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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 136

by Michelle Love



  I follow Eden as we fly through the night, which is lit up by the full moon. The transformation is complete and our full powers given to us. I can communicate with Kyle telepathically as well I can with Eden.

  Kyle’s agreed to be my primary protector, something I’m very happy about. Eden, not so much.

  ‘Stop thinking about it, Alyssa. You had to offer it to him. You had no choice,’ Eden sends to me.

  His words tell me he’s taking it as best he can. I can feel what he feels though and his heart is aching.

  ‘I love you more,’ I send to him.

  ‘I know you do, princess. I’ll get used to this. Just give me time.’

  Cool air blows past my face as we fly over Lake Pontchartrain. A fish jumps, a spark of silver against the dark surface. My imagination was nothing compared to the reality flying is.

  Strength fills my bird body as I glide through the air. Eden flies up high and I follow him over the tall treetops. We’re going back to the mansion.

  Kyle has been taken there and he waits with Galchobar for our return. A brief ceremony to cement his commitment to me will be held. No one will attend. This is between Eden, me, and Kyle. Galchobar will officiate.

  Guess The Creator is telling the old guy what to say. This is a new deal for the Phoenixes.

  ‘Yes, it is. Thanks to my stubbornness,’ Eden sends to me.

  ‘This is not your fault, Eden. Please stop blaming yourself. It was meant to be. Can’t you look at it like that? Our Creator makes no mistakes,’ I send back.

  His sleek bird head looks back at me and he winks his large emerald eye. ‘You are right, my princess.’

  I’m right! Wow! Marriage ain’t so bad! And my man makes a handsome bird.

  ‘You’re quite beautiful yourself, precious,’ Eden sends.

  I feel as if I’m blushing with his compliment. Can birds blush?

  The mansion is lit up. We can see it from a mile away. This night has lasted forever. I swear we’re in a time warp. Never has a night lasted so long.

  As we approach the backyard, it becomes pretty obvious why it’s as large as a football field. We require a bit of room to land. ‘If I trip and fall all over myself, you better not laugh at me, Eden.’

  His chuckle fills my head as he thinks about how funny that would look.

  Okay, the scene does look funny I have to admit, but I’d rather not be the comic relief this evening.

  ‘Make sure you stay in bird form until you stop, or I’m quite sure you’ll take a tumble if your human legs try to keep up at the fast pace of our bird legs,’ he sends to me, along with a mental picture which frightens me.

  So much to think about!

  As we descend, my bird feet hit the ground running. I hold my wings out some to use the wind to slow my large body. My weight as the large bird is a burden I’m not used to, and I lean forward, threatening to take a nosedive into the lush lawn.

  ‘Raise your head, Princess.’

  I do as Eden says, finding myself balanced and slowing. Once I stop completely, I picture myself as a human again.

  In an instant, the weight of my body changes. My hands rub my arms, which are tired. Involuntarily, I run my hands all over my body to make sure I really am the same girl with all the same parts.

  I hear Eden giggling as he runs up behind me, picking me up and tossing me into the air. His strong arms catch me as I come down.

  “That was exhilarating, don’t you agree?” he asks me.

  “I do,” I say, and he laughs.

  Still holding me off the ground, he presses his body to mine. My legs wrap around his waist and my arms do the same to his neck as he walks with me.

  “Thank you for saying those words so many times when I know it was hard for you a few times during our vows. I swear to you I will always treat you as the equal I consider you to be,” he tells me as he looks into my eyes.

  Even if I wasn’t able to get in his head, his eyes would tell me he was telling the truth. I don’t know why I was ever afraid.

  “You weren’t afraid, Princess. You were pissed. As well you should have been. We’ll get that changed straight away. I’ll not have our successors be subjected to such an outdated thing,” he says, then stops walking. “We’re here, if you care to stand on your own. It’s a bit awkward having Galchobar see us this way, don’t you think?”

  I look back and see the old man and Kyle sitting by the swimming pool. ‘Damn, Ally, really?’ Kyle thinks to me.

  Thankfully, there seems to be a privacy screen between the telepathy Kyle and I share and the telepathy Eden and I share, or I’m quite positive the two would never get along.

