Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3)

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Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3) Page 13

by Ashley Monahan

Ben tickled her sides. That worked. Aubrey was terribly ticklish and she flailed in his grasp.

  “Stop it, Ben, stop!” She laughed while protesting.

  She leaned back as he continued to tickle her and Ben was forced to the ground on his back, she came back with him.


  “So you’re ticklish, huh.”

  Aubrey didn’t respond, she was too busy squirming and laughing from his relentless tickling. An elbow came loose and she accidentally jabbed it into his ribs.

  “Ooop,” Ben made a noise indicating pain.


  “Shit that hurt.” Ben writhed and rolled to his side, Aubrey went with him onto her side. “You have bony elbows.”

  “I’m sorry.” Aubrey turned to her other side and faced him, both laid on the old wooden floor. “But you had it coming to you.”

  Ben held his side. Aubrey felt guilty. Only slightly though.

  “You sound sorry.” He closed his eyes, but didn’t look mad.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I think you cracked my rib.”

  “No I didn’t.” Aubrey did feel bad now. She’d really hurt him.

  In one quick smooth motion Ben reached around her and pulled her atop of him. They were face to face so she wouldn’t be throwing elbows in his side.

  “You can’t elbow me now.” He got even with her by tickling her more.

  “Stop!” She fought to get loose of his grip. She didn’t hurt him after all, the faker. “You didn’t learn your lesson!”

  Aubrey rolled over, but Ben went with her. The only things she’d accomplished was switching their positions so Ben laid atop of her.

  He stopped tickling her. Aubrey stopped laughing. He was looking at her like he wanted to...no, he wouldn’t. Aubrey got butterflies in the pit of her stomach. It was a feeling that had become foreign in her nun like life.

  Ben leaned his weight on one arm and used his other hand to push the hair away from her face, then held onto the side of her neck.

  “Truce.” Ben said in a low calm voice.

  “Truce.” Aubrey agreed, her voice shaking with nerves.

  Tiffy watched her handiwork from the barn door. She was good.

  Ben started to lower his lips toward Aubrey’s.

  “We should get back to painting now that we’re done fighting.” Aubrey patted the back of his shoulder. She tried to play it off as though she didn’t know Ben was going to kiss her. “And get cleaned up. You’re a mess.”

  Ben lingered for a moment and the look he gave her was hard to resist.

  “You’re a mess too there champ.” Ben slowly lifted himself off of her, offered his hand, and helped her to her feet.

  “Tiffy, you gonna help us finish up painting?” Aubrey asked her.

  “Are you done paintin’ one another?”

  Aubrey felt her face flush. “We’ve called a truce.”

  Tiffy came back over and they resumed their job. Every once and awhile Aubrey would glance up from painting and look over at Ben. Whatever had almost happened, couldn’t happen. It would complicate their relationship and the one she shared with Tiffy.


  Ben nearly kissed her. He’d apparently misread the vibes he was getting from her because he sure as hell thought she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Obviously, he was wrong.

  “We better get cleaned up kiddo. I have to get you back by six.”

  “Awe, I don’t want to go. Aubrey still needs help with those chairs.”

  “I can finish up. You guys have been a great help.”

  “But, Uncle Ben.” She looked up at him pleading.

  “This one’s non-negotiable. Mom and Dad have plans for you tonight.”

  “I won’t get to see you guys for like three weeks.” Tiffy kicked a rock. “Can’t we stay a little longer?”

  “I’ll see you when you come back. Me, Gunny, and Trixie will be waiting.”

  Tiffy managed a half a smile.

  “And I’ll be waiting at the airport for you when your plane comes in.”

  “You two should still hang out even though I’m not gonna be here. It’s like a tradition now that we all spend at least a day together every week.” Tiffy bared her wide grin.

  “Don’t worry about us.” Ben put his hand on her shoulder. “Come on, say goodbye to Aubrey.”

  “Bye Aubrey.” She reached up and hugged her. “I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too. But you have fun and take lots of pictures for me to see.”

  “I will. Night.” Tiffy let go of her, waved, and walked back to the truck.

  “If you want help with the furniture, I’ll be available,” Ben offered. Three weeks of not seeing her would seem like an eternity. For more than two months, the three of them had spent two afternoons a week together.

  “We got more paint on us than we did on the furniture.” Aubrey laughed.

  “We did, didn’t we.”

  “I need to get ready for an OT shift.” She pointed inside.

  Ben nodded his head. “Night.”

  Aubrey lifted her hand and waved, giving him an innocent smile.

  Ben dropped Tiffy off at home to her curious parents. They were used to Tiffy being covered in some kind of mess, she was a kid after all. Usually the mess involved Miley though.

