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Fated Mate_Misty Woods Dragons)

Page 26

by Juniper Hart

  After hours of swimming and lounging, the sun was setting over the horizon. Daisy, Cassie, and Nyle gathered on the main deck for dinner. Nyle had hired a full staff to man the yacht, including a chef to cook gourmet meals. Daisy sat down next to Nyle, her mother sitting across from her. Her hair was still wet from swimming, soaking the back of her sundress. Her eyes couldn’t stop looking back to the gorgeous sunset. The shades of pink, orange, and purple reflected onto the water, making the sky appear ever expanding.

  Soon, two servers emerged from the galley and wheeled a chrome cart to the table. When the cover to the platter was removed, the aroma of a garlic and basil pasta dish wafted their way. Daisy’s hunger gnawed at her stomach, completely famished from swimming so avidly. They were served their plates and glasses of Chardonnay.

  “My my, this looks divine,” her mother gasped, looking over her dinner plate in awe.

  Nyle raised his wine glass to make a toast. “To Cassie, may you enjoy this birthday and many more to come.”

  They all clinked their glasses together before digging into their dinners. Nyle’s hand rested on Daisy’s knee under the table as they ate. Daisy savored every bite of meal, taking in the robust flavor. The conversations were lighthearted while they ate.

  Cassie spoke again, “Thank you both again for today. It’s certainly been the best birthday I’ve ever had.”

  “It’s not over yet,” Nyle stated simply, taking a sip of his wine and relaxing back in his chair. Cassie gave him a questioning look, to which he smirked, “What’s a birthday without cake and presents?”

  Her mouth gaped. “This is plenty, really. I don’t need cake or presents.”

  “Nonsense. You raised the love of my life into the beautiful, brilliant, and compassionate woman she is today. I think that alone is deserving of a simple cake,” Nyle grinned.

  Cassie blinked rapidly and put a hand on her chest. She glanced to Daisy. “He’s a smooth talker, isn’t he?”

  “The smoothest,” Daisy giggled, laying her head on Nyle’s shoulder.

  “I can’t argue with his logic, though.” Cassie winked at her daughter. “So where is this cake?” she asked, glancing back at the door to the galley, as though the staff would suddenly emerge with it.

  “It’s back at the house,” Nyle explained, glancing over his shoulder to the nearing coastline. “We should be docking shortly, then we’ll head right over.”

  As if on a cue, members of the wait staff emerged to clear the dishes away from the table. Nyle excused himself to go talk with the crew. Daisy and Cassie stood up from their chairs, walking over to the bow of the yacht.

  Cassie bumped her daughter with her hip. “I’ve really missed you since you left town.”

  Daisy let out a quiet sigh. “I know, and I’ve missed you too.”

  “It does make me feel better that you’re being cared for, even though you’re so far away from me.”

  A grin dominated Daisy’s face then she peered down into the water. “You’ll never have to worry about him mistreating me. I think he would rather die than hurt me in anyway.”

  “You love him, don’t you?” Cassie asked, resting a hand over Daisy’s.

  “Very much,” she nodded, glancing at her mom with a sheepish look.

  “I’m so happy for you, kiddo,” Cassie beamed. “You know how I feel about men, but by God did you hit the lottery with him.”

  Daisy knew all too well of her mother’s distrust of men. Daisy’s father was just the first in a line of many to let Cassie down in some way. She had watched men walk in and out of her mother’s life, paying no attention to the damage they had done. Around the time Daisy turned sixteen, Cassie had sworn off men and became content in her life being alone. Any time Daisy tried to encourage her mother to find someone, Cassie said all she needed in life was her daughter.

  Her mother’s fingers combed through Daisy’s wavy hair, brushing it behind her ear. “Always remember, he’s just as lucky to have you.”

  A warm, strong arm locked around Daisy’s waist. “As if I’d ever let her forget that,” Nyle said.

  Daisy turned to him, resting her hand against his chest. They shared a gentle, passionate kiss. They noticed a flash followed by a shutter noise beside them, Daisy peeled back to glare at her mother.

  “What? You two look so good together. I needed a picture,” Cassie chuckled.

