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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 103

by Michelle Love

  “Don’t worry about the damn future. Think about now and what we mean to one another. Don’t stop this for what might happen. I’m not about to love you and know you love me and just keep letting things happen the way they have been. So, what do you say, Aulora? Would you like to be my girl?”

  “Can I still be me, if that happens? Can I be the person I’ve always been?”

  “I’d have it no other way. I’m not trying to change you in any way. You’re amazing! Why would I even want to change you?”

  “The clothes, the jewels,” she said.

  “Only to make you feel at ease when I take you places where things like that matter. Other than that, I love the casual way you dress. I never want you to feel out of place. I care about how you feel, peach. So, for today, please wear what I bought for you, so I can introduce you to the people who are special to me. I’ve talked so much about you. They’ve been itching to meet you. And you could make some new fans of your art. Now, wouldn’t that be lovely?”

  It would, she thought. It’s rich people who buy art, after all. And it’s not as if she’d never hobnobbed with the super-rich before. She knew how to act at the expensive clubs they all belonged to. Why not go for it?

  Weston was the person who brought out more in her where her art was concerned, anyway. Why not let him help her to become the best artist and person she could?

  “I’ll be your girl, Weston. That sounds pretty amazing to me.”

  “And I’m your guy, Aulora Greene.”

  Chapter 5

  Glitz, glamor, and flash were everywhere once they were inside the prestigious club, Weston and his family belonged to. At times, she felt as if she was a show pony when he introduced her to people.

  Aulora knew they were looking at her bone structure to determine if she came from good stock. That’s what wealthy people did, they determined things about people based on their appearances. But it was her art that reeled them all in.

  “Oh, my!” an older woman, West had introduced her to, by the name of Emily Snodgrass, proclaimed in surprise when he told her Aulora Green was an artist with her own collection at one of the most prestigious galleries in New York state. “The entire state?” she asked.

  Weston nodded and Aulora blushed a bit as he went on to tell the woman more about her than she was used to hearing herself talked about. “She’s already sold an entire collection and she hasn’t even graduated yet. I dare say, she’s destined for greatness, my little peach.”

  “And where did you find such a treasure, Weston?” Emily Snodgrass asked, sending a frown over Aulora’s beautifully made-up face.

  A dingy pub isn’t a thing an upper-class citizen is supposed to work at. But she found herself staring up at Weston with adoration as he said, “A pub on the outskirts of Queens is where I found my heart. Being an artist, she’s taken the role to heart and took a modest job and flat to help her gain the insight she needs to become a great artist. You know, the pains and tribulations that all great art is created from.”

  It was kind of true, after all!

  “So, intelligent and how true,” Emily Snodgrass replied with a wide smile. “You’ve either made your parents very proud or they’re very disappointed right now. I know how parents can be. When I went to finishing school, and came out with the wild idea that I wanted to be a reporter, I was met with criticism. Unfortunately, I caved into it and went on to become the wife of Seville Snodgrass the Fourth, instead of pursuing a path my parents deemed unfit for my station in life.”

  “Pity,” Weston said and looked at Aulora with a wide smile on his handsome face. “My Aulora would walk through fire to get where she needs to get in the art world. Isn’t that right, Aulora?”

  She nodded and watched a tray of alcoholic beverages pass by. “My mother is proud of me. My father, not so much.” How she wanted to reach out and grab a glass of numbing juice but Weston wanted no alcohol to pass through her lips, lest she would get no taste of him on that day.

  And she wanted a taste of him more than she’d ever wanted anything!

  The day passed by and she managed to keep her cool and make new acquaintances. With so many promises to stop by the gallery to view and perhaps make purchases of her work, she knew she was going to need to get to work ASAP and with Weston as her muse, she was pretty sure things were beginning to look up for her.

  The ride in his Mercedes as they went back to his place, had her dreamily looking out the window at the darkening sky. Perhaps she could make her own wealth one day as a real artist. Maybe she could make it all happen for herself.

  She glanced at Weston as he took her hand and kissed it.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  “I was just thinking about things. Thank you, West. I think you might be my golden ticket.”

  His smile made her heart flutter and she found herself smiling too. He lifted her hand once more and turned it over, leaving a trail of kisses over her palm. “When we get home, I want to get you out of that pretty dress and into my arms. What do you think about that?”

  With a shiver of pure lust, she said, “I think I want to kiss you all over and I’d love it if you’d do the same for me.”

  She couldn’t wait to get back to his mansion and find out what made him tick. And when they pulled into the garage and he sighed as he looked at another car that was parked there, he looked over at her with a frown.

  “Father’s home. We can’t get right to the good stuff.”

  “Want to go to my place?” she asked him with hopes of hightailing it out of there before she had to be introduced to another person. And this one, the most important person in Weston’s life.

  “No, I want you in my bed.” His eyes roamed over her with sheer lust. “I want to make you mine in my home and in my bedroom, Aulora.”

  His voice was deep and demanding. And she was on fire.

  “’K,” came her simple reply. She could hardly think, let alone form a whole sentence.

