Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3)

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Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3) Page 14

by Ashley Monahan

  “He left her all alone here, I’m being friendly.” Raleigh turned and gave Mike a daring stare. Mike gave her one back. “So, back to you and Ben. How did you meet?”

  Aubrey wasn’t going to tell them it was because he pulled her over. Was it appropriate for them to hang out under those circumstances, she wondered.

  “I gave his niece Tiffy horseback riding lessons.”

  “Oh.” Raleigh’s face saddened. “I know Tiffy. It’s so sad. She’s so young.”

  “Yeah, it is,” Aubrey returned.

  Music began to play lowly and everyone quieted. Raleigh gave Aubrey a pleasant smile and angled her body forward once again. Mike took her hand and they looked at one another lovingly. It was almost annoying how happy the two seemed.

  Ben stood at the front beside Kip. He looked handsome and dapper, more appealing than he did in his blue polyester uniform. She stopped herself from having thoughts of him in that way. Friend. He was a friend. That’s all he could be and all he would be.

  The wedding lasted all of ten minutes and there was no fancy procession. People stood around talking for a few obligatory moments and then were off to the reception. The wedding party stayed behind for photos.

  “I’m sorry to leave you alone like this,” Ben said.

  “You’re welcome to join us at the reception until Ben’s done doing his wedding duties,” Raleigh offered.

  “I think I’ll wait, thank you though.” Aubrey didn’t know anyone there and though Raleigh was nice, she’d rather enjoy the pleasant sun than go inside a stuffy building with people she didn’t know alone.

  “Find us when you make your way over.” Raleigh put her arm on Aubrey’s forearm. “Nice meeting you.”

  “You too.” Raleigh and Mike walked toward the parking lot to make their way across town to the reception hall.

  “Why does she seem familiar?” Aubrey asked Ben.

  “Ah, I’ll explain in a little bit. I’ll be right back.” Ben jogged over to the happy couple and the maid of honor. There were no bridesmaids or groomsmen, just the two of them.

  The setting where they chose to have the wedding was scenic and pure. It was a little park hidden away on a somewhat secluded lake’s shore. The grass was lush green, the sky above a brilliant blue.


  The wedding photo session ended and Ben walked up to where he left Aubrey. She wasn’t there. God it was hot in that suit. He took of his tie and put it in his pocket then opened the top two buttons of his shirt. He tossed his suit jacket over a bench for a moment to air out.

  He spied her. She was down on the lakeshore walking barefoot in water, her shoes in her hand.

  “It is a bit warm,” Ben said when he reached her.

  “Good day for a swim.” She splashed the water with her feet.

  “Go ahead,” Ben enticed her.

  “I’d look some cute going into the reception soaking wet.”

  “You’d still look beautiful.” Ben needed to be careful with his comments. She looked out at the water and put her head down. “Are you ready to go to the reception?”

  She walked out of the water and to his side. Together they walked to his truck and went to town to join the party.

  “Who were those people sitting next to me? Raleigh and Mike? She seemed very familiar.” Aubrey reminded him of the question she asked earlier.

  “Mike is Kip’s sergeant and friend. Raleigh is his fiancé.”

  “Why does she seem familiar though?”

  “Do you follow motor racing?”


  “She’s a rally driver in the WRC circuit. She’s sort of, a little, famous.”

  “Oh,” Aubrey said surprised. “That explains it. I think I’ve seen her in television commercials.”

  “She’s a spokeswoman for some energy drink, I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head.”

  “I feel like a fool now.” Aubrey wiped her face.

  “Why? She prefer people don’t treat her like she’s famous. So you’ve just made a new friend.”


  Aubrey slid her flats back on and stepped out of the truck. They walked into the very tasteful, but casual setting. The large banquet room was filled with voices.

  “I have to sit at the head table long enough to make a toast, then I’ll be back.”

  Aubrey wasn’t so happy she’d tagged along to this event so far. The majority of the time she’d spent by herself.

  “Ben, Aubrey!” Raleigh raised her hand from their table.

  “You’re new friend,” Ben whispered.

  “Hi again,” Aubrey said shyly now knowing who this woman was.

  “I’ll be back in a few. Keep her entertained.” Ben walked away to the front.

  Aubrey and Raleigh made casual conversation in Ben’s absence, getting along well. When all of his duties were over, it was nearly an hour and half into the reception.

  “Excuse me, I’m going to make my way over to the bar.” Aubrey stood.

  “Would you like anything?” she asked Raleigh and Mike.

  “No thank you.”

  Aubrey leaned against the countertop.

  “Strawberry margarita please.” The bartender went to work.

