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by Aline Riva

  The Cosmic Inferno Book 3



  Aline Riva

  S69Q-1 by Aline Riva

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  A Kindle Original 2017

  Copyright ©Aline Riva 2017

  Cover Design Copyright © Nathan David Ward 2017

  The Author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

  A word from the Author:

  Here is the final instalment of The Cosmic Inferno Series. I hope you readers of gore and extreme horror are enjoying this trilogy, it wraps up with this concluding instalment and I am proud to say that I now have an extreme horror trilogy to my name, with Book 1 reaching number 1 in 2016. This kind of horror is not for everyone – again, a warning – contains scenes that may offend or shock and is not for the faint hearted!

  This book has been quite a journey for me, an author who has never delved into the genre of extreme horror before. It's also been fun, a challenge and very enjoyable to be able to have titles in yet another field of the horror genre. I know there will be more horror from me, and there will be more extreme plots to come in the future.

  The Cosmic Inferno series has been a real blast to write. Thanks for reading, enjoying and reviewing. Now the crisp fall of Autumn leaves and the strong winds and the dark nights are here, it is a great time of year to have the final instalment of the series out to be read and enjoyed! I hope this is a Halloween treat for many readers. This series is now wrapped up, enjoy the final part of the trilogy.

  Aline Riva.

  The Cosmic Inferno Book 3


  Chapter 1

  Karashi was a bleak and dusty place with rocky landscape and frequent sand storms. The ship had docked in an open area near the over hanging clifftops that served as shelter for the vessels willing to pay a fee for above ground protection from the worst of the elements. Jinx had selected the best place available and opted for possible long term stay, then after he had paid electronically via the machine linked below ground where the population lived and worked, he paused to plot a course on the ship's system as Sin watched in silence, then he keyed in codes and shut down the flight controls, set the ships power mode on docked status, and got up from his seat.

  "If I die -"

  "Don't say that!"

  Jinx gave a sigh that was somewhere between weariness and impatience. Since taking his last bite of human flesh, he had starved on the way to this planet, the longer he had gone without meeting the craving, the more the creature inside his head had pained him, as if it was squirming like crazy and about to take a bite out of his brain if he didn't satisfy it...

  "If I die when that thing is taken out of my head, I have an auto command set up to fly you from here to Earth and you have to hand the parasite over to the Colonies Selection Group. They will alert the research team, the survey will be cancelled and Defence will send in the nukes."

  "What about you?" she said in a hushed voice.

  Jinx was pale, he was perspiring and he ran his fingers through strands of damp hair, pushing it out of his eyes as he considered the very worst.

  "If I die, have me cremated and send my ashes out to space. That's where I want to rest, in the peaceful dark, far from Shyra-K1. Under no circumstances hand my body over to earth authorities – I don't want to be cut up like a lab rat – and I don't want my identity leading to the ship or my private planet because then they will go after Mack and the others."

  "Assuming you live and we stop them surveying the planet, what about Mack and the others?"

  As Sin asked that question, Jinx felt a heavy weight deep in his heart as he thought of his best friend and those he had shared three terrible years with, lost in the grip of insanity...

  "I don't know," he said quietly, "Maybe we can find a cure...It's strange, but since I found out what made me kill, since I cut off its food supply, all I can think about is the terrible things I've done..." tears glazed his eyes, "Sometimes it makes me feel wonderful, other times it makes me feel sick...I don't know what to do yet – I just know I have to get that thing out of my head."

  He paused, looking into her eyes, taking in how beautiful she was as he regretted all he had put her though.

  "And of course we will also see what can be done about the zestion. That metal has to come out before it harms you."

  Sin was aware of the heavy ring through the most sensitive part of her flesh as she stood there in a flight suit, the clothing covering her but the heavy drag of the metal seemed to force a flicker of arousal, at the same time she felt sharp pains that came and went deep inside, where the alien fibres had grown into the tissue, but how deep she did not know.

  The ring no longer weighed as heavy as it used to, feeling as if the shards that had extended inside her now held up some of the weight. It was something she didn't want to think on too deeply, because the longer those shards, the more likely it would be that the tissue could not be saved. She wanted to feel rage towards Jinx for ever having her pierced without her consent, whilst in the grip of the madness caused by the parasite. But it had been the effect of the parasite that had driven him to all he had done, including murder...

  "Do you still want your memory wiped?"

  He nodded.

  "I can't live with what I've done, not once the parasite is gone. I've seen too much, there's been too much blood on my hands..."

