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Page 6

by Lucia Jordan

  Marielle felt a delicious streak of fear and lust bolt through her and shivered as she looked down. Seeing his heavy shaft penetrating her was incredibly arousing. The sensual invasion made the soft, delicate lips of her labia bulge around his steely girth as her body struggled to accommodate him. Inside her sheath, his cockhead forged in almost bruised her softness as he took possession. The short, rhythmic thrusts he gave her created the sexy friction that made her clit swell and pulse in response. Once he’d sank into her to his root her excitement spread and enveloped him with a gush of new wetness.

  “That feels so good,” she said, resting her hands on his arms and clenching her softness around him.

  Raven held himself deep inside, his copper-colored eyes glittering down at her. “Now you watch me fuck this tight pussy of yours, my hot little cock slut.”

  Marielle couldn’t have looked away even if she’d wanted to. She felt captivated by the sight of his penis drawing out of her, the thick, vein-laced shaft gleaming with her fluids now. Her folds bulged as he made her take him again, his thrust this time sending a jolt through her belly and making her aching breasts bounce under the silk of her nightshirt. Just as she thought he couldn’t go deeper, he lifted her hips and shoved again. She felt his throbbing head collide with her cervix and gasped at the strange sensation.

  “Never felt that, have you?” Raven nudged her again. “No man will ever take you as hard or as deep as I do, baby.”

  “I think you have ruined me for other men.” When he began to slide out she clamped down on him, holding him inside her body. “How am I ever going to let you go?”

  He brought one hand to her cheek. “Who says you have to?”

  Marielle’s eyes widened but before she could ask him what he meant the phone on her bedside table rang. She glanced over at the caller ID display and frowned when she saw it was her best friend Jilly Sander’s number. Why is she calling this early?

  “If you answer that now,” Raven said, “you’ll pay for it.”

  “It will only take a sec,” she promised and picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  “Oh, good, I didn’t wake you up.” Jilly sighed heavily. “Vanessa just called me. You’re not going to believe this.”

  Marielle almost groaned as Raven slid out of her and climbed off the bed. “Can I call you back?”

  “I have to leave in twenty minutes,” her friend warned before she hung up.

  She replaced the receiver and looked over at Raven, who was pulling off the belt from her bathrobe. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not,” he said as he came back over to the bed. “But you will be.”

  He pulled her over onto her belly, grabbed her wrists and hauled them up over her head. Marielle looked up through a tangle of hair to see him using her bathrobe belt to tie her wrists to her wrought iron headboard.

  She clenched her fingers around the rung. “Raven — “

  “You had your chance.” Once her arms were immobilized, he ripped apart the straps of her nightshirt and slid it off her body. He tossed it aside before he climbed onto the bed and lifted her hips so that she was on her knees, her bare bottom pressed against his hard flat belly. “I’d spank you, but your soft little cheeks are still sore.” He caressed her buttocks and then traced his fingers along the curve between them until his fingertips grazed the tight pucker there. “So I will have to be more creative.” He pressed a fingertip into her puckered hole. You’ve never taken a man here, have you?”

  “No.” Although Marielle had heard enough about anal sex to know it would hurt, she rested her forehead against her pillow and arched her hips in silent invitation.

  “I’m too big for you, little virgin,” Raven murmured as he took away his fingertip. “We’ll have to get some toys and train your little night rose before you can take me. Now hold very still.”

  Marielle felt him press his shaft between her buttocks, and winced as he pushed her soft cheeks together and stroked inside the tight cleft. “Can’t I take you somewhere else?”

  “We tried that.” He rubbed the shaft of his penis back and forth over her rosebud. “You could have had me in your pussy right now but you had to talk to your friend.”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  “I said you would be and now you are.” Raven reached under her with one hand and roughly fondled her breast. “Someday soon you’ll learn to obey me — or you’ll never have another orgasm.” He began to move faster, grunting with every thrust, until he pulled back and jacked his shaft, shooting his semen onto her buttocks.