  “Hi there,” a middle aged intoxicated woman straight out of the 80’s said. “I’m Geneva.”

  Geneva? Like the coffee or the convention?

  “Hi.” Aubrey didn’t want to make friends with this woman.

  “I’m Hanna’s aunt. You must be on the groom’s side.”

  “Yeah.” Aubrey didn’t further entertain her.

  “You here alone too?”

  “No, my date is somewhere around here.” Aubrey put a ten on the bar for the bartender.

  “Are you married?”

  What the hell is it with people lately?

  “I’m happily single.”

  “Me too. Amen to that. I’ve been married five times and yet to find a good one!” She laughed scarily.

  “At least you’re not a quitter.” Aubrey laughed at her and tried to walk away.

  “Let me tell you honey, you’re better off to give up on ‘em. That’s what I’ve decided. Time to switch teams.”

  Aubrey coughed.

  “Are you interested?” Geneva raised her eyebrow and smiled.

  “WOW,” Aubrey said shocked. “I’m kinda of not gay, but thank you for the offer.”

  “I’m not gay, I’m being experimental and you look like you’d be fun.”

  It was like a train wreck, Aubrey couldn’t look away from this woman.

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Ben stepped beside her. “Let’s dance.”

  Aubrey put her drink on the bar and let him take her to the dance floor.

  “Did I catch the tail end of that conversation correctly? Was that woman trying to pick you up?”

  “Yes!” Aubrey said shocked. “She said she was being experimental and I looked like fun!”

  Ben laughed.

  “It’s not funny!” But she laughed a little. “You invited me here and then ditched me. I’m getting hit on by old women. What the hell?”

  “Take it as a compliment.” Ben put his hand on her waist and took her other hand in his.

  “I don’t remember you asking me to dance,” Aubrey said slightly standoffish. She was going to give him a hard time at every turn.

  “Fine.” Ben let go of her. “I thought you’d prefer my company over granny’s over there, but I’ll send her over.”

  “Don’t you dare!” She wasn’t letting him abandon her again. Ben took a few steps toward the old lady. “Ben!”

  Ben turned around, took her hand and pulled her into his center smoothly.

  “Better?” Ben held her tight against him, one hand on her lower back, the other clasping her hand. He led her around the dance floor confidently.

  “Better than the alternative I guess.”

  The song changed to “The Way You Look Tonight” sung by Maroon 5. Ben spun
her around playfully.

  “You know how to dance,” Aubrey said surprised.

  “I’ve had a few lessons.” He moved with grace and ease.

  “I can’t keep up with you.”

  “Let me lead.” Ben leaned his head forward and challenged her. Aubrey lightened up and tried to let go.

  She became lost in the moment. No one else in that room mattered. She didn’t see them, only Ben.

  “With each word your tenderness grows,

  Tearing my fear apart,

  And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,

  It touches my foolish heart.”

  Ben mouthed the words. Aubrey couldn’t take her eyes off his. It was a movie like moment. She caught herself and got her bearings. Ben slowed down their pace and Aubrey leaned into him, her head against his. Looking into his eyes could prove too tempting for her to turn him down if he tried to make another advance.


  The moon reflected off of the lake brightly. No light was necessary to see find his way down to the waterfront. Ben picked up his suit jacket from the bench where he left it after the wedding. Surprisingly it was still where he’d left it hours previous. Impressive considering it was a public park. He looked out over the lake.

  “Perfect night.” Aubrey crossed her arms and looked out with him as well. A trio of loons were in the distance singing loudly.

  “Still want to go for a swim?” Ben hoped.

  “It would ruin my dress.” Aubrey walked closer to the lake. “I didn’t think to bring my bathing suit to the wedding.”

  Who said anything about a bathing suit? Ben almost said that aloud, but caught himself.

  Aubrey kicked off her flats and waded into the water to her mid-calf. Ben watched from the water’s edge.

  “I love summertime in Maine. For three months out of the year it’s heavenly.”

  “What about the other nine?” Ben asked.

  “I spend the other nine thinking about the upcoming summer.”

  “Aaaahhhh!” Aubrey very ungracefully fell into the water soaking her dress. She flailed in the water for a moment, then gave up and sank down.

  “You have to be the most ungraceful person I’ve ever met.” Ben laughed from shore.

  “Owe, owe...I hurt my ankle.” She winced. “I can’t put my weight on it. It really hurts.”

  Ben pulled his polished wing tips off and his socks and went into the water after her.

  “I’m coming,” he said in rescue mode.

  He reached his hands down to her.

  Aubrey stood up in the water.

  “Your ankle?”

  Aubrey smiled then pulled him into the water fully with her.

