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Tightrope Page 13

by Maddie Wade

  My Grace was so happy when I told her I was moving in and leaving Lexi and then the damn stroke happened. I knew my Grace was too fragile to care for me, so I stayed with Lexi. Grace hadn’t always been so fragile. When we met she was strong, a force to reckoned with, running her father’s empire with him, and lording it over everyone. Even that day at the picnic she had been a bitch. I had been so sure she would tell Lexi, but I loved her and when you love someone nothing makes sense.

  Then she was attacked. It had been brutal, she had been broken and bleeding in both her mind and body. I had fixed her, made her see that it was me who was strong, that she needed me, not the other way around.

  Now, Grace was feeling stronger thanks to my care and nurturing. I was healthier than Lexi believed—walking hadn’t been an issue for months. Lex had fallen for my invalid act completely, her need to nurture me had been her downfall. I’m not a bad man, I just love two people. Lexi is my wife and I own her, but Grace, my sweet beautiful Grace, is my heart and she owns me as much as I own her.

  But now Lexi has moved on. She has gone and fucked some stranger and gotten pregnant with his bastard. She has made me a laughing stock and that is something I will not tolerate. I’ve been forced to stay at Tom’s place with him and his annoying wife. But I spend my days with Grace, she is the balm to my tortured soul.

  When she got jealous of Lexi and her need to be affectionate with me I knew I had to do something. Telling Lexi that she repulsed me seemed like a good idea and it had worked—it worked too well. She had literally taken my words and used them against me, fucking that dark-haired prick. The truth was, now I didn’t know what I wanted. I loved Grace and being with her is my dream, but Lexi is my first love and my wife. I don’t want her with him. Her body and her mind are mine. Mine to control mine to break if I want to.

  I just need to make her realize that, either the nice way or the not so nice way. Lifting my head at the growl of the car I watch him drive away. He thinks he has won but the game is just starting.

  I put the car in drive and head to Grace. I need her. I need to fuck the anger away like I did the night she was attacked. She will never know I was the one who attacked her, who broke her, but I needed to break her so that I could fix her and show her how much I loved her.

  I arrive at her home and shed my clothes as I walk to her room. I stand in the doorway naked, as I run my hand along my swollen cock, watching her sleep. She looks so beautiful in the moonlight—her body is laid bare for me. Her skin is like the softest silk as I move toward her to trail my finger over the curve of her hip. She is tempting me, such a naughty girl.

  With lightening movements that would shock Lexi, I grab Grace by the hair roughly and pull her to her knees. She comes awake with a gasp as my mouth lands on her in a harsh, bruising kiss. I take what I need tasting blood as I bite down on her juicy lips. I can feel her fear as I ravage her mouth. I love the taste of her blood on my tongue and it floods my veins with power.

  I am a God. Releasing her, I flip her over before slamming into her soft yielding body. I fuck her mercilessly, not caring that I hurt her, not caring that her cries are not cries of enjoyment. I take and take until she is shaking underneath me. I slow my hips, as I allow her to catch her breath.

  I clutch her hair and pull her head back, taking her lips softly now. “Who do you belong too?” I growl in her ear and I feel her cunt tighten on my throbbing dick.

  “You, Dean. I belong to you,”

  “Good girl.” I release her and fuck her hard, rubbing my thumb over her tight nub as I feel her pussy tighten around my cock, squeezing me like a vice, she is so close. I stop, she will not climax tonight. I take what I need bellowing my release as I fill her with my come, branding her. She whimpers, I know it is with need. She needs to come so badly her body is practically humming with need. I withdraw from her body and lie down, pulling her to me.

  “If you are good I will let you come, but not tonight.”

  Grace cuddles into me, her body burrowing into mine. Peace comes over me and I relax into sleep. Soon Lexi will see the man I have become. I will show her the man she needs is me, not him.


  I feel giddy with happiness as I move through the house. Today was wonderful, I can’t remember the last time I had such a good time. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, feeling freer and easier than I ever have.

