The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1) Page 9

by Albany, Cara

Chloe tossed the pants down onto the sand and held open the gown. "I could avert my eyes, if you like. While you get out of the water. Or I could come in and join you."

  Zayed felt a surge of panic. The idea of the other men waking up and finding Chloe and Zayed swimming naked together in the oasis filled him with a strange combination of delight and dread.

  "If you turn your head, I'll get out," Zayed said.

  Chloe looked straight at Zayed and shook her head. There was a broad smile on her face as she replied. "I like the view fine from where I am," she said.

  "You mean you're not going to look away?" Zayed asked.

  Chloe frowned at Zayed. "You're not a little boy anymore, Zayed," she joked. "I noticed that much last night."

  Zayed was sure his face was turning red as he floated in the cool water. Finally, he admitted defeat. "Okay. I'm coming out," he said starting to make his way to the waters edge.

  Chloe folded her arms and stared at Zayed. She wasn't going to turn her head. She was determined to watch him as he stepped out of the pool. Her gaze was fixed on him, a defiant pleasure visible in her expression.

  Zayed gritted his teeth and drew in a deep breath. He raised his chin, matching her defiant gaze. Gritting his teeth he strode forward, feeling the water slide down his naked body, the cool morning air caressing his bare skin.

  Zayed saw Chloe's eyes widen imperceptibly. Just for a moment. He felt a brief, triumphant surge of emotion.

  He raised a leg and planted his foot on the warm sand, drawing himself up to his full height. He dug his other foot into the sand and paused for a second. Zayed gazed into Chloe's eyes, seeing the flickering of emotion in them. Her eyes shifted in one swift movement, glancing down along the length of his muscled, tall frame.

  Zayed resisted the urge to smile when he saw Chloe try, and fail, to swallow. Her face had colored visibly, a red tint that matched the glow of the rising sun on the sandy horizon in the far East.

  Zayed extended a hand. "May I?"

  Chloe did not immediately respond, apparently frozen, surprised at the sight of Zayed's naked body standing proud and regal before her.

  Chloe's mouth opened slightly, her lips as moist as he remembered they had been hours before when his body had engulfed hers on the bed. Zayed was seized with the desire to take one more step toward Chloe and take possession of her lips, claim her with a punishing kiss. But, he held firm, standing in place, gazing at the stunning beauty who still had the power to melt his heart.

  Once again, Zayed reached out a hand, raising an inquiring brow, saying nothing this time.

  Chloe suddenly snapped out of her reverie, shaking her head and frowning. She held out the robe. Zayed took it from her and shrugged himself into the cooling fabric. He tied the belt and glanced at Chloe. She stepped away from the tree and gazed back at the camp, as if checking that no-one had witnessed what had just happened.

  Zayed could see that she seemed to be trying to compose herself. Had she just betrayed something about how she felt about him? Had this brief moment revealed more than Chloe would have liked about the depths of her feelings for Zayed?

  Chloe's shoulders tightened and she turned back to Zayed. "I assume we're not staying any longer in this camp?"

  Zayed moved closer toward Chloe, noticing that she did nothing to move away from him. "You assume right. We'll be leaving after we've eaten some breakfast."

  Chloe brows furrowed.

  Zayed looked at her, puzzled. "Do you want to leave sooner?"

  Chloe shook her head and glanced at the distant tents. "Raz isn't up, yet," she said. "I guess we'll have to wait for him."

  Zayed sighed. "Raz isn't coming with us," he stated firmly.

  Chloe peered at Zayed, surprise in her eyes. "Not coming? I thought he was accompanying us to the caves."

  Zayed shook his head. "Raz has to wait here. One of our men is coming to the encampment from a nearby work-site. There's a problem with one of the oil wells. Raz is the only one who can sort it out. We'll be going on ahead without him."

  Chloe's mouth pursed. "Really? That's quite convenient, isn't it?"

  "Convenient for whom?" Zayed asked.

  "For you, Zayed. You've been trying to get me on my own since I arrived in this kingdom," Chloe said. A wry grin creased the corner of her beautiful mouth. Zayed liked it when Chloe showed her spirited side.

  "Of course I have," he admitted. He took another step closer to Chloe. "I've told you that I intend to show you just how much you still mean to me. Why would I throw away any opportunity to be alone with you?"