  He got home just before dark and went about doing chores around the house, but no matter how hard he tried to busy himself he couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened in the barn. Almost happened.


  Aubrey was distracted at work. Though she tried to deny it, Ben had an effect on her. Damn him.

  “Aubrey, you seem distracted tonight,” Nancy pointed out.

  “What? No, I um, I’m just tired. It’s been a long week.”

  “This isn’t a distracted like you hate your job distracted, this is distracted like you have your head in the clouds. Who is he?”

  “Why does everyone always assume a man is involved?”

  “Because it’s always a man.”

  “It’s not a man.” Aubrey continued down the hallway. “It’s not Ben.”


  “Another month and she’ll be yours to finish.” That’s what Aubrey’s contractor told her. Excited, oh she was excited. In a matter of a few more months she’d have her bakery.

  She pumped her fists in the air in excitement. Just then her phone beeped.

  Are you busy this Saturday? - Ben

  Aubrey hadn’t talked to Ben for two weeks, since Tiffy left.

  Depends... - Aubrey

  I was wondering if you weren’t busy if you’d go with me to Kip’s wedding. Just as friends, not a date, no pressure.

  Aubrey stared at the screen. A wedding? A wedding date was a serious marker for a relationship....they weren’t in a relationship.

  It’s okay if you don’t want to come, I just thought maybe if you didn’t have plans...

  Aubrey bit her nail.

  I don’t know...I don’t like weddings.

  Join the club. I hate them. We can hate them together.

  What should she do? Did she want to see Ben? Yes. She’d found herself missing his company over the two weeks they hadn’t talked.

  I don’t have a dress.

  I’ll buy you one.

  He wasn’t giving her an escape clause.

  I guess I’ll go...I’ll find a dress...

  It’s okay if you don’t want to...

  I’ll come. Will do me good to stop focusing on the bakery for a night.

  You’re a lifesaver. I’ll pick you up at two this Saturday.

  Okay. I’ll see you then.

  Aubrey was nervous already. A wedding...why did she agree to a wedding? Because she wanted to see him, that’s why.


  Ben put his phone on his belt and pulled out of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife headquarters. He believed his oral board for the position had gone well, but time would tell. Fingers crossed. He was
more excited about his non date with Aubrey though. Four more days and he’d see her again. He missed her company almost as much as he missed Tiffy’s. Though he spoke to Tiffy nightly while she was gone, Aubrey left a void. Back and forth he’d gone on inviting her. After his oral board went so well he was on a temporary high that gave him a sense of boldness. So, he invited Aubrey. Once he hit the send button he immediately filled with trepidation. She’d say no. It was a wedding. You don’t go to weddings as “friends”. To his surprise she said yes. Maybe there was hope.


  Kip’s bachelor party was wild. Most of Kip’s friends were Kip’s age, some still in college, others barely twenty one. He felt like an old man and was the responsible one of the group, the one who somewhat kept them out of trouble. When did he become old and boring?

  Ben adjusted his suit and took a quick look in the mirror. Good enough. Kip’s wedding was a simple outdoor affair with only close family and friends. The total guest list tally for the wedding was twenty. The reception was closer to two hundred. Kip and Hanna’s idea of the perfect wedding was a quick “I do” and then an all-night party. It would be a good sized party.

  “Hey, I’m on my way. I have to pick up Aubrey and should be there in about an hour. You having any second thoughts?”

  “No...” Kip denied, but Ben could hear the apprehension in his voice.

  “It’s natural to have wedding jitters.”

  “Yeah, I have those.”

  “They’ll pass. Hanna’s an amazing woman and you’re lucky she’ll take you.”

  “I know.” Kip exhaled deeply. “Hurry up and get here. And bring something to take the edge off...Jim, John, Jack, I don’t care, but I need a drink.”

  “I’ll stop off on my way there.” Ben laughed. “Deep breaths man, it’s going to be fine.”

  “Bring one of my favorite men.”

  “I will. I’ll be there in a few.”

  “Hurry up.”



  “I thought you weren’t doing anything with this man.” Jill passed Aubrey the ballet flats she asked to borrow last minute. Aubrey only had heels that would make her two inches taller than Ben.

  “I’m not. We’re friends.”

  “Uh huh. Friends. Men and women generally don’t go to weddings as ‘friends’.”

  “I guess I’m not most people.” Aubrey slid on the flats.

  “Sit down, I’ll do your hair.”

  “I already did my hair.”

  “Like I said, sit down, I’ll do your hair.”

  Aubrey sat down and Jill went about putting her hair in an up do.

