The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1) Page 8

by Albany, Cara

  By the time Zayed accompanied Chloe back to her tent, she had seen that he had other things on his mind than any thought of trying to persuade Chloe that he should spend time in her tent. He appeared to have a strong sense of duty to the men of the camp, as well as his concerns for Chloe and Raz.

  Chloe had kissed Zayed on the cheek as he had bid her goodnight. She had felt a fluttering in her middle when she had seen the look in his eyes. Zayed had obviously wanted so much more than a brief, polite goodnight kiss, but Chloe was determined to maintain the professional distance she had worked so hard to cultivate. Nevertheless, it had been hard to pull away from him and pull the flap of the door behind her, feeling suddenly alone in the quiet of her tent.

  As she had fallen asleep, all she could think of was Zayed and the look on his face as she had turned away from him at the entrance.

  Listening to the gusts of wind from outside the tent, Chloe reached out to the carafe of water on the small table next to her bed. Before she could pour out some of the cool water into a glass, she heard the rustle of fabric and glanced toward the entrance to her tent.

  Zayed stood there, holding the tent entrance open. He gazed at Chloe, eyes wide with concern. He was dressed in a loose gown that was open at the chest showing off his incredibly tightly muscled torso. He had on full-length pants that trailed in the sand at his bare feet. By the light of the lamp, he looked like a vision out of an exotic dream, stepping in out of the desert night. Behind him, she could hear the howling wind and see the cloud of sand racing past the entrance.

  Zayed hesitated as if reluctant to step inside. "Chloe! Are you okay? I heard you scream." His voice shook with worry.

  Chloe tugged the blanket up over her shoulders feeling the blast of air from the open entrance. "I'm fine, Zayed. I just woke up because of the storm."

  Zayed stepped into the tent and let the entrance close behind him. Chloe leaned back against the pile of pillows at her back. She was suddenly conscious of the fact that she was only wearing a thin nightgown.

  Zayed stalked across the soft floor. Chloe's gaze fixed upon the opening in his gown. She couldn't help but be transfixed by the movement of Zayed's body as he came toward her bed. He was such a gloriously handsome man, she said to herself. She saw the sweat glistening across his chest, the covering of dark hair across the front of his torso, the line of hair reaching down toward his middle.

  Almost involuntarily Chloe leaned even further back. She wondered why she was feeling so nervous about Zayed's presence. What she could possibly have to worry about? They had history, after all. They had been closer than this, more intimate on more occasions than she could remember.

  Zayed sat down on the side of her bed, gazing at Chloe with apparent concern. "You screamed," he stated bluntly.

  "It was nothing, Zayed," she said. "I guess I'm not used to the sound of sandstorms in the desert," she laughed.

  Zayed shook his head. "I should have realized you'd be frightened," he said.

  "I'm not frightened," Chloe insisted.

  "Of course you're not. I suppose you've seen worse than this on your travels," he said with a smile.

  Zayed reached out a hand as if expecting Chloe to take it, but she resisted the impulse. Zayed noticed that resistance and withdrew his hand, letting it rest on the blanket and across Chloe's legs.

  Chloe didn't move her leg away from his touch. She saw Zayed glance down at the blanket as if he realized just what he had done.

  There was another roar of the wind against the tent and the walls shook with a deep rumble.

  "No need to worry. It's not such a bad storm," Zayed said.

  "Really?" Chloe replied incredulously. "This is a mild one?"

  Zayed smiled reassuringly. "These tents are designed to cope with most things the desert can throw at them," he said.

  "I hope so," Chloe said.

  Chloe ran a hand through her hair. She saw Zayed watch her do that, almost savoring the way Chloe's hair tumbled loose over her shoulders. He had always had a thing about her hair. She recalled how he had loved to run his hands through her hair. Now, his eyes watched that simple gesture, a visible hunger etched upon his features.

  Chloe shivered in spite of herself. Zayed scooted up the bed closer to Chloe. "Are you cold?"

  Chloe shook her head. "No. I'm fine."

