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The Serpent's Disciple

Page 20

by Deborah Stevens

  “Yes, I have it in my purse. Why?” asked Mary Ellen.

  “I was thinking perhaps they might allow us access to some of the private areas of the church not open to the general public.”

  “Well, we can always ask and see what they say,” said Mary Ellen.

  Upon entering the church they saw a few people sitting in pews praying. A small group of nuns were standing in front of the wooden crucifix examining it from different angles. There were two priests; the younger of the two was placing a chalice into the tabernacle behind the altar while the other one was talking to a woman in the first pew.

  “Mary Ellen, why don’t you go talk with one of the priests and tell them you work at the Vatican and ask if we could tour the parts of the church off limits to the public,” Anthony suggested.

  Mary Ellen decided to talk to the older priest who seemed to be finishing his conversation with an elderly woman. The priest placed his hand on the woman’s head and closing his eyes said a blessing over her. When he opened his eyes again, he made the sign of the cross and smiled lovingly at the old woman who slowly got up and thanked the priest.

  Mary Ellen started walking towards the priest standing in the front of the church. As the priest waved goodbye to the old woman, he sensed Mary Ellen approaching. Turning, he calmly walked to the end of the pew to greet the approaching visitor.

  “Welcome to Saint Giovanni. You have a question for me signorina?”

  He reminded her of Cardinal McKenna. It seemed inconceivable that something evil could be at work to destroy all this.

  “I have a sense you carry a heavy burden,” said the priest, breaking the silence, “but that is not what you came to ask me about.”

  Mary Ellen was caught off guard by his comment, composing herself she asked, “Father if I may be so bold to request a favor?”

  “Of course my child, if this humble servant of God is able to assist you, I will do what I can.”

  “Thank you Father.”

  Anthony and Nelli watched from the back of the church as Mary Ellen and the priest talked. Turning to Anthony, Nelli asked, “Why are we wasting our time coming here? We should be seeing if the chapel still exists and if it has a statue of Saint Anthony.”

  “It’s evident to me Mary Ellen is hiding something from us,” said Anthony. “I also received information we could be in danger.”

  “What are you talking about? How, when?”

  Nelli glanced to see if Mary Ellen was still talking with the priest, and then looked back at Anthony for an explanation.

  “I told you the other Guardians are never far away. I wanted to find a place to confront her and see what it is she is concealing. Maybe Mary Ellen is part of a plot to stop you from getting the box. I can’t rule anything out.”

  “You can’t be serious Anthony, Mary Ellen! She’s the first woman to be appointed to a position of authority in the Vatican.”

  “What better cover to have access to the inner workings of Vatican City. She’s headed back our way. Let me handle this.”

  “We’re very fortunate,” said Mary Ellen, “the priest was aware of my appointment and has the honor of knowing a couple of the cardinals that I work with at the Vatican. I also told him Anthony, that you were advising on a restoration project at the Vatican.”

  “Thank you, Mary Ellen.” Anthony motioned for her to lead the way.

  “Father Cossa, these are my friends Antonella and Anthony Andruccioli. As I mentioned they are visiting Italy to see the place where their father was born.”

  “Ah, is your father with you?” asked the priest as he looked around the church to see where he might be sitting.

  “No Father, I’m sorry to say he passed away a few months ago,” said Anthony.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss, but know he is now in heaven with his Father. I will remember to keep him in my prayers. Ms. O’Farrell tells me you are an architect, signore Anthony.”

  “Yes, that is correct, Father.”

  Turning his attention to Nelli, the priest asked, “May I inquire what path you have chosen in your life, signorina Andruccioli?”

  Nelli was a little surprised by his question.

  “I am a professor of history,” she answered.

  “Eccellente! You both pay honor to your patron saint.” Father Cossa saw the surprise in their eyes. “You were both named after Saint Anthony, si?”

  “Yes but ….” Nelli began to say.

  “Antonella is the Italian female version of the name Anthony, si?” he looked at Nelli with a twinkle in his eye.

  “How did you know that?”

  “Just a guess, but I see I was right.” A smile spread across the priest’s face. “Names have always been of interest to me. When a child is named after a saint they will watch over the child throughout their life here on earth.

  “Our beloved Saint Anthony is known as the finder of lost items. Both of you are seekers of history befitting to your patron saint. Perhaps you will discover something that is lost! You must visit the statue of Saint Anthony that is in a small chapel inside the castle.”

  Anthony and Nelli couldn’t believe what the priest just said. The chapel did exist! Neither of them spoke but they each gave each other a quick glance. Something more powerful than them was guiding them in the right direction.

  “This chapel that you speak of, is it open to the public?” asked Anthony.

  “No, but I will make a call and arrange for you to go inside. With Ms. O’Farrell’s credentials there should be no problem.”

  “Grazie, what can we do to show our gratitude for your kindness?” asked Nelli.

  “Please, allow this priest the honor of making your trip a memorable one. I have spent much time within these walls and studied the history of this medieval fortress. If you would allow me to be your guide I can pass on what I have learned. Perhaps God, in his infinite wisdom, planned for our paths to cross.”