  Daisy rolled her eyes and shook her head. Some things would never change, especially her mother’s picture hoarding.

  After the yacht pulled into the port, they departed and made their way to Nyle’s white Escalade. They climbed in and headed directly to the large house nestled on a quaint piece of land on the water. They were staying in a secluded part of the Florida Keys, somewhere Cassie had always wanted to go but never had managed to save enough money. Daisy was so thankful that Nyle gave Cassie the vacation of her dreams.

  Daisy cranked the air conditioner to combat the humid heat.

  Cassie didn’t waste the opportunity to tease her daughter. “You can take the girl out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girl.”

  Daisy mockingly huffed in response. “I bet the locals can’t stand the humidity either.”


  Most people wouldn’t exactly jump at the occasion to take their significant other’s mother on vacation, but Cassie was kind, and if she were happy, that meant Daisy was happy. He wouldn’t imagine doing a single thing otherwise. It really was the perfect day.

  The last eight months had been the best and strangest time of his life. Since leaving his clan, things had been normal. There wasn’t constant drama or any scandals surrounding him. Daisy and Nyle had moved out of the Royal territory to a house in northern Virginia. If Nyle could have done things his way, he would have relocated to the west coast; but Daisy wanted to stay within driving distance of her mother. He didn’t mind, though. They had the privacy they needed for him to shift into his dragon form and take to the sky at night. And while vacationing was nice, Nyle already missed their home, where they could be themselves, living each day in a secluded paradise.

  Pulling into the driveway of the house, Nyle’s internally questioned why a black town car was parked outside. Pulling in behind the car, Nyle noticed the plate was from New York state, and his eyes darkened. Someone from his clan must have found him.

  “Who else is here?” Cassie asked from the backseat.

  Nyle’s eyes swiftly scanned around the yard until his eyes found a familiar face sitting on the porch.

  “Just an old friend,” he muttered, climbing out of the car.

  What in the world was Evryn doing there? He waited for Daisy and Cassie to get out of the car before leading the way to the porch.

  “Hello, Nyle. Daisy,” Evryn greeted as the group approached. His eyes then fell on Cassie. “And I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you.”

  Daisy’s mother stepped forward and extended a hand. “I’m Cassie Maddow, Daisy’s mother. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Evryn, and the pleasure is all mine,” Evryn smiled to her. He stood from the wicker chair. “I hate to disturb you all, but I was hoping I could have a chat with you, Nyle.”

  He studied Evryn’s face, trying to get any sort of hint as to why he would crash their vacation. Evryn shook his head. With Cassie present, Nyle wasn’t going to get an answer.

  “Very well,” Nyle muttered, getting the keys out to unlock the door. They moved through the modern home and to the back deck that overlooked the ocean.

  Daisy squeezed Nyle’s hand, giving him a concerned look. She had every right to be worried. They had been gone for nearly a year and never once heard a peep from Evryn or anyone else in the clan. Who knew what was going to come of Evryn seeking Nyle out.

  He kissed her forehead. “Why don’t you and your mom go down to the water and hang out for a while, and when you guys get back, we’ll have cake?”

  “That sounds like a splendid idea,” Cassie smiled as she op
ened and emerged from the back door.

  She walked right up to her daughter and hooked arms with her, walking her down the porch. Daisy glanced back, her eyes burning with worry, but then turned back to talk to her mother.

  Nyle walked over to the small tiki bar that was on the deck and poured himself a scotch. He then joined Evryn, sitting down in a padded chair with his drink in his hand.

  “Looks like the year has been kind to you,” Evryn commented. “You seem jubilant.”

  “I am,” Nyle stated, his eyes going to the ocean. He idly watched as Daisy and her mother stood on the sand and looked at the small waves, giggling, and chatting happily. “What is this about? I have been extremely careful with the finances; nothing should be traceable back to me.”

  “It isn’t about that.” Evryn shook his head.

  “Then what is it about?” he challenged.

  Nyle hated that he had to be so callous to an old friend, but he wasn’t comfortable with Evryn showing up out of the blue during Cassie’s birthday celebration.