  Marielle enjoyed the sensation but when he climbed off the bed, untied her wrists and handed her the phone she groaned. “You’re right, I am sorry.”

  “I’m going to take a shower. Call your friend — and don’t touch yourself,” he added darkly. “You don’t come again until I say you can. Is that clear?”

  She grimaced. “Yes, sir.”

  Once Raven disappeared into the bathroom Marielle dialed Jilly’s number, “This better be really good.”

  “It’s really bad, actually,” her friend said. “Vanessa called me to go pick up the actress the studio hired to replace Jess Carter. She’s flying in first thing this morning.”

  Since Jilly had been hired as Vanessa’s production assistant she’d been sharing inside info like this with Marielle but this time she didn’t understand why. “So what’s the big deal? We needed a new actress before we started shooting.”

  Jilly sighed. “You don’t understand. It’s Lena Talbot. You know, that actress they voted the sexiest woman alive. She’s also — “

  “I know who she is.” Marielle closed her eyes. “Raven’s ex.”


  After punishing Marielle by denying her an orgasm, James Raven expected his little lover to be quiet — even grumpy — as they took his private car over to the set. This was the first time he’d used sexual discipline in their relationship. He was pleased that she had taken it so well. Being interrupted by the phone call had annoyed him but it had also provided him with the chance to think about his future with Mari.

  He didn’t want to frighten her off by demanding too much but very soon he intended to ask her to come home with him after the film. On the island he owned off the coast of Ireland, they could have complete privacy as well as the time to discover if they were the perfect fit they seemed to be.

  Raven glanced over at Marielle. She had yet to say a word to him. Her mood was definitely subdued but she seemed more distracted than chastised. The way she stared out the passenger window, her gaze seemingly blind to the scenery, worried him.

  This wasn’t anything to do with sex, Raven decided, and took her cold hand in his to get her attention. “Why did your friend call so early?”

  She blinked as if startled and then ducked her head. “Jilly wanted to let me know that the studio found an actress to replace Jess Carter.”

  “You’re worried about your job?” He threaded his fingers through hers. “Don’t be. You’ve offered such great suggestions that I’m keeping you on as my personal assistant.”

  “Maybe you won’t have to… Raven, they hired Lena Talbot as your new co-star.”

  “Lena.” He sat back. “So I’m the one they want to punish now.”

  “By co-starring with the sexiest woman alive?” Marielle shook her head. “The two of you together will make Fascination a guaranteed blockbuster movie.”

  “If I don’t tear up my contract.” Raven sighed. “You know I was engaged to Lena for three years.”

  “Everyone knows. Do you still have feelings for her?”

  He recalled in an instant everything before the breakup. “God, no.” As his driver pulled into the parking lot, Raven spotted a cluster of crew members encircling a striking brunette dressed in red and an Asian man dressed in black. “It might be best if you go directly to my trailer and wait for me there.”

  She gave him an odd look. “Sure. Whatever you want.” she said.

  Raven watched his lover
’s blonde ponytail sway along with her hips as she strode across the lot, skirting the group gathered around Lena. Only when Mari was out of sight did he get out of the car and walk over to greet his ex. “Hello, Lena.”

  “Well, well.” His former fiancée sauntered over to give him a hug and kissed the air next to his cheek before she drew back and inspected him. “You’ve buffed quite a bit since the last time we met. I can’t wait to get naked with you.”

  “Unfortunately, you’re the only one with nude scenes,” he said. “How is Charles?”

  Bright anger flicked through her famous golden eyes before she said, “You should really keep up with the gossip columns, Raven. Charlie and I uncoupled after his last stint in rehab to treat his sex addiction. I’ve been single ever since.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “What about you?” She flicked a glance at his car. “Who’s the little blonde girl? Do you have a daughter I don’t know about?”

  “She’s my assistant.” He considered warning Lena to stay away from Mari but knew anything he said would only make the actress more determined to squash his lover. “Who’s the big guy?”