  I glance at Kyle and send him, ‘You should see the things I’ve had to see about you and Laura in your very dirty mind, Kyle.’

  He blushes and looks away. I smile up at my new husband and unwrap my legs from his waist. “I love you,” I tell him.

  The touch of his hand on my cheek sends shock waves through me and suddenly this little ceremony can’t get over with quickly enough.

  We need to start this marriage thingy, and quick. My body aches for him.

  Eden turns me toward Galchobar. He’s ready to do the ceremony it seems, as he rises up into the air.

  “Stand next to your primary guardian, if you will, Mistress Fontaine,” he says, with a bit less than the booming voice he’s used at the other ceremonies.

  I move away from Eden and take the place next to Kyle, who’s risen from his chair. He smiles at me. “I can’t believe this, Al.”

  “I know, right?” I say with a giggle.

  Galchobar clears his throat, making us stop our childlike banter, and pay attention to him. “Our Creator has given you a choice Kyle, son of Joe.” Galchobar hesitates as if listening to something, then looks at Kyle. “Your father’s name is just Joe? Not Joseph or Josiah?”

  “Just plain old Joe, sir,” Kyle answers.

  “Okay, then. How very common. Who’d have ever thought, oh well,” the old man says with a shrug of his large shoulders. “Let me continue. Kyle, son of Joe. Do you vow to protect this special creature for as long as you shall live?”

  Kyle looks at me. His sky-blue eyes sparkle as he takes my hand in his. “I do,” he says.

  My heart just skipped a beat and then it felt like it was breaking as Eden’s felt pain.

  Galchobar pulls my attention back to him as he says, “Mistress Fontaine, do you vow to follow this man and do as he bids you to, without hesitation, as he is your guardian for life?”

  I look up at Galchobar with confusion. “For life? Do you mean his or mine?”

  “Yours, Mistress Fontaine. As your primary guardian, he will live as long as you do. Special powers will be bestowed upon him. One is longevity, just as you have,” he tells me, and now I’m not sure I want to do this to him.

  I turn to Kyle. “This is something I’ve had trouble accepting about my position, Kyle. It’s a surety we’ll outlive all those we love. Our children included. Are you sure you wish to do this?”

  Pictures fly through Kyle’s head as he thinks over what I’ve said. He pats my hand as he says, “I will be with all my loved one's in the end, Ally. Let me do this. It’s far beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined.”

  I look back at Galchobar and say, “I do.”

  He looks back at Kyle as he says, “Kyle, son of Joe, with the power vested in me by Our Creator, I now give the female Phoenix to you to protect as you would protect your own child. You may place a kiss upon her wedding band as a sign of your acceptance of this position.”

  Wow! Given to two men in the matter of a day! Do all the ceremonies have to be so archaic?

  Kyle looks at me, a seriousness in his eyes I’ve never seen before, then says, “Alyssa, I will protect you always. Thank you for this. I love you.” His lips touch my wedding band as he bows in front of me.

  I run my hand through his blonde curls. “I love you too, Kyle.” />
  Eden is at my side before Kyle can stand back upright. “Congratulations on the position, Kyle. It makes me very happy to know my wife has such a great protector. I know you’ll always treat her with the respect she deserves now that you know what a truly special creature she is.”

  Kyle gives Eden a smile as he says, “You know I will, Eden. I would like to apologize for not treating her like the princess she is. If I’d known, it would’ve been much different.”

  Eden moves between us, clapping Kyle on the back. “I’m sure you would have, Kyle. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m taking my wife to bed. We’ve had a very long evening as have you. I’m sure you’re just as exhausted as we are.”

  Kyle’s eyes dart to mine. “See you later then?” he asks.

  I smile at him. “Much later. When you decide to get up, take Laura and go see some of the sites. Just ask Niles to get the driver for you two. There’s so much to see.”

  Eden wraps his arm around my waist as he leads us into the house. It’s evident he’s placing his body between mine and Kyle’s.