  He came around and opened her door then took her hand and led her into the house. Laughter is what they heard and when they followed the sound, they found his father, a man who looked very similar to Weston, only his hair had gone silver. On his father’s lap sat a tall, willowy blonde with long red nails and dollar signs in her light green eyes.

  “Weston, son! And who is on your arm?” his father called out and stood up, unseating the woman who now looked annoyed.

  “This is my girl, Father. The one I’ve been telling you about. This is Aulora Greene. Aulora, this is my father, Joshua Calloway.”

  “Call me Josh,” he said as he extended his hand and shook Aulora’s.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Josh. And your lady friend is?” Aullie asked.

  “I’m Stephanie,” the woman said as she stepped up and held her hand out. Aulora shook it and found Josh not looking too enthused.

  “Steph, how about you bring some drinks for the kids? Name your poison, Aulora.”

  Weston was quick with the answer to that. “She and I are heading upstairs. There’s a movie we want to see and it’s about to start. We don’t want to get in your way. Night, Father.”

  With a smile and a nod, Josh waved them away and Aulora felt relief at ending the day of meeting so many new people. As they headed up the stairs, she caught sight of the other woman looking up at them. A sadness was in her eyes and she knew why that was.

  That woman wanted what Aulora had. A commitment. But Aulora knew something that woman didn’t. When dealing with rich men, one never knew when that commitment could end.

  But she was going to ride this thing out with Weston and try very hard not to worry about that!

  His eyes narrowed as he took her into his very masculine bedroom. “Strip.” He closed the door, ticking the lock, then stepped back a few steps until his enormous bed stopped him and he took a seat on it. Aulora felt like she was on display and when he grabbed a remote and music began to play, she felt like a stripper, there to please him.

p; It should’ve infuriated her. But it had the opposite effect. Instead, she was turned on. He’d taken her out and introduced her to his people. He wasn’t ashamed of his little waitress slash art student. He was proud of her.

  She kicked one shoe off at a time then unbuttoned the buttons on the front of the dress, slowly. He leaned back, resting on his palms as he watched her.

  Slow and easy, she peeled the dress away until it was a puddle of blue material, resting at her feet. Her newly pedicured feet with the toenails painted a sensible pink color, as were her nails. He’d dolled her up and she kind of hated how much she enjoyed it all.

  The deep blue bra came off next and she found him sucking in his lower lip. Lastly, she wiggled out of the matching panties and stood, waiting for him.

  With a wiggle of his finger, she took the steps to cross the room and get to him. His hands gripped her hips and he kissed her stomach first then trailed down to kiss her lower.

  She tensed at first when his lips pressed against her clit. His hands moved around to grip her ass and he held her still while he gave her some much-wanted attention to an area that had seen so little.

  Aulora looked down, watching him as he took her with his mouth. His brownish blonde locks moved as his head did and she was falling apart in mere moments.

  On the ride home, they’d had the birth control talk and he was happy to find out she was on the pill and she was happy to find out he’d recently had testing done and he was disease free. They’d be free to explore one another without the need for a condom to separate them. Nothing would be between them. Their flesh would touch, caress, and bond.

  With her wet and ready, Weston got up and pulled her to his bed. Tossing the blankets back, he lay her down then proceeded to undress as she watched him. She kept licking her red lips as he took off his clothes. Her mouth watered as she watched more and more of him become exposed.

  His desire for her was apparent as his large male appendage gave her a standing ovation. Her thighs quivered as he pushed her legs apart and moved onto the bed between them.

  His palm flattened on her sex and his words came out with severely pronounced words, “This is mine and only mine.”

  She swallowed hard as her heart rose into her throat. Was she really going to go through with this? Was she really going to give this man so much of herself?

  His eyes went soft, losing the hard edge they’d held. He nodded as he softly stroked her warm folds, reminding her of how well he could treat her.

  “That is yours and only yours,” she told him.

  He held his cock and used it to stroke her folds. “And in return, you get this. And only you get this.”

  She looked at his massive organ and thought how lucky she was to be getting that. It seemed like a great bargain. “Mine,” she whispered.

  “Now, would you like for me to show you what I can do for you?” he asked her.

  She nodded. “Please.” Her body was tense. He was huge and she knew there would be some pain but she also knew there would be intense pleasure with something that long, wide, and thick inside of her.

  “Put your hands behind your head.”

  She did as he said and watched as he readied himself to move into her. The tip of his cock was wide. He pushed her legs up, so her knees were bent and he spread her wide for him.

  Holding himself up over her, he eased himself into her with small increments. She held her breath as her body stretched to accommodate him. They looked at each other as they connected and when a single tear ran out of her eye, he kissed it away then made the last of the journey into her body.

  “You okay?” he whispered in her ear as he lay perfectly still on top of her.

  “I think so. You’re big, West.”

  “Does it hurt?” he asked her then looked at her. “Let me know if I hurt you.”

  She smiled and ran her hand over his cheek.

  “Tell me that you feel that too. That feeling of being whole.”

