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Harlequin American Romance October 2013 Bundle: Twins Under the Christmas TreeBig Sky ChristmasHer Wyoming HeroA Rancher's Christmas

Page 66

by Marin Thomas

  Curly grinned. “Pizza, beer and ladies—I’m game. It’s your turn to drive.”

  Zach nodded. “I’ll give you a call when I’m ready to go.”

  * * *

  THE PIZZA PALACE was busy, but then it was a wintry Saturday night in Saddlers Prairie. Zach and Curly were in a booth and about to dig into their extra-large pizza when Curly leaned across the table toward him.

  “Don’t look now,” he said under his breath, “but the dark-haired woman at the table to your left is checking you out.”

  “Yeah?” Zach took a big bite out of his pizza and surreptitiously glanced around. The woman was about his age, with long hair, full lips and big breasts—just his type. She gave him a friendly smile.

  Oddly, aside from a spark of attraction, he didn’t feel much interest. Unsmiling, he nodded at her and returned his focus to his dinner.

  “What’d I tell you?” Curly said with a go-get-her smile.

  “She’s okay.”

  His friend’s jaw dropped. “If you don’t think she’s hot, you need glasses.”

  She was hot enough. Unfortunately, Gina was the woman Zach wanted.

  Frowning, he reached for a second slice and glanced at the door as it opened. Gina walked in.

  Of all people. A certain part of his body woke up. He swore under his breath.

  Curly glanced over his shoulder. “That’s Gina.”


  “She’s a real class act. I wonder what she’s doing here?”

  “She must want a Palace pizza.”

  “Well, it is one of the finest pizza joints around.” Curly’s mouth quirked. “The only pizza joint around.”

  She’d spotted him. Zach nodded. Looking a little uncomfortable, Gina headed uncertainly toward the table.

  “Hello, Curly,” she said, wearing a bright smile that faded when she turned her gazed to Zach. “Hi.”

  They shared a long look fraught with meaning. They hadn’t seen each other since last night. In the twenty-four hours since then, Zach had done more than his share of fantasizing about exactly what he wanted to do with her next time they were alone. Not that there would be a next time.

  Tell that to his body. A fresh wave of desire hit him; it was so strong that he got hard just sitting there. Lucky for him, the booth hid his lap.

  Curly shot a puzzled look at both of them. “Uh, you want to join us?”

  Just what Zach needed—the company of the woman he was better off avoiding.

  “Actually, I’m here to pick up an order,” she said. “If it’s not ready, I’ll sit down for a minute—if it’s okay with you, Zach.”

  It was so not okay, but he shrugged. “Sure.”

  While she was gone to check on the order, Curly raised his eyebrows. Ignoring him, Zach helped himself to another wedge of pizza.

  Moments later, Gina returned to the table. “My pizzas are still in the oven. The guy at the counter will call my name when they’re ready.”

  “You ordered more than one, eh?” Curly said. “Is your family coming over tonight?”

  Gina shook her head. “They’re for a party at Autumn Naylor’s house.”

  “Hope Ranch.” Curly nodded. “I’ve been in that house. It’s nice and big, perfect for a party.”

  Zach pictured people milling around, some of them no doubt trolling for available women. The thought of a bunch of single men scoping out Gina bothered him. “Who else will be there?” he asked, narrowing his eyes.

  She looked surprised by the question. “Friends from high school who are home for Thanksgiving break and a few other people.”

  Curly laughed. “Cody’s cool. I’ll bet he wouldn’t mind if Zach and I crashed his party.”

  Gina smiled. “But Autumn would. This is a girls-only party. Cody isn’t even invited.”

  Zach relaxed. “Did you get a lot done at the house today?”

  “I did.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes, whether because of those kisses last night or something else, he wasn’t sure. “But there’s still much more to do.”

  “Naylor,” a teenage boy called out.

  “That’s my order.” Gina jumped out. “I’ll see you later.”

