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Safeword: Davenport

Page 14

by Candace Blevins

  Returning his smile, she said, “There are more, those are just the only two you thought we might bump up against today. I'm sure you don't want me permanently marking him, or giving him more pain than he can bear—but I understand what you're saying. I do like him, and I'll take you at your word and keep going."

  She focused on Jacob again. “I'm sorry I looked down. Brent's my friend, and you make him happy, and...” she stopped; decided conversation could wait, and lay back, using her fingers to spread her lips.

  "You don't have permission to touch me with your hands. Put yourself in me, and place your palms on the table beside my shoulders. Go in and be still, no pumping."

  He lined up and raised his eyes, looking into hers as he sank into her, leaning forward and deliberately placing his hands as instructed. She felt the connection through his eyes again, his submission clear in the way he looked at her. He got off on this—commanded to remain still, to service her, used for her pleasure and required to suffer his own gratifications. It made her want to push, to see how far she could drive him before the look became desperate.

  She rubbed the cool metal of the clover clamp over his nipple before squeezing it between thumb and forefinger. He gasped, and she glanced at Brent a second before moving to Jacob's other nipple, saying, “You've been paying attention to them?"

  "Yes, I'm sure they're sore, but don't take it easy on them. He'll be fine."

  She situated the clamp over his nipple as if it were a clock hand at twelve o'clock, letting the pressure gradually increase, watching his face as the tension escalated. It would fall forward when she let go of it, twisting painfully, and she debated whether to do it slowly or quickly.

  Jacob knew the pain was coming, too—she could see the anticipation growing, could feel his cock twitching fretfully when he realized what she'd done. She looked into his eyes for several long seconds before moving her hand sideways, the heavy clover clamp instantly falling, bouncing to a stop against his chest as gravity pulled it down, stretching and twisting his nipple downward. His eyes closed as he gasped with the pain, his body going tense, his cock jerking inside of her as his hips remained motionless.

  She moved to the other nipple, repeating the process. Once the clamp was on, while she was still holding it up, she said, “Don't close your eyes this time. Look at me, let me see your pain."

  "Yes, Ma'am.” His voice came out in a gasp, and she clenched around him, his pain sending tremors through her, lighting her up inside.

  She held the clamp another six or seven seconds, letting the anticipation build before dropping it, and loved the fight he went through to hold eye contact with her and keep his body still. The look in his eyes went straight to her pussy, and she almost came from the intensity.

  He was still hurting, trying to deal with the pain, so she turned the plug up a few notches as she fiddled with the end of the chain on her stomach, his gasps like gasoline on the fire inside her.

  "It's going to hurt your nipples when I ask you to start moving."

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  She used the back of her arm to push the clamps up, returning them to the position she'd applied them, and his face relaxed.

  "Lean down and kiss me."

  Bending his elbows, he angled forward and kissed her softly. She trailed her fingers into his hair and used her lips, her teeth, her tongue, to seduce him, to make him relax into the kiss. He was on top, but she was in control, and he let her lead as he held his body as she'd asked.

  She gave him a few seconds and let the clamps down enough to get his attention, and when he broke contact to gasp she said, “Show me how much you want me, Jacob. Show me how badly you want to move inside me. Kiss me this time; show me with your mouth."

  She pushed the clamps back up as he leaned in and kissed her with passion, making her hips move involuntarily against him, but he held his torso in place.

  When she was through with the kiss, she let the clamps down an inch and he pulled away again. “You're a quick learner, I like that. Push back up."

  He groaned in pain as he rose, pulling the clamps off Dana's stationary hand.

  "Slow please. In and out, long smooth strokes."

  She turned the vibrator off and pulled her legs up, wrapping them around his waist, helping the angle. He aimed up, hitting her g-spot, and a climax began setting off her nerve endings. She issued orders one after the other. “Don't stop, Oh, yes—right there. Faster, fuck me faster!"

  He kept going through her orgasm, not slowing down, and the rolling pleasure lasted forever. When it ended, it did so all at once and suddenly his movements were too much.

