The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1) Page 7

by Albany, Cara

  Zayed smiled. "It comes to the best of us, Raz. There is someone out there for you. It's destiny."

  Raz's face turned a shade paler. Zayed playfully punched his brother's shoulder and laughed.

  Raz smiled at Zayed, rubbing his shoulder. "That may be the case, Zayed. But first we need to make sure that if you and Chloe are to have a future together, we must do everything to make sure that happens."

  Zayed smiled back at Raz. "Thanks, brother. If you ever need me to help you find a wife, then just say the word. I will do anything to help."

  Raz shook his head and grunted. "I have to get ready for the journey to the oasis." He grinned mischievously at Zayed. "If I have to keep my word to my father, then I at least have to go that far with you both. Isn't that true?"

  Zayed nodded and laughed. "Our father still doesn't know just how resourceful his sons can be when their backs are against the wall, does he?"

  "He taught us well, Zayed. Probably too well," Raz said with a laugh.

  Raz turned and left Zayed alone on the terrace. Zayed gazed up at the foliage of the trees, watching it shimmer in the early morning breeze. The sun was already high enough in the sky that it glinted through the canopy of leaves. It was going to be a beautiful day. Zayed laughed out loud. That was nonsense. It was going to be a glorious day. He was about to spend the entire day with the woman he loved, and wasn't that something for a man to celebrate?

  Zayed drew in a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. He thought about the previous night. He had accompanied Chloe back to her room, aware of the tension which his father had created between them both. Zayed had decided to be the perfect gentleman. He had left Chloe at the door to her suite. His heart had ached as he had watched her smile at him, wishing him a goodnight, closing the door softly behind her.

  It had taken every ounce of strength in his body to resist the urge to thrust the door open, lift Chloe and carry her to the large bed and make the depth of his passion for her plain.

  But he had resisted that impulse. That was not the man he was now. Separation from Chloe had taught him restraint, and even a measure of humility. Since returning from America at the behest of his father, Zayed had foregone the temptations of the many women who had presented themselves to him. And there had been many. But, since Chloe, no-one had come close to touching his heart, no-one had been able to stir his soul the way that Chloe had.

  Now that she was here, now that she was within reach, Zayed was determined to win her. He burned with desire but knew he could not act upon that aching heat until he had convinced Chloe that he was a changed man. In fact, until he persuaded her that he was the only man for her; that he was going to break down any barrier that stood between them and the happiness he knew they both deserved.

  It was the least they both deserved.

  He had seen the uncertainty in her eyes. He had also seen the barely disguised passion in those beautiful eyes. Last night, at the fountain he had felt her tremble at his touch; savored the scent of her; devoured her as best he could. He was sure that she was under no illusions about his feelings for her.

  But, still there seemed to be a barrier. Still, she was holding back, and that just made him want her even more fervently, with an even greater desperation.

  Chloe was simply the most beautiful woman he had ever known. And, how he had known her! How they had known each other!

  Their times together back in America had been truly memorable; completely unforgettable. Nights in bed that had seared his soul with a passion and love that he had never believed possible.

  He was not about to give that up. Especially not for an arranged marriage to a woman who simply left him feeling cold and dead inside. For that was what his father was promising by trying to ensure that Zayed followed some strange, antiquated sense of duty by marrying a woman from a tribe his father had known since childhood.

  It was not going to happen, Zayed said to himself. He felt his jaw tighten and he gritted his teeth as he thought about losing Chloe in exchange for a loveless, soulless matrimony.

  For a sudden moment, Zayed felt as if he could roar aloud his rejection of such a thing, but he took hold of himself and contained the emotion that raged inside.

  He had things to do. Today.

  He had to seize the moment. He must take the one and only chance he would have to claim the woman who was his soul-mate.


  "So. What do you think?" Zayed asked Chloe.

  She leaned forward in her seat and propped her elbows on the dashboard of the four-wheel off-road vehicle which had just driven them across miles of sand dunes. Chloe looked through the window and down into the scene of wonder which lay below.