  Zach followed her with his eyes. He couldn’t help it. Her camel hair coat bustled around her legs as she hurried to the pickup counter, all corporate and businesslike. He imagined she moved that quickly all the time at work.

  Carrying four large boxes, she moved more slowly toward the door. Several men checked her out. Two started to rise to hold the door for her.

  Zach slid out of the booth and beat them to it. The scent of fresh-baked pizza all but drowned out her scent, but he swore he caught a whiff of her perfume.

  “Thanks,” she said with a quick smile.

  “No problem. You and your girlfriends have a good time tonight.”

  “We will. You, too.”

  Curly didn’t say a word until the door closed behind her and Zach returned to the booth. With a wink, he leaned toward Zach. “She’s interested in you.”

  Zach shook his head. “She goes for the corporate-executive type.”

  “A woman’s eyes don’t lie, man. Every time she glanced your way, they lit up.”

  So that he wouldn’t have to reply, Zach bit off a huge chunk of pizza.

  “I saw how you watched her when she wasn’t looking,” Curly went on. “Why are you even talking about going to Sparky’s tonight when what you want just walked out the door?”

  Zach glanced out the large front window. He could see Gina piling the pizza boxes in the passenger seat of Lucky’s truck, her thick coat hiding her hips. All the same, he was aroused. He tore his gaze away and cleared his throat. “Maybe I don’t want to be interested in her.”

  “Doesn’t mean you aren’t.”

  “She’s not my type.”

  “Come on, man. She’s beautiful and a lot hotter than the brunette at the other table. By the way, as soon as she saw the way you looked at Gina, she left.”

  Curly’s plate was empty. “You finished?” Zach asked. When his friend nodded, he said, “Me, too. I changed my mind about that beer. I’m ready to call it a night.”

  “It’s only seven-thirty, man. Let’s grab a pitcher at Sparky’s like we talked about.”

  Zach didn’t feel like it anymore. “When we get back, you go on without me.”

  “Suit yourself. But it’s gonna be one lame Saturday night for you.”

  Chapter Eight

  Feeling like a giant bundle of exposed nerves, Gina set the pizzas on the passenger seat of the truck. She could feel Zach looking at her—or was she imagining things? On the way to the driver’s side of the car, she glanced furtively through the front window of the Pizza Palace. He was frowning at Curly, almost as deeply as he’d frowned at her when she’d walked through the door.

  He’d been less than pleased to see her tonight, and apparently he was still unhappy. Gina hadn’t exactly been thrilled to see him, either. She pulled out of the parking lot and turned onto the highway. She hadn’t expected to see him for several days and hadn’t been prepared for the powerful effect his mere presence had on her.

  The heat and naked need on his face had stirred her own desire. It was a good thing he hadn’t unleashed his smile. Because if he had, she’d probably still be sitting in that booth, wanting him.

  Which was startling in itself. No man had ever made her feel like that, turning her on with just a look.

  Out of all the available men in the world, why did she have to want Zach Horton?

  Refusing to think about him anymore tonight, Gina turned on the radio. The toe-tapping music from the bluegrass country station reminded her of Uncle Lucky, and she suffered a wistful pang. He’d loved bluegrass. At the same time, the deliciou
s smells of freshly baked pizza filled the truck, making her mouth water. Better to salivate over food than Zach.

  In what seemed like no time, she was rolling up the long gravel driveway of Hope Ranch. Although she’d never been there before, even when it had been known as Covey Ranch, she was aware that Hope Ranch was far more successful than the Lucky A.

  That was obvious by the big house alone. Light blazed from every window on the main floor and across the wraparound porch, making for an impressive sight.

  A good half dozen cars were parked in a large turnaround near the house. Gina parked the truck there. Cradling the pizza boxes, she climbed the steps and crossed the porch. She rang the doorbell with her elbow.

  Autumn opened the door with a smile. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, relieving Gina of the pizzas. “Thanks for picking these up.”