  "Stop.” He thrust in and held, his breathing ragged, pain illuminating his face. She flipped the vibrator in his ass to medium and quickly removed both nipple clamps. He bellowed as they came off, bowing his spine, but kept his hands on the table.

  She switched the vibrator to high and brought her legs down as she caressed his cheek. “You've got the perfect cock for me—fat enough to open me nicely, but not so long you're bumping my cervix. Give me some smooth, slow strokes.” She groaned in reflex at the sensations, and had him continue until she was wild with need. If she hadn't been in control it would've been torture, but since she could make him go faster anytime she chose, it was a delicious torment.

  When her arousal grew beyond what she could bear she demanded he speed up, urging him on until the hunger inside her began to unwind, spinning like an off balance gyroscope. As her orgasm orbited her into ecstasy she shouted to keep going, to not slow down. He did as she ordered; fucking her in a frenzy through the powerful spasms, not reducing speed until she panted out, “Enough!"

  When she finally opened her eyes the look on his face showed how hard he was working to keep control, and she smiled as she turned the vibrator off. “It appears you do have excellent discipline. Tell me, what's the punishment for coming without permission?"

  He glanced at Brent before answering. “Three months locked in a chastity device, Ma'am."

  Wow, harsh, no wonder his control is so good.

  "Slow again, like you did at the beginning, please.” She returned the clamps to his nipples, but lined them up right this time, so they hung naturally without twisting. He handled the pain better, but didn't try to hide it from her, looking into her eyes and allowing her to see the depth of his submission.

  His leisurely movements felt incredible, and paired with the surrender and affection she saw in his eyes, threatened to undo her. She fell into his gaze and reached up, stroking her fingers through his silky hair, cupping the back of his neck and drawing his mouth to hers, their lips touching as warmth enveloped her heart.

  He kept the languid pace with his hips as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Dana needed more, wanted to be taken, but didn't know how to tell him to do it. She looked at Brent, wondering if she should tell him she needed help, but he said, “You need more, don't you?"

  She closed her eyes to answer. “I'm afraid I do."

  "Jacob,” he snapped, “Take enough control to figure out how to make her explode again, but not so much you aren't listening for orders."

  Jacob said, “Yes, Brent,” and finally removed his hands from the table, looking at her as he did, making sure it was okay. She gave a small nod and he gave her a crooked smile, pushed her legs up, and readjusting his hips so he had more leverage before driving into her, shoving her knees back so he could go deeper, his hips uncompromising as he thrust into her time after time until she was panting with need, right on the edge. He piloted her to the brink and held her there, letting her fly along, floating on a surge of pleasure that never quite crested. It was perfect, and when the wave finally crashed she heard herself screaming, ordering him not to stop as the climax went on and on and on.

  He slowed without being told and inclined forward, touching his lips to hers with a gentleness that touched her heart, and she fell into the kiss, losing all train of thought. When he pulled back, their gaze met and held, a physical c
onnection holding them in place, their eyes the anchor. He finally broke the link, leaning down to kiss her cheek, saying, “Thank you, Ma'am."

  She pulled him down to her, holding him, and letting him hold her, until her heartbeat settled. His pulse was still going double-time, and she patted him on the ass.

  "You aren't done; I think the big guy wants you now."

  Jacob tilted his head towards his Master, but Brent didn't smile as he said, “Help her sit up,” and then looked at Dana. “You can stay and watch, or leave. Up to you. If you want to torture him, I can restrain his hips so they won't move while I fuck him, and you can torment him with your mouth. He won't be allowed to come today, it'll be at least after midnight, and even then it's not a sure thing."

  "I think I might like to give him a hand job, so no need in immobilizing his hips. I'd like to feel your thrusts push his cock into my hand."

  Jacob gave a low groan and Brent chuckled as he tousled his submissive's hair and smiled at him affectionately. “What did I say? Masochists make the best sadists, if they put their mind to it.” He looked back to Dana. “I'm about to be otherwise occupied, are you good?"

