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Crazy, Stupid Love

Page 22

by K. L. Grayson

  “Where are you going?” I holler.

  “To ogle Trevor,” Tess says, tossing up a hand. “And if I’m lucky, the rest of your brothers will take their shirts off too.”

  “Is Rhett in the pool?” Mo asks Lincoln.

  “Sorry, he’s manning the grill.”

  “Oh shit.” She scoots her chair back and stands up. “I better go check on him. He thinks he’s the griller in the family, but trust me, he’s not.”

  “Wanna swim until our food is ready?” Chloe asks.

  Abby shrugs. “Why not?”

  When they disappear, I’m left with Lincoln.

  “We’re finally alone,” I say, sliding my hands up his chest.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” He captures my wrists and pins them behind my back.

  “If you wanted to restrain me, all you had to do was ask.”

  His cock grows thick between us, and I wiggle just enough to get a better feel. Lincoln groans.

  “You little minx. Maybe tonight.”

  “How about right now?” I coax.

  “Trust me, baby. I would love to tie you up, bend you over this counter, rip these pants off, and pound into you from behind.”

  I squeeze my thighs together.

  “But,” he says, ruining my dreams. “My dad is out there, and I really don’t want to leave him alone for too long. This is the first time he’s meeting your family, and you just never know what’s going to come out of the man’s mouth.”

  “You’re right. He’s seems to be doing good, though. Is he enjoying himself?”

  “Probably a little too much.”

  I’m so proud of how far Lincoln, Chloe, and Christopher have come. Christopher has been sober for thirteen weeks now. I know every single day is struggle for him, but I couldn’t be prouder. His budding relationship with his kids keeps him going.

  As for Lincoln and Chloe, they’ll never forget their childhood, but they’re learning to forgive, and slowly, they’ve opened themselves up, allowing their dad back into their lives the way a real father should be.

  It’s been beautiful to witness, and I honestly can’t wait to see Christopher’s reaction to the baby. I sure hope he’ll see the baby as a chance to redeem himself and start over.

  “Then let’s get out there,” I tell Lincoln.



  This day couldn’t possibly get any better. I’m surrounded by my family and friends, the sun is shining, and I’ve got the girl.


  I walk across the yard to where Adley is standing by the pool, watching everyone swim. “Got a minute?”

  “Sure.” She spins around and follows me to a quiet place in the yard.

  “I had plans of doing this when we were alone, but I don’t want to wait.”

  Adley’s lips part. “Lincoln…”

  “We may have started this relationship out a little backward, but we’re going to get it right. I promise you, we’re going to get it right. Because you and me…we’re forever, Adley.”

  I dip my hand into my right pocket and drop to one knee. Adley’s eyes widen, and everything around us goes eerily silent. “What are you doing?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “Now is not the time to be a smartass,” she says, trying not to laugh.

  “You’re right. Now is the time for us. Adley Allen, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I used to think love was an empty promise, a word people use to get what they wanted, because that’s how I was raised. But you taught me different. You taught me that love, in its truest form, is simple and unconditional. And I will love you for all of this life and well into the next. You’re my home, and I want nothing more than for you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

  Swallowing, Adley drops to her knees, not even bothering to look at the diamond ring nestled in the box. “Lincoln Bennett, you are the very best thing that has ever happened to me. The first time I saw you, I knew you would be mine. And when I got you, I didn’t know what to do with you, and that scared me. I put up walls—lots of walls to protect my heart, but you broke them down one by one. You refused to give up on me. You are the definition of a strong, loyal man, and I don’t deserve you.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t say that.”

  “Shh.” She lifts a finger to my lips. “It’s my turn to talk.”

  I nod, nipping at the pad of her finger. I hear someone behind us laugh, but I don’t turn around to see who it is.

  “I thought I knew what love was all about, but I didn’t—at least not until I met you. There’s nothing more in this world I want than to be your wife and for you to be my husband. I want to take care of you like no one else ever has. Will you marry me?”

  “You can’t do this. I proposed first,” I say, slipping my ring onto her finger.

  Her breath catches when she looks down at the round solitaire, and then she surprises the hell out of me when she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a box.

  Wiping a tear from her cheek, Adley smiles. “My answer is yes. When it comes to you, it will always be yes. But I had plans of proposing to you. Not exactly like this, in front of everyone,” she says, blushing. “But it doesn’t matter where we are or who’s around, nothing will change how I feel about you. This is me, proving myself to you.”

  She flicks open the tattered ring box, revealing a thin, worn gold band.

  “This was my great grandfather’s,” she says. “He made it himself when he married my great grandmother. He wore it for forty years and then passed it down to my grandfather, who wore it through another forty years of marriage before passing it down to my father. Now it’s being passed down to you. If you’ll agree to marry me, I’d love for you to wear this ring for another sixty or seventy years until you decide to pass it down to our child.”

  My heart swells inside my chest to the point of pain. I’m not a crier, but her words bring me to tears.

  “This ring is filled with memories and love. I know you don’t have the best memories, and love wasn’t something that came easily in your home, but I want to show you how wonderful it can be—and it will be wonderful because this is us, and we’re pretty great.”