  Zayed frowned and moved closer until he was close enough that he could have wrapped an arm around her shoulders. But, Chloe saw him take a deep breath, as if he were restraining the urge to pull her close to him.

  Zayed peered into her eyes and she was sure she saw a question in them, something he feared to say, something that couldn't be spoken.

  Another blast of air shook the tent and the walls vibrated. Zayed reached out an arm and slid it around Chloe's shoulders. She turned and peered at Zayed, feeling a tingle race down her spine.

  Zayed leaned closer. "It's okay. There's nothing to be nervous about."

  Without knowing why, without any kind of forethought, Chloe moved ever so slightly closer to Zayed. She felt his chest rise as he drew in a deep breath. One corner of Zayed's mouth creased with a smile of barely disguised delight.

  Zayed scooted so close to Chloe that his hips bumped gently against Chloe's. She saw Zayed lean back against the pillows. He was growing in confidence as if sensing some kind of victory.

  "How can you ever get used to this?" Chloe asked.

  Zayed shrugged. "It's part of the life of the desert. It's what I've grown up with."

  Chloe felt Zayed's arm tighten against her arm, drawing her imperceptibly closer. "I could never get used to this," she said.

  Zayed's brows furrowed. "I think you could. You're just about the strongest woman I've ever known. I think you could get used to living in this kingdom, if you put your mind to it," he said.

  Chloe shook her head firmly. "Let's not get into that, right now, Zayed," she said.

  Chloe heard Zayed sigh softly. "You're right. You must be tired. It's been a long day. Tomorrow's going to be an even longer day."

  "How are we getting to the caves if there's a sandstorm?" Chloe asked.

  Zayed gazed across at the shaking walls of the tent. "This will have blown over long before we set out for the caves."

  Trying to change the subject she said: "I must remember to bring my camera. I need photos and video, or else Andrew will probably fire me."

  Zayed's brows rose and he smiled. "Would that be such a bad thing?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Then you'd have no reason to return to America."

  "I'd have to go back. I'd need a job."

  Zayed looked down and was quiet for a moment. "You could always stay here," he said eventually.

  Before Chloe had a chance to object Zayed had lifted his hand to her face and was moving the locks of hair away from her forehead. His eyes had lit up at the mere touch and Chloe was sure she could see his nostrils flare slightly, as if the touch of her hair was some erotic trigger.

  "Your hair is so soft," he whispered.

  Chloe didn't say anything, aware that Zayed's gaze was burrowing deep into her eyes. He seemed to be pouring as much emotion as he could into that look, as if he didn't trust himself to say the right words.

  Chloe glanced down at Zayed's open gown. She had a sudden urge to run her fingers through the layer of short, dark hairs on his chest.

  Chloe noticed that Zayed had seen where her eyes had strayed. Once again she heard him draw in a deep, calming breath. She was sure she could almost feel the tension that was rising within his body, now that he was in such close proximity to her. She could ask him to leave at any moment, she realized.

  In fact, right now that seemed like the most sensible thing she could do. But then, she had never really been able to be entirely sensible whenever she was around Zayed. He had the ability to affect her with the slightest touch, the merest look, the softest words.

  Zayed leaned in closer and Chloe was able to inhale the spicy scent of him, feel the
soft touch of his breath against her cheek. He didn't say anything. He merely looked into her eyes, once again filling his gaze with more than words could say.

  Chloe felt something shift in her middle. Her heart was racing now, and it had nothing to do with the anxiety caused by the dangers of the sandstorm. The only thing that was dangerous right now was the presence of this wonderful man on the bed next to her.

  She had no idea what he was planning to do, but she suddenly realized she didn't care. As long he was holding her, as long as he was touching her, as long his eyes were searching hers for some kind of answer, she was happy to lean gently against his protective, strong body.

  Then Zayed dipped his head and before she knew what had happened, his lips were on hers. His hand slid around to the back of her head and drew her hard and close against his lips.

