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The Complete Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset (Books 1-9)

Page 112

by Lisa Blackwood

  “Come,” he whispered to Lillian, “hunt with me. Daryna and Gran will inform us later what the humans decide, but I already know they will ‘green light’ a mission to the Magic Realm as soon as possible. They have no more choice than we do. The Battle Goddess has set her sights on this world.”

  His words might not have comforted Lillian, but she nodded.

  “I’ll hunt with you and then tomorrow I’ll surrender our child to my hamadryad.” She paused, her expression turning fierce. “And then after that, we start a hunt of a different type. The Battle Goddess might not know it yet, but she will feel the rage of the Avatars for her interference.”

  “That she will,” Daryna agreed darkly. “If she has harmed the young gargoyle or his Kyrsu, I will show her what true rage is.”

  Gregory reached out and hugged Daryna, surprising both women. “I love you and forgive you for attempting to protect Gryton, but if you do anything so foolish again while we are in the Magic Realm, I will see that you can’t attempt such a thing again.”

  While Daryna and Lillian were both put off balance by his words, he turned and dropped to all fours. As he ran past, he slapped Lillian in the backside with his tail. “Come slow one, if you can catch me perhaps I will reward you.”

  As he darted off into the forest, Lillian’s curses and Daryna’s delighted laughter reached him. He didn’t run fast or particularly far before he heard Lillian giving chase. She was catching up to him, so he knew she’d shifted to gargoyle form.

  Lillian was fast and enjoyed stealing the lead from him, but this game trail was too narrow and thick underbrush hugging close to the path would prevent her from passing him. He grinned and set a slower pace that he knew would bother her.

  She approached swiftly and wasn’t slowing down.

  “What are you—”

  She leaped upon his rump, stampeded over his back, and then was springing forward to land on the path ahead.

  “You’re too slow and I’m hungry. Go hunt by yourself,” she shouted back at him as her tail-tip vanished around a bend in the game trail.

  He did so love a good challenge. Lengthening his stride, he surged forward, thundering down the trail in pursuit of Lillian.

  She led him on a merry chase before eventually slowing enough for him to run at her heels. When the underbrush finally thinned, he ran alongside her and used the proximity to lick at her shoulder and dragged in a great lungful of her scent.

  “Food before sex! Stop being so very male.”

  Her tone lacked bite, so he nuzzled her the next chance he got.

  “I’m not joking. I could eat an entire deer by myself.” She smacked him with her tail hard enough to make him stumble. That was no loving, playful swat. Right. Hormones. Feed the pregnant female or else.

  When he regained his stride, he surged ahead. “Then I had better bring down the biggest buck I can find if I want even a small bite or two.”

  “My mate is wise,” Lillian agreed.

  He soon found a promising scent trail and followed it to a small herd of five deer. He picked his target and swiftly separated him from the others.

  Lillian followed close behind, but not so close she’d catch a stray kick from a panicked deer. They’d agreed that while she was carrying their child, she’d allow him to make the kills.

  Gregory soon ran down the deer and gave the buck a merciful death.

  MANY HOURS LATER THE cool night breeze blew along Gregory’s back, but he was content, his mate slept snuggled in his arms. A thick blanket woven of shadow magic cushioned them from the roots and stones of the forest floor and their wings were enough to banish the chill.

  Both his mate and their unborn child rested peacefully. He tucked his wings tighter around Lillian and snuggled closer, simply enjoying the moment even though sleep eluded him. Besides, he was happy for that. These few wakeful hours gave him more time to simply revel in the new sensations.

  He’d sired a child with his beloved for the first time. Well, second time, since Gryton was undeniably his offspring. While he would do what he could to save the fire elemental and attempt to instill some sense of morality in him, Gregory wanted this second child to never know the pain and horror Gryton must have faced.

  Gregory only hoped he would be given a chance to be a parent to this one.

  Lillian stirred in his arms and blinked open her eyes a moment later.

  “Have you not slept?” she asked as she stretched.