  Hunter and I spend the rest of the weekend together. We texted all day Saturday and then he took me to dinner at the romantic L Restaurant on Saturday night. Sunday, we went to the Taft Museum, where I indulged in my passion for art and sculpture.

  I was impressed with Hunter’s knowledge and genuine enthusiasm as we chatted about the artists and the different pieces. He held my hand attentively and even kissed me a few times, but he never took it too far, allowing me to set the pace. As much as I want him, I need to take this slow and make sure it’s right, so much more than my heart is riding on this.

  I make myself some tea as I think back over the weekend. It has been perfect in every way, no uncomfortable silences, no sulking, it was as if we had known each other for years. I felt light when I was with him. He made me feel special, a light touch or an arm to the small of my back. He protected me, but he wasn’t over the top and domineering.

  I wasn’t an idiot though, I knew this was the first flush, things often seemed amazing at the start. I needed to find a way to protect my heart and still give this relationship a chance. Something told me that Hunter had the power to hurt me way more than Dean ever had. I needed to take things slowly and see what happened.

  Walking into the shop I smile at Cherry who is at the counter. She has been texting me all weekend demanding updates on the ‘Sex God’ as she has christened him.

  “Morning, babe,” I greet her.

  “You’re very chipper this morning.” She smiles at me.

  “Yeah, I am.” I incline my head and nod.

  Her eyes soften and her lips tip into a grin. “I’m glad, Lex. You were so lost, I feel like I got you back too.” She bites her bottom lip as she tries to hide her emotion.

  I hug her tight to me. “I’m glad I got me back too.”

  “He’s good for you.”

  “Maybe. I’m taking it slow. I don’t want to jump out of the frying pan into the fire.”

  “I know, but he’s different. You never looked like this when you were with Dean. You’re radiant, Lex.”

  “I feel bad saying this, but I never felt like this either. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him, but it was different. Dean consumed me, he wanted everything I had to give and more. Hunter, he just compliments me. Does that even make sense?”

  “Yes, babe it does.”

  “Okay, enough mush, what’s on the agenda today?”

  We spend the next hour talking about different clients and projects we have. Cherry offers to do an inventory of the shop and I order some new pieces for the shop based on ideas I got from visiting the Taft Museum.

  Around lunchtime, I get a text from Hunter telling me he has been called back to London urgently. I bury the disappointment I feel and tell myself that this is what he does, it’s his job. We text back and forth until he tells me he is boarding his flight. I’d just put the phone down when it rings. “Hello?”

  “I just wanted to hear your voice before I get on the flight.” My chest feels warm at his words.

  “Is everything okay with the deal?” Not that I have the slightest idea about a multibillion-dollar deal.

  “Yes, it’s fine. They just need me for this. I hadn’t planned on it being this advanced yet, it’s all good.”

  “When will you be back?’ I ask, hating that I sound like a clingy, needy woman.

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll be back for the scan. Send me the dates and time and I’ll be there, Lex.”

  “Okay, I will send the details tonight.”

  “I have to go, I’ll email you tonight or we can Skype.”

  “Sounds good, have a good trip.
I hope it all goes well.”

  “Bye, Lex, give bump a kiss for me.”

  Elation flows through my blood at his words. “I will.”

  I hang up, already counting down the hours until we talk again.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Putting the key in the lock, I stumble when the door swings open. It’s the second time this week that I have forgotten to lock the door. My baby brain is in full swing it seems. I didn’t mention it to Cherry, she would have had a heart attack.

  She has become incredibly protective lately, always walking me to my car and making sure I don’t lock up alone. It is driving me batty.

  Hunter and I have not Skyped as he has been tied up in meetings until all hours. For the first four days after he got to London, I didn’t hear a thing from him and it had hurt. The disappointment heavy on my chest. We had only spent a few days together, but I missed him already. His intense blue eyes, the small touches that made my heart beat faster, even his bumpy, uncomfortable car.

