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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

Page 6

by Albany, Cara


  "Did you sleep well, last night, Miss Stirling?"

  Chloe sipped the sweet, dark coffee and looked across the breakfast table at Zayed's sister, Aliyah. "I did get to sleep. Eventually," she replied glancing at Zayed sitting at the far end of the table. He didn't look at Chloe, preferring to focus his attention on the plate of breakfast.

  Realizing that what she had just said might be misunderstood, Chloe continued. "Uh... The night air is very warm. Even with the balcony doors open. It took me a while to settle."

  Chloe, Aliyah, and Zayed were seated at a long table outside one of the main rooms of the palace. The table was situated in a pleasant garden area. A beautiful array of flowers, expertly cultivated decorative bushes and shrubs and overhanging trees provided welcome shelter from the early morning sun. A cool breeze blew through the garden. It was an idyllic place to enjoy her first breakfast in the palace.

  Chloe saw Aliyah nod slowly. The corners of the pretty woman's mouth creased slightly with a knowing smile. Chloe had been impressed with Aliyah since the moment they had met. She guessed there wasn't much that escaped Aliyah's notice. She was whip-smart as well as stunningly beautiful. Chloe was sure that one day she would drive some lucky man crazy.

  The door opened inside the palace and four people entered. Chloe recognized Zayed's two brothers. An elegant middle-aged woman with a kindly smile on her even features followed behind the two brothers. Leading the way was King Kamal. Chloe's heart skipped a beat when she saw the figure of Zayed's father. Chloe turned to Zayed and saw his eyes narrow. He smiled reassuringly at her, as if to give her courage. Chloe sat up straight at the table and busied herself with the food on her plate.

  "I see you've started without us," the woman said. Her voice had a lovely musical quality which Chloe found appealing. Her spoken English had a trace of an accent. "Zayed. I believe introductions are in order," the woman said.

  Zayed stood up and came around the table. "Mother. May I introduce Chloe Stirling."

  His mother! Chloe was taken aback. She stood up quickly and extended a hand of greeting.

  "Chloe. I'd like you to meet my mother. Queen Beatrice."

  His mother was a Queen. And, judging by her accent, it sounded as if she wasn't originally from around these parts. Chloe had always suspected that Zayed's lineage may not have been completely rooted in his kingdom. But, she'd had no idea that the woman who was his mother was, in fact, English.

  "Pleased to meet you, ma'am," Chloe said.

  Beatrice smiled. "Please. Call me Beatrice."

  Chloe smiled back at Beatrice.

  "You saw my brothers last night at the party," Zayed continued. "Raz and Tariq."

  Chloe laughed. "Briefly."

  Up close, both brothers were devastatingly handsome. Chloe's first impressions from the party were confirmed in the early morning light. They all shared the same lustrous dark hair, tall, elegant figures and penetrating dark eyes that shone with confidence and fierce intelligence. Although Chloe felt neither of the brothers came close to Zayed when it came to looks or intelligence. That guilty thought made her cheeks flush slightly.

  "You missed a good party last night, brother," Raz said.

  "You left early, Zayed," Tariq said. "You must be getting old, brother. Party life is getting too much for you," he said punching Zayed playfully on the arm.

  Zayed laughed and looked at Chloe. "I had other duties to attend to. Making Chloe feel at home was more important than keeping you two out of trouble," he joked. "I think you both are old enough to take care of yourselves now."

  "Now now, children," Beatrice said with good humor. "It's still early in the morning, and we don't want Chloe to start thinking that we don't know how to welcome our guests, do we?"

  Zayed smiled at Chloe and shook his head. Both Tariq and Raz rolled their eyes. "Where are our manners?" Tariq said. He gestured to the seat where Chloe had been sitting. "Please. Continue your breakfast. I promise it's not always like this between my older brothers and I."

  Zayed went to Chloe's chair and laid his hands on the back. Chloe glanced at Zayed as she sat down.

  King Kamal took his place at the head of the table. It seemed as if the exchanges between his three sons had been perfectly normal, since he showed no displeasure. Queen Beatrice sat down on the seat to his right. Raz and Tariq took their places opposite their mother.

