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The Complete Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset (Books 1-9)

Page 73

by Lisa Blackwood

  “Exactly,” Gregory grinned. “She is a pure spirit, not one the Battle Goddess would have chosen for Shadowlight’s second in command. I see the Divine Ones’ hand in this, and the unraveling of another of the Battle Goddess’s carefully laid plans. She will be irate when she eventually learns of this development. That gladdens my heart.”

  “Hmmm,” Lillian looked thoughtful. “I hadn’t thought of it like that. I see your reasoning.”

  Gregory reached the back door and led the procession out into the gardens, heading toward the maze where the other counsellors waited at the center.

  “It’s high noon. Are you sure no one can see or track us?”

  He gave her his best put upon look.

  “Sorry I asked.” She raised her hands in surrender and then marched to the maze’s center in silence.

  Within the small central glade, he saw the entire council was present, even those members he’d not seen since before the Siren came.

  The banshee stood between the pooka and the unicorn. Greenborrow was making his way over to that group. Even Whitethorn and Goswin were present, though their ordeal at the humans’ hands was still easy enough to see in their hunched shoulders and pale complexions.

  Hyrand hovered near her daughter as if mother and daughter were both expecting human soldiers to recapture Goswin at any moment. Jason joined the sidhe and the two sprites.

  Lastly, three large wolves in the company of the dryad Russet emerged from the base of Lillian’s hamadryad.

  Russet bowed to them both and then straightened. “Allow me to introduce the new high alphas of the dire wolf clans. This is Kendrick and Natasha, and their daughter Brigid.”

  The three large dire wolves lunged up and shapeshifted into their human forms, their transformations smooth and possessing an elegance only achieved through long hours of practice.

  “Lord Gargoyle, Lady Sorceress,” the alpha female said, “I am sorry the dire wolf nation could not have been at your side sooner. We are here now and ready to serve.”

  “Oh. My. God. Werewolves.”

  Gregory sighed at the uncouth comment and turned his attention to Anna long enough for her to figure out she’d drawn attention to herself she really didn’t want.

  Shadowlight whispered something in her ear, and she looked chagrinned.

  “Mmm, sorry,” Anna called from across the meadow.

  Natasha raised one eyebrow in question. “Why is there a human here?”

  Lillian pounced on that before it could twist from neutral to accusation. “She’s one of the family.”

  “Indeed?” the male asked, stepping closer to Lillian so he could peer past her for a better view of the human. “I have never seen her before.”

  Gregory studied Lillian as she turned a few different shades of pink as she tried not to notice the alpha male’s lack of clothing. The dire wolves were far too sensible to worry over something as silly as physical modesty.

  If their creators really wanted their creations to swath themselves in yards of fabric and buttons and zippers, they’d have been certain to gift it to them at birth.

  Though it was a touch amusing to watch as Lillian addressed the foreheads of the two alphas, clearly too flustered to meet their eyes or look anywhere else she might see too much.

  After watching Lillian squirm at the mercy of her embarrassment, Gregory stepped up to the alphas one at a time and rested his hands on their shoulders then thrust his muzzle under their jaws and along their necks in the dire wolf way of greeting.

  They returned the gesture, sniffing along his neck. Once he’d deemed they’d sniffed their fill, he dropped his hands from their shoulders and stepped back.

  Dominance established and social needs met, both sides relaxed, and the atmosphere took on a much more mellow quality.

  “Gran has informed us of the dangers this Commander Gryton poses to our world should he make it back to the Magic Realm and warn the Battle Goddess,” Kendrick said with a frown “Gran also presented a piece of his armor for our people to scent. All the packs have his essence now, and we are prepared to hunt at your word.”

  Gregory nodded in thanks. “Your aid is much appreciated.”

  Jason came over, his arms heavily loaded with clothing. “Gran sent these—said there was no point encouraging the mosquitoes and other opportunists.” He sighed dramatically and then slumped his shoulders.

