The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1) Page 10

by Albany, Cara

  Gradually the pace of Chloe's horse subsided, until it came to a slow and stuttering halt. Zayed drew his horse to a halt beside her. His brows were furrowed deep, his gaze feral.

  Chloe sat up in the saddle and exhaled. She realized she hadn't drawn in a breath in a very long while.

  "Chloe! Are you hurt?" Zayed demanded his voice quaking.

  Chloe realized her heart was racing. She looked down at her hands and saw that they were shaking.

  Zayed leaped down off his horse, all the while holding onto the reins of Chloe's horse.

  Chloe looked down at Zayed. He was gazing up at her, urgency carved into his features.

  Chloe thought she felt the the horse shake beneath her. Then, with a start, she realized that it was she herself who was shifting unsteadily from side to side. She saw Zayed thrust his arms up toward her, his eyes wide with fear. His mouth opened, but no words emerged from it, and she was sure she could see his lips quiver.

  Then, inexplicably, Chloe felt herself tumble toward Zayed. For a moment she worried she would land heavily on the sand, but then she knew that that was something Zayed would not allow to happen. He was there to catch her, to make her safe. To protect her, as he had once promised. A long time ago.

  A second later she saw Zayed throw the reins hastily to one side and felt herself being caught by him, drawn close into his arms. She gasped as she landed heavily against his strong body. Chloe felt his arms tighten around her and then she was looking up into his face, seeing his gorgeous dark eyes peering at her, seeking answers, desperately needing reassurance.

  "Chloe!" Zayed gasped, holding onto her as if he would never let her go. Zayed looked terrified as he examined Chloe for any sign of harm. His eyes were wide with a genuine fear and concern. Gone was the pretense, the posturing. What she was looking at were the true feelings that Zayed had for her. And in this moment Chloe knew deep inside herself that she did not want Zayed to let her go.


  Chloe smiled up at Zayed. "I'm fine, Zayed."

  "You're not," he declared. "That was my fault. I dropped the flask."

  Chloe frowned and then smiled reassuringly. "You weren't to know that the horse would react like that."

  Zayed glanced at the animal which had now lowered its head and seemed suddenly calmer, as if submitting to its master were the most natural thing in the world.

  And of course it was, Chloe said to herself as she leaned against Zayed's sweet smelling body, savoring the pent up tension in his muscles.

  Once again, Zayed peered down at Chloe. She felt his arms tighten imperceptibly. Chloe glanced downward at the sandy ground. "Maybe you can let me down now," she suggested.

  Zayed shook his head emphatically. "No."

  "No?" Chloe echoed.

  "You are riding with me for the rest of the journey," he declared. He glanced at Chloe's mount. "You will not sit upon that animal again. I will tether it to mine and it will follow."

  "But..." Chloe started to object, but she hesitated when she saw the way Zayed was looking at her.

  "I will not be denied, Chloe," he said. His gaze burned into her and she felt her blood race in her veins. "You will ride with me. Do you understand?"

  There was a long pause. After a moments consideration Chloe admitted to herself that she liked the thought of sitting with Zayed, his arms wrapped around the front of her body as they rode across the desert toward the mountains.

  Chloe looked up at Zayed. "At least give me a moment to steady myself on my own feet before we set off," she said.

  Slowly, carefully, Zayed lowered Chloe to the sand. She stood next to him, dusting herself down, and trying to straighten the fabric of the robe. Chloe saw Zayed running his gaze up and down her body. It felt good that he cared enough for her that he wanted to be completely sure she was fit for the remainder of the journey to the caves.

  The caves!

  Chloe watched Zayed tie up the reins of her mount to the saddle of his own. Then he came to her, reaching out both hands. Chloe smiled at him and let him grasp her waist. She thrust a foot into the stirrups of the saddle and pushed, feeling Zayed behind her, lifting her up onto the horse.