  He nodded and kissed her with a gentle kiss. One easy stroke up then another back down and he felt her body easing into his. She was growing accustomed to his size and he moved more freely, making her moan with pleasure. The sounds she made were music to his ears.

  Their hearts pounded as they made love. Soft touches and gentle strokes grew into love scratches and hard, pounding thrusts that left her breathless with each one.

  The slapping of flesh and the growls of lust filled their ears until the sound of both of them finding their sweet release, together, echoed off the walls of his bedroom.

  Weston had made her his. She was going nowhere. Running away from him was no longer an option.

  As he settled between her thighs to let their bodies slow the pulsing they were doing, he looked at her with love and understanding.

  “I love you, Aulora Greene.”

  “I love you, Weston Calloway.”

  “You can never run again.”

  She giggled and blushed.

  “I might not even be able to walk after that!”

  He laughed and kissed her. “Good. I’ll keep you hobbled like this for a while. You won’t be able to get mad at me and take off.”

  “Try not to make me mad, West. At least for a little while. Be on your best behavior.” She pulled him back down and kissed him.

  “And you too, okay?”

  She nodded in agreement. She could do that. She had tons to do anyway. School, work, paint.

  Running wasn’t a thing she was thinking about doing at all. His body pinned hers to the soft mattress and his weight felt amazing to her. There was no need to over analyze anything.

  He rolled to one side of her, leaving her feeling empty but he quickly pulled her in for a snuggle. A kiss on top of her head, made her feel loved and safe and she fell asleep without any problem at all.

  When the morning sun rose, waking them up, she was happy to find his arms still around her. She was still, so she wouldn’t wake him but it seemed he was already awake.

  “There she is, my little peach,” he cooed at her. “And how did we sleep?”

  “Like a baby,” she said as she moved around to face him. “And you?”

  “Holding an angel in my arms proved to be magical. I slept solidly through the entire night. A thing I haven’t done since I was just out of high school. Now you’re really stuck with me, Aulora. You’re my sleep-aid.”

  She giggled and kissed his cheek. “I’m usually a night owl. It seems your lovemaking is better than a warm cup of milk.”

  “Speaking of warm milk. We should get over to your place and let Bruce out and get him something to eat. We only stopped by there once yesterday to see to him. Then we can have some brunch.”

  “You are amazing. Did anyone ever tell you that, West?” she kissed his cheek again. The slight roughness of his unshaven face felt good on her lips. She could see waking up with him many more mornings.

  “Amazing? Maybe not that exact word, no.” He gave her a squeeze. “Shower first then we’ll take off.”

  “Would you like to hang out at my place until I have to go to work tonight?” she asked him as he was getting up then he stopped and turned around to take her in his arms again.

  “That job isn’t a thing you need to do any longer, peach. You’re making it as an artist now.”

  “Um, no,” she said as she looked at him. “I mean, I made enough to cover my bills and then some from what you bought but I need a steady income.”

  The way he looked at her let her know he was going to make an argument for quitting her job. His jaw set, then he said, “Aulora, you’ll have school and painting that will take up most of your time. If you keep that job, then we won’t have many evenings together. And I want to spend every evening I can with you.”

  “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. I have to keep the job until I find out if my paintings will make enough money to pay my bills. If that happens, then I’ll quit. But I wouldn’t just up and quit, anyway. I’d give my two weeks’ notice firs

  “How many other people that you’ve worked with there have given their two weeks’ notice, Aulora? My guess is none. And if your employment was terminated then they’d not give you two weeks, either. The fact is you have two walls to fill with artwork and you’ll need time to do that. I got you that so you could get going on the journey you wanted to go on. The damn bar isn’t a stone on that path.”

  She blinked as she looked at him and it all started to sink in. She and he were a couple. And couples did things like change jobs to get to be around each other more. They did things to help the other person get on the career path they wanted. She knew all of this but it still made her feel uneasy.

  “I don’t want you to buy any more of my art, West. I will give it a month. If my art sells to people, other than yourself, and it makes enough money to meet my bills then I will quit the bar. Not before then, though.”

  “You won’t have bills if you move in with me,” he said. “You and Bruce can come live with me.”

  “Too fast, Weston! Way too fast!”

  “Why do you say that? Don’t you want to be with me?”

  “I do. But let’s take it slow.”

  “No,” came his spoiled, entitled, rich man’s answer. “Move in with me!”

  “No!” she yelled in his face. “I need at least a month to see how things go before I make more commitments to you than I already have.”

  He turned and got out of bed, his chiseled ass making her mouth water as he walked away in all his glorious nakedness. “Fine!” he shouted as he left her alone in his bed. “One month, Aulora. Not one day longer than that!”

  “Bossy, much?” she mumbled as she snuggled back into the comfy bed.

  She was well aware that most women would’ve never argued over what she’d just argued about. They would’ve done as the hot, sexy man told them to. But Aulora Greene was not most women. No, Aulora Greene was a special kind of stubborn.

  As Weston brushed his teeth and looked at the love bites Aulora had left all over him, his anger with her turned into something else. She was strong, independent, and had a will he likened to that of an Ox.

  Who was he to try to change that?


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