Caveman Alien's Rage
Page 12
The first inch goes into me fine, with a wet squelch from the copious amount of juices there now. But then there's a narrower part and I go slower, because his cock is so alien in shape and bigger than anything I've had before.
There's wonder in his eyes and his mouth is half open with excitement as he lowers his hands to support more of my weight. I put my arms around his neck and feel my stomach slide downwards against his warm, silky skin. There's a burning sensation from my pussy where his cock is making its way into my center and the tunnel has to stretch around it. Well, there hasn't been anything in there for a good while, and certainly never anything as big as this.
I slide down as far as I want to go this first time and stay there for a moment, just feeling the fullness and the stretching of Dar'ax's cock deep inside me. There's definitely some pulsating going on there, and I think it's him.
I take a deep breath, wanting to prolong this perfect moment and burn it into my memory. The stars are out above us, the air is balmy, the fire is still sending its warm, orange light over us and the smoke is fragrant.
And I'm fucking a caveman.
The whole thing is so primal that it speaks to something very deep in me, something that I think has been suppressed by the modern life on Earth. A new heat is released in me and it's only the two of us in the world.
I lift myself up again, and Dar'ax helps me with his hands under my butt. Because of course he's a natural talent at this and he knows exactly what I need.
“Oh yeahhhhhhh ...” I moan as I feel all the bulbs and ridges and protrusions on his alien cock stimulate my pussy just perfectly on the way out, and then I lower myself again, faster and deeper because I know I can handle it. Stars, he stretches me just right, and those special features on him touch every little spot in there, sending showers of hot sparks through me. I never knew I was that sensitive.
I ride him like that, with him holding up most of my weight and lifting me easily with his hands so I can concentrate on the sensations he creates in me.
And those are some sensational sensations. I lose track of whether he's going in or out – all I know is that my whole pelvis is churning with a red-hot pleasure where I can't really tell my body from his. I moan and whimper and cling to him, and even though I'm on top, he's totally in control as he fucks me much more expertly than I've ever experienced. And, it goes like a flash through my delirious mind, this has to be his first time. It's only going to get better from here.
The wet sounds from my pussy mean that I'm dripping down there, and the heat and hardness of his cock are forcing groans from me. I cling to his hard, smooth body, feeling his heat and hearing his deep grunts as he penetrates my sex so deep it feels like he fills all of me, turning me into a keg of gunpowder, ready to go off at the slightest spark.
I'm fucking a caveman. A huge, good caveman with a depth greater than I ever suspected, a man who rides a freaking T. Rex and who has a past so dark I can't even fathom it, but still he came out on top and turned into the primitive and still sophisticated animal of a man that he is-
Then my eyes fly open and I gasp loudly as I feel something more happening at my pussy, and I check his arms to see if he has a third hand down there. No, of course not. Then it has to be ...
I buck involuntarily as the realization hits me and his second cock touches my clit and sends vibrations through it. Still he's fucking me, still my whole pussy and stomach is somehow both a huge fireworks display of pleasure and a dry powder keg at the same time, and now I'm jerking uncontrollably as my clit sets everything off, ignites it with a white-hot flash through me that makes me scream.
I want to hold on to him, but my body goes limp and I can't control my arms the way I'd have to, but he holds me tight and still lifts me and fucks me through my orgasm. Then all rational thought goes up in smoke and I become just ecstasy and liquid heat and ... just love.
This is what it means to love. I scream as the realization hits me with full force and all of me just explodes: I love him!
Still he fucks me and still the waves of the climax roll through me. I know I'm screaming still, and I know I'm groaning and whimpering and probably scraping up his back with my nails, but I don't care. I just want to be here always.
And then his movements get less even and controlled and his grunts increase in volume. I know what's about to happen, and I squeeze the muscles in my pelvis in an instinctive attempt to keep him inside me for this, to not allow him to slide out. Then he plunges into me again, he roars in my ear and his cock swells deep inside my sex before it shoots hot liquid in there in hard spurts and deep thrusts, spraying my center down with his essence and claiming it forever.