  Lena flicked her fingers in a dismissive gesture. “Tao is my bodyguard.”

  Raven glanced at the other man’s impassive face. “Have you read the script yet?”

  “I tested for it. I had to turn down the role at first because of a scheduling conflict but now I’m free as a bird.” She took his arm. “Now why don’t you walk me up and introduce me to our director?”


  Several hours later Marielle walked down to the catering tent to pick up Raven’s lunch order. She mulled grabbing a sandwich for herself but her she had no appetite.

  “Hey, wait up.” Jilly hurried down the stairs and joined her. “Vanessa is going over the afternoon schedule with Lena in her trailer so I actually get a lunch break today.”

  “Good for you.” Marielle gave the platters of wrapped sandwiches a desultory glance. “What are you having?”

  “Whatever doesn’t make my hips bigger.” Jilly frowned. “You sound depressed. Everything okay with you and the Raveman?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m his P.A. now. I wonder how I’m going to list that on my resume.”

  “At least you don’t work for Lena.” Her friend sighed. “I hated her at first sight, you know. All that perfect hair, big gold eyes and a body that won’t quit. I don’t think she has pores.”

  “She is really beautiful.”

  “And she has that hot bodyguard and tons of money and she’s talented on top of all that. I was hoping she’d be a lousy Melanie but after seeing her act I have to admit she’s completely believable.” Jilly walked over with her to the caterer’s to-go table. “What did you think of her first run as Melanie?”

  A melodic voice purred behind them. “I’d love to hear what you thought of my performance, Ms. Fairchild.”

  Marielle glanced back at Lena Talbot, who was dressed in a red velvet robe and had her hair piled atop her head. Behind her was her bodyguard, who regarded her with an impassive stare.

  “It was brilliant,” she said. “You’ve brought Melanie to life without sacrificing the depth or the subtlety of the character. Everyone who sees this film will feel that.”

  Lena’s bodyguard smiled a little while Lena stepped closer. She used a finger to tip up Marielle’s chin. “I can see why Raven is so smitten with you. You’ve made such an art of sucking up he must get a hard-on the moment you say hello.”

  “Jill, will you give us a minute?” Marielle asked her friend, who nodded and went over to the beverage table. “Miss Talbot, I meant what I said. You are an amazingly talented performer.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Lena’s eyes filled with sleepy malice. “But a child like you can’t handle Raven. He’s a man of very particular tastes.”

  Marielle kept her expression bland. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  The other woman’s eyebrows rose. “Surely you know about his penchant for night roses?”

  Marielle remembered Raven using that term when he fondled her bottom. But she couldn’t tell Lena that. “Perhaps you should talk to Raven about this.”

  “Why?” The other woman bent her head and murmured, “He wants to put his big bad cock in your ass. Small as you are, he knows he’ll tear you to pieces. So he won’t. Eventually, he’ll get bored and look for the one woman who can take anything he gives her.” She ran a hand along the curve of her hip before she sauntered off. The bodyguard followed.

  “I take back everything I just said about that bitch,” Jilly muttered. “What was she whispering to you? It looked really intense.”

  “Nothing worth repeating.” Marielle turned to the waiting caterer. “I’d like to pick up the order for James Raven, please.”

  Jilly insisted on walking back up to the set with her and complained about Lena and Vanessa the entire time. Once they reached Raven’s trailer Marielle finally said, “Listen, I appreciate the moral support but you can’t talk like this. Anyone could overhear you. Vanessa is your boss and Lena is your lead actress. You have to respect them.”

  “You’re a saint, you know that?” Jilly said before she kissed her cheek. “Call me tonight. We’ll bitch about Lena Meana and Cruel Newell on our own time.”

  Marielle was still smiling as she stepped inside the trailer and found Raven with Lena Talbot on his lap. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Her face flamed as she spun back around and reached for the door. “I’ll come back later — “

  “Don’t go.” Raven pushed Lena onto her feet. “Ms. Talbot was just leaving.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” Lena smiled at Marielle as she sidled past her and left the trailer, leaving a wake of French perfume.