  Servants arrived and laid out plates of delicious food.

  "So, Chloe. How long are you planning to be in Qazhar?" Aliyah asked.

  Chloe glanced at Zayed. "I'm not exactly sure, Aliyah. Originally it was going to be for a few days. But, there is just so much more to see than I anticipated."

  "Ours is a vast kingdom," King Kamal said grandly. "But, I believe the needs of your moving picture are for some spectacular scenery."

  "There's no shortage of that here," Beatrice said with a warm smile. "I'm sure Zayed has a great many things in mind while you are here."

  Chloe looked at Zayed and saw that his face had colored slightly on hearing his mother's remark.

  "We are planning a trip to the K'Itah Caves," Zayed said.

  Chloe had read about the legendary landmark. It was a warren of caves located in a range of mountains to the north of the capital city. The caves had a special place in the kingdom's history, being the site of an ancient city from which a great uprising had originated.

  "I would be fascinated to see the caves," Chloe admitted. "I've seen pictures of them. They would be wonderful locations."

  King Kamal laid his fork down noisily on his plate. The sound of metal on china cut through the soft sound of the wind shifting the leaves of the trees in the garden.

  "I wasn't aware that permission to view the caves had been granted to your production company, Miss Stirling," he said firmly.

  Chloe paused a moment and then glanced at Zayed. "Well...I wasn't sure myself. But, if Zayed thinks it would be possible, then I'd be more than happy to visit the caves."

  "It is not a decision for Zayed to make, Miss Stirling," Kamal said sternly.

  Chloe saw Kamal fix Zayed with a reproving look.

  "But, father. We agreed that there would be no limitations to where Chloe could travel. If she wants to see the caves, then I think she should see them."

  Kamal looked like he was about to make a definitive statement. Before he had a chance to do so, Queen Beatrice interrupted him. "How do you like our modest little kingdom, Chloe?" Beatrice asked with a patient smile.

  Chloe saw Kamal's shoulders stiffen, but he immediately acceded to his wife's choice of subject matter for breakfast conversation.

  "It's not so modest, Beatrice. The city is wonderful. You must all be so proud of what has been achieved here in the last few decades."

  Beatrice nodded. "We are very proud of the changes we've made. And our people have benefitted very much from the improvements. It hasn't been easy, though. Not everyone has approved of all the changes." Beatrice looked at Kamal and smiled. "Isn't that right, my dear husband?"

  Kamal glanced at his wife and then lowered his gaze to his breakfast plate, his brows furrowing.

  "But then, we have been blessed with wonderful children," Beatrice said glancing down the length of the table. Aliyah rolled her eyes. Raz and Tariq looked embarrassed. Zayed just smiled good-naturedly, as if he'd heard all of this many times before.

  "I would agree," Zayed replied with a grin. "You and father couldn't have expected better children than us," he said. "Isn't that right, my dear brothers and sister?"

  Zayed leaned on his elbows and waited for a reply from his siblings, but there was none forthcoming. All three of them kept their heads down, suddenly finding their breakfasts more interesting than the conversation.

  Chloe smiled. There was a wonderful family atmosphere at the table. She could sense that this was a family completely at ease with itself, even if there were times when the King didn't exactly get his way in everything.

  "So, tell us a
bout yourself, Chloe," Beatrice said.

  "There's not much to tell. I grew up in America. Went to college. Ended up working in Hollywood as a locations manager for the movie industry. That's about it."

  "Really? Nothing more. What about your family. Do you have brothers or sisters?"

  "No. I'm an only child."

  Chloe saw Kamal's gaze lift. He peered at her as if examining her, in the same way, he had done the previous night at the fountain.

  Beatrice lifted some grapefruit on a spoon to her mouth. After a moment, she continued her probing questions. "And your parents?"

  "My Mom and Dad are separated."

  Beatrice frowned. "How very unfortunate. But, they both must be so proud of the career you have made for yourself."

  "They are. Guess it must seem glamorous to them. It kind of isn't really. Lots of travel. And when you're involved in the actual production it gets kinda hectic. But I like it."

  "You must be very good at your job," Beatrice said.