  After the briefest moment of surprise, Chloe submitted utterly to his tender lips, feeling the exquisite softness of them. Then his tongue was probing, tempting her to open herself up. She let her lips soften and his tongue began its tender search.

  Chloe felt a rush of pleasure down to her core. Chloe closed her eyes and gave herself over to the pleasure of Zayed's touch, trusting him completely. It was like the welcome and surprising return of a pleasure she had almost forgotten.

  Zayed's hand reached down and he tugged the blanket away, throwing it with a desperately impatient gesture so that her entire gown covered body was let loose from the confines of the blanket.

  Chloe felt his fingers rest upon one of her breasts. The softness of her gown was no protection against his strong fingers. The peak of her nipple crested and she felt his thumb trace a slow line across the peak. Chloe felt a jolt of pleasure race down her body, once again sending a fiery warning to her core.

  Chloe was almost tempted to open her eyes, look at Zayed, check to see if he was as rapt as she was in this tender moment. But she feared to spoil the moment. She could tell by the fierceness of his kiss that he was as lost as she was.

  It was as if they had never been apart, as if the years were simply falling away, the emptiness she had tried so hard to obliterate was now filled with him. She felt complete with him, knew that this was where she belonged, where she had always belonged.

  Chloe wrapped her arms around Zayed, drawing him closer. As if sensing the ultimate triumph, Zayed leaned in as close as he could, and then she was tumbling backward, with Zayed pressing down on top of her. She felt a delicious sense of submission, feeling Zayed's strength, his dominant purpose.

  The forcefulness of his kiss became even stronger as they settled down onto the bed. She felt Zayed's strong body upon her, his leg parting her thighs. Chloe felt the hardness of him, felt the tension that racked his body, sensed the release he sought. Her mind was a blank, a wonderful emptiness consuming her.

  She'd had no idea just how much she had missed his touch, his sweet attentions.

  There was a sudden roaring and the walls shook around them, a massive gust of wind blowing open the entrance to the tent. Dust started to bellow into the room. Chloe felt Zayed's lips suddenly part from hers. She saw him turn his head, gazing back at the entrance. She saw a feral expression of impatience and irritation on his face. He glanced at her, his shoulders sagged, and he breathed out a great exasperated sigh.

  Zayed lifted himself up on his elbows and rolled off to one side. He stood quickly, tugging his robe tight and tying the belt. Chloe felt the loss of his presence like a physical parting as she watched Zayed race across to the entrance of the tent. His hands were raised to protect his face against the cloud of sand swirling around him.

  In a moment, he had the flap secured and Chloe watched the dust settle upon the carpeted floor.

  Zayed came back to the bed and stood over her. He was breathing heavily and she knew it wasn't only to do with the exertions of securing the tent entrance against the storm. There was another storm raging inside Zayed, one that she knew he could barely contain. Chloe knew that Zayed had stirred a fire within her. She could feel the diminishing embers inside herself as she lay back on the bed looking up at Zayed.

  There was still a ravenous hunger written on his face and for a moment she feared she wouldn't be able to extinguish that insatiable desire. Was now the right time for them to come together once again? A sharp stab of doubt cut through her, and she saw a similar flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

  His breathing was harsh and fast, but beginning to slow. Chloe realized the moment had passed, and now all that was left was an awkwardness that needed to be purged.

  "For how long is that storm going to continue?" she asked.

  Zayed glanced back at the entrance. "I think it's already beginning to die down," he said.

  Chloe drew up the blanket to cover herself. Zayed watched her and she saw the disappointment cloud his features.

  "I can stay longer, if you wish," he offered.

  Chloe shook her head quickly, almost too quickly she realized. "No. I'll be fine. If you say the storm is dying down, then I'll take your word for it."

  Which storm was she talking about? Zayed seemed to be thinking the same thing because he turned quickly. "I guess you're right. I just wanted to check you were okay." Zayed looked down at her in the bed and she suddenly felt very vulnerable. His gaze burned beneath hooded brows, fierce and feral, but contained by some inconceivable inner strength. "I think you're okay now. Isn't that right, Chloe?"