“Yes,” I moan. “Yes. Right there. Fuck me. Fuck me, caveman.” Yeah, I'm not the most well-spoken chick during orgasm. But I mean every word.
Finally he starts slowing down, and then I'm just hanging limply in his arms, shuddering with aftershocks and just enjoying every second. He holds me tight, and I can feel his powerful heartbeat roll through me. Still he's inside, still we're joined in heat and I have no idea what is me and what is him.
I manage to straighten and take his face between my palms. I stare right into his eyes, where the fire is now reddish and pulsates slowly.
“I love you,” I state once and for all.
Then I put my head on his shoulder.
- Dar'ax -
Heidi's body goes limp in my arms and I can hear her deep, even breathing in my ear. She's fallen asleep.
Perhaps that's what usually happens after something like this. I have no idea. Perhaps I should be sleeping as well.
But I can't and I won't. I'm happy, and I haven't felt that for many years, so I want it to last.
I hold her securely, but not too tight. I want her to sleep well.
I reflexively straighten my neck and look around the clearing for eyes or movement, but there is none. Gerk is nowhere to be seen, either, but that's to be expected. He likes to roam the jungle.
I have trouble grasping what just happened. It wasn't Worship, I'm sure of that. Our mouths did come into contact with each other, in the most unusual and enticing way, but I didn't kiss her slit.
I scratch my chin. Could it have been mating? Is it possible to mate with someone who's not one's formal Mate, as blessed by the tribe's shaman in front of the tribe? In ... marriage? In married? In marry? I can't quite remember the technical term. I was never going to be a shaman, so I didn't memorize it.
For the first time in many years I think back to what shaman Sai'ex taught us boys about the Women and the Mate and the Worship. We were all very interested in that last thing, because then Sai'ex would use a wooden doll that portrayed a woman in complete undress and show us the important parts. Those were very interesting and fun lessons, and we boys were much more attentive than otherwise. Often older tribesmen would silently come into Sai'ex's cave and pay close attention to the Worship lessons. That wooden doll in particular was of great interest to all of us, and Sai'ex made a great display of putting it into a box and carefully sealing it with holy spells after each lesson. I think it worked, too. It was never stolen. But I'm sure the Nusin had their fun with it.
Even the thought of the Nusin desecrating Sai'ex's cave doesn't send that familiar shot of anger through me. Heidi is much more important, and she's here, pressed into me. Nothing else matters to me right now. My happiness is intact.
My manhood is still inside her, although it's not as hard now as earlier. Holy Ancestors, what an experience! I was certain she would leave when she heard the story of my tribe. She must understand that without a tribe, alone and disgraced, last and only, I have no value as a warrior or as a man. I wanted her to know, so she could do the obvious thing and leave me to my dishonor.
It would have broken me again if she had, but I'm so badly broken already, it doesn't matter. And I would still have my mission.
But instead, she kissed me and then ...
I swallow in a dry throat,
and my manhood stiffens again at the memory. I had no idea something like that was possible. Sai'ex was never specific about what it would mean to mate, although I do remember that word, because it implies that it's only something one can do with one's Mate. And of course I knew I would never have a Mate, because we had no women.
The Mate. I rack my brain to remember what that was. The Ancestors ... if there was a woman found in the jungle, then ... something about Worship. She must be Worshipped?
I tap a finger on my lips. Yes, that seems to make sense. Certainly men on a planet with no women must Worship her if one is found, so that she'll see his reverence and she'll stay.
And then ... the man and the woman are Mates? Was that it? But then the tribe's women would also return? Wasn't there a Prophecy of some kind? And marriage ... getting married? To be Mates forever?
No, it's been too long and I can't recall it precisely. Perhaps it will come to me later. All I know is that I did find Heidi in the jungle, and I did Worship her.