  “Lock the door,” Raven said. When she did, he rose and took the boxed lunch from her. “Lena now knows about us, thanks to Vanessa and her big mouth. She wants to make trouble. She climbed on my lap when she saw you walking toward the trailer.”

  “There won’t be any more trouble,” Marielle said. “I’m going to resign, effective today.”

  Raven’s eyes blazed copper fire. “You’re not leaving me.”

  “Lena is a tremendously gifted actress,” Marielle said. “She’s utterly amazing in this part — as if she were born to play Melanie. The chemistry between you two is unreal. This could be the most important movie you ever make, Raven. I refuse to get in the way of that.” And I can’t give you what you need, she added silently.

  “This isn’t about her, the damn movie, or my career. It’s about us.”

  “What us?” she said. “First I’m your line coach, then your practice dummy and now I’m your sex toy. There is no such thing as a P.A. with benefits, Raven.”

  “Oh, but there is. Let me show you.” He took hold of her wrist and hauled her back through the trailer to his bedroom. He pushed her inside and bolted the door.

  Marielle eyed the bed and then him. “We can’t do this now. You have to report back to the set in thirty minutes.”

  “Fuck the shoot. We need to clarify your position.” He advanced on her, his big hands clamping on her arms and spinning her around before he bent her over the bed. “Remember this?”

  Marielle closed her eyes as she felt him pull up her skirt and jerk down her panties. “Raven, please. Come on. We can’t play around here.”

  “You know the safe word.” He splayed one hand over her spine and held her down with it as he pulled her panties off. “If you want me to stop, say it.”

  Marielle bit her lip. In half an hour — maybe sooner — Vanessa would come looking for her star. The director had keys to the trailer. If she found them like this she would explode with rage. Just let him do what he wants. He’ll work out his frustrations. When he goes back to filming I’ll leave.

  Raven took something from his bedside table. When she glanced over her shoulder she saw him holding a wide wood-backed brush.

  “What are you going to do w
ith that? Fix my hair?” She yelped as he paddled her with the flat back.

  “Mouthy little brat.” He spanked her again. “I don’t care about Lena or Vanessa or anyone. This is about you and me. You’re mine. You don’t get to walk away from that just because some jealous bitch hurt your feelings.” He swatted her a third time. “If I have do this every day until you fully comprehend that you belong to me, I will. Do you understand me?”

  Marielle squeezed her eyes shut and grabbed bunches of the bed cover. “Yes, sir.”

  Raven used the brush four more times. He paused as he heard her soft gasps. “You are not leaving me. Say it.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” she said, sobbing the words. As much as the spanking hurt and humiliated her, the slick pulsing need it had roused between her legs seemed even worse. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “I should do this until you can’t sit until tomorrow.” Raven tossed the brush onto the table and stroked his hand over her blazingly sore cheeks. “But then I won’t be able to for the rest of the day. I love how your ass glows after a paddling. It makes me want to fuck you until neither of us can move.”

  Marielle heard him unzipping his pants. “Please, don’t. Someone could walk in any minute — “

  ” — then they can watch.” He jerked her hips to the edge of the bed and stood behind them, guiding his thick, heavy penis to her swollen folds. “Which do you want more, baby? To be safe or to have your master’s cock deep inside you? I can see what this hungry little pussy wants.” He pressed in, making her take the full, straining bulb.

  Raven held himself, refusing to give her another inch. It intensified the emptiness inside her sheath, sending a maddening ache into her belly and making her clit pulse.

  “Please.” The word burst from her lips. “Please, fuck me.”

  “Tell me who you are,” he demanded. “Exactly who you are.”

  “I’m yours. Your submissive.” She cried out as he began to withdraw. “Your cockslut.”

  “Good girl.” He jabbed another inch of his girth into her clenching pussy before he bent over and began unbuttoning her blouse. “I love hearing those words come out of that sweet mouth.”


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