  She merely nodded, the words of any response catching in her inexplicably tight throat.

  "I'll be going, then," Zayed said turning.

  As he started toward the entrance, Chloe felt a tumbling in her stomach, a desperate and sudden impulse to call him back, but she contained it at the last moment.

  Nevertheless, she called out to him, watching his hand reaching for the entrance flap. "Zayed?"

  He turned quickly, an expectant look on his face. "Yes, Chloe?"

  "Thank you for coming to check I was okay."

  Zayed nodded. "Sleep well."

  And with a sweep of his hand he thrust open the entrance and stepped out into the swirling, windy sandstorm. The entrance was closed behind him and all that Chloe could do was collapse back down onto the bed and let out a frustrated groan which was thankfully drowned out by one more roar of the stormy wind blasting in from the desert.


  He'd made a fool of himself, Zayed thought as he finally dragged himself out bed after failing to sleep for even one minute after leaving Chloe in her tent.

  Zayed stepped out of the tent into the cool morning of early dawn. The sun was just beginning to rise over beyond the dunes. He stretched and was briefly thankful that no-one was around. He needed time to think, make sense of what he had done only a few hours before.

  And just what had that been, he asked himself?

  He had just gone and made a complete fool of himself. It seemed that no matter what he did, he just wasn't able to reconnect with Chloe or convince her that she was his, that she belonged to this kingdom, by his side. Things had become messy all too quickly last night.

  He tried to tell himself that he had only gone to Chloe in response to her cries of distress. He tried to convince himself that he had been thinking of her well-being. But, he knew the truth. He had been selfish, thinking only of his own desires, his own desperate needs.

  How could he be surprised that Chloe had rejected him? It was only right that she had done so, since he had taken advantage of her in a way that was beneath him. It had also been disrespectful to Chloe, and that was the worst thing of all.

  Zayed strode over toward the oasis. The water looked cool and inviting. He glanced around to make sure no-one was watching, and slid off his robe and pants.

  Grunting loudly he threw himself into the water headfirst. He'd been in this pool many times before and knew that the depths were safe for such a dive.

  His entire being was shocked into welcome, razor-sharp awareness by the cold shock of the water. His senses were shaken a
s he rose from the depths and thrust his head out of the water. Throwing himself backward, he relished the biting cold, the return to reality the water provided. He gazed up at the trees that surrounded the oasis.

  The blue sky promised another glorious day and he couldn't help but wonder if the day was going to be spent with Chloe. Or, would she demand they return to the palace, declaring that their business was finished, that there was no hope of them ever being together?

  As he stretched back, floating on the surface, Zayed was aware that he was completely naked. But, he didn't care.

  Not anymore.

  There was hardly any point in maintaining propriety. Not out here, in the only place where he felt any connection with his past, with who he really was.

  The sound of the water as he splashed his hands out by his sides seemed incongruous amongst the silence of the encampment. It felt good to be back in his natural element.

  Suddenly, he heard a very familiar voice. "Enjoying yourself?"


  Zayed froze in the water and lowered his hips so that only his head and shoulders bobbed out of the water. He looked over and saw Chloe standing there, looking radiant in the early morning light, leaning nonchalantly against a tree. She was dressed in the same robe she had worn in bed. She was smiling and holding Zayed's robe and pants in her hands.

  "You're up?" Zayed asked.

  "I haven't slept since you paid me a visit." Chloe glanced up at the blue sky. "I see you were right about the storm blowing itself out."

  Zayed stretched down to his full length and felt his feet touch the sandy floor of the pool. "You have me at a disadvantage," he said.

  Chloe frowned and then looked at the garments she was holding. Her eyes lit up with pretend understanding. "Oh, you mean these?"

  Zayed was surprised by Chloe's good humor. He'd obviously misjudged the effect of the previous night's events on her mood. He knew she was teasing him, but the thought occurred to him that he had an even bigger problem. How was he going to get out of the water while she was watching, and retain his dignity in the process?


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