  “No,” he said, not bothering with a lie. He never wanted to lie to her. “I couldn’t sleep, but it pleases me to just hold you and watch you while you sleep.”

  “Mmm.” Lillian yawned and stretched. “Way to rock that stalker talk.”

  She bumped her muzzle against his and predictably forgot about her horns, clinking them against his.

  “Damn it. Horns. Sorry,” she said as she rolled over and reclined facing him. “Now what’s the real cause for those little worry lines between your eyes?”

  “I was just thinking how much I wanted to be able to give this child the love he deserves.”

  “He? You got insider info you’re not sharing with me?” Lillian drew in a deep breath, trying to catch the scent of their child on her skin.

  “No,” he laughed. “Son or daughter, I’ll love this child. And I haven’t used magic to discern the gender, I promise.”

  “You better not.”

  “I was just thinking that this little miracle might be the only one we are ever granted.”

  Lillian laughed, surprising him. “Once we win the war and give the Battle Goddess a really good spanking, I’m planning on retiring from being an Avatar.”


  “Yep, just for the rest of this life. I’m planning on growing a crapload of hamadryad cuttings from my tree until I have an entire grove. Then I’m shoving my soul and Avatar power into one of them.”

  “Ah,” he said in a noncommittal way. Though he thought he knew where she was going with her ‘grove’ of hamadryads. He fought to hold back a silly grin.

  “Once they are old enough, I’m going to use the hamadryad grove to carry all our children. It might take a decade or two, but I plan on having one of those crazy, big-ass families with ten plus kids.”

  Gregory grinned at her, but as much as his heart liked the future she painted, his mind knew if there was open war, demigods and Avatars might all find themselves once again within the Spirit Realm. “I hope we are given a chance.”

  Lillian’s merriment vanished. “You think we’re not going to survive?”

  “I cannot see the future and I cannot promise you that we will both survive this.”

  “God, Gregory,” Lillian reached out to him. “Don’t think like that. We’re the Avatars, we’ve lived thousands of lifetimes together.”

  “And we’ve died at the end of each of those many thousands of lifetimes too. Some by choice. Some unexpectedly. There are no guarantees except everyone returns to the Spirit Realm, eventually.”

  “That’s a terrible way to view life.”

  “It is the truth.”

  “I know, but I will go forward with the belief that there is always hope. And I will hope enough for the both of us.”

  Within Gregory, his hope warred with despair. “I do not know what the future will bring, but this child is a miracle, and I hope we are blessed with many more such miracles over the years.”

  Lillian cupped his cheek and would have said something more, but he placed his fingers on her lips.

  “I don’t know if we will survive this war, and for the first time in my existence, I fear death. We have failed the Divine Ones twice now. First with Gryton and now with this child. I do not regret creating life with you. I should, but I don’t. However, I think our creators might see things differently than I do. After Gryton, they wiped one entire lifetime’s worth of memories. I don’t know if that was intended as a punishment or as a kindness so we wouldn’t have to exist knowing we’d broken our most sacred vows.” G
regory tilted his head back to the canopy above and wished he could see the stars through the leaves. “I fear this might be the last time we are reborn as the Avatars, like we are being given a second chance. I simply do not know.”

  Lillian’s eyes widened, and her large deer-like ears flattened into her mane.

  “You really think that the Divine Ones would punish us so severely for having a child?” Her one hand came to rest on her belly.

  “No, not for that tiny innocent life.” Gregory shook his head. “I speak of Gryton. I think he is the mistake we are intended to rectify in this life. Though, I haven’t a clue if I’m supposed to save or destroy him. Though I would attempt to save my son—the Divine Ones would know that about my character.”

  “What happens if we fail? They’d just strip us of our purpose as punishment?”

  “Yes, but they wouldn’t see it as a punishment, my beloved. They would be granting us a reprieve from having our soul sundered each time they would have called upon their Avatars.”