  In a moment she was settled upon the horse and looking down at Zayed. He gave her a wide, satisfied grin and then lifted himself up onto the horse. Feeling his body against her back started the butterflies tumbling in her stomach. When he reached around, took the reins with one hand and settled his other hand across her stomach she felt her heart start to race.

  Chloe felt Zayed pull her backward against him. She put up no resistance, feeling the firmness of him against her, briefly enjoying the sheer strength of his grasp.

  When Zayed flicked the reins and the horse started to move Chloe's mind was suddenly overtaken by one urgent thought.

  Was she going to be able to resist Zayed once they had reached the privacy of the caves?


  "This is extraordinary, Zayed," Chloe said gazing around the inside of the cavernous space. Chloe saw Zayed nod and smile, his gaze following hers, taking in the amazing view.

  It was like nothing Chloe had seen before. After crawling through a narrow gap in the tumbling rocks on the side of a precipitously rising cliff, they had emerged inside an enormous space, as big as a cathedral, that was as high as it was long. From somewhere above, perhaps a gap in the rocky, overhanging ceiling, a column of light poured into the huge space, illuminating a wide flat rock-strewn floor.

  On either side of the cave, dug deep into the rocky walls, there were small, squat living spaces, like tiny houses that had once been occupied, probably even by ancestors of Zayed. Ornate carvings decorated the walls. Animals, birds, and what looked like cloud formations had been skilfully wrought from the stone. It was like a lost world, and it literally made Chloe's heart beat faster as she scanned the fabulous view.

  "I thought you'd like it," Zayed said.

  "Like it?" Chloe gasped. "I love it. This will make an amazing location."

  Chloe saw Zayed's brows furrow slightly as she said those words. However, she decided not to press the matter for the moment. Instead she made her way toward the ancient dwellings, while Zayed followed close behind.

  She took out her camera and looked at Zayed. "Can I take pictures?"

  Zayed shrugged. "Of course. Who would object to that?" he asked. Chloe knew one person who might object. Zayed's father. She could understand why he had wished to keep a place like this out of the public gaze.

  "This is a wonder of the world, Zayed," Chloe said. "You know that, don't you?"

  Zayed merely nodded, watching Chloe as she started to snap photos. Chloe was aware that the effects of being swept away by the horse had worn off. She was also aware that the effects of sitting so close to Zayed hadn't. As she took the photos, she tried to drive away the memories of how he had affected her on the ride to the cave.

  Chloe had to admit that sitting on the horse, leaning back against Zayed's firm body, feeling his breath in her ear, inhaling his scent, all that had made her feel as if she were existing in a dream.

  Riding across the desert in the arms of a real-life wild prince just seemed like something out of a fairytale. It had taken many more hours than she had anticipated to make it to the cave. In fact, by the time they had arrived it was getting to be late in the afternoon. Perhaps Zayed had ridden slowly, reluctant to aggravate Chloe's delicate condition after her escapade with the runaway horse.

  Chloe forced her attention onto some particularly fine carvings and snapped some close-ups. Doing so also served a good purpose; she didn't want to turn and look at Zayed, for fear that his smoldering gaze would distract her from her professional duty. But, she had to admit, that the longer she spent taking photos, the harder it was to resist the urge to turn and see him looking at her.

  For a long while, the only sound she heard was the sound of the shutter of her camera. Finally, she turned, expecting to see Zayed's patient, smiling face. However, when she did turn aro
und, he was nowhere to be seen.

  "Zayed?" Chloe called out, suddenly aware of just how alone she felt in the confines of the cave. She peered around but could not see him anywhere.

  "Zayed? Where are you?" Chloe shouted, anxiety curling in her middle.

  "I'm here," she heard him say. Chloe whirled around to face the entrance and saw Zayed carrying his bulky saddle pack. She realized it included a large side saddle compartment, almost like a carpetbag, that Zayed seemed to be struggling to carry.

  "What are you doing?" Chloe asked.

  Zayed dumped the saddle and bag down on the floor and turned to Chloe. "Settling down," he stated bluntly.

  "What do you mean, settling down?" Chloe asked moving toward Zayed.