  Brigid barked out a sound more canine than human and took the offered clothing.

  Turning to Gregory, Jason added, “Gran says she and the others are ready to start.”

  “Good.” He followed Jason back to the center of the glade.

  Several picnic tables had been dragged together, end to end, in a way reminiscent of the last time he’d stood before this council.

  Unlike the first time, he considered these beings friends and allies, not potentially hostile strangers.

  This time, he was going to ask them to trust again, taking a chance on an even greater risk than last time.

  LILLIAN FOLLOWED GREGORY as close as his shadow. He hadn’t confided in her about his plan. She sensed it was something big, and she wanted to be able to support him.

  But, damn, that would be easier to do if she knew what he planned.

  Something to do with their newest family member, the human soldier, but what?

  Gran called the group to attention, and they got down to the business at hand.

  It was more of a war council than a council meeting. There was no bickering, just effective planning.

  Members of both Clan and Coven had worked all through the night to complete hundreds of tracking spells like the messenger spells Gran had been using for communication. The tracking spells were keyed to Commander Gryton’s blood and would make tracking him possible even if he used transportation spells to move from place to place.

  They merely needed to be placed in a vast grid pattern for kilometers around the hamadryad’s location.

  Lillian listened while Gran explained at length that they were banking on Gryton moving on the tree. He had no choice. When he did, the tracking spell would relay his present position.

  “It’s like you can just roll out a full surveillance package, no tech required. Whenever, wherever you want,” the human soldier said, real awe in her voice. “No wonder we had no idea we shared the planet with other intelligent beings. You were always three steps ahead of us.”

  The banshee came to her feet in one graceful motion, which was no small feat Lillian mused since everyone was seated around picnic tables. “Who is this human? Clearly, she isn’t Coven. If you want us to fight for you, you owe us an explanation.”

  The table broke out in a chorus of shouted agreements. Gran stood next, rapping her quarterstaff against the top of the table hard enough to echo.

  “The Avatars do not owe us an explanation. They do not even have to ask for our aid. It should be freely given.”

  Gregory chuckled. “Though an explanation is always nice, all the same.”

  He proceeded to explain at length who and what the human was. He ended with the simple fact that as a human-gargoyle hybrid, she was now firmly one of the Clan. As such, she was as much fae as any other sitting on the war council.

  Lillian knew the opposition was not truly silenced, but everyone was also sensible enough to know Gryton was the greatest danger at the moment, and all conversation soon turned back to him.

  Then she realized Gregory’s plan—the obvious solution that linked both Corporal Anna Mackenzie and Commander Gryton.

  The others at the table still hadn’t seen the truth hovering in front of them.

  “How can we possibly get the tracking spells spread this far in the next few hours? The area is far too vast,” the pooka said, his yellow eyes dimming somewhat. “Even I cannot run so fast. We don’t have enough bodies to cover this much ground.”

  “Even if we do manage to cover even half this distance,” Whitethorn took up where the pooka left off and tapped the outer edge of th
e mapped area, “we will be too spread out to fight Commander Gryton. If he can best gargoyles in a fight, the rest of us won’t be enough to stop him alone—many would not even survive their first encounter with him. We need greater numbers to drive him into an ambush.”

  There were several nods of agreement to Whitethorn’s statement, but still, no one thought to use the human. Lillian narrowed her eyes and then summoned a touch of gargoyle magic, reaching toward the Corporal with it.

  Ah, the human had come to the same conclusion as Lillian herself had. She waited, and still, Anna did not speak up. Neither did Gregory. What were they waiting for?

  “I can think of a species capable of gathering the numbers needed to track, herd, and lay an ambush for Gryton,” Gregory finally said in the drollest tone Lillian had ever heard him use. “We enlist the aid of the humans.”

  The table fell silent as one by one all the occupants turned to look at him aghast.

