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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

Page 14

by Albany, Cara

  "You think it's funny, Zayed?"

  Zayed drew in a deep breath and lowered his head, his gaze settling on Chloe, penetrating her in a way that was all too familiar. There was a certainty in that gaze that meant only one thing to Chloe. Zayed thought he had won. Now that she had told him, now that the truth was out, he had reverted to his usual arrogant, domineering self.

  Once again, he was the alpha male sheikh.

  "It is not funny, Zayed. You were going to marry someone else all along. Admit it," Chloe demanded.

  "I admit that a marriage was suggested," Zayed said.

  "I knew it," Chloe interrupted, trying to disguise the note of triumph in her voice.

  "I assume Aliyah told you all about it," Zayed said.

  Chloe nodded. "She did. Only after telling me something else. But, the fact that you are going to marry someone else, makes what Aliyah told me just meaningless."

  Zayed's eyes widened. "What else did my younger sister tell you?"

  "It was nothing. It doesn't mean anything anymore," Chloe said.


  "Yes, really," Chloe said.

  Zayed paused and then gazed deeply into Chloe's eyes. "You said that I am about to marry someone else," he said.

  Chloe folded her arms. She needed to feel the security of any kind of barrier. She wanted Zayed off the plane. She had said what needed to be said. There was no point in him remaining on the plane. Maybe she should call the pilot and have Zayed removed. But, he was the ruler of this kingdom. He could do what he wanted. There was no way he would allow himself to be removed from the plane. She would have to tough this out.

  "I know you're going to be married. Aliyah told me."

  "Is that all she told you?" he insisted.

  Chloe gritted her teeth and glared at Zayed. What an infuriating man! He was taunting her, all the way to the last moment. She was being cornered, and Zayed was the predator, skilfully manipulating her into a position from which she was beginning to feel she couldn't possibly escape.

  Time for the final test, Chloe said to herself.

  "She did tell me one other thing."

  "What was that?" Zayed said, his brows rising.

  Chloe swallowed. Dare she say it? Dare she tell him, once and for all? She gazed into Zayed's eyes, seeing the expectant look there, the confidence, the certainty. Yes, she told herself. It must be done.

  "Aliyah told me that you loved me," Chloe said softly. With every word she forced her gaze to remain on Zayed's eyes, searching for even the slightest reaction.

  There wasn't even a flicker of movement in his dark, deep, impenetrable pools.

  Everything was silent for what seemed like an eternity. Chloe had used that word. The one word that cut through all the lies, all the pretense. And now she was waiting for him to laugh, stride off, dismissing her revelation as a piece of sisterly gossip.

  But he didn't do that. The next words out of Zayed's mouth were like a hammer striking Chloe's chest.

  Zayed nodded very slowly and leaned forward, his face inches away from Chloe. "I do love you, Chloe."

  The breath stopped in her chest. "What did you just say?"

  Zayed's lips curled into a smile filled with confidence and certainty. "Aliyah was speaking the truth. I do love you. I confessed my love for you to my sister, because I had to tell someone."

  Chloe's legs weakened, and she leaned to one side. Zayed reached out and seized her by the shoulders. Chloe peered into Zayed's eyes, seeing the emotion in them, the genuine concern.

  "Is that true, Zayed? Do you really love me?"

  Zayed moved even closer, wrapping his arms around Chloe. She did nothing to prevent him from enclosing her in his embrace. Her mind was a whirl of confusing thoughts. Memories of the cave came tumbling back to her; soft spoken words; gentle caresses; bone-melting pleasure.

  Zayed was so close now that she could inhale his exotic scent. Once again every nerve in her entire body was overwhelmed by sensation. She had never felt like this before.

  "It is true, Chloe. I love you with all my heart. Haven't you always known it?"

  "But what about that marriage?" Chloe asked.

  Zayed shook his head. "It was never going to happen. My father had this crazy idea that he could marry me off to the daughter of one of his tribal friends. But, it was merely my father being his usual impossible self. Times have moved on, Chloe. My brothers and I don't have to follow those traditions anymore. We are free to choose the women we love. Just like my father chose my mother, even though she was not of this kingdom."

  It all made sense now. Family traditions had been turned on their head by Zayed's very own father, and it had taken the arrival of Chloe in Zayed's life to convince Kamal that times had indeed changed.

  "I thought your father disapproved of me," Chloe said. "Even hated me."

  Zayed shook his head and pulled Chloe closer to him. "How could he possibly hate someone as beautiful as you?"

  Chloe tried to smile but found that the emotions coursing through her body still held her in their tight grip.

  She sighed. "What are we going to do, Zayed?"

  "I know what I'm going to do," he declared.

  Chloe's eyes widened as she saw Zayed lean back and start to sink down onto one knee.