  When he emailed me, it seemed desperate and he assured me he had sent previous messages, but I haven’t received them. I wasn’t sure what to think. I liked Hunter but was he feeding me a line? Was I behaving like a love-sick puppy? I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him.

  Dean had popped into the shop when Cherry was with a client. We had chatted for a few minutes and things had felt so much easier. We were better friends than husband and wife. He had agreed, thank goodness, even joking about us being more like brother and sister than anything else.

  He told me he was looking for a place of his own but wanted to collect some of his tools that had been left in the garage. I agreed he could go around and collect them as he still had his key. Cherry went nuts when I told her about that, I had never seen her so mad.

  I was shocked and a little hurt by her outburst. I had no idea what happened with those two and every time I asked she closed down on me. “Just leave it, Lex.”

  “Fine, but if it’s something I can help with…” I trailed off as she turned away but not before I caught the sheen of tears in her eyes.

  “It’s nothing, honestly,” she says her voice bright and cheerful. Too bright and cheerful. I let it go for now, but I would make her tell me.


  My scan is booked for ten days’ time. I messaged Hunter with the date, but he has still not responded. As difficult as it is to admit, it seems that maybe I have been over-eager about his interest in me, in us. Despite his words, his actions are not those of a man that wants a relationship.

  He hardly emails and keeps insisting that something is blocking his Skype calls. This is not my first rodeo and I’m not stupid. If he doesn’t want to be involved he just has to say.

  I paced the kitchen as I was thinking about his lack of response and his insistence that his emails are not getting through. It makes me angry to think another man is treating me like a fool. What makes it worse is that I’ve been falling for Hunter. It was stupid to think that his feelings were the same when in reality, we hardly know each other but it felt like our souls did.

  I hear a knock on the back door and go to answer it. Swinging the door open, I’m surprised to see Dean.


  “Hi, Lex,” he says. He has his hands in his pockets, his shoulders hunched against the rain. “I came to get my tools. Is now a good time?”

  Well, no, it wasn’t but that wasn’t Dean’s fault. “Yes, come in, you can go through the house,” I reply pulling the door wide.

  “Thanks.” He shakes the rain off and swipes his hand through his wet hair. He looks good, his skin is bright with color and he looks so much healthier, stronger.

  “I won’t stay, I just wanted to pick some things up. I’ve found a place downtown.”

  “That’s fantastic.” And I really mean it, I want that for him. He deserves a future.

  “Yeah, it is. I’ve gone back to work. It’s not much just a few hours a week but it’s a start,” he is bouncing from foot to foot nervously as he ducks his head.

  “It’s great, Dean. I’m really happy for you. Why don’t you grab what you need, and I’ll make us a cup of tea.”

  “Great. Thanks, Lex.”

  I watch him walk toward the internal garage and disappear. I rub my tummy as baby kicks. “Hey bruizer, you hungry?” I ask my bump. “Cake you say? Well okay then.” I have long since given up the idea of being a fitness freak mom-to-be. If I’m getting fat I’m going to eat what I damn well please and worry about it afterward. As I make hot chocolate for me and tea for Dean my mind drifts back to Hunter. He has sent me a text message saying he is going to call tonight. I don’t want to feel excited, but I am, but cautiously so. He has let me down a few times and now I’m holding back. I can’t afford to put all my energy into Hunter when my baby needs it.

  That night my phone rings and I answer swiftly, my voice is almost breathy with excitement, which I try to hide. “Hello?”

  “Oh, Lexi, it’s so good to hear your voice.”

  I feel my insides go warm at his words. “It’s good to hear yours, too.”

  “Did you find out what was happening with your emails?”

  “No, I had someone have a look and it all seems fine.” I had asked Dean to look at the router when he came over to fetch his tools, but he assured me all was fine. I didn’t tell Hunter who had looked at it though.

