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Red Stone of Passion

Page 3

by Tuesday Morrigan

  Oh, Mama likes.

  His eyes were bright green, filled with intelligence. But the quality that captured her attention was the glimpse of danger in them. He was nothing like the privileged prep school boys she was used to. His skin was a golden honey colour that told of his Middle Eastern forefathers. He had fine cheekbones and full lips, all of which combined to make him a stunning male.

  Riana felt herself being drawn to the beautiful green eyes staring up at her. Even though it was only a photo, she felt a connection with the man that seemed almost overwhelming. It was akin to the pull she had felt when she first looked into Blaze’s eyes. It was like there was a force field between them that connected them on a level she had never experienced before. Riana pushed the emotion aside, feeling it was nothing more than an instant crush.

  Dark hair, green eyes, and chiselled features. She bit her lip as she ate up the sight of her still unnamed date’s lush lips and corded throat. Unfortunately the photo stopped just below his collarbone. She’d have to wait twenty-nine minutes to see if the body matched the face.

  Twenty-four minutes later Riana heard someone knocking on her townhouse door just as she zipped up her sequin studded black sheath. Her uncle had left the minute she agreed to go out on the date. She stopped in front of the mirror and glanced at herself. Her makeup was fine and her clothing was the best she could do at the last minute. Hopefully, the evening would go better than her night with Blaze. He hadn’t called. Not that he should have. It was, technically, still too early in the game for that.

  Too bad I really wish he had.

  She didn’t like the thought of Blaze waiting until the obligatory two or three days to call her back. It meant his desire for her was not so overwhelming he couldn’t control his need to see her.

  It meant he wasn’t feeling the overwhelming need to be next to him that she felt.

  You win some, you lose some…So tonight she was putting her best foot forward. Riana was determined to change her luck with men.

  She skidded across her marble floor and smacked her palms against the etched wooden door of her Parisian townhouse. She glanced down at her shoes and considered the intelligence of wearing the four and a half inch pumps when she had no idea where she and her date were going.

  She shrugged and opened the door, and promptly lost her breath. He was even more gorgeous in person. Paper couldn’t capture the twinkle in his emerald eyes or the masculine grace that exuded off of every inch of his body.

  And what a body it was. He was at least six feet tall with the kind of muscles one didn’t hone in the gym.

  He looked her up and down. “My God, you’re even more beautiful than your uncle let on.” His deep southern drawl purred over her skin. Riana barely stifled the urge to shudder as his caressing tone moved over her. She knew what she was and what she wasn’t and Ishmael made her feel like a very beautiful woman with his tender compliment. She relished the experience. It wasn’t everyday that a gorgeous man told her she was attractive.

  “I could say the same about you.” She froze. She felt like such an ass. She couldn’t remember his name from the file. If it had been in the file?

  “Ishmael,” he murmured softly as he held out an arm.

  “Ishmael,” she repeated, loving the way his name rolled off her tongue.

  “Your uncle told me you had no allergies, was he right?”

  Riana looked at him in confusion. “Yes, he was right.”

  He smiled at the look on her face. “I was planning on taking you to the gardens. They’re gorgeous at this time of the day.”

  She stared at him in surprise. For the past week she had been trying to sneak off and go to one of the region’s beautiful gardens. Here Ishmael was offering her the opportunity she had been dying for and to top it off, she was going to be able to share it with him. After she managed to catch her breath she smiled. “I would love that.”

  An hour later, Riana was sure her luck with men was changing and this time for the better. The flower gardens were gorgeous to say the least. She turned in a full circle and took in everything around her. So far she had not been able to do anything truly exploratory in Paris, but Ishmael was correcting that. With the moonlight streaming down on them like it was like something from a romantic movie, something she never thought she would be lucky enough to experience herself.

  “It’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve seen.”

  “Your uncle told me you were an artist. I’ve always considered nature to be the most beautiful piece of art created. I was hoping you would like it here.”