  "It's like something out of a dream," Chloe gasped.

  Indeed, it was as if her most exotic fantasy had been conjured up and deposited right here in the middle of the vast expanse of desert. The midday sun beat down upon a picture straight out of the Arabian Nights.

  Down below was an oasis, complete with palm trees and an inviting pool of shimmering water. Next to the oasis had been constructed an encampment of huge tents, all of which were large enough to house entire families. Chloe saw camels and horses tethered there. A few figures dressed in flowing robes milled about.

  "What is this place?" Chloe asked.

  From the seat behind her Raz explained. "It's one of our many encampments. We maintain them so that we can provide access to remote areas. Also, it's a tradition we've worked hard to hold onto."

  Chloe shook her head and smiled. "It's just so beautiful. I can imagine something like this fitting in well with a scene in the movie. Even if there weren't already a scene, I'd recommend the scriptwriter add one in just so we could use this location."

  Chloe turned and saw that Zayed was watching her closely. He smiled at her, obviously gratified by the pleasure she was deriving from the view from the top of the dune.

  "Shall we go down and refresh ourselves? It's been a long drive," Zayed said.

  Chloe nodded and Zayed thrust the car into gear and powered the vehicle down the long slope of the dune. The roar of the engine caught the attention of the men down by the oasis and they raised their arms in greeting.

  It had indeed been a long drive, Chloe reflected.

  After the breakfast, she had kept herself busy getting ready for the trip out to the desert. Aliyah had helped her choose the correct clothing to wear. Wrapped in loose robes, Chloe had looked at herself in the mirror of her bedroom and had marvelled at the transformation. She looked like a desert nomad. The change in her appearance had made Chloe feel for a moment as if she had left her previous life behind and was about to embark upon a new adventure.

  And, if the truth had to be told, she was starting out on an exciting episode, made even more thrilling because she was by Zayed's side. She had seen the way he had looked at her over breakfast, and she had liked it, in spite of her concerns about their shared past. The way Zayed looked at her made Chloe recall just how special he had made her feel all those years before.

  Chloe had liked the way Zayed had insisted on taking her to see the caves, even in the face of resistance by his father. The fact that Raz was an obvious chaperone only added an amusing, quaint element to the entire proceedings.

  Once they had left the palace, Raz had proven himself to be an amusing companion. Chloe noticed how close he and Zayed were. It was clear that there was a strong sibling bond between the two brothers. Raz had a great sense of humor, and didn't stop making fun of Chloe's sense of amazement at seeing the wonders of the desert on display.

  But, it was the opportunity to watch Zayed behind the wheel of the car which had given Chloe the most pleasure. He seemed like a man at home, a prince in his natural environment. Chloe had had to ask Zayed to keep his eyes on the road because he hadn't stopped glancing over at her sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Zayed's response was that since theirs was the only car for miles on the thin stretch of tar macadam that stretched like a dark li
ne across the desert, there was hardly any chance that they would collide with another car.

  The car slid down the sandy edge of the dune and Zayed drew the car to a halt in front of one of the large tents. All three of them got out of the car. Zayed greeted some of the men of the encampment, and it was clear from the pleasure on the faces of the men that Zayed and Raz were both held in high esteem.

  Chloe's got out of the car. Her feet sank into the soft sand as she moved toward the tree-circled oasis. She glanced over toward Zayed and saw that he was watching her every movement. He gestured to Raz and the men and made his way to Chloe.

  His gaze ran up and down her figure. There was obvious approval on his face. "You look like you belong here," he said.

  Chloe tugged at the loose robes and cocked her head. "You approve of how I look?" she asked with a coquettish smile.

  "How could I not?" he replied.

  Chloe saw him glance back at the men gathered around the car. "How long are we going to be here?" she asked.

  Zayed sighed. "It's an overnight stop."

