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The Edensville High Series: Adam Book #1

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by JIrwin


  Leaving the shadows of the halls in Edensville High behind, Eve stepped out into the sunlight. Her long, blonde hair glistened as it hung down her back and caught the rays. Her fair skin showed signs of looking like she spent a lot of time in the sun, but her tan was spray on. Adam knew that because he had seen her go into one of the Sun Shop’s spray on tanning rooms. No, he wasn’t stalking her. His dad’s hardware store was across the street. It’s a small town. You practically know everyone’s business if you just sit for one afternoon outside on a park bench. So Grace Hardware being in the center of town gave Adam a front row seat of every action happening on Main Street through the front windows or bench outside.

  Eve’s eyes were a light cobalt blue and caught any light’s refraction and sparkled brilliantly almost like a prism, but it was her smile that moved him. Oh, did he even have to mention her smile? The sun completely paled in comparison. Adam sighed as he watched her move across the parking lot. Yeah, it was her smile that got him the most. It was like a brilliant ten thousand watt light directed straight at anyone that had the privilege to just be near her. Of course, he’d give anything at this moment to be the one she was directing it at, but her best friend Miriam Marah was the lucky recipient right now. Some day it’d be him he thought. He was gonna make sure of it. He heard her laugh out loud. That sound was infectious like the tinkling of tiny little bells moving gently on a summer’s breeze. He knew it sounded clichéd and poetic, but that's what he heard when he heard her laugh.

  Lost in his own world with Eve St. Clair, Adam didn't see the crossing guard's big red sign that clearly stated STOP on it. He ran straight through the crossing guard’s directions and lost control of his scooter nearly wiping her and her big red sign out. The JROTC girl dressed in all green yelled, Hey, just as a horn blew and a four door car swerved around him. It was a close call, but thankfully he was okay. After he had regained control over his scooter and come to a complete stop he turned to evaluate the situation. Everyone in the parking lot had turned to stare in his direction and his face was nearly as red as his Honda. Adam glanced over his shoulder in Eve's direction. He was so embarrassed, and she was bound to have witnessed it too.

  However, in the usual Popular style of doing things, if it didn’t involve them or someone in their social web then they paid little, if any, attention to it, unless they found it hilarious. Then they just posted it on YouTube, Instagram, Vine or Tweeted about it. Obviously Adam’s little glitch barely read on her matter meter. She had paused only briefly then kept right on across the parking lot with Miriam. Adam sighed in relief. Thank you, Lord!

  Mortified at the spectacle he had made, Adam turned back to the crossing guard and mouthed, Sorry, but the girl didn’t seem to care.

  “Whatever, could you just get out of the way?” She used the big red STOP sign to emphasis her directive. Still on shaky legs, Adam pushed the scooter back up on the pavement. He took one final glance back at Eve as he pulled onto the main road in front of the school. She had already made her way over to Lucian Black and his supped up jet black Chevy Camaro.

  Lucian Black was the guy that every male in school wanted to be and every female wanted to date. He was the typical bad boy with a dark mysterious past. Which seemed to make him even more intriguing to the females at Edensville High since he had transferred in last spring from Palestine High, where rumor had it he had been expelled from. The truth of the matter was that he wasn’t even supposed to be on school property right now because he had been suspended for smoking and misconduct with a minor. A minor? Yeah right! That statement gives the illusion of someone that’s an innocent, but Jezebel Baal was anything but an innocent. So much for the administration doing their part to keep him off the property because there he was! No doubt he had witnessed the whole embarrassing incident of Adam and his scooter too. However, none of that bothered him as much as seeing the look in Eve’s eyes as she made her way to Lucian. She ran her hand across the hood of the car. It seemed not only did she still have a thing for Lucian’s black Camaro, but for Lucian Black himself! Adam wasn't stupid. He may not have had a girl give him that look before, but he recognized it when he saw it. Eve walked the length of the car tracing her finger along the quarter panel, her movements slow, almost seductive like. He couldn't hear what she was saying, but by the look in her eyes he could probably guess and he felt a streak of jealousy surge through him like never before. Oh what he would do just to be Lucian Black right now.

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