  Chloe noticed the way Zayed watched her as she made her way toward him. There was a barely disguised hunger in that gaze, she thought. Once again, familiar sensations tumbled in her middle. She drove them away and pointed at the bags on the floor. "What's in the bag?" she asked.

  Zayed glanced down and then back at Chloe. There was a wry grin on his face. "Bedding," he announced. In the confines of the cave, the word seemed to echo unnaturally. Chloe stopped in her tracks. "What?" she demanded sharply.

  Zayed pointed toward the entrance. "Nightfall is early this time of the year. We won't be able to make it back to camp. So, we'll have to sleep here," he said pointing down at the bag.

  "You're telling me you came prepared to sleep in this cave. With me?" Chloe said folding her arms.

  Zayed shrugged and his eyes widened. "There's no other way," he explained.

  "There certainly is," Chloe retorted. "Take me back right now."

  "To where?"

  "The camp. It can't be that far."

  Zayed sighed. "It's farther than you think, Chloe."

  "How can that be? We only rode for a few hours."

  "Sundown happens very quickly in these parts," Zayed said. "We will be caught in the dark."

  "So. You know these parts. You're always telling me that you are one with this land. You're not going to get lost," Chloe said.

  Zayed laughed. "I think you overestimate my abilities," he said.

  Chloe uncrossed her arms and strode over to Zayed. "I don't think I do. It seems to me you knew exactly what you were doing. Did you deliberately startle that horse, so that we would be delayed?"

  Zayed's eyes widened and Chloe could tell he had been genuinely shocked by her accusation. "I would never do anything to place you in the slightest danger, Chloe," Zayed said.

  Chloe rolled her eyes and gazed up at the high ceiling. "And, I suppose sleeping in this place is safe?"

  Zayed drew in a deep breath. "While you're with me, you are never in danger."

  "Why don't I believe that, Zayed? You deceived me," Chloe said.

  Zayed reached out and wrapped his fingers around Chloe's arm. His touch sent tingles up her arm and down her spine. Chloe froze and peered into Zayed's eyes.

  "I did nothing to deceive you, Chloe. You are safe here. With me," he said.

  Chloe tried to move her arm, loosen his soft grip on her body, but it was a half-hearted attempt. Zayed moved closer, his gaze burning into Chloe, weakening her resolve, tempting her to do something she knew she would regret. Zayed placed his other hand on her shoulder and drew Chloe closer to him. Chloe tried to resist, but he was too strong, too insistent, too determined.

  "You are the most precious thing in my life, Chloe," Zayed said.

  Chloe wrenched her gaze away from Zayed. He reached up and stroked her chin, slowly turning her face toward him.

  Chloe saw the way Zayed was looking at her, the burning passion in his eyes, the fervent desire that was contained in that taut expression.

  "Do you believe me, Chloe?" he said.

  Her throat tightened and she couldn't force out the words tumbling in her mind. How had this happened? How could she have been so naive to have not realized that this had been his intention all along? He had planned this from the start, hoping that she would be overwhelmed by the experience of being in the desert with him, being under his control.

  And finally, he had banked on her being awe-struck by the sights of the cave. So much so, that she would be his for the taking, grateful that he had given her privileged access to his private world.

  Well, Zayed had underestimated Chloe. That much she knew. She was not going to be that easily won over, especially by someone who had walked away from her once before.

  Chloe tried to turn away from Zayed, but his touch became firmer, more determined. Chloe's jaw tensed and she looked at Zayed. Seeing a look in her eyes that he was all too familiar with, his grasp loosened slightly.

  "If I have to stay here, then you can sleep as far away from me as possible," Chloe said.

  Zayed's mouth opened and she saw that he was about to object. After a brief pause, he nodded. "Fine." His voice was sharp and she could hear the disappointment.

  Zayed turned and started to unpack the bag. It contained a surprising amount of things considering how small it was. Chloe started to make her way back toward the dwellings. After a while, she looked back at Zayed and saw that he had laid out two makeshift beds, yards apart. He had started a small fire between the two beds. He squatted by the side of the fire gazing over at Chloe.