  “Gargoyles truly don’t do subtle.” Gran sat back in her chair with a loud booming laugh, “Well, if you turn Anna loose, I’m sure she knows enough to stir the military up really good, but will it be enough to get the humans hunting Gryton? Or is it just more likely to confuse the hunt? We’ll end up avoiding the military as much or more than hunting the commander. I don’t see how that’ll be much of an improvement.”

  “I’m not proposing we ‘stir up the hornet’s nest’ as you might say, I’m proposing we form an alliance with the humans of this world,” Gregory explained at last. “My other half once told me the humans have as much right to defend their lives and lands as the rest of us. I did not agree with her at the time, seeing only the humans’ many weaknesses and the damages they had done to this planet. Now I see they are trying to make it better, fix what they’ve caused to go asunder. This is their home as well. The Lady of Battles, should she gain enough power to defeat her brother, will be looking for new territory to conquer.”

  Anna cleared her throat. “If I quote you on that last part, I can probably get them combing the forest for this Commander Gryton. However, they will be hunting the bunch of you as much as Gryton. There will be no alliance—no lovefest, no singing Kumbaya, not after how a certain group of gargoyles decided attacking five helos was a good idea.”

  “Actually,” Gregory said as he tilted his head down to meet the human’s gaze with such intensity Lillian felt sorry for the woman. “That is exactly what you are going to tell them. Remind them what two adult gargoyles and two fledglings were capable of. Then have them imagine what an entire dark army will do to their planet and lastly, tell them that together we can track and kill Gryton before he has a chance to inform his goddess.”

  Anna stood and began to pace. “I’m all for warning my people so they can defend themselves, but they aren’t going to just agree to this alliance, not for days and days. If at all. Even then, they are going to want assurances. Not to mentions samples and specimens to study.”

  Gregory tilted his head thoughtfully. “Then we will give them that.”

  The banshee stood suddenly, preparing to leave, but paused long enough to bark out her thoughts. “Why would we agree to such? You’ve all seen what the humans did to Whitethorn and Goswin. If they learn more of us, that will be all our fates.”

  Anna gave a hoarse cough. “That cat is already out of the bag. We humans already know other non-humans are roaming the forest. There isn’t going to be something called common sense or reason, or peaceful co-existence. Even if you’re willing to show goodwill on your part—which I do not see a lot of here at the table—peaceful coexistence will be a long way off.”

  Lillian found herself agreeing with many of the human’s points.

  Gran came over and leaned a hip against the table, looking down at Anna. “That’s where a bit of old-fashioned Coven persuasive magic will come in handy.”

  “You’re crazy,” Anna challenged but leaned back and gave her head a shake. “Nuts, but I’ll try to convince my superiors Gryton is so scary, we need an emergency response team hunting him down ASAP. Anything else that happens after is out of my hands.”

  Gran grinned. “Don’t worry dear. Coven magic will help smooth the rough edges. At least enough they won’t shoot or dissect you on sight.”

  “That’s very reassuring, thanks.”

  Again, Lillian found herself sympathizing with the human, and thinking this plan sounded about as well thought out as one of her own.

  Chapter 33

  “THIS IS A STUPID PLAN,” Anna mumbled as she walked at the edge of the forest, cloaked in shadow magic. “I’m going to get locked in a cage for the rest of my life—make that the rest of my short life.”

  “I won’t let that happen,” Shadowlight said in a cheerful tone.

  “You’ll be in the cage next to me, drugged out of your mind. Just how are you going to rescue me then? I’m curious.”

  “No cage will hold me,” he countered, far too excited at the thought of infiltrating HQ to see reason.

  “Having you here is even stupider than the plan cooked up by Gran and the demigod.” She frowned. “Don’t come crying to me when you get a tranquilizer dart in the ass.”

  He huffed and stalked away a few paces, still close enough to hide her approach from the patrols walking the perimeter, but far enough away for her to gather he was upset at her.

  “I’m sorry, but I still think this is a bad idea, we shouldn’t involve kids in this mission.” She directed the last at Vivian.

  “And you’re how old again?” Gran arched an eyebrow at her.

