One More Kiss (A Too Many Men Romantic Comedy / Chick Lit Novel)

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One More Kiss (A Too Many Men Romantic Comedy / Chick Lit Novel) Page 22

by Stephanie Rowe

  She put her hands to her face. "Do I look that bad?"

  "You look like you've been crying."

  She cursed—another surprise—and stood up. "I can't let anyone know I've been crying. You won't tell anyone, will you?"

  "Of course not. I could talk to my mom and Travis if you want..."

  "No!" She lowered her voice. "No, please don't."

  I sighed, embarrassed to admit I was actually relieved. I was all about the bravado when giving April a pep talk, but facing down my family myself was different.

  Two members of the serving staff walked into the kitchen with loads of dirty dishes, and April took that as her cue to bail, giving me a quick hug before slipping out the side door.

  I hadn't even stood up to inspect the preparation of the cheesecake when my mom walked into the kitchen. "Shannon."

  I looked up to see my mom and Ray standing in the door. Shit. "What?"

  "Leave Noah alone." Disgust dripped from Ray's words.

  I tensed. Oh, so that's how it was? I was stalking Noah? "Shut up, Ray."

  "No, you listen to me. You're putting Noah in a difficult position by pressuring him for this relationship. He values his relationship with the family, and you can't use your crush on him to drive him away. Eventually he'll start to avoid you and skip family gatherings, and we'll all lose out."

  My mom had her arms folded across her chest, and she was letting Ray talk.

  "Is that what Noah said?" I couldn't believe it. It was one thing to be a wimp, but to have him say that kind of thing about me? It made no sense.

  "He didn't have to," Ray snapped. "It was obvious how uncomfortable he was coming here today, and then you walked right up to him."

  My mom was still silent.

  I clenched my fists and glared at Ray. Forget Noah. If he couldn't protect me, I sure wasn't going to protect him. "Maybe the reason he was uncomfortable coming here today is because he slept with me last week, then dumped me on my butt, and he was worried that I might have told someone about how he treated me."

  My mom looked shocked, and even Ray was stunned into silence.

  "Yes, that's right. Noah and I slept together, and it wasn't me attacking him. It was a two-way endeavor, and if you dare to hold me solely responsible for it, then I'll..." I couldn't think of a good threat, other than to say that I'd never attend another family function again, but they'd be thrilled so it was hardly a good threat.

  "Noah slept with you?" Ray's voice was so tight I wondered if his vocal cords would snap.

  "Yes, before you and he discussed it. It was already a done deal, and it was because you freaked on him that he blew me off."

  Ray cursed, and I echoed the sentiment.

  I kept on going. "I appreciate that you like Noah, but just once, can't you put me, a blood relative, before all this other crap? Why can't you be upset that Noah took advantage of your sister instead of thinking I seduced Noah?"

  "Noah didn't take advantage of you. You said it was mutual." A muscle was twitching in Ray's cheek, and his eyes were flashing. It was a good thing he wasn't violent, or I might be inching toward the pots to get myself a weapon to brain him when he came after me.

  "So what? Any normal protective brother would still be responding irrationally and blindly defending his sister's honor." Yeah, in my dreams. My mom still hadn't responded. Perhaps she was going into shock. That would be interesting.

  "I gotta get out of here." Ray turned and walked out, leaving me and my mom alone together.

  I did a quick check to make sure she didn't have any knives or other weapons within reach. All clear.

  A noise from behind me reminded me that that the serving staff was still in the room. Great. So glad to be humiliated in front of a crowd.

  "Shannon, we need to talk."

  "Not now. I have a party to run." If I took one minute of grief from my mom, I'd turn on her for making April feel bad. And since April wanted to be miserable alone, I should accommodate her. "Later." I shot a meaningful glance toward the staff, knowing my mom would never want to air family embarrassments in public.

  Her cheeks colored immediately, and her lips clamped shut.

  Victory for Shannon. "You can call me later and berate me for being a slut."