  “I love this dress on you. You’ll take all the attention away from the bride in this though.”

  “Oh yeah because I have men lining up to have me. I need to lose twenty pounds.”

  “Shut up, I’d die to have your curves. And sounds like Ben is in that line.”

  “It’s not like that. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  “Honey, men don’t invite women to weddings as friends.”

  “He didn’t want to go alone. I know that feeling well.”

  Jill finished her hair and gave it a quick spray of hair product.

  “There. Gorgeous.”

  “Alright, thank you for the flats and...damn, my hair does look good.”

  “Told you.”

  “You need to go before he gets here.” Aubrey ushered Jill out.

  “Why? Don’t want me trying to steal him.”

  “Don’t want you saying this crap in front of him.”

  “Alright, alright, I’m gone. Have fun. Be safe.”


  “I mean, be safe.” Jill winked at her.


  Jill chuckled and left as ordered.


  There was a vehicle parked in Aubrey’s yard Ben didn’t recognize. When he stepped out of his truck, a woman came bounding down Aubrey’s steps.

  “Hi.” She waved smiling brightly.

  “Hi,” Ben said cautiously.

  “I’m Jill, Aubrey’s friend. She’s still getting ready.”

  “Ben.” He reached his hand out.

  “I know who you are. Aubrey’s told me all about you.”

  Aubrey talks about me?

  “I’m scared to know what she’s said.” Likely it was about their speeding interactions.

  “Nothing too bad. So, what are your intentions with my best friend?”

  “You’re to the point aren’t you.”

  “It’s the only way to be. So?”

  “Jill.” Aubrey walked down the front steps.

  “I have to go,” Jill said quickly. “Nice to meet you Ben.”

  “You too...” Ben was too distracted by Aubrey to say a proper goodbye to Jill. Aubrey wore a black cocktail dress that could never look as good on another woman. It had thick shoulder straps and was a V cut in the front exposing a peak of her cleavage. It fell just above her knees and hugged her body tightly. Damn. That dress was made just for her. Where were they going again?

  “This is the only dress I have that’s somewhat appropriate. Is it okay?” Aubrey asked self-conscious.

  “Uhhh....” Ben fought to get his composure. “Yeah...yes, it’s okay.”

  Aubrey tugged at the hem. “I should have stopped off at the mall before work to get a new one.”

  “Aubrey, you look beautiful,” Ben said breathless and ran his eyes from her head to her feet.

  “Thanks...” She fidgeted with her earring.

  Ben couldn’t stop appreciating the sight of her in front of him.

  “We should go, huh,” Aubrey said finally breaking the silence.

  “Yeah, of course.” Ben walked her to the truck.


  Aubrey sat by herself in the small arrangement of chairs. Everyone at the wedding obviously knew one another. She knew no one. Why did she agree to come to this affair?

  “You look lost,” the woman sitting beside her said out of the blue.

  “I feel it,” Aubrey said shyly.

  “My name is Raleigh,” the blond bombshell said. Aubrey looked at her in envy. “And this is my fiancé Mike.”

  Mike leaned over.

  “Hi.” Mike was a middle aged man with a pleasant smile and looked like he could be formidable.

  “Hi. I’m Aubrey.” Now she knew two people’s name. She was making headway.

  “Are you on the groom or bride’s side?”

  “I guess I’m on the groom’s side.”

  “You don’t sound very sure of that. Are you a wedding crasher?” Raleigh whispered. “I won’t tell anyone.”

  This Raleigh girl looked very familiar to Aubrey. Raleigh...Raleigh...why did that name sound familiar?

  “I’m Ben’s non-date date, the best man.”

  “His non-date date?” Raleigh repeated.

  “I’m just his friend,” Aubrey tried to explain.

  “Oh.” Raleigh flipped her sun bleached hair. “He’s a good guy. Worth being more than friends with.”

  “You’ll have to excuse my fiancé.” Mike leaned over, took Raleigh’s hand and kissed it. “She’s not shy.”

  “It’s alright,” Aubrey said meekly.

  “Oh stop it.” Raleigh pulled her hand away from Mike. “How do you know Ben?”

  Aubrey didn’t know if the story was appropriate to tell.

  “It’s a long story.”

  Raleigh angled her body toward Aubrey and crossed her long tan legs. “I have quite a story about how I met him too. He wanted very much to arrest me.”

  “He still would if he heard you talking about him,” Mike chimed in. “Stop interrogating the poor woman.”

  “Listen you, keep it up.”

  “I have no problem keeping it up,” Mike whispered lowly only for Raleigh’s ears, but Aubrey heard. Raleigh swatted him. Aubrey laughed at the two of them.


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