  "Zayed! What are you doing?" Chloe gasped.

  "What I should have done a long time ago," he said.

  Zayed took hold of Chloe's hands and held them firmly, but gently. He looked up at her, a confident smile across his lips, his eyes bright with hope and wonder.

  "Chloe Stirling. Will you do me the honor of agreeing to become my wife?"

  Chloe wrenched a hand loose and covered her mouth, desperate to contain the emotion. She sucked in a deep breath, feeling herself start to shake. What was happening? Was this real?

  Her eyes met Zayeds, and she knew that there was only one thing she could say to him; the same thing she had always been destined to say to him.

  "I will marry you, Zayed," she said. Chloe laughed and reached down to Zayed. His face lit up with joy and happiness, and he stood up, seizing Chloe, drawing her into his firm embrace.

  Zayed kissed Chloe like he had never kissed her before. She leaned her head back, lifting her mouth to his, willing him to claim her, possess her. Chloe sank into a warm pool of love and passion, knowing in an instant that this was how she would feel for the rest of her life.

  And, she liked it. More than that, she felt a joy in her heart that she would never have thought possible.

  When their lips parted, Zayed gazed into Chloe's eyes with what could only be described as wonder and pure love.

  "Is this really happening?" Chloe gasped.

  Zayed laughed and smiled. "It is real. You are my one true love, and I give you my word that I will devote my life to making you the happiest woman in the world."

  Chloe kissed Zayed again.

  "I love you, Zayed," Chloe breathed. His eyes widened, and there was a glow of sheer happiness in them. "You are everything to me, Zayed. I only wish I'd known the truth sooner."

  "There's nothing to regret, my love. It is destiny that has brought us together. Destiny can never be denied," Zayed said earnestly.

  "Are you sure your father will approve?" Chloe asked, suddenly feeling anxious that all of this happiness could be snatched away in an instant.

  "If my mother has her way, I'm sure my father will accept you with open arms."

  Chloe nodded. "Your mother is a very persuasive woman."

  "I suppose that's where I get my own irresistible powers," Zayed said with a grin.

  Chloe reached across and mussed up Zayed's thick, dark hair. "Obviously you've got some way to go before you learn some humility," she joked.

  "Humility? What's that?" Zayed laughed.

  Chloe shook her head. "You're incorrigible."

  "I'm more than that. I'm your fiance now," he declared.

  Chloe furrowed her brows. "I guess you are, Zayed," she said.

yed kissed her again.

  There was the sound of a cough from the far end of the cabin. "I hope we aren't interrupting anything, but there is the small matter of our takeoff," Jack, the co-pilot said.

  Zayed looked at Jack and smiled. "What takeoff?"

  Zayed turned to Chloe and grinned. "I think there has been a change of plans. Wouldn't you agree, Chloe?"

  Chloe smiled at the man who had just proposed to her. "I think you're right, Zayed."

  Chloe looked at Jack. "Take us back to the terminal, Jack. I think I'll be staying a while."

  And, upon hearing those words Zayed claimed yet another kiss from Chloe.



  The last time Qazhar had seen a wedding like that of Zayed and Chloe had been when King Kamal and Queen Beatrice had married.

  Since the day Chloe had accepted Zayed's proposal, the palace had been transformed. The wedding had become an event that involved every family who were remotely connected to life at the palace. Food, decoration, floral arrangements, dress; all had special input from families with connections to the royal family that stretched back generations.

  Chloe had spent the entire morning preparing in her chamber. Numerous maids had assisted her in bathing herself, in spite of Chloe's objections. Aliyah had insisted on helping Chloe throughout all the preparations, which seemed to have been going on now for an eternity.

  It had been agreed that her wedding gown would be a mixture of traditional Qazhar and tasteful, formal Western elements. As she stood in front of the mirror in her chamber, Chloe couldn't help admiring how she looked.

  The dress had been fashioned from ornately detailed silk, and much attention had been heaped on exquisite embellishments. There was no train on the dress. It retained the formal appearance of a traditional Qazhar bridal gown with sweeping layers of fabric that wound around Chloe's petite frame.

  Aliyah stood behind Chloe, gazing over Chloe's shoulder into the mirror. "It's beautiful," Aliyah said giving Chloe's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You are beautiful.

  Chloe felt her face flush. "I think I look pale," she said squinting at her image.

  "Qazhar bridegrooms like their women to look pale skinned. It is a sign of natural beauty," Aliyah said. "Zayed will adore how you look."

  Chloe smiled and turned to Aliyah. "Do you really think so?"

  Aliyah nodded and smiled. "Let's get you to the wedding chamber. Everyone will be waiting."