  Chloe felt a rush of heat to her cheeks. "I suppose so. I do my best. That's what my Mom always taught me to do. Just do my best in everything."

  Chloe lifted a fig and bit into it, eager for a respite from the questioning. She was suddenly aware that everyone at the table was staring at her, and she wasn't sure she liked it.

  "What about you, Beatrice. I believe I can hear an English accent?" Chloe asked.

  Beatrice smiled. "Your ears aren't deceiving you, Chloe. I'm originally from England."

  Kamal looked at Beatrice and for a moment Chloe saw hesitation in his eyes. Beatrice continued. "I came to this kingdom a very long time ago and met Kamal." She laid a hand across Kamal's arm, and the King looked even more embarrassed than before. "One thing led to another and before I knew it I had become a Queen and mother to these lovely children you see here."

  "That's so romantic," Chloe gushed in spite of herself.

  Kamal looked really embarrassed now, Chloe thought. Perhaps it would be best if she tempered her enthusiasm about Queen Beatrice's story.

  "I never stop telling myself how lucky I have been," Beatrice said looking around the table. "A wonderful husband and beautiful children. And in a paradise like this," she concluded with a sweeping gesture of her hand. "Truly I have been blessed. And now, all I want is that all my children would find the same happiness with someone they love."

  At that, all four children grunted in unison.

  "Mother!" Aliya exclaimed. "How many times have we asked you not to bring that subject up when we have guests?"

  Beatrice smiled patiently at her daughter. "Surely you're not embarrassed by that, Aliyah. I only want what is best for you all. And there is nothing more important to me than a husband for you and wives for Raz, Tariq, and Zayed. It's the most natural thing in the world. Wouldn't you agree, Chloe?"

  Chloe's spoon froze at her open mouth. Her eyes fixed upon Beatrice's expectant gaze. "I...uh...suppose so, Beatrice."

  Chloe looked at Zayed. There was a long, very awkward silence at the table. Then, she heard Zayed clear his throat.

  "So...We were planning to leave immediately after breakfast," he said quickly.

  "You and Chloe?" Beatrice asked.

  Zayed nodded.

  "Alone?" Beatrice continued.

  Zayed looked at Chloe. "If she's happy with that," he said.

  Chloe nodded quickly. "That sounds fine to me," she replied, eager to fill the awkward silence with anything she could.

  Kamal put his coffee cup down on the saucer and gazed down the table at Zayed. "Raz said to me earlier that he had some business to conduct out at the encampment. Isn't that right, Raz?"

  Chloe looked at Raz and saw a puzzled expression on his face. After a brief pause at his father's stern features Raz nodded quickly. "Oh, yes. I forgot."

  Raz turned to Zayed. "I need to see about those things we talked about."

  Zayed's brows furrowed. "What things?"

  Raz stiffened. "You know. Those things we discussed last night."

  Zayed frowned. "I don't remember..."

  "The point is, Raz will be accompanying you and Miss Stirling out to the caves," King Kamal said rapidly.

  Chloe saw Beatrice give Kamal a sudden look, and it didn't appear as if she was pleased with Kamal's interference in Zayed and Chloe traveling to the caves alone. But, the words had been said and it was too late to change anything.

  Chloe looked at Zayed and saw him give her a wry smile. There was understanding in his eyes as he nodded, resigned to the fact that his father still had the last word in most things.

  Chloe looked at Kamal and saw that even he was looking embarrassed, but she guessed he wasn't about to disagree with his own father.

  "That sounds wonderful," Chloe said quickly. All eyes shifted on to her. "I'd love to get a chance to know Raz."

  Raz smiled and looked genuinely surprised.

  Beatrice sighed and went back to her breakfast. "Well, that's that then. It looks like your first outing has been arranged, Chloe. I hope you enjoy yourself and find out something useful."

  "That reminds me," Chloe said. She stood up. "I need to call Andrew. I need to tell him what I'll be doing and find out a few things from him. It's been lovely having breakfast with you all."

  And with barely a look at any of the family members, Chloe left, asking herself how she was going to survive the coming day in the company of Zayed while being chaperoned by his own brother.