  "Did it ever occur to you that I might not want to be alone with you?" Chloe demanded.

  Zayed frowned and shook his head. He grunted in disbelief. "Obviously I haven't convinced you. Yet," he said.

  Zayed saw Chloe dig her bare feet into the soft sand. Her eyes lit up with barely disguised fury. "I don't want to be convinced, Zayed."

  He drew in a calming breath and moved until he stood inches in front of her. Zayed could smell the fragrance of her body. He felt his nostrils flare in response.

  "That's not what it felt like last night," he teased with a smile.

  Chloe leaned away from him. "That was a mistake," she said. "I was tired. Confused."

  "Really? It didn't seem that way to me when I kissed you."

  "I prefer you don't talk like that, Zayed."

  He liked the sound of his name on her lips, especially when her voice shook with emotion.

  Zayed glanced down at the sand and composed himself. "If you prefer that we return to the palace, we can do so. I'm sure my father will be relieved that we've returned earlier than anticipated."

  Zayed saw Chloe quickly weigh up that thought. He knew it would be a partial victory for his father, particularly since he so obviously disapproved of Chloe. Although, Zayed couldn't understand why his father could not see what an incredible woman Chloe was.

  After a moment Chloe sighed. "Okay. I promised Andrew I would see the caves. I don't want to disappoint him. How far are they from here?"

  "A short horse ride," Zayed said.

  "Horse ride!" Chloe exclaimed.

  Zayed laughed softly. "I thought you already knew how to ride a horse. Don't all Americans know how to ride?" he joked.

  Chloe's eyes rolled upwards. "We don't all live in the Wild West, Zayed."

  "But, you told me you had learned to ride when you were younger."

  "Riding in the desert is a whole different ballgame from riding ponies in the park, Zayed."

  "You'll be fine. I'll take good care of you," Zayed said.

  "That's what I'm afraid of," Chloe admitted.

  Zayed stepped forward, closing the distance between them and wrapped an arm around Chloe's waist. She glanced at him, hesitated for a moment and peered into his eyes. Then, after a pause during which a decision had obviously been made, she started to walk alongside him, obviously content to let his arm remain against her back. For the moment.


  "Why didn't you use one of your helicopters?" Chloe asked, gazing across as Zayed. They had paused atop a sand dune, side by side, Chloe on a beautiful brown mare, Zayed astride a glorious white mount. She saw Zayed smile and nod his head. For as far as the eye could see there was nothing but sand, apart from the shimmering sight of distant mountains. They had been riding for three hours now, and Chloe was beginning to feel tired and thirsty, but she wasn't about to give Zayed the pleasure of seeing her weaken in any way.

  "If I told you they were all in the hanger at the airport undergoing maintenance, you wouldn't believe me. Would you?" he said with a grin.

  "Of course I wouldn't," Chloe replied. "Not all of them."

  Zayed sighed contentedly and gazed out across the dunes. "Then, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy this wonderful experience, being alone with you in my land."

  Chloe's gaze drifted across the rolling sand-dunes. She had to admit, this was an incredible landscape. It was beautiful but dangerous, much like the
lethally attractive man riding alongside her. The sun had risen, but was still not quite at its zenith. The air was warm against Chloe's face. Zayed had insisted that she dress in traditional garb, overcoming Chloe's objections with genuine concern for her safety in the desert heat.

  As she gripped the reins of the horse, she was grateful that she had finally given into his demands that she wrap herself in the loose folds of the gown that covered almost completely.

  Chloe smiled inwardly as she recalled how Zayed had instructed her back at the encampment. Inside her own tent he had wrapped her body in the robe, folding it with expert hands. When he had knelt at her feet, twisting and wrapping the garment, she had been overcome by a surprising urge to allow him to lean against her, embracing her figure. She had briefly thought how sweet it would be to run her hands through his luxuriant, dark hair, feeling the coarse texture of it between her fingers.

  But, just as suddenly, she had pushed those thoughts away. No good would come of allowing Zayed any route back into her heart. She knew that, and was determined to resist his every move, his every look, his every gesture of kindness.

