Anthony: Signature Sweethearts Book Seven
Page 11
I really was a shitty boyfriend.
My hands pause for a split second before I continue buttering the rolls, and a strange thought hits me out of nowhere. Helping Sway and showing interest in her hobbies and day-to-day life have been effortless. It doesn’t feel like work the way my relationship with Indie did.
I know I should’ve tried harder with Indie. I should’ve put more effort into our relationship if I wanted it to work. But sometimes, no matter how much effort you put into something, if it wasn’t meant to be, then it wasn’t meant to be.
Like a freaking sucker punch, it hits me. Indie was right. In the end, I begged her to give me another chance even when she could see the writing on the wall.
“Well, you’re doing great. Thanks for helping,” Marney compliments before she disappears through the doorway that leads to the dining room with a gravy boat clutched in her hands.
As Sway saunters into the kitchen with a basket, I’m feeling like I might see the writing on the wall too. It’s just not what I expected. My mouth quirks up when I recognize that everything about my life since I ran into Sway has been unexpected. And pretty damn perfect too.
“Sorry. My mom keeps the baskets super high, and I had to get a step stool to reach it,” Sway explains. “I should’ve put your height to good use and made you go get the damn basket!”
Again, my stupid arm is itching to wrap around her waist, and my lips are begging to kiss the side of her head, but I restrain myself. “Sorry, Swayze Girl. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. I finished the rolls, though.”
“Swayze Girl?” Skye pipes up, her brow raised.
My gaze shoots to Sway to catch her blushing. Waving her hand in the air, she starts grabbing the rolls and throwing them in the basket while completely ignoring Skye’s comment.
“Did I say something wrong?” I ask as the room thickens with tension.
“Ignore her,” Sway mutters. “She’s just reading into things.”
“No, I’m not,” Skye interjects. “Since when do you let your flings call you Swayze Girl? I thought that was a no-no?”
Sway’s eyes bounce around the room before landing on me for a split second then down at the rolls. “It’s fine. Not a big deal. Just drop it, Skye.”
Skye doesn’t bother to respond. She grabs the dish loaded with mashed potatoes and joins the rest of the family in the dining room while Sway’s hands shake in their task.
“Hey.” I grasp her forearm with a light touch to stop her fidgeting. She flinches but doesn’t pull away, her eyes glued to my hand as it caresses her delicate skin.
“I’m fine.”
“Liar,” I tease in a husky voice. “I know you, Sway. You look spooked.”
Her tongue darts out as she licks her lips then pulls them into a thin line before peeking up at me through her thick lashes.
Yeah, definitely spooked.
“She was just trying to get under my skin. She’s never really seen me with my…” she pauses, searching for the label that describes all her casual lays, and I ignore the way it makes my chest tighten. “Friends, for lack of a better word, so she doesn’t understand that this is just a fling, ya know?”
“Yeah, of course.” Nope, that didn’t burn at all.
“We’re good, right?” She holds my stare.
I clear my throat. “Yeah, we’re good. Do you not want me to call you Swayze Girl? Does that bother you? I just assumed––”
“It’s fine. Promise.”
“You sure?” I push in an attempt to pull the truth from her.
This time, she takes a second to really think about it before giving me a soft nod, causing the hairs on the top of her head to tickle my nose from our close proximity.
“Yeah. I’m sure. You’re not like the other guys I’ve spent time with. Those were just to pass the time, but I really do consider you a friend too, and I want to keep it that way.”
“Good.” I nearly lean forward to press my lips against her forehead but find the restraint to stop myself for the hundredth time this evening. “Me too.”
“Yo!” a voice calls from the dining room. “Dinner’s getting cold! Get your butts in here!”
“Coming!” Sway yells back before giving me a shy smile. “We better get going.”
“Yeah.” I release my hold on her forearm. “I think you’re right.”
Giving me a final glance, she tucks her bubble gum-colored hair behind her ear then picks up the basket of rolls and heads to the dining room as I trail behind while my mind scrambles to figure out what the hell just happened. And why my feelings of ease and no expectations from an hour ago have evaporated into thin air.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Dinner goes by without a hitch, though I can’t help but notice the curious stares Sway and I get every time I make her smile, or she makes me laugh. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out they’re just as interested in our relationship as I am. Unfortunately for everyone around the table, I doubt we’ll be getting answers anytime soon.
As I pick up the dishes and start carrying them to the kitchen, Marney stops me. “You don’t need to do that, Anthony. You’re our guest for the evening. Please, take a seat.”
“I insist.”
With a kind smile, she shakes her head as if she can’t believe I’m actually a gentleman and learned a manner or two. “Well, thank you, Anthony. I really appreciate it.”
“And I appreciate the invitation you extended to me. Thanks, again, for dinner tonight. Everything was amazing.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Mom, go take a seat. Me and the girls will help Anthony clean up,” Saylor states, standing from the table to help.
Her dad, Brock, interjects, “I need to make a quick call, but I’ll be in to help as soon as I’m finished.”
“Don’t worry about it, Daddy. We’ve gotcha covered.” Skye gives him a playful wink before reaching for the plate in front of him.