  "Overnight?" Chloe gasped.

  Zayed nodded. "The caves are too far away for us to make it there before sunset. I thought it would be better if we rested here overnight."

  Chloe's eyes narrowed. "In the Sheikh's tent? That sounds so...exotic."

  Zayed tried to smile, but Chloe could see the unease in him. "I am the Sheikh, I suppose," he said slowly. "So, in theory, this is my desert encampment."

  Chloe shook her head. "It's kind of archaic."

  "Really?" Zayed said, a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. "Are you saying that we are living in the past?"

  Chloe immediately regretted her choice of words. "I didn't mean that. Not at all, Zayed," she said.

  Zayed waved a dismissive hand. "I know you didn't." He glanced over at one of the tents. "Can I show you where you'll be sleeping?"

  "Sleeping?" Chloe replied.

  Zayed nodded and seemed about to say something when they were interrupted by Raz.

  "The men say they think there might be a sandstorm on the way," Raz said.

  "We better get everything we need inside the tents," Zayed said.

  They unloaded their bags from the car and Zayed led Chloe to the larger of the tents. She had no idea what she was about to find inside. Zayed held the loose entrance flap open for her and she stepped inside.

  The first thing she noticed was the aroma, a heady mix of scents that at first was entirely overwhelming. Beneath her feet were heavy, soft carpet. Another layer of hanging drapes were tugged aside and Chloe took one more step inside. She gasped at what she found.

  Inside the surprisingly cavernous space she found an array of furnishings, including small seats, tiny ornately carved tables and, most striking of all, a large bed. Every fabric on the floors and walls was multi-colored and richly decorated.

  "Do you like it?" Zayed asked standing to one side, holding one of Chloe's bags.

  Chloe gazed at the space in wonderment. She turned and looked at Zayed. She was sure her face was a picture of astonishment. "This is like a dream, Zayed," she said.

  Zayed glanced behind him. Chloe heard Raz outside talking with the other men. This was the first time she and Zayed had been truly alone since leaving the palace.

  Zayed's eyes lit up with a sudden passion and he took a step closer to Chloe. "No, Chloe," he breathed quietly. "You are like a dream, and this place is where you belong. You look completely at home here, if I may say so."

  Chloe felt the breath catch in her throat for a moment. Her eyes met his. Zayed dropped the bag on the carpeted floor. Once again he glanced back toward the tent's entrance. "I am so happy that you are here," he said.

  Chloe saw his arms start to reach out to her and she took a small step back. Zayed's eyes widened and he suddenly seemed puzzled.

  "Please, Zayed. I am here for a reason."

  "Yes, and the reason is to be with me, habibti," Zayed growled.

  Chloe felt her mouth drop open upon hearing Zayed use that word. Had he called her his love? Chloe already recognized that word and understood the significance of his use of it.

  Zayed saw her surprise. "Yes, I called you my love, Chloe. You know that word is one that is not used casually."

  Chloe felt her heart start to race. She tried to regain her composure.

  Zayed moved closer to her again and this time she could sense that he intended to embrace her, just as he'd done the previous night at the fountain. But there were too many prying eyes outside the tent. This could all be very embarrassing. The last thing she wanted was to be forced to demand that Zayed drive her back to the palace, leaving this wonderful place behind. That would be too much like a victory for Zayed's father. It would confirm his suspicions that she and Zayed had no business being together.

  "May I unpack my bag," Chloe said reaching down and lifting it from the floor. She saw that Zayed had realized his moment had passed.

  "I'd like to freshen up. Where can I do that?" Chloe asked. "I think I'd like to rest a little too."

  Zayed sighed and his shoulders sank visibly. After a moment, he glanced over toward a corner of the tent. "All that you need is behind that curtain."

  Zayed glanced at the bed. "As far as sleep is concerned, I'm sure the bed will suffice," he said in a flat tone of voice.