  Gina stepped into a wide entry. She shrugged out of her coat and hung it in the coat closet. In the adjoining great room seven women sat before a roaring fire. Three were friends she’d lost touch with after high school and the other three had been at the funeral. She didn’t know the slightly older woman.

  She needed this night, catching up with old friends and getting better acquainted with new ones. She needed to relax and push Zach, Uncle Lucky’s death and her work worries from her mind.

  The women smiled and called out greetings, and immediately Gina felt at home.

  “Cocktails and appetizers are on the side table,” Autumn said. “Help yourself. I’ll stick these pizzas in the oven to stay warm. I’ll be right back.”

  By the time Gina poured herself a glass of wine and found a seat on the massive sectional sofa that faced the fireplace, Autumn had returned.

  She reintroduced everyone. “You remember Sarah Hollyer, Meg Dawson, her sister-in-law, Jenny, and Stacy Engle. They were all at your house the other night and at the funeral. Next to Stacy is Joan Tyee, who you haven’t met. She’s a close friend of mine.” Autumn grinned. “When I took the housekeeping job here, I was an awful cook. Joan saved me by teaching me how to make a few things. If she hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t have been here long enough for Cody to fall in love with me.”

  “Not true.” Joan’s eyes sparkled. “He was in love with you the second you walked into the house.”

  “Joan’s husband, Doug, is foreman here at Hope Ranch,” Autumn said. “He’s really great with our foster sons.”

  Gina wondered what it was like, being a foreman’s wife. “Do you also work at the ranch?” she asked Joan.

  The woman shook her head. “I’m an office manager for an insurance company in town. I also have two little ones at home—and as you can see, baby number three will arrive in a few months.”

  Joan bracketed one side of her mouth with her hand, as if about to reveal a secret she didn’t want others to hear. “I’m almost forty-two,” she said with a wry expression. “And this pregnancy came as a complete surprise. Doug and I are thrilled, of course.”

  A special glow lit Joan from the inside. Gina almost envied her, which was odd. She was so not ready for motherhood. Maybe after she was promoted to vice president—provided she met her Mr. Right.

  Joan went on. “Dr. Mark assures us that everything is normal, for which we’re grateful. But after this one, I’m getting my tubes tied.”

  Everyone laughed.

  When Meg, who was sitting next to Gina, got up to chat with someone across the room, Sarah Hollyer took her place. “I’ve been wanting to ask you something.”

  Assuming she had some marketing questions, Gina smiled. “Fire away.”

  “What do you think of Zach?”

  Taken off-guard, Gina struggled for an answer besides, He’s a great kisser. For the life of her, she couldn’t come up with anything else. “What do you mean?” she finally said.

  “I met him a couple years ago, when I interviewed him and Lucky for an article I was writing about ranching in eastern Montana. Your uncle made me laugh, but Zach really impressed me with his smarts. I think he’s a great guy and really good-looking. Not as handsome as Clay, but a close second.”

  “Uncle Lucky had quite a sense of humor,” Gina said. “And you’re right about Zach. He’s a good man.” Maybe Sarah could tell her something about him. “What do you know about his background?”

  “Only that he’s from Texas and has been here about three years.”

  “I remember when he stopped at the clinic for a tetanus shot a few months ago,” Stacy said. “Every woman in the room was fanning herself. A gorgeous guy like that... It’s a wonder some lucky woman hasn’t snapped him up.”

  Gina didn’t like that idea at all. Frowning, she stood. “I need more wine.”

  When she returned to her seat, a woman named Dani, who’d been in several of Gina’s high school classes, angled her head toward her. “I hear you live in Chicago and that you’re the assistant vice president at a big marketing company. What’s that like?”

  Finally, a subject Gina could sink her teeth into. “The job or Chicago?” she asked.


  “My job is pretty demanding, but I love the challenge. Chicago’s great—it’s big and vibrant, and there’s always something to do.”

  “Wow,” Dani said. “I’ll bet they have great stores there.”