  “I wish I could say it was just a friendly visit,” Evryn sighed. “It’s your father…”

  Nyle’s chest tightened, guilt flooding his veins. “He has not… has he?” he asked in a whisper.

  He couldn’t even bring himself to ask if his father was dead. Thalydias had been ill for quite some time, and Nyle always knew the day would come. He just never thought he would be so far away when it happened.

  “No… not yet,” Evryn admitted. “The clan doctors say he’ll be lucky if he makes it a couple more days. He’s on his deathbed, Nylyrias.”

  “What of it?” he replied coldly, though pain swarmed his honey hues.

  Surely Evryn hadn’t traveled all that way just to tell Nyle that. It wasn’t as if Nyle could go spend Thalydias’s last days with him; his father had been the very one to banish him.

  Evryn sat up straight and wrung his hands together. “Your father has been unable to get out of bed for a couple of months now. He’s had time to reflect on all that he has done, and he truly wants to make amends with you.”

  Nyle’s face fell into a somber expression, tilting his glass back to gulp down the burning brown liquid. “What makes you think I want to see him? He exiled me because I chose love over an arranged marriage.”

  “Because you don’t want to be on your deathbed one day, regretting you never gave your father a second chance,” Evryn urged him.

  Nyle simply shook his head. “I just don’t believe he’s had a change of heart. He was a dying man when he met Daisy. He knew what he was doing.”

  “Then think of it as an old man not wanting to die thinking his son hates him,” Evryn suggested.

  Nyle’s eyes narrowed at the thoughts Evryn provoked. “There is something you aren’t telling me, Ev. What’s the real reason he wants me to come back?”

  Evryn shuffled in his seat, clasping his hands together in his lap. He was silent as he pondered what to say. “All I can say is, I would really, really encourage you to go visit him. It may be quite different than what you are expecting. You owe it to yourself, your father, and even Daisy, to try.”

  Daisy? Nyle’s interest was sparked, wondering what in the world Daisy would have to do with it. Slowly, Nyle nodded. “All right. I’ll come see him, but Daisy is coming with me.”

  Evryn smiled softly and nodded. “That’s fair enough. I arrived on your father’s jet. We are scheduled to go back first thing in the morning.”

  “Very well,” Nyle muttered.

  His face only brightened when Daisy and Cassie made their way onto the deck. Daisy was gorgeous with her beach waves and freckles coming to fruition on her shoulders. She was still as pale as the moon, but Nyle preferred her that way. Daisy was a natural beauty. Standing from his chair, he sauntered over to the women, drawing Daisy into his side.

  “About time for that cake, isn’t it?” he asked with a smile.

  They went into the house, going to the kitchen. A large bakery box sat on the island; everyone was eager to dig in. As Nyle grabbed a knife out of a drawer, movement caught the corner of his eyes. He glanced over to see Evryn swiftly walking to the front door.

  “Wait, Ev,” Nyle called over. The old man paused in his stride. “You can stay the night here if you like.”

  “Yeah! Come have some cake with us, it’s a celebration after all!” Cassie added with a dazzling smile.

  Evryn cracked a grin and paced over to the kitchen. Nyle unboxed the cake. It was a rather gaudy pastry, but as soon as Cassie laid eyes on it, she fell into a fit of laughter. Daisy had designed the cake; it was in the shape of a birdhouse and was decorated like a Rubik’s cube. Cassie had always collected strange treasures, so Daisy asked the baker to create the cake to match Cassie’s interests.

  “If only I could hang that in my living room!” Cassie laughed, giving Daisy a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  While they embraced, Nyle quickly lit the candles with his fingers since Cassie wasn’t looking. Daisy meekly led the chorus of the birthday song, blushing the entire time she sang. It was adorable to Nyle; he loved her modest nature. Once Cassie blew out the candles, Nyle served everyone a slice of chocolate cake with caramel filling.

  “So, how do you know Nyle?” Cassie asked Evryn.

  Evryn’s eyes shifted to Nyle before falling back to Cassie with a pleasant smile on his face. “I’m a dear friend of his father’s. I’ve known Nyle since the day he was born.”