  Dana nodded and Brent nonchalantly attached Jacob's wrist cuffs behind his back before filling a lube injector. He talked as he worked, casually telling Jacob, “Squat and push the plug out."

  It was obvious Jacob didn't want to do it in front of her, and she was fascinated by the interplay between them—Jacob's eyes begging his Master not to make him, Brent's eyes not giving him an inch.

  Resigned, Jacob squatted as if taking a dump in the woods, and strained, pushing. His face was crimson and she didn't know how much was from the effort and how much was from embarrassment. She'd never been ordered to squat and push, but the thought of being forced set her juices flowing again.

  When it finally fell to the floor, Brent stroked Jacob's head before running his hand down to his right bicep, gently lifting him to a standing position. He pulled the hook hanging over them, the chain ratcheting down until it reached the connector between Jacob's wrists.

  He pulled a remote from his pocket, and the overhead winch growled to life and didn't stop until Jacob was bent over, wrists pulled up so his shoulders were torqued back, the strain showing on his face. Without ceremony, Brent thrust the lube injector into Jacob's ass and pressed the plunger as he withdrew it, tossing it into a bucket several feet away. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, moving them out of the way without pushing them down, placed his hands on Jacob's hips, and aimed—ramming in to the hilt with one violent motion, pulling back, thrusting again. Jacob fought to stay in place, his shoulders straining as he was rocked forward.

  Brent talked as he pounded into Jacob's ass. “Do you have any idea how much I enjoy watching you hold back when you pleasure a woman? How I bask in the struggle you go through to keep from coming? To bring her to climax her over and over while you aren't allowed release? If you behave today and tonight, and if Dana wants you again later, I may give you permission to come while you're inside her."

  His motions grew more frantic, his thrusts harder, his voice rising and falling with the cadence. “I should warn you now; it'll be rough for you tonight. I need to see you hurt, hear you beg. I know you hate crying in front of people, so you'd do well to prepare yourself, because you're going to bawl."

  Dana walked to the bottle of lube, pumping some into her hand before returning to them. Jacob's shoulders were taught under the onslaught, his head down so she couldn't see his face, his body tense as he withstood Brent's assault.

  She stepped to Jacob's side, reaching under him and finding his cock, still rock hard, and without the condom. She held it loosely, letting Brent's thrusts and pulls move him back and forth through her hand. Part of her wanted to feel sorry for him, but a bigger part of her was enjoying the torture, finding sadistic pleasure in playing with him, watching his control slip as he desperately tried to hold onto it. It would've been different if she didn't think he needed to submit... to surrender. But she'd been there, knew the craving to be dominated, understood that while he may hate the rule against coming, he loved the idea of being mastered.

  When Brent finally came, he did so quietly. She didn't know why it surprised her; he was so controlled about everything he did.

  He stayed in, his eyes closed, for a long moment.

  "Dana dear, there's a large purple plug sitting near the bottle of lube. Would you get it, please?"

  Plucking a few paper towels off the roll on the wall as she walked by, she retrieved the plug and gave it to Brent, watching as he pulled out and immediately pushed the huge toy into Jacob's ass. It was much bigger around than Brent's cock, and Jacob groaned as it went in.

  She offered a paper towel to Brent and kept one for herself, wiping the lube off of her hand. He took the towel but didn't use it, instead reaching into his pocket and pulling the remote out, letting Jacob's arms down in increments, freeing his submissive's wrists once he was finally standing and leaning into his Master's strong embrace.

  Brent supported him until he was sure Jacob could stand on his own, was satisfied his arms were hanging as they should, and handed him off to Dana. “Walk him to the adjoining room please; sit on the sofa with him. I'll be there shortly."

  "Sure, can you bring me the robe you mentioned when you come?"

  He nodded. “Take care of our boy, I won't be long."