  They had left the encampment soon afterward, with Zayed ignoring Raz's attempts at asking for an explanation. Chloe knew that Zayed's explanation of why Raz had to wait behind was probably a ruse designed to get her all to himself. She wasn't that much of fool, and she was sure that Zayed knew she hadn't fallen for such a flimsy excuse.

  Now, she was riding in the desert with the man who had left her behind, the man who, as far as she was concerned, had abandoned and deserted her for a better life, here in this amazing kingdom.

  Chloe glanced across at Zayed. His gaze was fixed ahead looking across the gently slopping dunes. In the distance Chloe could see a range of mountains.

  "Is that where the caves are?" she asked.

  Zayed nodded. "We'll be there in a couple of hours."

  Chloe gazed up at the clear blue sky. "No sign of any sandstorm."

  Zayed drew in a deep breath and peered into the far distance. "Not at the moment. But, the desert is a fickle place. It is as unpredictable as a woman."

  Chloe frowned. "Are you saying I'm like desert. Deserts are dry and barren," she stated, giving Zayed a stare filled with challenge.

  Zayed shook his head and sighed. "This desert has been fruitful and productive to my family and to the people of my kingdom." Zayed leaned toward Chloe. "You have only the finest qualities of this land."

  Chloe grunted. "I'm glad to hear it," she said dismissively.

  Zayed's eyes narrowed and his voice dropped to a whisper, sounding strangely powerful in the quietness of the surrounding landscape. "You are as precious and dear to me as this land. You fill my heart with the same joy, the same passion; you create in me the same desire to always be with you, never be separated from you. You know that. Don't you, Chloe?"

  The simplicity and sincerity of his tone took Chloe by surprise. She felt her lower lip soften and she saw Zayed's gaze drop, taking in the sight of her slightly open mouth.

  Zayed tugged on the reins and drew his horse closer to Chloe's. "Believe me when I say that I would rather be thrown into exile than be separated again from you, Chloe," Zayed said softly. His voice quivered with emotion.

  Chloe sucked in a hot breath. The air suddenly felt dry and her lungs seemed tight, uncooperative.

  Chloe opened her mouth wider and tried to draw in much needed air. Seeing her distress, Zayed reached out a hand. "Is everything alright, Chloe?" he asked.

  Chloe nodded, saying nothing. Any words she may have wanted to say wouldn't have been able to emerge from her dry throat.

  Zayed reached into his saddle and brought out a flask. He lifted the top and held it out to Chloe. "Drink some water."

  Chloe tried to wave the bottle away, but Zayed insisted. "You must drink. You need water. The desert has a way of deceiving the unwary. You may think you don't need it, but you do."

  Chloe's peered at Zayed. Was that what he thought about her? That she was easily deceived and unwary of the dangers he posed to her? Did he really think she had learned nothing in the years they had been apart?

  "I don't want the water," she exclaimed, emotion filling her voice.

  Zayed's eyes widened. Encouraged by his surprise, Chloe tried to tug on the reins of her horse, but the animal refused to budge. Chloe saw Zayed watch her gesture and she could see puzzlement in his gaze. Once again, he thrust out the flask. "Please, Chloe. Take some. You need it. Trust me," he said.

  At his use of that word, Chloe found it impossible to resist giving Zayed a sharp, admonishing look. "Trust, Zayed. Really?"

  Zayed lifted the flask, holding his gaze on her.

  Chloe paused and finally took the flask, lifting the top to her mouth. She poured the cool water into her mouth, feeling the immediate rush of relief throughout her body at the welcome fluid. Holding the flask to her mouth Chloe glanced at Zayed and saw that he was watching her, savoring the spectacle of Chloe drawing the refreshing liquid into herself. By the look of relish on Zayed's face it looked as if he was having difficulty controlling himself while watching Chloe.

  As she lowered the flask some water spilled out onto her chin. Chloe wiped it quickly away, glancing at Zayed. She was sure she could see his nostrils flare with primal appreciation.

  She held the flask out to Zayed. "Thank you, Zayed. Seems you were right. I needed that," Chloe said.

  Zayed reached out a hand to take the flask. But, just as he wrapped his fingers around the flask it slipped from his hand and fell, landing on the sand with a heavy thud.