  “That’s what you get for laughing at me,” she said proudly.

  “This is a rental.” Ben spit water out.

  Aubrey bit her lip. “You should have thought of that before you laughed at me.” She shrugged and headed toward the lake’s bank.

  “I’ll get even with you.” Ben rushed through the water toward her. She tried to get away but the dress constricted her movement. Ben caught up to her with ease, grabbed her by the waist, and brought her back into the water with him.

  “Not fair, I can’t move fast enough in this dress to run!” She squirmed in his grip. He couldn’t see her face but knew it was all smiles.

  Ben loosened his grip and held her more intimately. Aubrey leaned back into his embrace, and rested her arms atop of his.

  “Aubrey, I want more than this,” he said seriously.

  Ben felt her inhale deeply.

  “We can’t,” she said unconvincingly.


  “It’s too complicated.”

  Ben pressed his lips lightly against her bare shoulder.

  “What’s complicated?” Her words said one thing, but her mannerisms and tone spoke another.

  She turned and faced him. Ben put his arms around her lower back and pulled her back into an embrace where she belonged.

  Her eyes focused on his lips. “Everything...”

  Ben inched his face closer to hers and gave her the opportunity to pull away, but she didn’t. Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her sweetly.

  “Ben—” Confliction came through in her voice. She put her hands on his chest and pushed him back slightly. “If we—” But when she brought her eyes back to his, she stopped protesting. Her hands rose from his chest to the sides of his neck.

  “You’re making it hard for me to say no.” She waged an internal battle.

  “Then say yes.” Ben playfully kissed her. She brought her around his neck and returned his kiss. All the fight had left her body.

  I’ll take that as a yes. Ben thought to himself. Damn. She knew how to kiss. All that pent up frustration from the prior three years was being put to good use. Three years...

  They stayed consumed in one another kiss lost in time until a vehicle approached.

  “That looks like a cop car,” Aubrey said.

  A spotlight shone on them and the vehicle stopped at the landing.

  “It is a cop car,” Ben said with a hint of amusement.

  Aubrey hid her face in his shoulder embarrassed.

  “You two, no one is supposed to be in the park after dark.”

  “Sorry Kent.” Ben knew the local officer well. And would be teased relentlessly by him in the days to follow.


  “Yeah, we’re just taking a midnight dip,” Ben said trying to suppress laughter.

  “Hey, sorry for interrupting you guys. Continue. I’ll catch up with you later.” Kent shut off the light, walked back to his car, and headed back toward town.

  “Like being teenagers again, caught in the park making out after dark.” Ben kissed her neck, she’d yet to bring her head back up from hiding. “He’s gone, you don’t have to play shy anymore.”

  Aubrey raised her head. “I’m freezing.” Her teeth started to chatter.

  “I’ll keep you warm.” Ben raised an eyebrow. She shook her head at him. “I have a blanket in the truck.” He took her hand and they walked back to the truck together.


  Wrapped in a blanket with the heat cranked on high, Aubrey’s head spun from what happened. They were now on the way back to her house after a thorough make out session in the lake. What happened to friends? Why didn’t she say no to him? Remember, he wasn’t her type. And once they got back to her house, what would happen then? Aubrey felt Ben’s hand on her thigh and her thoughts became blurred. What was her objection?

  They pulled into her drive.

  “It was an interesting night.” Aubrey ascended the front steps, Ben a step behind her, unsure of what the hell she was doing.

  “Interesting wouldn’t be my first choice of words.” Ben stood face to face with her. “I’d use the adjective amazing. Thanks for coming with me tonight.” He rested his hands on her hips.

  “You’re welcome.” She melted in his touch. Damn him, she didn’t want to react that way to him.

  Ben slowly, almost teasingly, leaned forward and claimed her lips. He’d awakened needs and urges she’d successfully repressed for far too long. She wanted to say no, tell him to go home, but she didn’t really want that at all.

  Subconsciously what she wanted was to pull him through the door, push him into her bedroom, and pounce on him. As Aubrey’s mind raced with impure thoughts, they moved together inside her house. Step one complete. They were through the door.

  The damp blanket that covered Aubrey slid down her shoulders to the floor.

  “We should get you out of these cold wet clothes before you get sick.” Ben’s hands wandered south to her backside and he trailed kisses from her neck to her collarbone. She’d never shown him her bedroom, but that was the direction he led her.

  “Why is it I think you have ulterior motives?”

  “My motives are purely innocent.” Ben’s words were hardly believable. He worked at the zipper on the back of her dress.

ait—” She put her hand on her back preventing him from pulling down the zipper. “I’m not...I don’t think we’re ready for this.”


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