  “Oh really?” Cassie cooed, sitting on a bar stool at the island. “You must tell me all the embarrassing stories you can about the man who has stolen my little girl’s heart.”

  Evryn smirked. “Why, I would be delighted to do just that.”

  Nyle rolled his eyes, knowing Evryn was sure to have a few stories up his sleeve about his troublesome youth. When Evryn had Cassie’s full attention, Nyle pressed a hand to the small of Daisy’s back. When she looked up at him, he nodded at her to come with him outside. They snuck away from the kitchen, going right back out to the deck.

  As soon as he closed the door behind them, Daisy asked, “What’s he doing here?”

  Taking her hand, he guided her to the outdoor couch and sat her down. Taking out his cigarette case, he placed one of the aromatic herbal cigarettes between his lips and lit it. He took a deep inhale, letting the familiar earthy smoke fill his lungs before blowing it out. Picking up her legs, he draped them over his lap and let his hand explore her smooth legs. Nyle fidgeted because he didn’t want to talk about it, but he had to.

  “Our vacation is going to be cut a little short,” he admitted to her calmly. “Your mother is welcome to stay here as long as she wants, and her flight is still booked to leave in a couple days, but we have to go back to New York.”

  Daisy’s expression carved into a mixture of confusion and concern. “Why? What’s going on?” she asked softly.

  Nyle took another deep inhale of his cigarette, trying to find the courage to say the words. Long ago, he had convinced himself he was already prepared for the day his father died. How could he be if he couldn’t even bring himself to say the words?

  “It’s my father,” he finally said, a cloud of smoke leaving his mouth as he spoke.

  Daisy scooted closer to him, her legs still over his. “What about him?” she asked tenderly, taking his hand in hers.

  Nyle nervously chewed his lip, flicking the ashes from his cigarette to the side. “The doctors said he only has a short time to live. Apparently, he wants to speak with me before he passes.”

  Daisy looked more upset than Nyle, tears already collecting in her stormy blue-gray eyes. He wondered if he should have been crying or if he was a monster for not. Nyle definitely felt something strange about his dad’s impending death. Maybe it was twisted with denial; he wasn’t sure. There was a hollow feeling in his chest, and his tongue became dry and tied every time he tried to talk about it, but he wasn’t close to tears.

  “I’m so sorry, Nyle,” Daisy breathed, sitting up
and hugging his neck.

  He held her tightly, breathing in the scent of her hair. Even though she had been swimming in the ocean, he could still smell a hint of her jasmine and honeysuckle shampoo. Everything about her calmed his senses—especially feeling her so close. Daisy had velvety smooth skin that he swore was addictive, and simply holding her soothed any woe he had.

  “It’s okay,” he muttered into her hair. “I knew this day was coming sometime.”

  “Doesn’t mean it’s easy,” Daisy rebutted, nuzzling her face into the side of his neck.

  That’s the truth, Nyle thought. “I want you to come with me to the palace to see him for the last time,” he said in a low voice.

  Daisy peeled back enough to look him in the fast. “Are you sure that’s the best idea?” Daisy asked, hesitation in her voice.

  She was worried about his family getting upset with her being there and thought there would be less tension if she wasn’t present. She didn’t realize that he didn’t care about any of that.

  “I need you with me,” he admitted to her, looking deep into her eyes.

  Nyle didn’t feel weak at all in admitting he wanted the comfort of his lover. Daisy was his other half; it would be even harder on him to be apart from her while coping with his father’s death. If his family made Daisy feel unwelcome, then they would just leave. He was exiled, after all.

  She nodded in response, “Okay, when do we leave?”

  Nyle deflated, glad she agreed so easily to make the trip. He shouldn’t have expected anything less from her, knowing she had the biggest and kindest heart. Even if the trip was uncomfortable, she was willing to bear it for his sake.

  “We fly out first thing in the morning,” he informed her.

  They then sat in silence as Nyle finished his cigarette, holding Daisy to his chest. He couldn’t get his father off his mind, wondering what he was going to say to Nyle—if it would be one last slap in the face, or perhaps an olive branch. A nagging, aching feeling gnawed at his bones, but he couldn’t place the emotion.


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