  Lillian’s eyes widened. “Then we must defeat the Battle Goddess once and for all. If we don’t, there might not be anyone powerful enough to stop her the next time. I will not leave my child to fight that battle.”

  “I do not plan to,” Gregory said, “I just don’t want there to be any lies between us and Daryna has had the same fears as I.”

  Lillian gripped his jaw and forced him to look directly at her. “Well, it’s good that I have enough passion for life to sustain you, me, and Daryna, then, isn’t it?”

  A wave of magic rolled over her body and suddenly he was holding a dryad in his arms instead of a gargoyle. Drawing him forward, she pressed little kisses to his muzzle. Urgency swiftly rose within him, flooding his body, mind, and soul with the need for his mate. Lillian’s responses told him she felt the same. It fired his need to greater heights, but there was more to it than just physical release. This might be the last time they could enjoy each other’s bodies fully.

  There was no telling how long Daryna would survive after they completed their rescue mission. When her body failed, Lillian would become the Sorceress, as was right. The survival of all three realms depended upon that merging. Why then did the thought of regaining his true Sorceress at the cost of losing his mate hurt so damn much? Sex was the only part of their relationship they’d lose.

  And it wasn’t like they hadn’t abstained before. It was just sex.

  “Gregory, when we come together it is never just sex. It is an accumulation of a hundred thousand lifetimes of our love.”

  She was right, of course. Their soul always yearned to rejoin and heal itself, to be made whole. The act of physical love was as close as they could come while still caged in flesh, blood, and bone.

  His eyes drifted shut as Lillian nipped her way down his neck, her lips and tongue caressing him in a way that melted his heart and fired his blood. By the great God and Goddess, he would miss this.

  A deep rumbling purr escaped him, and Lillian chuckled.

  If this were their last time, he would embrace his fierce joy and sorrow, wrapping Lillian in so much pleasure that she would remember this always. He sat up and grasped her around the waist, hoisting her into his lap.

  “My beloved dryad, how do you want me, human or natural?”

  Lillian continued to stroke him, her quick fingers making short work of his loincloth. “I don’t care. I just want you. Fierce, brave, beautiful you.”

  Hmmm, fierce suited his mood this night. He pushed her onto her back and followed her down. Lillian yelped once in surprise, but she wasn’t harmed, the blanketing shadow magic cushioned her. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his waist. He’d retained enough wherewithal to know that in his present mood, if he kept his gargoyle form, she’d likely be sore tomorrow.

  He closed his eyes and called on power, maintaining the image of his human form in his mind’s eye.

  “I’m fond of wings,” Lillian whispered as she reached to stroke the sensitive membranes.

  Gregory’s concentration shattered, the image of his human form melting away. Damn it.

  “My emotions are too chaotic, I’m not sure if I’ll be as gentle as I should,” he admitted.

  “How about a compromise?” Lillian grinned up at him, her thumbs stroking his jaw. “Half and half because kissing is fun, too.”

  Ah. His human-gargoyle hybrid form. Somehow it seemed poetic to wear the shape he’d worn when they first kissed. He shifted to his half-human form and pounced. Lillian giggled, but he silenced the sound with his mouth.

  She eagerly returned his rising passion, matching it and driving his own higher. Snatching her hands in one of his, he guided them above her head and pinned them there. Knowing Lillian’s giving nature in bed, if he didn’t restrain her, this would be over far sooner than he wanted.

  “Not fair,” she said with a little pout.

  He kissed her until she was breathless and the pout long forgotten. Using lips and teeth, he uncovered her breasts and lavished attention on each until she was purring his name. In time, she found other ways to distract him and freed her hands. Soon he lost the fight to hold back his rising passion and urged Lillian’s knees apart. Looking down at her, he met her gaze. Heat and desire reflected back at him.

  Draping himself over her, he folded his wings around them both. With her held in the protective cage of his arms, he nuzzled her jaw, kissing and nipping his way to her ear. “You mean everything to me.”

  “You’re the only one I’ve ever loved.” Lillian nuzzled him in return.