  Because, if there was one thing she had learned at the breakfast table, it was that Zayed's father did not approve of Chloe being alone with Zayed.


  "What are you thinking about, Raz?" Zayed demanded. An hour had passed since Chloe had left the table. Everyone else had finished eating and made their way back into the palace, leaving Zayed and Raz alone on the terrace.

  Raz turned to Zayed. "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, why did you agree to father's request that you chaperone Chloe and me?" Zayed asked.

  Raz frowned. "I didn't agree to any such thing."

  Zayed huffed. "It sure looks like it."

  "Father asked me while we were coming to breakfast if I wouldn't mind going with you and Chloe today," Raz said.

  "And you didn't think to ask him why?"

  Raz shrugged. "No."

  Zayed sighed angrily.

  "Why is this so important to you, Zayed?"

  Zayed narrowed his eyes at Raz. "You know why, Raz. I told you before about Chloe and me."

  "But that's all in the past, Zayed. Father said so."

  Zayed sighed. "And you just accept father's word on everything. Especially in our choices of women."

  Raz frowned. "Father has his own opinions about the women he finds appropriate for us. You heard how mother spoke at the table."

  "The difference is, our mother seems to respect our own choices, Raz."

  "She just wants us to be happy," Raz said. "Are you saying father isn't thinking of our happiness when it comes to marriage."

  "Who's talking about marriage?" Zayed asked.

  Raz paused and examined Zayed's features. "It sounds like you still have something for Chloe," Raz said.

  Zayed was surprised at the bluntness of Raz's statement. And the truth was, his brother was right. He'd hit the nail on the head. The irritation and frustration Zayed was displaying was because he still held a flame for Chloe Stirling. A hot, burning flame that threatened himself and Chloe.

  And, the trip to the caves had seemed like the perfect opportunity for Zayed to persuade Chloe that he still wanted her, still needed her. Before it was too late. And Zayed knew that soon it would be too late, especially if his father had his way.

  Zayed ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Look, Raz. I understand that father asked you to come with Chloe and me. And, that there isn't much you can do about that. You've given your word, and in our family that's just about as serious as it gets."

  Raz placed a hand on Zayed's arm. "I'm sorry if I'm goin
g to spoil your plans," he said with a reassuring smile.

  Zayed squinted at Raz. "What plans?"

  Raz's brows rose. "Your plans with Chloe," he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

  Zayed frowned. "You make it sound...wrong."

  "I know you are a gentleman. I haven't forgotten the mess you were in when father called you back from America," Raz said.

  "Thanks for reminding me," Zayed said with a shake of his head.

  Raz frowned. "You know what I mean. I know you still have feelings for Chloe. I could see it at the breakfast table."

  "Was it that obvious?"

  Raz nodded. "It was kind of plain for everyone to see."

  Zayed sighed heavily. "Then father knows."

  Raz paused as if weighing his next words carefully. "But, what about her?"


  Raz glanced around, ensuring that no-one was eavesdropping. "You know who I'm talking about. Hasn't father spoken to you about her."

  Zayed groaned. "I was hoping you weren't going to mention her. He laid a heavy hand on Raz's shoulder. You must promise me you won't mention her to Chloe. Not yet, anyway. Until I've had a chance to explain things to Chloe."

  Raz shook his head. "I won't, Zayed."

  Zayed squeezed Raz's shoulder so hard that he saw his brother flinch slightly. "No, really. Raz. This is my last chance with Chloe. She doesn't know what my father is planning. And she mustn't know."

  "What if father tells her himself?" Raz asked.

  "He won't. He can't stand to be in Chloe's presence, and I'm going to make sure she's not around for him to get a chance to meddle. But, you know how important this is to me, Raz. Chloe means everything to me. Everything."

  Zayed saw Raz's eyes widen at his brother's sudden expression of emotion. Then Raz nodded, agreement and determination in his eyes. "I understand, Zayed. You can trust me."

  Zayed smiled at Raz. "Thank you, brother. I'll do the same for you someday. I promise."

  Raz peered into Zayed's eyes. "I won't be getting married anytime soon. You know that, Zayed," Raz said firmly.


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