  "Shannon!" She looked almost faint, undoubtedly horrified I'd used those words in front of other people.

  I walked out of the kitchen and wondered how I was going to make it through the rest of the party.

  Noah was hovering by the kitchen door when I pushed open the swinging door.

  I glared at him. "Get away from me."

  He ignored my request. "We need to talk. Now."

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Noah grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner into the coatroom. Seeing as how it was the middle of summer and sunny, we had it to ourselves. "What did you say to Ray in there? He came out of the kitchen looking like he was ready to kill me."

  I sighed. This party was really going downhill. "I told him we slept together."

  Noah made some noise like a drowning elephant. "Why?"

  "Because he said I was stalking you, and I needed to leave you alone. Apparently, you did nothing to correct his interpretation of the situation, so I felt it was my duty." I folded my arms and dared him to mess with me.

  "And your mom was in there?"


  "What did she say?"

  "Nothing. She's saving it for when we're in private later." As if I'd be answering that phone call.

  Noah groaned and rubbed his hands over his eyes. Funny, but I wasn't feeling all that sympathetic towards him at the moment. "I'll have to go talk to them," he said.

  "And say what?" If he denied we had sex, I was going to see if Van was serious in his offer to have the men in my life killed.

  "I don't know. Damage control."

  "Are you going to tell them you're in love with me and you want to be with me, and they'd better support it because you'll choose me over them if they don't?" I wasn't sure how that question came out. I hadn't even realized it was forming in my brain. But now that it was out there, I was quite interested in the answer, even though I was willing to wager quite a bit that I could guess his response.

  He stared at me.

  I waited.

  He stared.

  Hmm...I waved my hand slowly across his face. Blank stare. My heart sank. Even after all these years, I hadn't realized Noah was one of the men who was allergic to the word "love." Note to self: next time I considered falling for a guy, ask him his opinion about the word "love."

  He caught my wrist in his hand. I guess he was conscious after all.

  "I'm not ready for that," he said.

  "Me neither." I twisted my hand free, not really feeling the love from his touch at the moment. "However, I would be willing to tell my family to back off so we could have a chance to figure out what we want from each other."

  "That's because—"

  "If you say it's because my family doesn't like me already so I have nothing to lose, I'll kick you in the shin. I swear I will." Yes, I was such a charmer, wasn't I? Well sorry, but I was about at the end of my coping capacity for the day.

  "I wasn't going to say that."

  "Then what were you going to say?"

  He hesitated. "You're strong. You've been fighting the pressure of your family for your whole life. I'm not used to that."

  Damn right I was strong. A force to be reckoned with. "Flattery will get you nowhere."

  He touched my cheek. "Give me a couple weeks to work on Ray and to talk to your parents."

  Disobedient flutters jumped in my belly. How pathetic was I? One sign from him and I was ready to forgive him. "I don't..."

  He kissed me.

  His lips were soft and warm, his tongue demanding and hot. My traitorous body responded, and I pressed myself against him. All the same feelings as before erupted in my body. The longing for him, the years of adoration, the passion, and heat. His arms crushed me against him,
and my breasts pressed against his chest.

  It felt like exactly where I belonged.

  My eyes drifted shut as he trailed his lips over my neck, across my collarbone, and over my chest, pushing aside my neckline to access my breasts.

  God, did he have my number or what?

  His hands slid up under my dress and clamped on my bottom, his thumb flicking under the strap to my thong. He made no pretense of trying to camouflage his interest in the situation, pressing the front of his pelvis into my stomach.

  I felt cool air on my back and suddenly my breasts were almost exposed. My nipples cried out for his tongue, and they were graciously rewarded.

  "Good lord! You guys need to get a room!"

  I flung Noah off me to find Emma standing in the doorway, looking extremely amused. Oh, God.

  "What exactly do you think would have happened if your mom had walked in here?" Emma gestured to me. "I don't think she's as comfortable with your nakedness as I am, as your roommate and all."