  Father Cossa showed the three of them to a private room off the sacristy before going to make his call. Nelli and Mary Ellen sat down and Anthony decided to stand off to the side by the door. There was no other way out except through the door they used to enter the church.

  Could he have been fooled by this woman he wanted to marry at one time? Anthony had to consider it a possibility. He could not explain what had just happened with Father Cossa other than divine guidance but time was running out and he needed to know what Mary Ellen’s involvement might be in all of this. Does she know about Nelli? Could she be an enemy?

  Mary Ellen could feel his eyes on her. The growing tension between them couldn’t be ignored much longer. She felt terrible hiding what she knew from both of them. Maybe it was just her imagination that he seemed suspicious of her? She glanced over to where Anthony was standing. He’d been waiting for her to look over at him.

  “You’re hiding something from us, Mary Ellen. I plan to find out what it is before we leave this room.”

  She was surprised by the allegation. For a second, time stood still. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out where to begin with what she and Cardinal McKenna had learned so far and what they were afraid could be happening.

  “The morning after Father Roberto’s death, a file was delivered to my office. It was from him and contained documents pertaining to Devlin’s case,” she said, relieved to finally be able to confess what she had been hiding from them.

  “He knew of my ongoing mission to exonerate my brother. In the file were documents I had never seen before, documents suggesting that something peculiar was going on. I immediately made an appointment with Cardinal McKenna. At that meeting, I learned that the cardinal also had a file delivered to him from Father Roberto that same morning.

  “We are both worried that what Father Roberto stumbled on could have possibly gotten him killed. By trying to prove Devlin innocent, I might have accidently uncovered a much more sinister plot. It could be the beginning of a battle for all of our souls.”

e waited now to see how they would react. Would they think she had lost her mind?

  Nelli leaned forward and grasped Mary Ellen’s hands in between hers. Looking into Mary Ellen’s eyes she knew everything she needed to know. She could see that she was telling the truth and was terrified.

  Of course Nelli already knew what the world was facing. Smiling warmly at Mary Ellen she said, “Don’t be afraid, Anthony and I are right here with you.”

  Nelli looked over at her brother and Guardian. He knew by her look that he no longer needed to doubt Mary Ellen’s loyalty.

  “I don’t know exactly what you have uncovered Mary Ellen, but there isn’t time to get into it now before Father Cossa returns,” said Anthony.

  “You need to know that Cardinal McKenna received the same card with the cobra head on it as I did,” blurted out Mary Ellen. “They also found one lying next to the body of Father Roberto.”

  At that moment Anthony realized that whoever or whatever they were dealing with had no intention of allowing his sister to find the box.

  They heard Father Cossa’s footsteps coming down the hallway. “Anthony, one last thing,” whispered Mary Ellen, “Cardinal McKenna believes we could be looking at a worldwide conspiracy to destroy the Catholic Church.”

  Anthony concluded Mary Ellen had no idea that Nelli was the Chosen One but she could be a valuable source of information.

  “Mary Ellen, Father Cossa will be coming through the door any moment and there’s a lot you don’t know. I ask that you do everything I tell you without questioning why.”

  Father Cossa was now just outside the door and they could hear him talking to someone.

  “Si, si, grazie. It will be my turn next, arrivederci.”

  Anthony glared at Mary Ellen for her answer.

  In a quiet voice and looking worried, Mary Ellen answered, “Of course Anthony, I’ve been completely honest with you, and I will do as you ask.”

  Father Cossa walked through the door.

  “Ah, my new friends, it is all arranged. Per favore, please, follow me.”

  They followed the priest but he was not headed towards the door through which they entered the church.

  “Father the exit to the street is that way,” Anthony said in Italian.

  “You speak Italian, morte bien! I am taking you a way that few people ever have the opportunity to experience. The back wall of the church is actually part of the wall that surrounds the whole fortress and Gradara Castle. I don’t know if you are aware of how the walls of a fortress were constructed at that time in history.”

  “Are you speaking of casement walls?” said Anthony.

  “Si, si, very good! Did you know in ancient times many poor and outcasts lived in between the walls?”

  “I have read about that,” said Anthony. “There is of course the famous story in the Bible of the Battle of Jericho.”

  “A wonderful example,” said Father Cossa. “A prostitute by the name of Rahab lived in the walls of the city and hid the spies that Joshua had sent to learn the best time to attack the city. She agreed to cover for them on condition that she and her family would be spared in the upcoming battle. The spies agree provided, three conditions were met: One, she must distinguish her house from the others so the soldiers will know which one to spare. Second, her family must be inside the house during the battle, and third, she must not later turn on the spies.

  “God spoke to Joshua telling him to march around the city once every day for six days with the seven priests carrying ram’s horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times, and the priests were to blow their ram’s horns.

  “This Joshua did, and he commanded his people not to give a war cry until he told them to do so. On the seventh day, after marching around the city the seventh time, the priests sounded their ram’s horns, and Joshua ordered the people to shout.

  “During the seven days, they distracted their enemies while they snuck soldiers into the walls to wait for the command to attack. The walls of the city collapsed, and the Israelites were able to charge straight into the city.