  She put Jacob's arm around her, careful of his shoulder, and encouraged him to lean on her. They walked the short distance to a soothing room decorated in warm earth tones, and settled with Dana sitting while Jacob lay with his head in her lap. She rubbed his shoulders, ran her fingers through his hair, and easily recognized the signs of subspace. He was still rock hard, but he kept his hands away.

  Brent came striding into the room within a few minutes, his pants fastened, but still shirtless. He draped the robe over the back of the sofa near Dana and sank to the ground, face to face with Jacob. She watched as the Dom, kneeling before the sub, stroked his lover's cheek in awe.

  "I love seeing him like this. Love that I can put him here. Such ultimate surrender,” he looked up, raw emotion in his eyes. “I'm blessed, to be gifted with this, and I'll never take it for granted."

  He stayed on his knees awhile before moving to the sofa, putting Jacob's feet in his lap. Everyone was silent, and Dana had a chance to consider how she'd felt, and to acknowledge she'd thoroughly enjoyed herself. Did that mean she was a Domme? A switch?

  Brent eventually began talking, his emotions once more under control. He mentioned a few men he thought would be interested in Topping without power exchange, and she remembered Sir Max, flashing on the mental images of him flogging many a submissive far into subspace—and recalled he wasn't a Dom and didn't require anyone's submission.

  She was considering the dichotomy of Dominating Jacob this afternoon only to look for a man to Top her this evening, when Brent said, “I loved watching the two of you together. Will you want to do it again?"

  "I'm out of my league, and I don't know how this is supposed to work. Do you want us to do it again? Or is this where I'm expected to say once was enough?"

  "You're supposed to tell me the truth."

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, I asked for that. You're right, this is power exchange and everyone has to be totally honest for it to work.” She took a breath, hoping she was giving the correct answer. “I got off on hurting him—because I could. Tormenting him, and watching him willingly endure the pain was proof of my control. If he hadn't wanted it, hadn't reacted positively, I wouldn't have enjoyed it. The surrender in his eyes, total submission, all of that trust, and power—yeah, I want to do it again."

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  Chapter Sixteen

  * * * *

  Dana rode in the front seat beside Brent, with Jacob in the back. She'd protested, but to no avail. Tears stung her eyes as they drove through the commercial warehouse district, always so deserted this late on weekend nights.
The two men cut up with her, kept it lighthearted, and occupied her mind with raunchy tales, as if they understood how painful it was to return without Garnet. She swallowed her tears and told herself this was about new beginnings, and she wouldn't dwell on the past.

  They made it past the doorman, but Dana was detained in the lobby, required to fill out guest paperwork before continuing. Brent left Jacob with her while he went on in, and when she and Jacob finally entered the social area, Brent was standing with a group of men and motioned them over.

  Jacob went gracefully to his knees when they reached Brent's side, and Brent put his arm around Dana's waist, moving her to his other side.

  "Dana, you remember Sir Max and Sir Robert?"

  She certainly remembered Sir Max, and she studied the other's face, also familiar. “Yes, I do.” She smiled, not sure if she should show submission or self-confidence, and looked down. Taking a breath, she thought to hell with it, and raised her head to give Max a friendly smile and full eye contact. “It's nice to be back, but someone's redecorated and I barely recognize the place.” A good thing, she thought, no painful memories rushing back every time I turn around.

  Sir Max returned her smile. “Could I persuade you to walk with me? We've added a good deal of equipment since you were here last, I'd be honored to give you the grand tour."

  He was exactly as she remembered—thin, wiry, and streamlined, with the body of a marathon runner. His conservative haircut showed off his sandy blond hair and she wondered if he were a lawyer, but his strong hands—with slender, artistic fingers—made her think architect.

  "I'd like that. What's your favorite piece of equipment?"

  "I prefer the simple,” he said, as they stepped into the play area. “The two poles in the back, floor to ceiling, with attachment points every six inches. I love to bind my victim with legs and arms spread tight between the poles, holding her still, making movement impossible so I know she'll be in the same place when the leather hits as she was when I took aim. They have enough room around them to wield a single tail, which is another bonus."


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