  “Niles will be giving you your own credit card. It’s payment for your services to Alyssa. The Phoenix Foundation provides everything for us and they will for you as well,” Eden tells Kyle as we walk. “We’ll get together soon to hammer out all the details. In the meantime, consider this a vacation. Have fun, see the sights. Don’t wait around for us, okay?”

  Finding we’re at the top of the stairs, we stop in front of the bedroom Laura’s been placed in. “Remember, Laura can’t know anything yet. Maybe never,” I say.

  “Do me a favor, Al,” Kyle says. “Don’t send me any mind messages for a while, if you catch what I’m pitching.”

  “You don’t send any and I won’t,” I say with a smile.

  Eden shakes his head as he says, “Shit! This is weird.”

  “Yep,” Kyle and I say in unison.

  As Kyle slips into the dark bedroom, Eden and I walk down the long hallway to the very end where our new suite has been built. Neither of us has seen it yet.

  If I wasn’t so damn exhausted, I’d be more excited.

  We stop in front of the ornate, cherry wood door. Eden slips his other arm under my legs, pulling me up to cradle me in his arms. “You ready for this, Mrs. Fontaine?”

  Placing my arms around his neck, I whisper in his ear. “I’ve never been readier for anything in my entire life, Mr. Fontaine.” I leave a light kiss on his neck.

  Oh! This is about to get good!



  The grandeur of our new suite of rooms is almost lost on us as we enter. Alyssa is my wife, and the thought of getting her to our new bedroom consumes me.

  I turn with her in my arms and she closes the door, locking it. Down the hall I go. A light shines into the darkened hallway. Turning into the first room on the left, I find what must be the master bedroom.

  “Oh, my!” Alyssa gasps at the sight. “It’s beyond gorgeous, Eden.”

  A monster-sized bed sits in the middle of the large room. A royal blue bedspread makes me smile at the thought of my wife holding it up to her bare chest, the color enhancing her eyes.

  “I need a bath,” she tells me.

  I carry her into the lavatory to find a jetted tub sunken in the middle of the large room, a large shower to the right of it. “The shower would be quicker. Don’t you think?” I ask.

  “You can put me down, Eden,” Alyssa says.

  I do as she asks and she goes to look at the tub.

  Please pick the shower!

  She turns back to me. “Okay, a shower it is, but tomorrow I’m taking a bath in this piece of art,” she says as she begins to pull her dress away from her shoulder.

  I hold up my hand. “Don’t you dare deprive me of undressing you, princess. I’ve dreamt of this for some time now.”

  A slow and sexy smile she gives me as she drops her hands. “Have you?” she asks. “By all means, do not let me stop you, husband.”

  Husband! It sounds so sweet as it leaves her plump, red lips.

  I unbutton the white shirt they put me in for the last ceremony. I watch her eyes as she looks at me. Her eyes roam over my pecs and down my abs, which I’ve worked very hard on being sure are defined.

  The tilt of her head and movement of her eyes looking away from me cause me to follow her gaze. She’s caught site of my back in the mirror behind me. By the smile on her face, she likes that too.

  Dropping my shirt, I pop the button on my white slacks. They left us both with bare feet, so I’m done as I drop the last bit of material keeping my body covered.

  Alyssa takes in a breath, her words but a whisper, “My God in heaven, Eden, you are perfectly gorgeous.” Her hands run over my tattoos and she looks impressed. She trails one finger over the cross in the middle of my chest. Her hand grazes the word trust along one rib.

  I walk around behind her, leaning my head to whisper in her ear, “I am nothing compared to you, princess.”

  I push down the thin straps which hold her white dress up. The loose garment floats down her body, leaving her in small, red, lace panties. As I move around her body, I graze hers with mine.

  My fingers trail over her delicate collar bone, making a trail between her breasts to rid her of the last item covering her body from my eyes. A slight push and they lay on the floor.

  Taking her hand, I lead her to the shower. I push a button in the middle of the shower and water flows over us from every direction possible. “It’s warm,” Alyssa says with a giggle.

  I steady my heart and my need for her. Bottles of shampoo and other things have been placed in the shower. I put a nice-sized dollop in my hand and massage it into her hair. It smells like honeysuckle.