  She turned and caught his warm green gaze. “I love it,” she murmured as she took a step forward. Her heels dug into the soft, manicured ground and she lost her footing for a moment. Ishmael was immediately there, arms around her waist, steadying her.

  Air rushed out of her lungs as the heat from his hands settled over her. She felt itchy and needy. Her whole body ached with desire. He glanced at the hands around her shoulders. “Sorry,” Ishmael murmured in a dark, throaty voice before taking a step back.

  Riana laughed softly and lifted one heel. “As you can see I’m not exactly properly dressed for this.”

  Her mouth dropped open as she watched Ishmael’s dark head descend.

  He knelt before her and grasped one ankle. “You should take these off then.”

  She teetered for a moment before grabbing his shoulders. Her fingers sank into the strong cords of his mountainous shoulders.

  Every one of her nerve endings lit up as he undid the ankle straps for her leather platforms. He took off the left shoe and danced his fingers under her sole. Her toes flexed and she giggled at the tickling touch. And then he massaged her aching feet, taking his time to caress her toes, the balls of her feet, and the arch. She bit her bottom lip to stifle the moan that threatened.

  “Ishmael,” she gasped when he moved to her right foot. Lord, his hands were talented, soothing and invigorating every inch of her foot. The energy quickly spread up her legs to settle in her core. Her lashes fluttered open when she felt the cool allure of the grass beneath both of her feet.

  He stood and held out one broad palm. The handsome planes of his face spread with a smile. “Come on, Sugar. Let’s explore the gardens.” His voice was dark and had the sweetest drawl.

  Lord, what she really wanted to do was explore him. “Okay,” she murmured softly as she twined their fingers.

  She took one step forward and came to a dead stop. She was on fire. There was no other word to describe the potent attraction she felt towards him. Throughout the evening Riana had been fighting the attraction, but it was getting damned difficult to tell herself she couldn’t have what she so desperately wanted. If she didn’t know better she would say she was in heat.

  But she was a mutant. She wasn’t necessarily a normal human but she wasn’t an animal. She didn’t go into heat.

  The little voice in her head snorted. Yeah, but you’re definitely feeling an animal attraction to him.

  Ishmael stopped and looked over one shoulder, giving a perfect glimpse of his strong profile. “Which flowers would you like to explore first?”

  She smiled. She was on a date. With a gorgeous man who wasn’t balking at the idea of spending the night in the middle of a flower garden. “The tulips. I love tulips.”

  She turned too quickly and she tripped over the small pile of her shoes. Her feet tangled in his. Together they went down but Ishmael turned their bodies so that she landed on top him. And judging by the sound of the impact she had plenty to be grateful for.

  “Are you okay?” he murmured softly.

  She laughed and pressed her face into his dress shirt as his words wafted over to her. Riana should have been embarrassed by her clumsiness, but she was too pleased by the feel of Ishmael’s body against hers to feel anything but satisfaction. She purred against him in bliss as he rubbed her back. After a moment she lifted her head and held his gaze. “I should be asking you if you’re okay.”

  He sh
rugged and she felt every inch of his six-foot plus body moving under hers. “I’m a big guy. Besides I’ve definitely been in worse positions.” Mischief and desire shone in his wide emerald eyes.

  He wanted her. The knowledge was both intoxicating and frightening, because she wanted him too. “Yeah?” she whispered as her belly did back-flips.

  “Oh yeah,” he murmured as he lifted his head, moving towards her. Riana watched with her heart racing as his lips slowly made their way to hers. She sucked in a deep breath and drank in the sweet, musky scent of his masculinity as his lips moved over hers. Her eyes slammed shut as his surprisingly soft, lush mouth moved hers, coaxing her lips to grant him entrance.

  Ishmael was a good kisser. His firm, determined lips went straight to her head, making her hungry for more.

