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Surviving the Alpha : Part I: (A Paranormal College Vampire Werewolf Action Adventure Romance)

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by Jessica Caspian

  Kayla wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth and then closed it almost immediately. There was really nothing that she could say, because he was probably right, except for the fact she just couldn’t imagine thinking of him as a naïve nerd ever again.

  Getting up onto his feet, he dusted the snow off of his clothes and then went in search of one or two people that could help him inside the plane. Kayla, in meantime stayed with her friend, waiting patiently for her to open her eyes, but secretly hoping that she never would. She didn’t want to have her suffer, or become aware of the injury to her hand and what it would mean for her career as a violinist. It would be heart wrenching to see her realize her dream was gone forever, and she didn’t relish the opportunity to see the look of despair in her eyes.

  She decided to stop acting like she couldn’t do anything, stood up and went over to where Sonny was now talking to a man with glasses and a woman with a punk goth look with too many tattoos and piercings on her body. She didn’t look to be all that hurt, except for the black eye that was slowly forming on the right side of her face.

  “AWOOOOOOOOOOOO.” The sound made all four of them look around, but still unable to see anything in the blanket of white all around.

  “I don’t know about the rest of you, but that didn’t exactly instill confidence in me. That sounded like a wolf, and with one always comes a pack. I suggest that we stay close together, and not go anywhere without somebody being with us the entire time.” Jesse, the goth girl was doing her best to remain calm, but inside her stomach was in knots and she wondered if this was going to be the last time she would ever see her beloved cocker spaniel Mcnuggets.

  “Okay, I need you to come with me, and we’re going to make sure that those wires will not harm anybody.” Sonny and this new guy went inside the plane, leaving Jesse and Kayla to fend for themselves.

  “Sonny mentioned looking in the luggage, so while the boys are doing that, why don’t we lend a hand scavenging for food.” Jesse didn’t know this girl, and neither one of them would have met in any other way, because they were way too different. Jesse was more the seat of your pants kind of girl, where Kayla was more buttoned down with a stick up her ass.

  Kayla said “I’m game.” They started to rummage through the luggage, when others came over and did the same thing. Between the four of them, they were able to find some energy bars, trail mix, a lighter, warm clothing but nothing at all to drink.

  “If I remember correctly, I believe that if we melt the snow, we should be able to drink it as a means to stave off dehydration.” Travis, a young man that had his own dot com company, constantly moved back his jet black hair from his eyes, trying to assert his own opinion into this group of weary travelers. “We have the lighter and I’m sure that we can find something to burn. Even if we just use one of the suitcases, and just burn the things that we don’t need.” Kayla looked around and saw that there was maybe six people altogether, not including the unconscious body of Caroline. “I’ll go into the woods over there, and I should be able to find some wood that is dry.” Before anybody could say anything, Travis had already begun to trek over towards the woods in question.

  Sonny returned, and said “The wires will not be a problem anymore, and the power to them has burned out. We can use the piece of the plane for shelter, but I think we have another problem that we have to deal with as a group. We know that this is not the entire plane, so that means that there might be still survivors out there somewhere. There’s no way that we can possibly go look for them now, but in the morning we might want to consider putting a search party together. We don’t have to go very far, maybe a couple miles in either direction, and then come back and report what we find.”

  “Sonny, I think we have something else to worry about, and one of the survivors here has gone out into the woods for branches to burn in a fire. He has been gone for at least 15 minutes, and I don’t think you need all that much time to gather up a few branches. I want to go out and look for him, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for any of us to go out there alone.” Kayla didn’t like the fact that somebody was out there by themselves, and there was no telling what kind of danger they could walk into at a moment’s notice. At least the storm was dying down, but it was still snowing and Travis’s tracks were now being covered over.

  “I will go with you, and I found a flashlight that we can use to find him quicker.” Sonny was actually impressed by Kayla’s willingness to go out there. It showed him that the strength that he believed her to have was really there. At least now it was coming to the surface, and maybe what he said about digging down deep and finding out what you were made of had registered with her. “I want a fire built, and Kayla and I should be back shortly. Don’t go anywhere, and try to keep Caroline still, and hopefully she will sleep through the night.” Sonny grabbed onto Kayla’s hand, and they both began to walk towards the woods, when Sonny stopped and went back to retrieve a couple of winter jackets that was found in the discarded luggage.

  They put one on each, Kayla wearing a bright red one with fur lining, while Sonny wore a blue one that had a hood that he could put up over his head. It wasn’t much below freezing, but it was the kind of cold that you could feel into your very bones.

  They started to move together, but it became obvious after 20 minutes of searching that there was no way that they could possibly see any sign of Travis. It was a little unnerving that he didn’t find his way back to the crash site, but hopefully he had just got turned around and would be able to follow the smoke of the fire. “I don’t think we’re going to be able to find him, so we may as well go back and resume the search in the morning. Besides, I think we can all use some rest, because I have a feeling that tomorrow we’re going to need it.”

