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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 164

by Michelle Love

  “Really? You think?” She asked.

  I could see it then. Rainey was scared. She had never committed to anything or anyone for long and her she was actually liking someone. It was new territory for her. I mean, I hadn’t been with anyone for long myself so I couldn’t give her much advice.

  “Of course! I am so happy for you. You will have to tell me more.”

  And she did. For the next hour I heard about Chad and his business idea for an elaborate gym and health foods. By the time she stopped, I had a good idea of who Chad was--a pretty damn nice guy with a “really cute butt”.

  After giggling about his butt for a few minutes and then getting lost in a dramatic episode of Grey’s Anatomy, I realize it is almost five in the morning.


  “What?” Rainey jumped.

  “I have to get ready for work and I haven’t even finished grading that stack.” I pointed at the huge stack of stapled together papers.

  “Oh damn. I could maybe help.” She said with a wince.

  I knew better than to let Rainey help with anything that involved grammar or, well, anything that involved school. She had her talents and areas of expertise but this was not one of them. “No, but that is so sweet of you, thank you.” I said.

  She seemed relieved, “okay.” She stretched and yawned. “I had better be going so you can get to it. Hey. You going to be okay?” She asked one last time.

  “Yes. I will. Now anyways. Thank you.” I smiled.

  And just as she had since we were little, Rainey kissed me on the cheek and left. Alone, the apartment seemed small. Too quiet. I looked at my sheets that were still crumpled to the side of the bed after that gloriously rough sex. When I picked up the paper from the top of the stack, a single tear drop slid down the edge of my nose and plopped on the paper. I wasn’t letting him back in without a damn good reason the next time.



  I couldn’t concentrate during the meeting. I did hear them say that Jessop had signed on. Good. I knew I could trust them to land the big contracts without me. Tia passed out black folders to everyone. The company logo spread across the glossy front in silver.

  I opened mine to read the deal that was made and agree on the terms laid forth. While I was trying hard to read it my mind kept racing back to last night with Liv. Her black curls had fell forward and how her pussy clamped around me--threatening to suck the life from me. She was tight, wet, and wonderful. I could sink into her and stay forever. My dick hardened under the long table.

  Those chocolatey brown eyes begged me to fuck her. All I wanted was to bend her over the conference room table and screw her brains out. Maybe screw my rage out too. But it wasn’t fair--to anyone. I had hurt her twice now.

  “Sam?” Flynn asked.

  “Oh. Yes, these terms are excellent. Good job team.” I said.

  “Uh, Sam. We don’t agree with these terms and we didn’t write them. We need help working on them to fit the studio’s needs. Are you with us today?” He asked.

  Damn. “I am so sorry. Yes. You will have my undivided attention.”

  “Thanks.” Flynn said. Sarcasm flooding his voice.

  When the meeting was over Flynn pulled me to the side. “What’s going on man?” He asked.


  “Don’t nothing me, what’s going on? You have been off lately.” He said.

  “I have just had a lot on my mind. Did I tell you Emma came back?” I asked.

  “What the hell, no. Why did she come around?” He asked.

  “Money mostly. She claimed she came to see Donavan, but she bolted through the door the moment I placed some plastic in her hands.” I said.

  “Damn. I am sorry man.”

  “It’s okay. I didn’t need to deal with her this week too though.”

  “What about that school teacher you told me about?” Flynn asked.

  “I think I have fucked up there too.”

  “Shit, I am sorry dude. I always wanted a hot school teacher to bend over a desk and teach a lesson or two.”

  An image of Flynn and Tia flashed into my mind and I cringed by accident.

  “What, you don’t think I could bang a sexy school teacher?” He asked.

  “Oh, I am sure you could. I am just convinced you shouldn’t. Your wife and girlfriend might have a problem with it.”

  “Yeah. Things with Tia have been real bad lately.”

  “And the wife?” I asked.

  “Oh, no. I love her. She is too good to me.”

  I shook my head.

  “You know. You’re a real big dick.”

  “Yeah. I have a real big one too.” He started laughing obnoxiously.

  Why are we friends again?

  Flynn laughed down the hallway to his office and I just shook my head again as I walked to my own.

  I may not be great with women...but I have never and will never be a cheater. Besides, my life was to chaotic as it is with just one the hell did you manage more?

  My phone buzzed and Tia’s voice came over the line.

  “Sam. Jessop is on line one.”

  “Okay thanks Tia.”

  I cleared my throat and picked up the line.

  “Samuel Raven, how can I help?” Professional. Concise. To the point. That was how I liked to do business. But it wasn’t how I liked to do women. I needed to fix this with Liv somehow. I know I said not to get involved with anyone and interfere with my time with my son, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  “Hey Sam. Did you receive my terms and offer?” He asked.

  “I did. We are coming up with a counter offer, but I think you will find what I have to offer is most generous and even better than your own terms. Full access to the studio. Your own record label. Just a small commitment to Crave Sound and we will skyrocket you to the top of the charts.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line. I thought he might have hung up but then I heard an exasperated sigh.

  “Fine, I will consider whatever offer you put on the table. My own record label? Guaranteed?”


  “Okay. I will be by in the morning.”