  Chloe didn't want to think about having hurt Zayed's feelings so she busied herself with taking as many photos as she possibly could.

  It was going to be a long night.


  Chloe opened her eyes.


  Impenetrable dark, so intense you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.


  For a moment, she wondered where she was, fearing that she had no sense of where she was.

  Then she remembered. The cave. Zayed. But, where was he? Why was she alone? Had he deserted her?

  Chloe sat bolt upright and threw the blanket away from herself. Still, she couldn't see a thing. She could hear her breath echo in the darkness of the cave. Her breathing was getting faster, and suddenly she realized she was going to have a panic attack.

  In spite of herself, she let out a guttural, loud yell that transformed into a scream that filled the cavern around her. Then the scream became a plea.

  "Zayed!" she yelled, the sound echoing all around her.

  There was a movement close by and then a small, handheld electric light came on, and she saw Zayed gazing at her. "Chloe! What's wrong?" he asked rising quickly from his bedding.

  Chloe felt immediate relief at being able to see again. She watched Zayed make his way toward her. He was dressed in a thin, casual shirt and shorts that he had obviously worn beneath his traditional robes. The shirt was unbuttoned and hung open. Chloe swallowed at the sight of Zayed's muscled chest, dark tangles of hair covering its male breadth. The taut muscles across his stomach rippled as he moved. Chloe's breath caught in her throat, and she glanced quickly away.

  Zayed squatted down by Chloe, urgency written on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked.

  Zayed still hadn't touched her, seemingly determined to keep his distance after what she had said to him earlier. Chloe felt a tinge of regret upon seeing his caution.

  "The dark," Chloe gasped.

  Zayed brought the lamp closer and laid it on the blanket. Chloe looked down at it and drew in a deep breath. It was good to see such a simple thing as the light.

  Zayed sat down by Chloe's side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Chloe shifted and looked at Zayed, and for a moment, she toyed with the idea of asking him not to touch her like that. Anything except a touch as tender as that, she thought. But, as quickly as that thought had come to her, she drove it away and leaned slightly against Zayed.

  "It's natural for you to react like that," Zayed said. "The darkness out here is more intense than people are used to in the city. We're many miles from the nearest artificial light, and there is no moon tonight. Now, perhaps you understand what a risk it was to make our way back to ca
mp. We could have become lost," he said.

  Listening to his voice was strangely reassuring. His words echoed around them both. The sound had a different quality, as if the words were coming from a very long way off.

  Chloe leaned her head against Zayed's shoulder. His scent was powerful and alluring. It filled her senses completely and for a moment, she submitted to his warming presence, happy to seek shelter in his tender embrace.

  Chloe felt his arm enclose her, drawing her against his firm body. There was a brief moment when she stiffened, reluctant to lean her head completely against his shoulder. But, from somewhere deep inside herself, a need appeared. It was okay to be this close to Zayed.

  Just for this moment.

  Even as she had that thought, it seemed absurd. As if she could ever be this close to Zayed and not feel something overpowering and intense.

  Chloe glanced up at Zayed's face. In the soft light, she could see the concern in his eyes.

  Their eyes met. "Are you okay?" Zayed whispered.

  Chloe managed to nod and Zayed smiled back at her.

  Chloe's heart started to thump, and she was sure Zayed must be able to feel the beating. The cave was so silent Chloe was sure the sound of her beating heart must be reverberating around the confines of the dark place.

  Chloe glanced around the dark cave. "You must think I'm the craziest woman you've ever known."

  Zayed shook his head, smiling tenderly at Chloe. "You're the most amazing woman I've ever known," he growled. The words echoed in the darkness beyond the small lamp.

  Chloe tried to turn her head away from Zayed, but she felt his hand on the side of her face. With a gentle pressure, he persuaded her to look at him again. She knew she mustn't. Chloe was sure that just looking at Zayed would make her resistance start to crumble.


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