  “You’re probably right, Kayla, and it wouldn’t do anybody any good if we were missing as well. We have gone out far enough, and we don’t have very much time before the snow fills in the tracks that we made.” Even with a heavy winter jacket on, Sonny could see that Kayla was a very desirable woman.

  They went back to the crash site, finding a space in the very back of what was left of the plane to hunker down for the evening. The rest of them had decided to stay by the fire, as the snow had now turned into some light flurries and they wanted to be somewhere where they could be seen in case a search party was overhead. Sonny knew that a search party would take days, and with this storm, it would make it almost virtually impossible for anybody to fly in this weather.

  Sonny was lying there looking at the ceiling, unable to sleep, when he felt a hand touch his cheek. That same hand turned his face towards Kayla, who was now leaning forward for a soft kiss that meant more to him than she could ever know. “Sonny, you are more man than I have ever seen, and you’re not only smart on the inside, but you have a remarkable resiliency on the outside. I have never seen you like this before, and maybe you were right about me not seeing you at all. I never thought for a second that we could be anything more than just friends, but you are the type of man that I could easily fall for.” They kissed again, this time delving a little bit deeper and testing the waters between friendship and lovers.

  Kayla felt like this was a little weird, and it was almost like she was kissing her brother, except this time she was seeing him as more of a man and a provider than a geeky man that was into video games and mythology. “You really do know how to kiss, and I wonder what else you are good at.” Kayla was now taking liberties, pulling back his jacket and slowly unbuttoning his shirt, while continually looking at him with a new sense of self. “I don’t mind telling you that I am scared out of my mind, but having you here is comforting and I feel protected. I’m sorry that I’ve never given you any kind of attention, but I want to make up for that now.”

  “I would be a damn fool not to take advantage of you, but I want to make sure that you are truly doing this for the right reason. I will not be held responsible for any kind of regret that you feel in the morning. I have dreamed of this day
, and I can honestly say that I really didn’t think it was going to happen.” Sonny looked down to see that his chest was exposed, and then Kayla had now leaned forward to lightly kiss his pectorals, extending her tongue and moving the tip down over his hairless chest and stomach. The feeling was indescribable, and he felt like he was in his own personal wet dream come to life.

  “I’m not going to regret anything, and I think it’s time that we get rid of these pants.” Sonny helped by lifting his body, allowing her to pull down his black khakis, to reveal his penchant for frilly undergarments. He hadn’t realized that he was wearing the silky material of the green thong, until she looked up at him with a sense of glee and wonder on her face. “I would never take you for somebody that liked to wear women’s clothes.”

  “I just like the feel of the material against my skin. I hope this doesn’t change your opinion of me.”

  “Actually, I think that it’s endearing, and you look very sexy in them. I will say that the sheer material gives me an idea of what you are packing, and I have to say that I never knew that you had that underneath your nerdy exterior.” She pulled the flimsy material down over the head, seeing that it was already leaking profusely onto his stomach, which made her instinctively bend down and swipe her tongue across the head.

  This made Sonny rise up, squirming in his seat and not believing that something like this could actually be happening to him. He didn’t need to tell Kayla that this was his first time, as it was quite obvious from the look on his face.

  “Kayla, I have to tell you that this is not how I envisioned this happening, but maybe in this life you have to grab onto whatever pleasure you can find.” Her lips encircled the head, drawing him into her hot wet mouth one inch at a time. Sonny had to see this for his own eyes, looking down to see her blond hair fanned over his stomach, and then pushing it out of the way to see that her lips had now taken almost all of him. “Please, you have to stop.”

  Kayla had no intention of stopping anything, pushing a little bit further, until his cock head was wedged into the tightness of her throat. Even though she had only gone through the motions with Mac, this time she had every intention of using every trick in her book to make this man succumb to her wily ways. She had her hand wrapped around the base, and her lips going excruciatingly slow up and down the entire length. She was leaving behind the telltale imprint of her lipstick, letting him to drink in every facet of what she was doing below his waist. She loved the look of pure bliss on his face, with his lips parted into a surprise expression of joy.

  “I can’t…ahhhhhhhh.” Twisting his fingers in her hair, he held her steady as he pumped his organ between her lips, shooting a copious amount of fluid over her tongue and into her throat. He couldn’t get enough, thrusting and bucking against her face, unloading a lifetime of frustration in one burst of explosive emotion.

  She was still working him over with her tongue, holding him steady and using long licks, before finally grabbing his cock head with her lips. This made him open his eyes with the sensitivity of just coming, and then he saw that she had kept him at full mast.