  Chloe gasped at the thought of all the people who would be witness to the wedding. Almost everyone connected to the Al Kharif family would be present. Chloe's mother and father had put aside their differences for the moment and were both attending the wedding. That made Chloe feel especially happy, knowing that she was bringing her parents back together, even if it was just for this one special day.

  There was a frantic, crazy rush of activity, and then Chloe was finally ready for the most important day of her life. She could hardly believe it was happening.

  She was about to become Zayed's wife! It just seemed so unreal. At the same time, there was nothing else in the world that she wanted right now. A new life awaited her.

  Chloe had spent the last few weeks adjusting to life in the palace. There had been so many new people to get to know; so many routines, rules, and protocols. She knew it would take time, but everyone was being so patient with the new member of the Al Kharif family. They had done everything possible to make Chloe feel right at home.

  The doors to Chloe's chamber were thrown open, and there was a final scramble to make sure everything was just right, and then Chloe was walking slowly, gracefully down the corridor that would lead her to the marriage chamber. On either side of the corridor, palace staff lined up, gazing at Chloe, bowing to her as she passed.

  Chloe already felt like a princess, and she hadn't even spoken her plain, Qazhar wedding vows. Unlike the West, vows in Qazhar were simple declarations of the promise to honor each other for all eternity.

  Chloe made her way cautiously down the wide central staircase. She recalled how she had walked down the same steps on her nighttime visit to the fountain. That seemed like such a long time ago. So much had changed since then.

  Aliyah walked by Chloe's side, making sure that Chloe would keep her balance on the steps.

  And then they were walking along the final corridor. Chloe could see the open doors ahead, hear the hubbub of voices, see the sunshine filling the room.

  Then she came to the doorway. The huge, ornately designed doors had been swung open. In front of her was a scene out of her wildest fantasy.

  There were at least two hundred people, maybe more. They were dressed in a riotous mixture of traditional Qazhar garb and elegant, Western-influenced outfits. Most of the women were dressed in expensive looking Qazhar gowns, with sweeping folds of costly fabrics. Men wore either dark suits or traditional desert robes. Light flowed in through the wide open windows illuminating the blazing colors of the many flowers which decorated the room.

  And, far ahead, standing in front of a raised dais, was Zayed. He looked stunning, dressed in traditional sheikh attire of sweeping robes. His head was uncovered revealing his perfectly cut dark hair. Even from such a distance, Chloe could see the love and adoration that filled his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. He smiled at Chloe, a smile so broad and bright that she was sure it filled the entire room.

  As everyone in the room noticed Chloe's arrival, the steady buzz of conversation dropped away, replaced by an awed silence. All eyes were on Chloe. Being the sudden focus of attention, she was sure her pale face was no longer quite so pale.

  There were a few marble steps for Chloe to negotiate. Aliyah held her hand as Chloe walked down the steps. Her new embroidered shoes slipped slightly beneath her, but she managed to keep her balance.

  The crowd parted as Chloe started to make her way toward the dais. Everyone smiled at Chloe as she made her way through the crowd. Most of them bowed. Finally, Chloe arrived at the dais. Her mother smiled at Chloe, and there were clearly tears in her mother's eyes. Chloe smiled gently back at her mother.

  On her left, Chloe saw Zayed's two brothers, Raz and Tariq. They were both dressed in desert garb that made them look like visions out of an ancient tale. She briefly wondered how long it would be before both brothers would take brides of their own. Chloe had heard Zayed teasing both his brothers, promising them that it wouldn't be too long before they would follow him on the path to wedded bliss. Needless to say, the response from Raz and Tariq had been a firm determination not to do so.

  At last, Chloe halted in front of the dais. Zayed gazed at Chloe, and she felt her heart start to race in that familiar way it always did when she looked at him. He would always have that effect on her, always be able to turn her world upside down with just a look.

  Chloe saw Queen Beatrice smile at Chloe, and then to her astonishment, she saw a similar expression of happiness and acceptance on the face of King Kamal. Chloe smiled back at Zayed's parents.

  Zayed reached out a hand toward Chloe.

  Chloe placed her hand in Zayed's and stepped forward. She took her place next to Zayed and faced him. She looked up and saw that Zayed was gazing down at her, a look of complete astonishment on his face.

  Then he smiled at her, and she felt her heart leap with joy. This was where she belonged; this was where she had always been destined to be.

  By the side of the man she had always loved.

  They had overcome the past; defeated the barriers that had threatened to prevent their love becoming something true and eternal.

  But now, standing here, gazing up at the only man she had ever wanted, Chloe knew that the future was going to be perfect in every possible way.


  Coming soon

  Raz's Story

  The Sheikh's Pretend Bride


  Thank you for reading The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride. I hope you enjoyed it. Further novels will be coming soon telling the
stories of Zayed's brothers Raz and Tariq.

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