  I want nothing more than to put that ring on my finger, but I have to ask, “Doesn’t your dad want to pass this down to one of his sons? And what’s he going to wear if he gives me this?”

  Adley looks over my shoulder, and a second later Sawyer is standing behind me like the strong presence he’s been for the last five years.

  He rests a hand on my shoulder. “You are my son, Linc, and I would be honored not only for you to marry my little girl, but for you to wear that ring. I could’ve kept it a while longer, but I don’t want to wait. When you walk down that aisle and vow to love and honor and cherish my baby girl, I want you to wear that ring. And every time you look at it, I want you to know you don’t just belong to her. You’re a part of our family too, and we love you.” Sawyer pulls a paper from the front pocket of his flannel shirt and hands it to me.

  “What’s this, sir?”

  “We may not share the same blood, or the same last name, but you’re part of the family. Rhett and I talked, and if you like working here at the ranch, we’d like to offer you a permanent position.”

  I open the paper and see my name scrawled across the deed to the land, alongside Beau, Rhett, Cooper, and Trevor. “Is this… I don’t know what to say.”

  Rhett steps forward. “This is the easy part. Say yes.”

  I swallow hard and nod up at Sawyer. “Yes. Thank you, sir.”

  He steps away, and when I look back at Adley, she’s holding the ring. “If you say yes to me, I was thinking you could wear this on your right hand—sort of like an engagement ring—until we get married.”

  “Adley Renee Allen…” I cup her face in my hands and bring her mouth to mine so she can feel my words as well as hear them. “I can’t wait to be your husband.”

  The place erupts with cheers and laughter
as Adley throws herself against me. Her mouth crashes down on mine in a kiss that I’m sure will earn me a good goading from her brothers when no one else is around. But I don’t care, because I have the girl, and I’m never letting her go.

  Pulling back, she slips the ring onto my right ring finger. “We can always get you something more modern if you’d prefer.”

  Is she crazy? “This is perfect. You are perfect.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. Bennett.”

  She attacks my mouth again, and we topple to the ground. “Careful, you’re pregnant.”

  “Did he just say pregnant?” Vivian says, her voice getting louder with each word. “I swear I just hear him say she’s pregnant.”

  Adley giggles and drops her head to my chest.

  “We should probably tell them,” I whisper. “You’re past the three-month mark, and we have the all-clear from your doctor.”

  Crawling off of me, Adley pushes herself up and holds out a hand. Once I’m settled in by her side, with an arm around her waist, she looks at her mom, who is standing between Dad and Sawyer, surrounded by the rest of her family and friends. Everyone is anxiously waiting.

  “I’m pregnant,” she announces. “Lincoln and I are having a baby!”

  “I’m gonna be a grandma,” Vivian says, looking at Sawyer, who looks like he’s fighting back tears. “We’re going to be grandparents.”

  She squeals and throws herself into her husband’s arms before turning to my dad. He looks stunned at first, but when he realizes Vivian isn’t giving up, he wraps her in a loose hug. After she finally releases him, Dad looks at me. His eyes are shining with pride and hope, and when he smiles and nods at me, I know we’re going to be okay.

  The girls flock toward Adley, asking her tons of questions.

  “When is your due date?”

  “Are you going to get married before or after the baby is born?”

  “Are you going to find out what you’re having?”

  Rhett shakes his head at all the jabbering as the guys make their rounds, each giving me a congratulatory man hug.

  “Welcome to the family,” Cooper says.

  “Way to go,” Rhett grumbles. “Now Mo is going to get baby fever.”

  “Shit.” Trevor runs a hand over his head. “Claire already has baby fever, and we’re not even engaged yet.”

  “What the fuck are you waiting on?” I ask, punching him lightly in the arm.

  He leans in close and whispers, “I’ve got the ring. I just have to figure out how I want to ask her.”

  “Take it from me,” Rhett says. “There is no right time or right way. If you’re feeling it, just do it.”

  “What’s with all the commotion?” a familiar voice hollers. “I could hear y’all from the front of the house.”

  We all whip around to see Beau come striding across the yard.

  “Oh my God,” Vivian squeals for the second time today. “What are you doing home?” She runs toward Beau and pulls her firstborn into her arms.

  “Well, Rhett’s getting hitched, and when Lincoln called and asked for my blessing to marry Adley, I figured I’d better get my ass home and figure out what’s in the water y’all are drinkin’ down here. Everyone is falling in love and getting married and having babies.” Beau’s gaze slides to mine, and he winks.

  I may have told him about the baby. I knew we were going to tell the rest of the family today, and I thought that Beau would want to be part of the celebration.

  I guessed right.

  “No marriage, babies, or love here,” Coop says, handing his big brother a beer.

  Beau clinks his bottle to Coop’s in a quiet toast. “Same, brother.”

  Adley sidles up next to me. “You asked Beau for his blessing?”

  “I asked your entire family for their blessing. Although their answer didn’t really matter. I was going to ask you to marry me regardless.”

  She pushes up on her toes and kisses me. “I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  “Not possible.”

  Laughing, I pull her against my side. “I have a feeling this is going to be a continuous argument for us throughout our marriage.”