  One strong hand moved across her back, the sensitive skin of her nape, before tightening in the midnight strands of her hair. She moaned at the feel of his fingers in her hair. She never let anyone touch her there, afraid of ruining whatever hairstyle she’d constructed, but Ishmael…Riana wanted to give him full reign over every inch of her body. She moved her parted lips back and forth against his mouth, moaning and moving against him with every sensual glide, but he refused to take what she offered. Instead he teased her with flicks of his moist tongue against her lips. It wasn’t enough.

  Riana placed her thighs on each side of his hips so she sat astride him. She ignored the slow rise of her sheath as it lifted with her movements and focused on the devastating man beneath her. Her nails moved against his scalp as she gripped his head. She whispered Ishmael’s name against the plump contours of his mouth seconds before his tongue snaked past her parted lips and into her mouth.

  God, the man knew how to kiss, was her last intelligent thought before she fully fell under the spell he wove so perfectly.

  Several moments later, Riana lifted her head and stared down at Ishmael. She knew her surprise was on her face. She had never really been into kissing, never truly gotten lost in a kiss. She could no longer say those things.

  “Want to explore more of the garden or are you ready for what’s next?” Ishmael asked as his fingers tentatively squeezed her waist.

  Riana licked her lips slowly and almost groaned when she tasted him on her tongue. Judging by the wetness of her panties she was definitely ready for what came next. “That depends entirely on what’s next?” she whispered.

  “Dinner,” he growled out. It was clear from the look on his face and the sound of his voice that the last thing Ishmael wanted to do was dine. He wanted her immediately, but he wasn’t willing to cut their date short. Riana couldn’t help but hope that was because he was interested in more than just one night with her.

  Riana smiled and rolled off of him. He knelt beside her just as she reached for one of her platforms. Teeth gripping her bottom lip, body tight with need, Riana watched as Ishmael helped her with her shoes.

  With efficient masculine grace he rolled to his feet and held out his hand. She wrapped her smaller palm in his and stood. When Riana looked into Ishmael’s eyes she knew he was aware of his effect on her. He could have her if he wanted, but he was going to take her to dinner and probably walk her to her doorstep.

  Riana was already looking forward to the goodnight kiss. And when he asked for her number she was going to give it to him with the knowledge that Ishmael would actually call.

  Chapter Five

  Ski Mask Way

  Riana stood in the shadows waiting for Celeste to appear. She had been waiting for hours for that first glimpse of the golden beauty before she shifted. Two nights ago they had recaptured the Garland Garnet and tonight was to be the switch off.

  Her gaze slipped across the crowded room to find the same man who had been watching her earlier was still staring her down. Riana had been trying to avoid his gaze from the moment she entered the ritzy pub. His cobalt blue gaze kept straying to her. Normally, Riana was able to ignore the looks others gave her. She knew she was unusual with her milk chocolate skin, a long dancer’s body, and six feet two height, so she had dressed purposely. Her dark clothing allowed her to blend into the bar’s shadows. Still he watched her.

  And she wanted him to watch her.

  Just as she wanted to watch him. He too stood in the shadows. With her keen eyesight, she could see every inch of his perfect body. Unfortunately, her mind was not so sharp. It kept playing tricks on her, making her think the guy was Blaze.

  He was tall, tall enough to catch her attention and make her breath hitch. He stood at least six feet seven inches. He hid in the shadows so that the only feature she could see was his bright blue eyes.

  Vivid baby blues that reminded her of Blaze, the young giant she’d met less than three days ago. If she wasn’t on a mission she would have gathered her courage and walked past him and gotten a closer glimpse. If only to dispel the image of Blaze’s handsome face in her mind.

  She sighed and searched a little harder for Celeste. There is no point in thinking about a guy who still hasn’t called. He’s probably not interested.

  As it was, she had to focus on something more important than her curiosity.

  Like acquiring the Garland Garnet.

  Because of her unnatural abilities and her job, she found it impossible to meet a man, let alone one that complemented her. But the giant blond…

  She shifted as her panties moistened with her slick desire. He would probably complement any woman lucky enough to get in his bed.