  She moans and says, “That smells great.”

  “Good, I’m glad you like it,” I say as I let the water rinse the shampoo out of her long, silky, black locks.

  Picking up the body wash, she stops me. “Not yet, put that conditioner in my hair first,” she says.

  I do as she says and she rewards me with a kiss after I’ve massaged it in.

  Her lips taste like cherries. My tongue moves into her mouth, finding it hot.

  She’s making this so hard. She’s making me so hard.

  I pull back. “I have to hurry up with this shower thing.”

  She giggles and I’m about to have to take her, conditioner in her hair or not. I put some body wash on a poufy scrubber, running it over her body, and its physically killing me. My heart is racing and my lower region is on fire.

  “Your turn,” she says as she turns to me. “The water will rinse my hair and body off. Let me do you.”

  That’s exactly what I want! Do me, baby!

  Alyssa pulls me to one of the seats in the large, grey, slate shower. The seat is warm and puts me at just the right height for her breast to graze my face as she leans over me to grab the bottle of shampoo.

  Involuntarily, I take it in my hand. “Nuh uh! Not yet, Mr. Fontaine. Let me get the grime off you first.”

  “Okay, but hurry up. I swear I’m about to burst,” I say as I watch her move to the side. Her breasts move up and down as she massages the shampoo into my hair.

  Her fingers glide along my head. “I love your hair, Eden. Never cut it any shorter than this.”

  I close my eyes so I can’t see her naked breasts and tiny waist so close to my face. Quite literally, I might burst.

  “I don’t need conditioner, Alyssa. Just wash me off.”

  “No way! Your gorgeous hair deserves just as much attention as mine does, Eden,” she says as I feel the shampoo rinse out and the conditioner put in.

  Kneeling with the poufy scrubber thing in her hands, she washes my feet.

  Dear Lord, help me to take my time with her! There has never been anything sexier to me.

  Her long, dark hair falls across her back as she leans over my legs. The touch of the silky, soap-drenched scrubber makes my skin tingle.

  Or is th
at from her touch?

  Up one leg then the other, she cleans me. Finding herself face to face with my arousal, she hesitates. Slowly, she places the scrubber on my erection and rubs it. “You’re beautiful, you know,” she says.

  “You’re killing me, you know,” I say as I run my hand over her wet hair while she kneels before me. “Hurry this wash up. I need you.”

  The water which flows over us rinses the soap from where she’s washed. She lifts her head to look at me and says, “Eden, can I place my mouth on you?”

  For the love of all that’s holy!

  “Perhaps another time, Princess. I’m sure to be unable to control myself if you do that right now, and truth be told I want to do that inside of you, not in your mouth.”

  Red covers her cheeks. “Of course. How dumb of me.”

  Taking her face in my hand, I lift it to look at me. “There is nothing dumb about you, princess. I’m inexperienced and completely hot for you. It’s no fault of yours.”

  She stands and hurries to wash me the rest of the way. “There. You’re done,” she says.

  Rising, I take her by the waist and lift her up, pressing her up against the wall. “I love you, Mrs. Fontaine,” I say as I press my body against hers.

  “I love you, Mr. Fontaine,” she says, then her mouth presses to mine and I fall apart.

  Every place she touches me sets my skin on fire. Her hands run over my back as my tongue claims every space of her mouth. I want every bit of her.

  Her breasts press against my chest, their nipples hard. One foot begins to travel up my calf, then the other follows as she attempts to wrap her legs around my waist.

  I push away from her. “No,” I say. “I’m taking you to our bed. Our first times needs to be done right. I don’t want to have sex with you, Alyssa. I want to make love to you.”

  I press the button and the water goes off. Fluffy, white towels sit on the counter top. Wrapping her up in one, I wrap one around my waist. Her body is light as I pick her up and carry her to our bed.

  Our bed! How long I’ve waited for this.

  I set her down on the bed, her body kept from my view by the towel. I remove it, then drop mine. “You are perfect, Alyssa.”

  “No more than you, my prince.” Her eyes smolder as she looks me over.


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