  Chloe thought to say something to Zayed, anything that would go some way toward explaining that she wasn't ready, that she needed time, that he was being too hasty. But, one look at the disconsolate look on his face told her that it was too late for words like that.

  "I'll see that you are called when it is time for the evening meal."

  Zayed turned and took a step toward the tent's entrance. Before he left, he turned to Chloe. "Oh, and one thing. I would advise that you don't stray too far from the camp. The desert is a dangerous place and it is too easy for someone who doesn't understand that to get lost. In any case, wandering in a sandstorm isn't a good idea."

  "Are you telling me I am confined to this tent?" Chloe demanded.

  "For your own safety, it's best that you remain here."

  "Where will you be sleeping?" Chloe asked.

  She saw Zayed's eyes flicker momentarily to the bed and then she heard him sigh. He cleared his throat. "I will be in the next tent."

  And with those final words he let loose the heavy fabric of the tent flap and it dropped down with the finality of a door closing.

  What had she done? Had she simply rejected him, making it clear that there was nothing between them? Judging by Zayed's reaction, it certainly looked that way. How could she have been so insensitive? For that was how she felt as she stood there gazing around the inside of the tent.

  She had guessed that Zayed would try to take the opportunity of them both being so far away from the palace to impress upon Chloe just how he felt for her. He'd made his feelings clear the night before. And, Chloe realized, he'd tried once more, here in the intimate confines of the tent. So, why had she pulled away from him? What was she fearful of when it came to Zayed?

  Chloe tried to shake the emotion from her mind. She threw the bag down onto the bed and started to unpack the simple belongings. She knew they would probably only be in the encampment for one night.

  From outside the tent, she heard the sound of the men talking. Suddenly there was the sound of a gust of the wind and the walls of the tent shook.

  What kind of a night could Chloe look forward too? There was a storm coming and she wondered if the decision to come all the way out here had been one of the worst she had ever made.

  But, there was only one question that steadfastly refused to budge from her mind, no matter what she did. As she started to make her way toward the place where she could freshen up, Chloe could not make up her mind.

  Which storm was she most worried about? Was it the desert sandstorm or the storm of Zayed's obvious passion for Chloe which troubled her the most?


  Chloe opened her eyes
with a start, the sudden roar of the wind from outside the tent startling her into wakefulness.

  The sandstorm was raging outside. Chloe felt the movement of the air in the tent and heard the shaking sound of the tent walls as the winds buffeted against them.

  Chloe realized she had cried out at the moment of waking. Her voice sounded muffled in the soft confines of the tent. But she had screamed nonetheless. She was overcome by a feeling of mild embarrassment and hoped that no-one had heard her scream.

  For a moment, she couldn't see anything. The lamp had been turned down. Momentarily she was disoriented by her strange surroundings, the way that a child would be in a strange house. The draped walls of the tent seemed somehow alien, even terrifying and she felt a stab of anxiety in her middle as she sat up clutching the blankets.

  She was alone in the bed and that seemed suddenly strange, even surprising. Why was she alone?

  Then she remembered where she was. She was in a desert encampment in a strange land.

  Chloe stretched over to where she knew the lamp was. She turned the switch and the small lamp illuminated her surroundings. Chloe breathed a sigh of relief when she recognized the interior of the tent. Chloe pulled up the blanket and tried to recall the previous few hours.

  After Zayed had left her, she had washed and rested for a short while. Then he had called her out to their evening meal, which had been a delicious spread of exotic dishes laid out on a low table in the nearby tent. His tent, it seemed was much more luxuriously appointed than hers.

  She had seen his large bed behind the drapes while she, Zayed, Raz and a few of the men from the camp had shared the meal. The conversation had been polite but awkward and Chloe realized that her exchanges with Zayed in her own tent had created an uneasy feeling between them both.

  By the end of the meal, it was clear that the sandstorm was starting to build up. Chloe had watched Zayed take charge of the preparations to make sure that the tents were securely tied down, the horses and camels taken care of.


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