  Riana brought her mug to her lips, peering over the thick, frosty glass as she waited for her companion. For a moment there was nothing but the thick, dark bodies of the many men and women that littered the pub. Then a mist appeared and for one second Riana spotted Celeste. The blonde disappeared almost immediately into a thick mist that appeared to float over one of the smokers that gathered in a corner.

  But that one glimpse was all Riana needed. She made her way to the back of the bar, through the door she had marked out earlier.

  As she made her way through the crowd she spotted him again. From where she stood she could see the obvious sexual heat in his vivid blue gaze. She skittered to a stop as recognition slammed through her. It was the first time she’d gotten a truly clear picture of the blond and there was no doubt about who it was.


  She thought about the chances of meeting him in the same club in a city as large as Paris and doubled them. As far as Riana was concerned she had too much on her mind to consider it was anything but random.

  Riana wanted to chalk his presence up to fate but she knew better. He hadn’t called. Still, her pussy clenched at the sight. Her nipples puckered and her heart thumped. “It’s been too long since you had sex,” she muttered to herself as she slipped through the back door.

  “Took you long enough.”

  Riana paused for a moment at the thick, sultry sound of Celeste’s voice. Even though she knew the woman was standing on the other side of door, her voice still edged its way under Riana’s skin.

  Celeste had that effect on everyone.

  “You got my stone?” Riana purred.

  One blonde eyebrow lifted. “Your stone?”

  Riana held out one palm. Celeste placed a medium sized black velvet bag in her palm. Riana’s long dark fingers curled around the bag before she slipped it into a pocket that sat on the inside of her bra, above her breast.

  “You should have no problem carrying it into England. Olympia is waiting for the stone there.” Olympia was another one of the Greedy Girls agents. She was usually a carrier rather than a transporter, meaning she usually transported the jewels to their final destination.

  “Have I ever had a single problem making a delivery?”

  Celeste’s full lips spread into a mischievous smile. “No, Kitty Kat. You’ve always delivered,” she whispered before disappearing.

  Riana took two steps forward, slipping deeper into the darkness that cloaked the brick building.

  “That’s a nice t
rick your girlfriend’s got there.”

  The voice was dark, deep, and husky, laced with an iron strength that slithered down Riana’s spine. She knew that voice. Had dreamed about it.

  She didn’t need to see the source of the voice to know who it was. Still, she peered over her shoulder, and was immediately struck by the heat in his sapphire gaze.


  “Come out little one. I promise not to hurt you. It’s not you I want.” He chuckled. “Then again, you just might be the chocolate icing on the cake.”

  Frigid ice swept through Riana’s veins chilling her to the bone. He wanted the Red Stone of Passion. The bastard! She didn’t know what about her actions had made garnered his attention, but he’d obviously followed her for the stone.

  He’d played her. She felt like such an idiot believing that someone like him was interested in her. Riana couldn’t believe she had been foolish enough to let him use her to find off the switch off point.

  Riana turned and ran down the alley, keeping close to the shadows, knowing it was her only ally. Behind her she could hear the soft footsteps of the giant following her. His every step thundered in her ears.

  He was gaining on her.

  Blaze hadn’t even thought to check out the chic restaurant in 4ème, near the centre of the Ile de la Cité. It wasn’t often that the lower level scum that littered Paris pointed him in that trendy direction when he was searching for someone, but somebody had sent the little bit of information his way.

  He still couldn’t believe what he’d stumbled upon. When he’d walked into the club and spotted the woman who’d called herself Kitty he had been dumbstruck for a moment. He’d decided to keep his eyes on her. He didn’t believe in coincidences.

  In his world, everything happened for a reason.

  He knew the reason why Kitty was there, hiding in the club’s dancing shadows, when he saw her make her way out the back door to pick up the same damned gemstone he was tracking.

  If Blaze wasn’t careful, he was going to lose both the jewel and the girl.


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