  “Every chain you can think of, plus a lot of great boutiques. It’s a shopper’s paradise. And the restaurants are amazing.”

  A lively discussion followed. Gina was enjoying herself. She loved the hustle and bustle of Chicago, but these women made Saddlers Prairie seem pretty darn great. Already she felt closer to them than she ever had to Lise or any of her other colleagues at Andersen, Coats and Mueller.

  As for friends outside of work, she didn’t really have any. And whose fault was that? She’d been so busy working that she hadn’t taken the time to cultivate real friendships.

  “I’m ready to eat,” Autumn said. “Help me with the pizzas, Gina?”

  Gina followed her into a spacious, state-of-the-art kitchen. “Wow,” she said. “This is a far cry from the places we lived when we were kids.”

  “I know.” Autumn grinned and pulled on oven mitts. “Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure my life isn’t a dream. And I’m not talking our bank account or this house. I found the love of my life. With Cody, I’d be happy living in a shack.”

  Gina wasn’t sure she believed that. “You’ve been poor. You know you’d be worrying about how to pay the bills and feed yourselves.”

  “What I mean is, the house and money are just icing on the cake. Let’s put these in the dining room.”

  As Gina helped arrange the pizzas on the dining room table, she mulled over Autumn’s words. She’d never considered that love could matter so much more than money, and she certainly hadn’t seen that with her parents. She wondered if they’d enjoyed each other’s company before the bankruptcy.

  “Dinner is served in the dining room,” Autumn announced in a fake British accent that had everyone chuckling.

  “Yay!” Stacy pushed herself up and rubbed her rounded belly. “You’d think that with this baby squishing my stomach, I’d never feel like eating. But, no, I want to feed my face all the time.”

  Fresh laughter broke out.

  The lighthearted conversation was exactly what Gina needed. She relaxed as she hadn’t in forever, and for a while she forgot all about Zach and the sad event that had brought her back to Saddlers Prairie.

  The pizza was gone and everyone was sipping tea and enjoying brownies still warm from the oven when Autumn sat back and glanced at Gina.

  “So are you dating anyone in Chicago?”

  The conversation around the table stopped as everyone waited for Gina’s reply. Now, that was being put on the spot, Gina thought.

  “Not since my boyfriend and I broke
up over the summer,” she said. “The truth is, I’ve been too busy to even think about meeting guys. Once things slow down at work, I’m sure I’ll start dating again.” She crossed her fingers and, without intending to, held them up for all to see.

  Autumn looked sympathetic—the last thing Gina wanted. “Don’t worry about me,” she said. “I’m happy.”

  But was she really?

  “I used to think I’d never get married,” Sarah said. “I certainly didn’t see myself in Saddlers Prairie. Yet here I am, living on a ranch with the best husband in the world and the mother of year-old twins. I’ve never been happier.”

  She sounded a lot like Autumn.

  Except for Gina, all the women were married with children, and they nodded and smiled. She felt like the odd girl out. Yet she also felt accepted and liked by everyone. Not for her work accomplishments but for who she was right now. She wasn’t used to that. It felt...different, in a good way.

  Not long after dinner, the party wound down. At the door, Autumn hugged her. “It’s been great seeing you. I wish you’d think about coming home again for Christmas.”

  Gina had thought she didn’t want to, but now she actually considered the suggestion—for all of five seconds. No, she decided. She needed to stay in Chicago and work.

  Next year, for sure.

  * * *

  GINA SPENT SUNDAY cleaning out the basement. She stopped in time to shower and change before heading to dinner at Sophie and Gloria’s. By the time she parked in front of their little house, she was hungry and grouchy. Scooping up a cake—the last of the desserts brought to the house by people paying their respects—and her parents’ bankruptcy folder, she made her way to the front door. Tonight, she wanted answers.

  She knocked before opening the door and stepping into the modest living room. Wonderful smells greeted her, and she sniffed appreciatively.

  “There’s my favorite niece.” Seated in the recliner, Uncle Redd waved. “Is that a cake?”


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