  “I think you’re right.” She pats my chest as we watch Beau make his way through the small crowd, talking to the various members of his family.

  When he spots Tess standing next to Claire, he tilts his head to the side. “Have we met?”

  Tess’s body stiffens. Her jaw ticks, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think she was seconds from throwing a punch.

  I lower my lips to Adley’s ear. “What’s her problem?”

  She shakes her head. “No clue.”

  Mo steps up beside Adley and whispers, “Maybe we should reconsider having them walk together at my wedding.”

  But Adley shakes her head. “Don’t do anything hasty. I have a feeling things are going to heat up this summer, and we’re going to enjoy watching.”

  Mo looks at Adley like the goddess she is and holds out a fist. Without taking her eyes off of Beau and Tess, Adley bumps it.

  “What are you two up to?” I ask.

  “No good,” Mo answers.

  Adley grins. “You’ll find out soon enough.”


  Where We Belong

  Have you met Tyson and Harley from my debut novel, Where We Belong? No? Well, here’s a look…

  Where We Belong



  “Holy shit that burns!" I crinkle my nose up at the fire the tequila leaves behind.

  "Pussy." Quinn laughs, handing me a lemon and popping one in her mouth.

  Flipping her off, I swivel in my seat, watching all the sweaty bodies fight for attention on the dance floor. Adam Levine's seductive voice croons through the speakers, and I sway to the beat.

  My eyes wander over to the pool table, landing on Ty. Reaching up, he runs his fingers through his shaggy, brown hair and laughs at something someone says. His dimples take root, and his smile lights up his face. I tilt my head to the side, a deep sigh rushing from my lips. Ty.

  We're friends.

  Best friends.

  That's it.

  Tyson and I grew up together. Literally. Our mothers have been best friends since the day my family moved in next door. At the ripe age of twelve months, Tyson and I became friends. We not only learned how to walk together, we learned how to do every thing together.

  He was my preschool buddy, the survivor of my driver's license prepping, and my co-conspirator in detention.

  Tonight, we are celebrating. This morning, we graduated from college together. Me, with a degree in nursing, and Ty with his Bachelor's in biology, Pre-Med.

  Quinn nudges my shoulder. "You love him. You need to tell him or you're going to regret it." She thinks she's helping, but she's not. Some things should just stay the way they are . . . I think.

  "Quinn," I say, raising my glass to the server with a quick nod, letting her know I want another. "It's complicated."

  She shakes her head with a sarcastic laugh. "Only because you're making it. Why you two are in the friend zone is beyond me."

  The server sets down another round of shots. "Shut up and drink. To friends!" I raise my glass, tap it against hers, and down the shot. I stare at my empty shot glass. My head spins, signaling the beginning of a nice buzz. I wasn't planning on getting drunk tonight, but after the bomb Tyson dropped on me a couple of hours ago, I need this.

  Tyson is standing in the doorway to my bedroom, his hands tucked deep in his pockets. He looks off to the side. "Harley, we need to talk." His voice is pained. He hasn't made a move to come in. I can tell I'm not going to like this. My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. I can feel it in my bones, something is off.

  "Okaaaay, shoot." I train my eyes on the suitcase in front me and pull out clothes. He reaches for me, but I turn away and stuff some T-shirts in my drawer. "Moving back home is going to take some getting used to," I murmur.
  "A lot can change when you go away to college for four years." He says, running his hand down the back of neck.

  "Yes it does." Opening the closet door, I stare into the dark empty space. "I'm definitely finding a place of my own soon. Right after I find a job."

  “Brit and I decided not to stay at Wash U for medical school." He blurts. " She wants to be closer to her family.” Ty wipes his hands on his jeans and fidgets as he sits on my bed. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

  Ty shifts toward me, reaching for my hand. This time, I don't pull away. "Please look at me Harley. I want you to understand what I'm saying."

  I blow out the breath I didn't know I was holding and stare at my suitcase for a few more second before I look up. "Doesn't Brit's family live in New York?"

  "They do." He nods. "As soon as she told me she wanted to be near them, we applied to the medical school at Columbia, and we've both been accepted. We ummm, we leave next week."

  "What?" I gasp, jumping up, my eyes nearly popping out of my head. "You can't be serious." My voice rises with each word. "Just like that?" I shake my head, refusing to accept this. "You're just going to up and leave?" I shove a drawer closed harder than I intend, causing the mirror to shake violently. "One week? That's it?" Tears gather in my eyes, and I look away, blinking rapidly to keep them at bay.

  I will not cry.

  I will not cry.

  “I’m sorry, Har." Tyson's voice cracks. " I didn’t know how to tell you." He sighs heavily, dropping his head. " I didn’t want to tell you.” His hands shake in his lap, and some of my anger dissipates. The magnetic pull we've always had draws me closer to him. My fingers itch to dive into his hair and pull him against me. To comfort him. To comfort me. Something . . . anything to slow down whatever storm he's battling . . . but . . . I don't.

  “Wow." I whisper, sitting on the bed next to him. " I’m not really sure what to say." I look up, and our eyes meet in the mirror. “Is this what you want? I mean, she isn’t pressuring you to do this. Right?”


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