  “How odd. Okay well, if it happens again I’ll get my tech support team on it. How have you been?”

  “Good. Business is busy, everyone is starting to think about redecorating projects now that spring is around the corner.” We chat for two hours straight about everything, work, the baby, his merger, London. It feels good like we have re-connected. By ten, I was feeling tired and Hunter can hear it in my voice.

  “You’re wiped out, aren’t you Pretty Girl?”

  “Sorry,” I say smothering a yawn.

  “Don’t be sorry, you’re growing a human. It must be exhausting. I only wish I was there to help you. Talking of which can I have the scan details please?”

  “I sent them days ago.” I sound frustrated because I am. Long distance sucks, I want him here with me so there can be no miss-communications.

  “I didn’t get them. What are they? I’ll write it down now.”

  I give him the date and he is silent.

  “Is that a problem?” I ask. My heart is in my throat. I can’t do this. I had years of walking on eggshells, I need stability. I want someone who I can rely on, if Hunter can’t be that man then I need to know.

  “No, it’s fine I’ll make it.”

  “Hunter, I would really like you there.” I don’t give him an ultimatum but, in my head, I know that if he doesn’t make it then I will have to walk away I can’t deal with this right now. I’m falling for him hard and I either need to know he is all in or I’m out.

  “Then I’ll be there, Pretty Girl.”

  I smile at his name for me, I never get tired of hearing it. We talk for another minute then we hang up. My heart feels full of promise, much as I try to keep the hope at bay it is there pushing its way to the front until all I feel is hope for the future. One I hope will include


  “For goodness sakes, Lex, will you sit still,” Cherry hisses as I wriggle in my chair and impatiently watch the doors of the Hospital waiting area.

  “You try sitting still when your bladder is full to bursting and you have a baby that thinks it’s a trampoline,” I retort, sharply. I’m anxious, Hunter is not here yet and my scan is in ten minutes.

  “He’ll be here.”

  “But what if he isn’t?”

  “He will be,” Cherry declares with finality.

  I nod and continue to watch the door. Suddenly the silence in the room is broken by Cherry’s phone ringing. She answers after looking at the display. “Mom. Oh, my God, calm down. I can’t understand you.” I watch as Cherry’s hand shakes as she holds it to her mouth, her ey
es tearing up. “No Mom I’m on my way.” She hangs up and I grab her hands in mine. She looks devastated.

  “What is it?” I demand.

  “Frankie has been attacked. They are flying him into the trauma unit now.”

  My stomach pitches and bile rushes to my throat. “Oh, no!” I try to stem the tears as they fill my eyes, Cherry is fighting back hers too. “You must go,” I say standing with her as she pulls her bag from the chair.

  “What about you? I can’t leave you,” she says waving her hand around.

  “Hunter will be here any second,” I say not holding out much hope but wanting her to go to Frankie. “Go, your mom needs you, I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” she asks hesitating clearly torn between us.

  “Go, do you want me to come over after?” I say pushing her toward the door.

  “No, let me find out what is happening first.”

  I nod and kiss her cheek. “Call me as soon as you know anything please.”

  “I will and you, too.” She has a small smile on her face. Cherry walks away and I sit in stunned silence. Who would hurt poor Frankie? He is the sweetest guy. Folding my hands in my lap I say a quick prayer that he will be okay. As I lift my head I’m shocked to see Dean walking through the door.

  He looks around confused before his gaze lands on mine. “Hey, Lex, what are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  “Tom’s wife just had a baby. I was just visiting and got lost, my memory isn’t what it was.”

  “I didn’t know she was expecting?” I say frowning.

  “I did tell you, Lex,”

  “Umm, must have forgotten.”

  “So why you here, is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I’m here for my scan.”

  He looks around again before sitting beside me. “No baby daddy?”

  I blush, feeling embarrassment and humiliation course through me. “He’s just running late,” I say looking away from Dean’s sympathetic gaze.

  “I can wait with you if you want?”


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