“Thanks, Skye.” Brock grabs his phone off the cream-colored table cloth and disappears down the hall as Sway stands up too.
“Hey, I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick, then I’ll be right in. Anthony, you gonna survive all by yourself with my sisters for a minute?”
Chuckling, I wave her off. “I’ll be fine.”
“Good. I’ll be back in a sec.” She follows down the same hall after her dad, leaving me alone with her sisters. Which actually works out perfectly.
“Hey, can I ask you two for a favor?” I whisper, gaining Saylor’s and Skye’s attention.
Both of their faces light up at the prospect.
“Oo…what is it?” Skye asks while Saylor simultaneously says, “How can we help?”
“Are either of you guys free in the next few weeks or so to watch after Sway’s cats?”
Skye groans. “Aw, man. Are you quitting or something?”
“What? No. I want to surprise Sway with a little weekend getaway,” I explain.
They sigh dreamily in unison. “Seriously?” Skye starts. “That’s the sweetest thing ever! What are you guys going to do? Where are you going to go? If we agree to the shit-ton of work it’ll take for her to leave her cats, then we’re going to need details.”
With a laugh, I let them down easy. “I promise I’d give them to you if I knew, but I’m as clueless as you are. Sway likes to give me crap for not being spontaneous, so this is my way of doing the opposite.”
“By planning a getaway? I’m sorry, but how is that spontaneous?” Saylor probes before crossing her arms over her chest.
“By not planning one? I just need to make sure the cats are covered. Other than that, I’ll be as out of the loop as she is. We’ll pack our bags, head out onto the open road, and see where it takes us. What do you guys think?”
“I think it’s romantic. That’s what I think,” Skye states with a knowing look, reminding me of her smartass comment in the kitchen when she called Sway out for not correcting me when I used her family’s nick
“Wanna know what’d be even more romantic?” Saylor interjects.
“Going to the airport, instead, and hopping onto the next flight out, no matter where it’s headed.”
My eyes light up at the prospect.
Yes! that’s perfect! “You, my friend, are a genius.”
“Why yes, yes I am, young Padawan.”
I snort at the exact same moment Sway enters the room.
“What’d I miss?” she inquires.
“Not much. Saylor just reminded me that she’s the nerd of the family, though, by calling me a young Padawan.”
Sway rolls her eyes. “You have no idea.”
We continue cleaning the dishes and putting the leftovers into containers while I try to turn off the planning side of myself to let the spontaneous one have an opportunity to take over in a few weeks. And surprisingly, it isn’t that hard.
I guess Swayze Girl really is rubbing off on me.
Chapter Twenty-Three
It’s been another month of awesomeness. Seriously, there’s no other way to describe it. Anthony’s been over almost every day, and when we’re not juggling the responsibilities for my non-profit organization and taking care of cats, we’re banging like rabbits.
And boy, has it been fun. If I close my eyes, I can almost imagine taking the leap and entering into uncharted territory. I can almost imagine opening the door to the R-word. That’s when I remember Anthony’s conversation with his mom, which causes the relationship door to slam closed, followed by the echoing click of the lock as it slides into place.
Nope. Not happening. No plans, no futures, no what-ifs. I’m going to keep living in the here and now, which is exactly where I need to be. If I’ve learned anything from my past, it’s that we have so little control over our future, that it isn’t worth the heartbreak when things don’t go according to plan.
After pouring the hot water over my tea bag, I set Joffrey the tea kettle down and glance out my window, deciding it’s going to be a gorgeous day. The sun is shining, the snow is sparkling, and the trees are finally starting to show a few bare branches that hint at warmer weather.
Tobias jumps onto the counter––yes he’s naughty and sucks at following directions––before pawing at my hand as it rests on the Formica surface, begging for attention. With a smile, my fingers rub the top of his head, and he purrs in response, closing his eyes and pressing himself into my touch. When my phone vibrates against the counter a few seconds later, Toby jumps and runs off to hide, leaving me all alone to fend for myself against the unfamiliar sound.
Scaredy cat.
The name Stray appears on the screen and brings a smirk to my face. If Anthony knew that’s what I had his contact information saved under, he’d kill me, which only adds to the appeal.
“Why hello, Handsome,” I answer. Glancing out the window one more time to appreciate the beauty of today, I turn and head to the kitchen table before sitting down on one of the chairs.
“Why hello, Beautiful. Do you always talk to your booty calls like that?”
He called me beautiful.
“Maybe. Do you always call yours beautiful?” I counter.
“Nope. You’re the one and only, Sway. I’ve never done this before, remember?”
How could I forget? Part of me wants to ask more questions about his ex. Why they broke up. What she looked like. If I could ever compare to her or fill the empty space in his heart that she once encompassed. Then I remind myself that I don’t want that. That I’ll never want that.
“Oh, yeah. Sometimes I forget how sweet and innocent you are,” I tease. “So, is there a reason you called? Or were you just in the mood to shoot the shit?”
His deep laugh echoes through the speaker, bringing another smile to my lips and a swarm of butterflies to my stomach.
“Shoot the shit? Classy, Sway. Very classy. And yes, actually. I’m calling in on that spontaneous activity we talked about.”