  “Jericho was completely destroyed, and every man, woman, and child in it was killed. Only Rahab and her family were spared because she had hidden the two spies sent by Joshua. After this Joshua burned the remains of the city and cursed any man who would rebuild the city of Jericho would do so at the cost of his firstborn son.

  “Today is your lucky day. The walls were also escape routes for the ruling families during their reign. It can be a maze for one that does not know their way around in them, so follow closely.”

  Entering what appeared to be the storage room of the church, there were tapestries hanging on the walls, boxes of candles, and altar linens everywhere—all the items necessary for offering mass throughout the year.

  Waving for them to follow him, Father Cossa walked towards a large tapestry hanging on the wall to his right. He lifted up one side of the wall hanging, directing Anthony to hold it. To everyone’s surprise there was a door hidden behind it. Taking out an old key from under his cassock, he unlocked the door and gestured to Mary Ellen, Nelli, and Anthony to pass through.

  Grabbing an ancient-looking kerosene lantern that hung from a hook on the wall next to the door, the priest lifted the glass chimney, lit the wick, and adjusted the flame. Closing the door and locking it behind him, the tapestry fell back in place and covered the door—making it look like they had never been there.

  “The space between the interior wall and outer wall was called the killing field,” Father Cossa explained as he led the small party of guests, “and could be anywhere from eight to twenty feet in width. It was a term that originated in medieval warfare to describe areas within castles specially designed to bunch attackers, who had breached the outer wall, into an area where the defenders could kill them easily through ‘arrow loops’ and ‘murder holes.’”

  Father Cossa continued, “You have undoubtedly noticed, we are walking uphill as we make our way to the “keep”, which is the highest point of the walled city and forms the heart of the castle. It was the most defended area and usually the main habitat for the noble or lord.”

  “Is that where the chapel is?” asked Nelli.

  “Yes, but before reaching the chapel there are a few interesting details I would like to point out. Just ahead we will pass by a spiral stairwell that took the soldier up to another level to where slits in the walls allowed for arrows to be shot, the arrow loops I mentioned just a minute ago, and where hot oil or boiling water would be dropped through murder holes onto the invading enemy.”

  “Father Cossa, I remembered reading about something called a trick step,” said Anthony.

  “Si, ingenious idea,” said the priest. “They are usually located halfway up or near the top of the stairwell. They are also called a ‘stumble step.’ They would make one or two steps with a different rise height or thread depth. Can you imagine running up the steps wearing a suit of armor, then coming upon a trick step? The weight of the armor would throw the enemy off balance giving soldiers at the top of the stairs another advantage over their enemies.”

  They hadn’t gone much further when Father Cossa suddenly stopped and held the lantern out in front of him and said, “We’ve reached our destination.”

  The three of them were confused, the only thing around them were dirt floors and stone walls. They watched as the priest walked over to the wall and started looking for something.

  Mary Ellen whispered to the others, “What is he doing?”

  Anthony was about to say something when they saw Father Cossa stop and remove a loose stone from the wall. He reached inside, they heard something, then a section of the wall moved and behind it was another door.

  Surprised at what he saw, Anthony asked, “Where will this take us?”

  “It leads into the sitting room off of the sleeping quarters. The chapel is on the other side of the sleeping chamber.” Unlocking the door, Father Cossa pushed it open
and standing there stood another priest.

  “Benvenuto, avanti avanti, I see you remembered your way Father,” the second priest began to chuckle. “Welcome to Gradara Castle, you’ve chosen wisely with this one,” nodding his head and raising his eyebrows towards Father Cossa. “He knows the history of this castle better than anyone and still believes there are secrets that have not been discovered within its ancient walls. Isn’t that right, Father? Come, I will take you to see the chapel, a beautiful example of the Renaissance period.”


  Thomas had arrived at P2’s compound a few hours ago. After reporting to Peter with the latest developments, he was excused to initiate the next stage of the plan.

  As he exited the war room, the Grand Master’s two henchmen stood guard at the door; each of them had to be close to seven feet tall. They were dressed in the ceremonial black robes, their heads covered with the all too familiar black hood embroidered with the head of a cobra. They were perfect examples of what the human body could achieve with self-determination and a rigorous exercise program. Thomas had to keep in mind that one of them probably killed Father Roberto. Being in their presence always made you wonder who might be the next name on the list for elimination.

  They stood at attention with one hand resting on the handle of the ax that hung from a belt around their waist, and the other hand holding onto a Steyr TMP semi-automatic pistol.

  Thomas had no idea who the two men were, but knew they had been handpicked by Peter, as were the other ten disciples. He always wanted to know why the Grand Master had chosen twelve disciples to surround him but would never dare ask. He personally believed it was to mimic Christ and the twelve apostles.

  The way they were standing there, they could have almost passed for statues. Normally he didn’t give them a second thought but today he felt somewhat threatened by their presence.

  Thomas thought it had gotten awfully warm as he wiped the perspiration from his forehead with the back of his hand. Glancing over at the two guards, the only thing that moved were their eyes peering out from behind two black holes cut into each hood.


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