  “Can’t wait to have you on board.”

  This was the second, no third time that my team had failed me. They said they had landed Jessop and here I was securing the deal. I felt a victory high when we disconnected that shadowed my annoyance with my staff. Besides, they were all great workers. This musician was particularly difficult, but his voice and lyrics were on point and well worth the headache.

  “Tia?” I pressed the conference button.

  “Yes sir?”

  “Clear my morning tomorrow. Jessop will be here and he will be in studio.”

  No, we hadn’t scheduled it, but I had a feeling he would be recording before he left the building tomorrow.

  “Yes sir.”

  “And Tia? Good job.”

  I didn’t feel like blasting her. Sometimes, it was better to give positive feedback than constantly berate.

  “Thank you sir!” She said, very chipper.

  Before leaving the studio I stopped Tia in the lobby.

  “I meant what I said. Good job Tia. I know you do so much for the company. I appreciate all that you do.”

  “Thanks boss.” She grinned. She was pretty. Not drop dead gorgeous like Liv, but pretty.

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Sure.” She said. She looked concerned.

  “What are you doing messing around with a married man? You are beautiful, young, smart. Hardworking. You could do so much better.”

  Who the hell am I to give advice?

  It must have helped though because I saw a spark in her eyes.

  “I don’t know. It started out new and exciting, but now. I don’t know.”

  “Think about it. Make sure this is what you really want.”

>   “Are you going to fire me?”

  “What? Hell no. You are a rockstar at your job, but I think you might be distracted.”

  Where the hell did that come from? I didn’t even know where I was getting that from, it was just coming out of my mouth on its own.

  “Okay. I will think about it. Thank you, by the way.” She said.

  “No problem. See you tomorrow.”

  The rest of that week, Tia’s productivity and personality slowly evolved from great to exceptional. I even noticed she was ignoring Flynn by the end of it.

  Flynn tapped on my door and stepped into my office. He silently paced with his fists balled up.

  “Yes Flynn?”

  “What the hell happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do I mean! Look at her!” He shouted. He pointed through my glass office to Tia’s desk. She was making an effort not to look our way. “She hasn’t looked at me or said anything other than ‘yes sir’, ‘no sir’, and ‘I will get on it’, all week!”

  “Maybe she is over it.” I shrugged.

  Flynn wheeled on me. “What did you do?”

  “Uh. What needed to be done. You both were so distracted with your affair that the work wasn’t getting done around here.”

  Flynn pointed his finger at me. His mouth curled up into a snarl. As he began to shout at me about how I had no business into his affairs, spittle ran down his chin and splattered on my desk. I watched him, tuning him out as he rattled on and on about how good he had it and how he wasn’t even sure he could work in such conditions now. We had been friends for a long time and this was all it took to unhinge that?

  “Stop.” I growled.

  Flynn stopped. His mouth fell open at the tone in my voice as shock registered across his eyes.

  “Now. Talk to me in a civil, professional manner.” I said.

  “I just. I…”

  “That is what I thought. You need to let it go with Tia. It will be best for everyone all around.”

  I could tell he was still angry as he stormed from my office, but I hoped he would see my reasoning as time passed. For now. I had other things to occupy my mind with. Like what the hell was I thinking when I went to Liv’s the other night? What did it all mean? I had never felt like this about anyone before and I had been with plenty of women. My phone went off and an alarm flashed across my screen. Shit. I forgot all about that! I told Tia to not work too hard and ran out of the office. I had an appointment I couldn’t miss.



  That week had passed quickly and the night I dreaded most arrived.

  “You look...ravishing,” Jim said.

  I fought the urge to cringe as I looked him from head to toe. His suit was too large and he wore a ridiculously out of style bow tie. But the best part...or the worst...was the corsage he slipped onto my wrist--as if we were in junior high again. Or, so I assumed since I never went to a physical junior high. I did have dances, despite being homeschooled. My parents tried their best at giving me a normal chance to socialize, but I never got along with the others my own age and was usually too shy anyways.

  “Thanks.” I said.

  “Care for a dance?” He asked.

  I looked around the room of students. Girls sat in one corner gossiping to each other as the boys stood in the other, kicking their feet against the floor and looking around nervously. I felt bad for all of them. I was one of those shy girls at a dance...too afraid to even gossip with the other girls.

  “I think I will just have some punch.”

  I ladled some of the questionable liquid into a small plastic party cup and took a sniff for a taste test. Hi-C. Could be worse. It just needed some vodka.

  “Come on, look at how nervous they are! If they see us, they will get out and shake a leg in no time.”

  Who says shake a leg anymore? No. These kids will be horrified if we step out there. I so wish Sam was here. Where had that come from?

  I turned back to politely shoot him down again, but sputtered my juice all over the place. Of all the things to turn around to, this was not one. Mrs. Lavigne was dancing a slow circle around Jim and it...was...hilarious. I tried to not choke on my Hi-C. Jim looked equally uncomfortable as Mrs. Lavigne awkwardly shimmied in her too tight dress.