Glancing toward the ceiling, I try to recall what the hell he’s talking about. “What spontaneous activity?”
“You don’t remember? I feel like I should be offended, but that actually works in my favor, so I’ll let it slide.”
“How generous of you,” I quip, taking a sip of my tea and deeming it the perfect temperature.
“I’m very generous,” he agrees in a wicked tone that hints to his generosity in the bedroom. He’s not wrong. I don’t think I’ve ever been treated more like a queen than when we’re together. I can only imagine how great he’d be as a boyfriend.
“No need to stroke your ego, Mr. Wright. Let’s get to the point, shall we?”
“Yeah, yeah. Pack your bags. We’re going on a trip.”
I nearly spit out my tea as I take a second to replay his words.
Coughing, I ask, “Excuse me?”
“Yup. We’re going on a trip. How’s that for spontaneous, Beautiful?”
“That’s spontaneous for me because I didn’t know about it. Sorry, but you don’t get any bonus points since you were able to plan everything out. Really, I think this little adventure feeds your addiction for having everything in order,” I counter, unable to turn off my smartassery.
“Au contraire, my friend. I haven’t planned a damn thing…other than talking to your sisters about taking care of the cats while we’re gone. Because you know, I’m not a complete Neanderthal. Other than that, I’m as in the dark as you are.”
With pinched brows, I probe, “What do you mean you’re as in the dark as I am? I thought you said we’re going on a trip.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t mention where because I don’t know the answer to that.”
“Are you saying––”
“I’m saying…we’re driving to the airport with our bags packed. The first available flight is the one we take to whatever destination it’s headed. You think you’re up for it, Swayze Girl?”
A grin nearly splits my face in two as I consider the endless possibilities. “Yeah. I think I am.”
“Perfect. Plan for anything and everything. I’ll pick you up in thirty.”
“See you then.”
“Bye, Beautiful.”
* * *
Throwing an array of clothes into a duffle bag, my phone rings for the second time this morning. Narrowing my gaze, I see Skye’s name flash across the screen.
As soon as I answer, I ask, “How long have you known?”
“Known what, exactly?” Her tone screams innocence, but I know her better than that.
“That I’d be taking a little trip today.”
She squeals. “So he told you? Are you so excited? Because I’m dying over here! That’s the sweetest gesture ever!”
“Yup, he told me, and yup, I’m super excited. But when did you know, traitor? Wouldn’t even tell your own sister?”
I reach into my drawers in search of a swimsuit and come up with a pair of bikinis that will drive Anthony crazy. Perfect.
“Hey! In my defense, it was a surprise, and you deserve those every once in a while. But he cornered me and Saylor at Mom and Dad’s a couple weeks ago. He wanted to wait until Clover and the other two kittens were in decent shape before prying you away from them. Wasn’t that super thoughtful?”
My suspicion spikes as I mutter, “Yup. That was definitely thoughtful.”
“So does this mean you two are official now?” she pushes with the same innocent tone from moments ago.
Aaand there’s her angle.
“I think you already know the answer to that one, Skye. I don’t do relationships. I swear, I feel like a freaking broken record with how many times I’ve had to say that lately.” I roll my eyes and take a deep breath in hopes of keeping my frustration in check.
“Who’re you trying to convince? Everyone else…or yourself?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Crap! One
second,” she interjects, and I hear her talking to someone on the other end. I assume it’s Brady, the little boy in town that she nannies for. Seconds later, her voice becomes clearer, and she says, “It means that the whole family could see how sweet you guys were at dinner. We could all see how much he worshipped you and how happy you looked while basking in his presence. I’m just saying that it doesn’t take a genius to figure out you two are meant to be together. Now, we’re just waiting for you to piece it together.”
“Not gonna happen,” I spit, second-guessing the damn bikinis in my anger.
Grabbing the flimsy material, I toss them back in the drawer and search for a hideous one-piece with a giant picture of a Wookie printed onto the material that Saylor got me a few Christmases ago as a gag gift.
I pull it out and shove it into the duffle bag.
“It could happen, ya know. If you wanted it to.”
Collapsing onto the side of the bed, I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath. “Skye, I’m only going to say this once, okay? I don’t do relationships because I don’t want them to think there’s a future with me. Want to know why? Because there isn’t one. I can’t promise them anything, and it isn’t fair to string them along when there’s no hope of marriage or children, okay? Anthony knows this is just for fun, so everyone else needs to keep their noses out of our business. Understand?”
I hear her sigh, and a heavy dose of guilt follows it for being bitchy. I open my mouth to apologize when she beats me to it. “I’m sorry, Sway. You’re right. It’s your business, and your meddling family needs to let you do your own thing and figure crap out for yourself. I promise to keep my lips zipped from now on. Deal?”
A soft smile threatens to break through as I return, “I’m sorry too. And yes. Deal.”
“Good. Now tell me all you’re packing so I can live vicariously through you.”
With a chuckle, I do exactly that while simultaneously putting the one-piece back into the drawer and switching it out for the scandalous bikinis all over again as the excitement builds inside of me like an inferno.