  I looked down to see my breasts waving to the audience. "Crap." I pulled my straps back over my shoulders, then found myself spun around while Noah zipped me back up.

  How gentlemanly of him.

  He pulled my dress back down and fixed my hair. How cute was that? I grinned at Emma, who smiled back.

  "Sorry about that," Noah said to me. "I didn't mean for that to happen."

  I beamed at him. "It's a sign that you can't live without me. You might as well admit it and figure out a way around my family. I won't wait forever for you."

  Noah didn't roll his eyes or even groan with disgust. He simply looked thoughtful. "Can you give me a couple weeks?"

  I blinked, hope leaping through me. "To talk to Ray and my parents?"

  He met my gaze. "Yes."


  "But I won't go behind their backs. I have to talk to them first."

  If I felt like being doting, I could call him traditional, like in the old days when a suitor asked the father's permission before proposing. If I felt like being bitter, I could call him a wuss with screwed up priorities and leave him stranded in the closet alone until his nether regions came back under his control.

  But seeing as how my hormones had flared up and were interfering with rational thought, I decided to give him a break, not a complete one, but a window of opportunity to prove he was worthy of me. "Then go talk to them. I won't wait around for you, but if I'm still available when you come around, then so be it."

  I saw Emma nod ever so slightly. I couldn't let him hold all the cards, could I? Okay, so maybe even with someone you've known for twenty years, you need to play a few games. I hate games. But for self-preservation, I was willing to indulge. "See you later."

  I left him in the coatroom with his erection. Sometimes there are advantages to being a woman.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I called Van on my way home. Emma left to go over to Blaine's, so I was on my own. Van answered on the first ring. "What happened?"

  "Too long to discuss over the phone. Got dinner plans?" What a glorious evening. Noah had the hots for me, even if he was a wimp. April was feeling the pain of being rejected by my family—though I felt really bad about that, it also made me feel better. Emma and I were reconciled, and I'd managed to be an entertaining host.

  Of course, I felt even more annoyed by my family, but hey, you can't have everything. All in all, a great night.

  "Actually, I'm at dinner right now with some friends," Van said.

  "Oh." I already knew he wasn't going to invite me along for that one.

  "How about if I stop by your place later? Would ten thirty be too late?"

  I looked at my watch. It wasn't even six o'clock yet. That was one long dinner. Not that it was my business what Van did with his time. "Yeah, that's fine."

  I picked up some Chinese takeout on the way home and let myself into my apartment.

  Dave was sitting on the couch watching television. A vase of roses was on the coffee table along with a box from my favorite bakery. "Shannon." He sat up quickly and turned off the television. "How are you?"

  I looked at the four duffel bags on the floor in the corner. "Passing through?"

  "I brought you roses."

  "I see that." I hadn't seen Dave since his declaration of adultery, and I had definitely never told him he could move in with me.

  "And a double-fudge cake," he added.

  My mouth watered. "I figured that's what was in there."

  "So, you want some?"

  I held up my Chinese food. "I have to eat dinner first." I walked into the kitchen and ended the conversation.

  Dave sat down at the kitchen table and waited for me to dish up. "Can I please stay here?"

  I set the bag on the table and grabbed a plate and utensils for myself. "Does Yvonne know you're here?"


  Oh, great. Guess I better get a German Shepherd and a personal bodyguard to check my car for bombs. "Dave! She's going to think I'm the one having an affair with you."

  "I'm not having an affair."

  "Oh, no?" I sat down across from him and opened my Moo Shu Pork. "What would you call it? A good friendship?"

  "I love Phoebe."

  "And what about Yvonne? I thought you loved her?"

  Dave shrugged and tried to help himself to a pancake. I smacked his hand and brandished my fork at him. He retreated to his side of the table. "I do love her. Just not in the way I love Phoebe. I've never felt this way before."

  I sighed and chewed for a minute.

  Dave waited in silence. Smart guy.

