she confessed. “How long is the flight to Bragg?”

  “We should arrive about twenty-one hundred hours. I still gotta call the hotel for a couple of rooms,” he admitted.

  “I can call while you grab the sandwiches. Can you grab me a ham with lettuce, tomato, and mayo?”

  “You got it. Be right back,” Raleigh declared.

  Sam pulled out her phone, logged into a hotel app, reserved two adjoining rooms at the Marriott just off post, and waited for Raleigh to come back with the sandwiches. Sam watched thru the window of the terminal at the airmen as they did their preflight checks.

  As she stood watching, Raleigh slowly and quietly snuck up behind Sam. “I’m back.”

  Sam jumped and swung around meeting Raleigh almost nose to nose. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “Sorry, baby. I couldn’t help it. You looked so cute standing there. I didn’t want to disturb you or scare you for that matter, but it appears like I failed.”

  “Ya, you failed all right.” As she laughed, Raleigh handed her the sandwich. “You wanna eat now or on the flight?”

  “How much longer we got before we board?”

  “Probably about twenty minutes. We got time now to eat.”

  Raleigh pulled some seats and a small table together in a corner of the terminal. He laid out napkins and unwrapped the sandwiches. Sam smiled and asked, “A romantic dinner for two?” Raleigh winked at her, held his hand out to hers, walked her to the chair and pulled the chair out to seat her.

  “Your dinner, my darlin’.”

  As Sam sat, she looked at Raleigh. He does have a way about him, I can’t deny it. Is it his eyes? His eyes look so familiar, but that can’t be possible. I only met him days ago.

  They sat quietly for the first time since they had met. Sam stared at Raleigh; he seemed so far away from her for the first time. It was like he was in an entirely different world than she was at that moment. His face grimaced with concern, and his eyes closed.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  His eyes shot open and he smiled at her. “Ya, everything is great. Just thinking about the trip. I haven’t been to Bragg in quite a while. It’ll be nice to see the ole girl again. Spent most of my Army career at Bragg ’til a couple of years ago. It will be nice to see some of the guys, too. I haven’t been much for keeping in contact since I left.”

  “Well, it happens. Maybe you can contact some of them while we are there and go have lunch or something. We don’t meet with the general until Friday, and it’s Wednesday so you’re gonna have time.”

  “We will see. I have other plans right now.” His eyes brightened and a grin spread across his face.

  “Oh really?” She grinned back and took a big bite from her sub. “Never know what will happen. Maybe I have plans myself.” Sam winked, still sporting the smile on her face as she chewed the last bite from her sub.

  “Yep, a good warrant officer always has a plan.” A sly grin covered his face from ear to ear before he stuffed the last bite of his sub into his mouth.

  Oh, how I love that smile. Sam paused as she thought of what to say next, but her gaze was interrupted by a voice from behind her.

  “Chief, we are all checked and ready to go when you are.” A tall, slim Air Force captain made his way toward them. He walked with a purpose, and the flight uniform fit tightly in all the right places.

  Sam was quick to notice “That’s our pilot? Nice, very nice.”

  Raleigh shot her a quick look of pure jealousy and Sam quickly took note. Jealous type, I see. Let’s give him something to be jealous of.

  Sam giggled under her breath then said to the young pilot, “Well, darlin’, I’d fly anywhere with you.” She waited for Raleigh’s reaction.

  Raleigh knew exactly what Sam was up to, and he wasn't falling for her little game. “You want me to give you two a few minutes alone?”

  Sam scoffed at Raleigh’s reaction and stomped off toward the gate. Raleigh looked at the young captain with a raised eyebrow and laughed as he grabbed Sam’s bag and headed to the gate himself.

  She couldn’t believe he even thought she would be interested in the captain. Who does he think he is? Does he think I jump from man to man whenever it is convenient? Oh, he infuriates me. I could just punch him.

  He ran to catch up with Sam on the tarmac, touching her shoulder. Sam twisted around to face him. “What?”

  “Everything ok, Sam? You seem a little upset at me. Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, you are just an ass.”

  “Why am I an ass?”

  Sam stared at Raleigh, her eyes seeming to burn a hole straight through him. “Because I was just teasing, and you had to get serious.”

  “Serious? Oh, darlin’, I wasn’t serious. No way I would leave you alone with another man. You’re mine.”

  Sam could feel her heart in her toes as it beat faster and faster. What is it about you that makes me want you so badly? She often questioned her sanity when it came to
men, but Raleigh seemed different, a lot different than she thought when they first met.

  She watched as he loaded onto the plane and found a seat toward the back of the aircraft. He motioned for Sam to sit next to him. “Right here, girl,” he said as he patted the seat next to him. “This way I can keep a close eye on you, and we are far enough away from the cockpit that if we decide we want some alone time, we could easily crawl on the back of this five-ton truck and enjoy each other.”

  “Oh, now that’s romantic. Next you will want to do it at the firing range with bullets flying over us.” Sam made herself comfortable in the seat next to Raleigh, then added, “Why don’t we do this? You keep your hands to yourself, and I will keep mine to myself. Then once we are alone, we can decide what to do from there. Deal?”

  “Deal. I don’t like it, but I will do it.” He pouted. It was getting harder and harder to hear each other over the roar of the engines. The plane hummed and vibrated as it quickly took off. Sam closed her eyes and relaxed. It would be a few hours alone with Raleigh, and if she wanted everything to go right, she needed to keep him at a distance a little longer. She could tell he was getting sexually frustrated, because every time he looked at her she felt like he was undressing her with his eyes. Not that she minded; she did the same thing. She just wanted everything to be perfect. The playing around and the teasing had been incredible, but she wanted him locked in an embrace with their bodies warm and wet, entangled skin on skin as they made love for the first time. She didn’t want their first time to be in the back of an old dirty five-ton truck with their pants down around their ankles.

  Not that the idea didn’t have its place and its pleasures. But there was something about Raleigh, and she wanted everything to be perfect. He was perfect in every way, and not what she expected at all. He had come into her life and turned it upside down. He was the opposite of what she had planned for her life. Women and men alike loved him. He was like Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind—the southern gentleman, so very charming, and a rascal all rolled into one hunk of man. She had always dreamed of being swept off her feet by her own Rhett, but all she ever got was the carpetbagger. Maybe it is my turn to finally have the love I’ve always dreamed about. Could it be possible? Is Raleigh my Rhett? Sam twirled her hair and sighed out loud. “Yes, I think he might be my Rhett.”


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