Except she worshipped me first!
I cold feeling goes down my back. Holy Ancestors, Sai'ex never said anything about that! Have I ruined the chances of being Heidi's Mate?
Then why is she still here? And why did she do what she did just now? What was that last thing she said, just before she fell asleep? It sounded very important. And certainly most sincere.
This woman in my arms is both very familiar and very strange. She will do the most outrageously dangerous things, and then she will turn around and do something unspeakably wonderful. And she sleeps so innocently and she screams so loudly in my ear when ...
I'm at full hardness again. But she's asleep and I won't move. It feels wrong, somehow.
So she's still here. My tale and my many displays of the Red Fog didn't cause her to leave me, as any rational person would. I have nothing to offer her, she must know that. Only death and killing and dishonor. Until my mission is accomplished.
Still she sleeps on my shoulder, and I'm starting to feel drowsy myself.
I must walk a quick patrol around the edge of the jungle before I can allow myself to give in to it.
I slowly get up and let my hardness slip out of her slit. Then I lay Heidi's wondrously round body down on the soft grass and place my loincloth under her head and her dress over her. I only need my sword for the patrol.
I kneel over her and just stare. Her beauty is breathtaking. Such a superb creature! Surely she must come straight from the Ancestors themselves.
But why? Why have they given her to me?
And why now, so close to the end?
- Heidi -
I wake up and stretch. The sun is just coming up over the hills, and there's a nice smell of fried turkeypig in the air. I must be getting used to sleeping on the bare ground, because I don't have as many aches as I would have expected.
I sit up and rub my eyes. Dar'ax is by the fire, frying turkeypig and making a stew. He's naked apart from his sword belt, and that cock of his is almost as impressive like this as it is when it's inside me.
I scratch my butt. Huh. I guess I'm naked too.
I lazily grab my dress from the ground and pull it on, then sashay over to Dar'ax and place my hand on his meaty shoulder. “You cook food.”
“Heidi very smart,” he says and continues his work. “Notice food, even spot huge fire from three hands away.”
I lightly punch his arm. “You be nice to Heidi. Ride brave warrior very nice last night, then honor with sleep on shoulder.”
“Is true,” he replies in the same grammarless way that I'm talking. “Heidi ride very well. Brave warrior also very nice, let Heidi ride until scream and then sleep and then food and fire.”
There's a smirk around his mouth and a glint in his eye that I haven't seen before now. He's gently teasing me, and it makes me happy. The warm feeling from last night comes back, just slightly tempered by the light of day.
I point at his rapidly hardening cock. The second one I guess only comes out when it's time. “Seem warrior also enjoy, now ready for more scream. In early morning! Very scandal warrior.”
He shrugs. “Innocent warrior easily harden from think of Heidi scream. Heidi scream very nice. Warrior still deaf in one ear.”
“Well, warrior lucky. Heidi very sore in slit. Warrior mate big and hard.”
He smirks again and holds out a skewer with a perfectly cooked slice of turkeypig on it. “If Heidi nice and eat food now, maybe warrior mate more with her.”
I take the slice and enjoy the beef-like taste and the spicy sweetness from where the juice has crystallized. He's a good cook, too.
“Maybe,” I agree as I chew. “And maybe Heidi show warrior more nice ways to mate. If warrior is very good and give Heidi drink and also salad?”
Actually I wouldn't mind being bent over and fucked right now, but it's true about my pussy being sore and I want to give it a little while to recover. I think the next time will maybe be better if my body can recover a little before that.
He reaches over with a leaf full of an expertly prepared salad of the best leaves and herbs this jungle can grow, as well as a deeply cupped leaf with clear water in it. Since he had to leave his big bag with the deadbites, he can't make all the good stuff he used to. But this is fine with me.
I sit down next to him and gaze in the direction where I think Bune is. It has to be far away if I can't even see its top in the horizon. What are the girls doing right now? They must still be getting used to not living in the cave anymore. The ancient spaceship isn't really that suitable a home, and there's a bunch of not-dactyls nearby. I hope they're okay and that they're not too worried about me.