  Alone far out in the dark forest, their passions rose, peaked, and began rising anew. Hours passed before they finally collapsed and curled up together, deeply sated.

  “Gregory. That felt too much like goodbye,” Lillian whispered afterward, sadness in her voice.

  “Not goodbye. Never that. A memory to carry us through more difficult times.” Gregory reached out and brushed a lock of hair off Lillian’s sweaty cheek. “You have my promise that I will do all in my power to live for both you and our child. There is nothing I’d like more than to fulfill that future dream of yours. I, too, would like a big family.”

  “Good, I’m going to bind you with that promise.” Sighing happily, Lillian lowered her head to his chest and allowed her fingers to slowly caress him. After a few minutes, her hand stilled in sleep. At last, he let sleep to claim him, too.

  Chapter 28

  LAST NIGHT IN THE FOREST, just before Lillian had fallen asleep in her mate’s arms, she’d concocted a plan. She wanted to give Gregory something that represented both their eternal love and their future dream of having a family, even if it was only for this one lifetime.

  Unfortunately, there was no way Gregory wouldn’t notice if she just sneaked off to go shopping and it wasn’t like she had the magic skills needed to make what she wanted. But Daryna was the Mother’s Sorceress. She shouldn’t have a problem providing what Lillian needed. She just had to explain everything to Daryna without Gregory being the wiser.

  She’d thought that part was going to be the problem. At least until the solution just let herself into their bedroom while Gregory was still in the shower.

  “Daryna,” Lillian called softly and gestured her over to the far end of the room, putting as much space between them and the bathroom as possible. Though even a gargoyle’s exceptional hearing was at a disadvantage with the spray from the water drowning out most other noise. “Perfect timing. I have something I want to ask you while Gregory is occupied.”

  Daryna’s eyebrow arched with unconcealed interest. “Why, I didn’t take you for the secret conspiracy type.”

  Lillian rolled her eyes. “It’s nothing nefarious, just something I want to give to Gregory. You might even think it’s silly.”

  “I will gladly help you make something for our beloved.” A smile spread across the Sorceress’s face. “Tell me more.”

  Feeling somewhat awkward, Lillian explained what she wanted to do. “What do you think? Will Gre
gory think it’s a silly human custom?”

  “I think it’s something that we Avatars would never think about doing, but I love the idea. Gregory will love it too.”

  “I’ll love what?” Gregory asked as he stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and another around his wet mane.

  “It’s nothing much,” Lillian hedged, scrambling for something to say that wasn’t a lie or end up triggering his need to ferret out the truth.

  “Then why don’t you tell me what it is.” A wicked grin flashed across his face.

  “Lillian wants to give you a present if you must know,” Daryna snapped. “And she asked me to help.”

  “A present?” Gregory prowled closer.

  Daryna crossed her arms and glowered at him. “It’s a secret. We’re not telling you what it is, so stop pushing, you great lug.”

  Gregory’s expression shifted to a pout and it was on the tip of Lillian’s tongue to tell him her plan when a loud knock sounded at the bedroom door.

  “Lillian? Gregory?” Jason called through the door. “You better get out here.”

  Daryna was closest and opened the door for Lillian’s older brother.

  He stepped in and nodded to the Sorceress but was able to pick out Lillian with ease. “Your mother just awoke from her coma. Gran thinks it’s best she learn the news about Shadowlight from you or Daryna.”

  “I’ll do it,” Daryna said before Lillian could respond. “It was my plan that Gryton deliver Shadowlight to Lord Death as proof of what his sister was doing and when that plan went awry, it was my fault that he ended up the Battle Goddess’s prisoner instead.”

  “I’ll come, too,” Lillian said.

  Gregory walked over to the bed where he’d left his beaded loincloth. He dropped his towels and began to dress.

  “Oh, gawd, I’ll be in the car. I was supposed to give you a lift to HQ, but I might now be blind.” Jason said as he fled the room with a lot of dramatic groaning and bitching about naked gargoyle junk.


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