  Suddenly Chloe felt the horse jerk and tighten between her legs. The mare's head pulled and twisted and Chloe grasped the reins, trying in vain to restrain the animal's efforts to be free. Chloe felt a rush of panic as the horse's hooves hammered into the sand. It was as if the sound of the flask landing on the sand had startled the animal.

  Chloe twisted her neck and looked at Zayed, desperate to see his reaction. What she saw didn't reassure her in the slightest. Zayed had stiffened upright atop his own mount and was gazing in apparent disbelief at the sight of Chloe's distressed horse.

  "What's wrong with the horse, Zayed?" Chloe exclaimed, trying with all her might to hold the reins tight. The animal's strength was overpowering, and Chloe's mind was overtaken by the realization that at any moment the horse could bolt.

  Chloe saw Zayed wrench his own reins and start to move toward her with obvious intention of seizing control of Chloe's mount. But, before he had a chance to do so, with his hand inches away from her hand, Chloe's horse reared, perhaps affected by the sudden movement of Zayed's white charger.

  Throwing its head up and lifting strong front legs, Chloe's horse let out a terrifying cry and, with a jolt that thrust Chloe's body backwards, almost unseating her completely, the horse dived forward, off the top of the dune.

  Before she knew what was happening, Chloe was being carried headfirst down the steep side of the dune. All she could do was obey the instinct which rose up within her. She threw her body forward and wrapped her arms around the horse's neck, grasping onto the the thick, strong neck as if her life depended upon it.

  With a stab of fear, Chloe realized that indeed her life depended on hanging onto the racing, terrified animal. The sheer force within the horse's body filled Chloe with an adrenalin-filled rush of terror. She felt her body being flung from side to side. She tightened her legs against the sides of the animal's body, feeling her thigh muscles strain and shake.

  Still, the horse continued its headlong race down the steep side of the dune. The thudding of its hooves was a cacophonous hammering beat of fear.

  Chloe forced her head against the side of the horse's neck and inhaling the stench of sweat. The horse's bone and muscle hammered repeatedly against Chloe's cheek and forehead.

  Chloe felt like a rag doll being played with by an impetuous child. For the first time in her life she felt as of she had completely lost control of her body, of her destiny.

  The horse reached the bottom of the dune and was now on a flat, even plain that stretched out to the next dune. The animal immediately picked up speed, as if encouraged by the open area in front of it. Now, it was moving even faster. Chloe was overcome by disbelief at how fast the horse was racing. Of course. It was a mare used to racing across the desert, free and unrestrained. It had probably done this a thousand times. Only this time, Chloe was unfortunate enough to be riding, terrified upon its back.

  In the midst of the rapidly moving chaos a sudden, sharp question flashed into her mind.

  Where was Zayed?

  As if in response, as if he had read her mind, as if awaiting her call, Chloe heard sounds by her side.

  She managed to twist her head and strain the muscles of her neck so that she could see what was happening off to the side. What she saw caused a rush of relief to course through her body.


  He was by her side, driving his mount alongside hers. Zayed was bent low atop his horse, his grasp tight upon his reins, his wide eyes gazing with determination toward Chloe. To Chloe in that moment Zayed looked as if he had emerged from a dream. He was the perfect embodiment of a desert warrior, fiercely determined to master all that he surveyed. Chloe had never seen Zayed look like that before. She'd had no idea he could look so primal, so vitally male. But, right now, she was glad to see him, knowing that his only purpose was to save her, protect her.

  Chloe gasped as she saw Zayed race alongside her and pull on his mount with a powerful thrust of muscle. She saw him bare his teeth with the effort. His horse was matching the pace of Chloe's mount hoofbeat for hoofbeat. The sound of the pounding hooves was a rhythmic desert beat.

  Once again he wrenched at his mount and thrust out a hand, taking hold of the reins of Chloe's horse. At first it seemed as if this had no effect on Chloe's mare. But then, Zayed did something truly extraordinary; something that caught Chloe utterly off guard.

  Zayed threw back his head and emitted a keening sound that cut through the air. It was the sound of a desert chieftain, a warrior totally in control of this forbidding yet beautiful place. It was a sound which declared that he was in charge and that no animal would wrest that control from him. It was a dominating, pulsating, rhythmic noise that had an immediate effect on Chloe's horse. The animal started to slow, as if sensing that the man riding alongside would not be denied, that the desert prince had to be obeyed.


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