There's not much I can do about that right now. We decided in the beginning, right after we were dumped on this planet, that we needed the help of cavemen to survive here. Ideally a whole tribe, but that has turned out to be difficult. It looks like our strategy should be to catch one caveman at a time and create a tribe from them and us. Well, I'll do my best to catch this one.
I glance over at him. His face attracts my eyes, more than before, now that he smiles occasionally. He'll maybe never be a model on Earth, except from the neck down. His face is too alien. But he's the most beautiful man ever to me.
How would he take to our tribe? Jax'zan and Ar'ox were both important men in their tribes before they joined us, and they have become good friends. But Dar'ax hasn't had a tribe for years. He's lived his adult life alone and is very independent. I like that about him, but I get the feeling he might not be a good match for any tribe.
I finish my breakfast and wipe my hands on the ground. “What plan for today, brave warrior?”
He puts his arm around my shoulders in a way that's very possessive and which I like a whole lot. I also like that he smiles. He has a great smile. “Today, Heidi will ride.”
I groan theatrically. “Yes, fine. We agree maybe Heidi ride Dar'ax if Dar'ax very good boy. But can't ride all day long. Heidi scream so much, she killed dead from sore slit.”
He juts his chin out in a way that is the cavemen's way of nodding. “Yes. Heidi is insatiable now. I understand. If Heidi is also a very good woman today, perhaps rewarded with riding Dar'ax later. Before then, Heidi will ride.”
I scratch my head. I don't get it. “Ride on Gerk?”
He juts his chin out again, and now his smile is downright mysterious. “No. But also yes.”
- - -
We walk into the jungle, and before long Dar'ax raises his hand and I freeze. We're clearly looking for something, and from the way he moves, I think we're looking for something that's alive.
He signals to me to get down behind a bush, and I hurry to do it. Then he moves very slowly in among a cluster of trees and comes out again with something large, black and oval that he has to carry in both arms.
I've never seen one before, but it's obvious to me what it is: it's a dinosaur egg.
He tiptoes towards me with it. I shrink away, because I've seen the Alie
n movies and I'm very suspicious of eggs that have that leathery look.
“What that?” I hiss and make sure he knows I want nothing to do with it.
He just smiles merrily and walks back to the clearing with me following him, looking over my shoulder all the time. Because if that egg's mother is somewhere nearby, then she's probably some kind of alien queen and I'm not going to get between her and her offspring without a flamethrower ready.
Dar'ax puts the egg down on the grass and then directs me to climb into a nearby tree on the other side from where we got the egg. He gives me a good boost, and I feel marginally safer up here among the branches. Except of course most of the dinos I've seen on this planet are twice as tall as the tree.
Dar'ax seems to have no more interest in the egg itself, and he climbs up into another tree beside it. He sits there with his sword in his hand, and now I guess we're just waiting for something?
It doesn't take long for that something to come out of the jungle. And if I thought it would only be the egg's mother, then I was optimistic. It's a whole herd of not-raptors, the dinos that Sophia and Emilia were both almost eaten by and that look a lot like the velociraptors from Earth, while still being very different.
They're coming out from among the trees, running fast but almost without a sound, even though they're all the size of a pickup truck. Their eyes are slitted and emotionless and their claws are many and sharp. They look a little like smaller T. Rexes, except they're more slender and have smaller heads.
I instinctively pull my feet closer up under me, although I don't think they can reach me up here.
They're running straight for the egg, at least eight of them.
I'm starting to wonder what exactly Dar'ax's plan is here when he suddenly drops down from his tree and lands on the back of the last raptor in the herd. I squeal and my hand goes to my mouth, because that's the most dangerous thing I've seen him do.
The other not-raptors run over to the egg and take it with them without slowing down, and then they're running back into the jungle with it.