  “I don’t mind telling you that I never thought that this would happen either, but only because I really didn’t see you as this kind of man. You are so courageous and you show everybody the strength that you exude, which makes us even more willing to follow you.” Lifting her body, she undid her jeans and pulled them down around her ankles, before suddenly jumping into his lap and straddling his waist. “You won’t believe the feeling of this.” She sat down slowly; biting her bottom lip and watching his eyes go into the back of his head. “Oh yeah, feel my nice tight wet pussy squeezing down on your cock. I can do that anytime I want, and when I cum, you’ll see me get even tighter than this.”

  “I can’t believe that’s possible, and I still can’t believe that this is really happening. You are so hot and beautiful, but sometimes I don’t feel worthy of having you here with me.” Sonny watched as she began to ride him, taking him all the way out until just the head remained, and then smiling, as she slammed back down with enough force to make him arch his back with pleasure. She began to move with her own rhythm, using his cock to pleasure her in ways that Mac had never been able to. Kayla was taking control, her hands on his shoulders as she rode him, while stopping on each stroke to grind against his shaft with her little clit.

  Before long, they were actually rising the temperature, sweating and joining each other with their bodies twisting and turning all over each other. She felt it coming and then leaned forward and whispered hotly into his ear “I’m cuumming.”

  He felt it, the rippling sensation squeezing him with an intensity that he couldn’t even imagine. It felt like his entire body was waiting for this moment in time, which finally culminated with the jettison of creamy delight that was now shooting out of the tip of his cock. This was nothing like using his own hand, and his fantasies paled to the reality of being with Kayla.

  Kayla sat there and tried to get her breath back, opening her eyes and seeing the face of an unintended lover looking back. This had been a moving experience, something that she would forever treasure, and might even want to explore with him even further when they got home. “I would say that for your first time that I outdid myself in making it something that you would remember forever.”

  “I don’t even know how to respond to that, only to say that that was better than anything that I could dream up. You surpassed all of my expectations, and there were times that I thought that my fantasies were probably going to be better. I was wrong on so many levels, and you certainly did work me into a frenzy.” They were holding each other, their skin still glowing from the aftermath of what they had just done, when they heard a loud piercing scream coming from outside.

  Rushing to get their clothes back on, they came out to see that Travis had returned. He wasn’t the same, his face contorted and long claws coming from his fingernails, not to mention his face was something familiar that had taken Sonny by surprise. He was now looking at what he had never believed to be true, but couldn’t deny what he was seeing in right front of him. This could be nothing but something that he had only read about in books, or watched on the television in various forms of movies and shows. Travis was now exhibiting all the signs of being a…werewolf.

  To Be Continued

  Read on for a bonus chapter from Surviving the Alpha: Part 2 and more from Pyramid Moon

  Other books from Pyramid Moon Publishing

  By Jessica Caspian

  Conquest of the Alpha

  Call of Darkness

  Along Came a Tiger

  Bear to the Bone

  The Bare Bear Pair

  By Nicole Hofbrauhaus

  Vampire Cadet

  Her Tom, Her Lover

  Happily Ever Afterlife

  First Chair

  Please Visit

  Surviving the Alpha

  Book Two

  Travis stood there like a deer in the headlights, not moving and just standing just outside of the perimeter of the makeshift camp. He looked different, and something was definitely wrong with his face, until finally he turned around and went back into the woods from whence he came. Nobody quite knew what was going on, but nobody had any idea that a werewolf was now roaming the icy landscape.

  “I don’t know what was wrong with him, but I can tell you that he wasn’t the same man that went in there looking for firewood.” Jesse was now fingering the cross around her neck, holding it tightly in the palm of her hand and not wanting to let it go. Nobody would guess that she was the religious sort, but for the 21 years that she
had been living on this earth, she had found strength from the otherworldly plane. “He looks like he has some sort of disease, and he must’ve caught it while he was out there alone. That means any one of us could get it next, and how do we know that just being in front of him didn’t infect us all.” She still couldn’t get the look of his eyes out of her mind, because it appeared to be glowing red, like some kind of crazy wild animal come to life.

  “I don’t think we have anything to worry about, but just on the safe side, maybe we should put up some kind of sentry to keep an eye on things.” Sonny didn’t wanna say what he was thinking, nor did he believe that anybody would have taken him seriously any way. Nobody in their right mind would believe in werewolves, and for him to even suggest something like that would only alienate him from the rest of the group. “I’ll be more than happy to take the first watch.” Kayla hadn’t left his side; hugging her body against his and making him feel wanted for the first time in his life.

  Kayla leaned forward and whispered into his ear “I’m not leaving your side, and I don’t care if I have to stay up all night.” Kayla had seen what everybody else was seeing, although her mind couldn’t comprehend the entire scope of what she had seen. She believed Jesse, and that Travis had somehow contracted some kind of disease. It was the only thing that made sense, even though in the back of her mind there was something nagging at her. “There’s no way that I’m going to be able to sleep now.” Everybody seemed to agree with Kayla’s sentiment, gathering around the fire and keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding property and the trees around them.


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