  "I don't understand, Dave. How could you walk away from your marriage? You're the king of fidelity." I shook my head. "Having you leave your spouse is an indication that everything holy and sacred about marriage is a farce."

  Dave was quiet for a while before he spoke. "I can't explain it, Shannon. All I know is that Phoebe is my soulmate. I married the wrong person."

  I married the wrong person. Words to strike fear into the heart of single women everywhere. What if I married the wrong person and he left? Or I met my true love after I had someone else's ring on my finger?


  "I'm not a bad person," Dave added, a pleading note in his voice.

  I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. Because I wasn't sure I agreed with him.

  "I made a mistake," he continued. "I was twenty-one when I married Yvonne. Too young."

  Yes, he’d been young. I agreed with that. But still… "How does Yvonne feel about this? Does she agree you guys shouldn't be together?"

  Dave had the grace to look pained. "No."

  I took a mouthful of noodles and studied Dave. "So, were you having doubts before you fell for Phoebe?" My Phoebe. I introduced them and made sure they were friends. So, was I an accomplice to adultery? Nice.

  Dave rubbed his chin and shot another longing glance at my food.

  Good. I hope you're hungry.

  "I think I'd been fighting those doubts for a long time. That's why I agreed to try to have kids. I figured maybe that would fill the gap."

  I stared at him. "That's so stupid."

  "I know. Can you imagine if Yvonne was pregnant?" He rubbed his eyes. "I was so close to screwing everything up."

  "So close? Looks to me like you already did."

  Dave dropped his hand wearily, giving me a pathetic, exhausted look. "Can you give me a break? I need you."

  Dammit. I didn't want to be needed. "Dave, this is hard for me. I don't agree with what you two are doing."

  "Do you believe in love? True love?"

  Sometimes I did. Other times, not so much. "Generally, yes."

  "Then nothing else matters. It's about love. We love each other. I didn't realize how much I was missing from my relationship with Yvonne until I found Phoebe. She feels the same way about Zach."

  I felt deflated. Even the Chinese food didn't taste good anymore. "Did Phoebe break up with Zach?"

  "She went out to Chicago
this weekend to see him."

  "Has she called?"

  Dave shook his head.

  "Doesn't that make you nervous? What if he changes her mind?"

  The twitch under Dave's right eye told me he'd already considered that possibility. In fact, now that I looked closer, he looked extremely tense. Nothing like the Dave I knew so well. "Are you okay?"

  He shrugged. "I feel guilty."

  Well, good. If he felt guilty, then maybe I wouldn't have to be so hard on him.

  "And I'm worried about how it will all work out." He shook his head. "I never meant to hurt Yvonne. I still love her, and I feel horrible. She hasn't even gone to work in three days. I stayed around to make sure she was okay, but she kicked me out tonight. She doesn't want my help."

  I had to say, for the first time in life, I felt a bond with Yvonne. I knew what it was like to love someone who wasn't all that into me, thank you, Noah.

  I frowned. Was Noah like Dave? Only partially interested in me, so that even if we got together, he'd leave as soon as something better came up? Was that why he wasn't willing to fight for me? I wasn't sure I liked that idea. If it was true love between us, then wouldn't he be clamoring for my love instead of having to have his arm twisted?

  Damn. He would, wouldn't he?

  "So, can I stay here?" Dave asked.

  "Emma still lives here."

  "I'll sleep on the couch."


  "Please." He leaned forward and took my hand. "I need a friend."

  Should've thought of that before you violated your marriage vows and made Phoebe do the same. "Fine. You can stay for a couple nights. But you can't move in. Yvonne seriously wouldn't have any problem having me killed."

  "I told her it wasn't you."

  "And I'm sure she believes every word out of your mouth these days." I wasn't exaggerating. Yvonne scared the hell out of me. She was extremely protective of what she considered hers, and I'd gotten more than one harassing phone call from her when she found out Dave had spent time with me.


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