  “Three times his age.”

  “Hmmm, a sage old twenty-four, yes?”

  “At least I’m an adult and a military brat. Third generation.” Anna continued her march, annoyance fueling her strides. “I’ve got older brothers in the forces. Been training long before I enlisted. Shadowlight’s a kid. He shouldn’t be here.”

  Gran huffed, rather like a gargoyle’s sound of annoyance. “It hardly matters what we think or want. If we left him behind, he would follow. Besides, this way, if Commander Gryton wants to try for Shadowlight a second time, he’ll have to go through an entire military camp on high alert to get him.” Gran ducked under a low-hanging branch, and then looked back, “Strange as it might seem, this is the safest place for our young friend. That’s why Darkness and Gregory agreed to send him here. Even his mother agrees.”

  Well, that decided it. Anything that old battle axe agreed with, Anna had to automatically oppose.

  “Darkness will be with us every step of the way. He won’t allow his son to be harmed by the humans even if he does get caught.

  Anna still wasn’t reassured. Darkness didn’t have the best track record as far as she was concerned.

  And one fully grown gargoyle, no matter how skilled and experienced, wasn’t a match for what they were walking into.

  He just wasn’t.

  “Oh, stop worrying,” Gran hissed at last, “and have some faith for once.”

  “Fine, ask me again in a few hours. I’ve got lots of faith.” Faith that their asses would be in cages.

  THE FIRST CHECKPOINT was twenty feet ahead.

  Darkness, Vivian, and Shadowlight hung back another twenty feet behind her, still firmly cloaked in shadows. For the moment Anna was, too. Shadowlight was awaiting her signal to drop the shielding magic cloaking her.

  He’d promised to keep a physical barrier in place, encircling her body in case anyone got trigger happy. Anna appreciated the added layer of protection but was more worried for the young gargoyle.

  Suddenly appearing in the middle of a base that seemed to be both edgy and on high alert did seem like an excellent way to get shot.

  She glanced around one more time, hoping to see someone from her unit. She’d much prefer to be taken in by one of her own. It might minimize the manhandling, and Major Resnick always seemed able to get the gears turning faster.

  If she could convince him of the fae’s good intentions, maybe he would champion her cause

  Unfortunately, there wasn’t one familiar face in her immediate vicinity.

  At least she had gargoyle back up. They’d promised to pull her out if it looked like she couldn’t convince the other humans.

  Ah hell.

  What really bothered her was the fact that the people she’d once relied upon could now no longer be trusted to have her back. That tore her up inside.

  “Let’s get this over with.” She waved to Shadowlight, their agreed upon signal. A slight tingle and what felt a bit like water flowing over her exposed skin was the only warning before the shadow magic cloaking her vanished. A shout of alarm from the nearest soldier caused a riot of activity, and suddenly two dozen guns were pointed at her.

  With her hands held above her head, she shouted her name over a chorus of commands to get on the ground.

  “I have an important message for Major Resnick. I need to speak with Major Resnick.”

  There was more shouting of ‘get on the ground.’

  With a sigh, she dropped to her knees.

  This was going to be one long damned day.

  AFTER MUCH SHOUTING of orders, marching at gunpoint, and a few painful prods to redirect her in the direction they wanted her to go, Anna finally arrived at her present location. A nice roomy cage with transparent walls made of some impenetrable compound.

  She’d been ordered to tie herself to the only piece of furniture, a metal bunk situated in the center of the cage. Its four stout legs were screwed into the cage’s floor. Zip tying her ankles to the bench legs was easy enough, but how the hell was she supposed to tie both hands behind her back?

  So, she’d asked.

  In the end, she tied them in the front and used her teeth to secure the tie. It was stupid. But she also admired how they’d learned not to touch anything they found in the forest. For all they knew, she might have been a Riven. But she wasn’t. Damn it! Now she sat in a brightly lit cage, tied hand and foot, while several soldiers and a number of scientists looked on.


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