  I took another sip of my Hi-C and felt my heart drop. Donavan Raven crutched into the gymnasium and behind him...Samuel Raven. Tall, handsome, just fucked me silly the other night and left without a word, Sam. I stared for a moment to let the shock set in. I checked the roster, why is he here? I made sure he wasn’t going to be a chaperone!

  Nervously, I ran my hands down my dress, smoothing out any wrinkles and immediately regretted my choice of clothing for the dance. Normally, I avoid black dresses, but with my somber mood this week it seemed fitting. His smokey blue eyes found mine and that fire that always ignited down below when he was near erupted. One second I read shock in those eyes and the next, anger. What does he have to be angry for?

  Jim snuck off from Lavigne’s apparently strong grip and readjusted his hideous bowtie. He leaned down beside me, but my ears felt fuzzy. All sound was muffled, but the loud beat of my heart. Lub dub, lub dub.

  And then the floor was spinning. Or was I? I looked around as the panic set in. What do I do? What if he tries to talk to me?

  Jim reached out to touch me. Big mistake apparently. Sam’s eyes travelled to Jim’s hand on my arm and narrowed. If I thought I saw rage behind them before, now there was fury. His long legs covered the small dance floor in a matter of seconds.

  “What are you doing?” He asked. No demanded.

  I was floored.

  “Excuse me? I work here! I am chaperoning!”

  “But with him?” He pointed at a baffled Jim.

  “That is none of your business.” I snapped back and crossed my arms.

  “Uh, hello Mr. Raven, uh, what is going on here?” Jim fumbled with his words.

  I don’t blame him. Sam was charging in like a hurt bull and his rage was directed at Jim and me.

  I saw Sam clench and unclench his jaw. The muscles knotted up in his neck. I wanted to run my lips across them, smooth out his anger. Let him punish me if he wanted. What the hell is wrong with me? Those thoughts only made me even more hot--wet and aching for him to angry fuck me right then and there.

  “I guess you’re not as innocent as I thought.” He said.

  It was a slap in my face. He was the one that had hurt me. He continued to shove me away. He had no right treating me this way.

  “You listen here Samuel Raven. I have done nothing wrong! I am working right now and I sure as hell don’t even want to be here!” I winced and looked to Jim who appeared hurt by my words. “Sorry Jim.”

  “It’s Principal Lambert to you.” He said and stormed off. Mrs. Lavigne batted her eyes at him as he passed and then ran after him, her heels clicking against the shiny gym floor.

  “Great. Now I probably lost my job because you can’t control your damn temper.” I stormed back at Sam.

  He seemed to deflate when he looked around the gym to see young, watchful eyes on him. “Not here.” He mumbled and took me by the arm out of the room.

  “Let me go Sam.” I said.

  Once we were alone in the hallway he paced back and forth. “I just. I lost my mind when I saw another man touching you.” He said.

  “Why? We aren’t even a thing! You have repeatedly pushed me away since the first time we…” I trailed off.

  “Fucked. Since the last time we fucked. Just say it.”


  “Sounds so dirty from your sweet lips.” He growled.

  Those eyes were heavy now with lust. He pulled me against him and crushed my mouth with his own. It was hard, hungry...and breathtaking. I melted into a puddle on the floor. If he snapped his fingers, I would have jumped however high he told me. I kissed him just as hungrily, rolling my to
ngue against his and savoring his taste--minty and warm. His cock throbbed under his dress pants--hard against my hip.

  “What are we doing?” I asked, out of breath and frustrated.

  “I don’t know,” he said and kissed me deeply. “I just know I want you all to myself.”

  “Then why do you keep pushing me away?” I asked.

  He slammed his fist into a locker. “Dammit, if I knew I wouldn’t do it! You just make me crazy Olivia.”

  It was the first time he said my full name and it excited me almost as much as the kiss. It seemed even more intimate than Liv when it came from his mouth.

  He placed one arm on each side of me against the locker and leaned down to be eye level with me. “I want to rip your clothes off and show you what you do to me. I want to teach you a lesson for letting another man touch you,” his voice was low and dangerous...but most of all thrilling.

  “Then punish me.” I replied.

  I reached down and wrapped my hands around the thick mound of his pants and squeezed. His pupils dilated and he moaned. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  This time when he took my arm, it was to guide me rather than drag me and I went willingly. In a matter of moments we were in his Bentley, well one of them. Greg drove us to the mansion. Before the wheels stopped Sam had the car door open and pulled me up the steps and into the mansion. He threw me over his shoulder, making me giggle.

  “I promise you won’t be giggling in a minute.”

  That sent tingles of excitement down my spine.

  When we were upstairs and in his room, he walked over to the fireplace and pulled a sconce. Like some crazy secret agent film or scene from a movie, the fireplace spun around and revealed a room...of sex toys. Leather and chains hung from every corner of the room and my mouth dropped open at the sight of it all.

  “Undress and lay down.” He ordered.

  I unzipped my black dress and let it crumple to the floor, kicked off my heels and peeled away my panties. The cool air hit my nipples and they budded up, excited for whatever Sam was about to do.

  He came back from the room, naked, with a pair of leather cuffs. I moaned at the beautiful view of him. “I will go gentle this time, but next time...I won’t play so nicely.”


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