  He closed his eyes for a moment as the bloody knife flashed before his eyes and he recalled the pleasure of killing, the taste of the flesh, reaching for Cora and covering her mouth with a kiss while they were drenched in the blood of their victims...


  He snapped his eyes open, fighting off a plea from the parasite to give in to temptation.

  "It keeps showing me things, I keep feeling like it's so good...all of it. We can see the surgeon tomorrow, I know where her place is – south side below ground. It's not too bad down there, some areas are worse than others, just stick to the main route from there to the surface. Live on the ship while I recover. Don't wander too far, just stay on the ship, Sin."

  He drew a key from his pocket and placed it in a small keyhole in the controls.

  "If I die, all you have to do is turn this key and the ship will take you home. Make sure you find out about the zestion first, because there might be a way to take it out without causing damage. It's illegal on earth, they'll cut it out of you, fine you for possession and make you pay for the operation. Have the ring taken out here, it's your best chance of your body staying intact."

  "And what about you, assuming you survive?" Sin asked, "If you can't recall anything, how can you help with the parasite?"

  Jinx looked at her intently, hazel eyes burning with urgency.

  "There's an implant for that. Selective memory itemisation, it's not illegal so I can always claim I had it fitted off word due to an accident that caused a head injury. I'll make sure I remember you and how to fly the ship and every aspect of my life but the Pharaoh... I flew with Mack on an I600 Cargo ship before he got the Pharaoh. I just need to recall all pilot skills and...I'll list the rest with Professor Mari Neve, she knows how to program those things – that's how I met her, I did a trade with a human body supplier who had memory problems and I found out about her – went to see her first, did a deal and then introduced her to her client. As far as I know it went well, I traded
with him six months back and he seemed fine. He was grateful too, gave me half a year's supply of food....I mean corpses..."

  He paused, fighting off the urge to gag as memories of buying bodies for the freezer had seemed, back then, like a trip to the supermarket...

  "We should go," he said.

  Then Jinx took a last look around the flight deck and walked away, he opened up the door and stepped through first and then as Sin joined him in the walkway, he handed over a key and a pass card.

  "All you need to lock and unlock the hatch. She's good to run on stationary power for months, it won't affect flight power if you need to leave alone, but let's not think about what could go wrong."

  Then they went down the walkway and headed for the hatch and left the ship together, stepping out to the barren landscape, where a tall metal structure was in the distance, one of many on the surface, the doors would open up and take them deep below ground, to a world where night and day were artificial and no earth laws protected them.

  The ride to the bottom was smooth and uneventful. When the doors opened into a street where old fashioned cobblestones covered the ground and tall buildings sat side by side with smaller ones, here the look was of many earth eras colliding: Tall concrete buildings next to small rows of shops with old fashioned fronts, some looking very Victorian, others looking twentieth century. All manner of wares were for sale, everything from clothing to jewellery to space vessels, the tallest building in the street advertised paperwork included, flight worthy vessels for sale. Across the street was a cafe, further up was a large under cover market, people were coming and going from the stores as above in an artificial sky, the sun was dipping to set.

  Jinx caught sight of a Tudor style public house on the corner, the sign that hung from a post outside read The Inn Below Ground.

  "Those rows of terraces are hotels," he told her, indicating to the buildings further down.

  Just then a woman ran from an alley screaming, her long dress was torn and the scarf she had worn to shield from dust storms above ground was soaked in blood. As a man staggered after her, another waded in and the two of them started to fight, trading punches as they rolled in the gutter and blood marked the cobbled street.

  Jinx grabbed Sin's hand as she looked back at the fight, giving it a squeeze as he kept his sights set on their destination and walked on, as she walked beside him.

  "There's often trouble here, just ignore it... there's very little in the way of law enforcement. The best way to handle this place is to go where you need to go and leave again, don't get mixed up with the folk from around here."

  As they went on, they passed more shops and a road that led to a leafy green space where trees grew and open fields rolled into the distance.

  "It all seems so real!" she said in surprise.

  "It is real and I wouldn't go there – who knows what might be hiding in the forest area. We need to stop off somewhere before we go on."

  He stopped walking, taking hold of her other hand, now holding both as she turned to him and looked up.

  "I thought you wanted to see the Professor?"

  "Not tonight. This could be my last night alive," the look in his eyes softened, "I want us to go to a hotel and spend the night together, make love so that you can remember it. With my situation and your zestion problem it could be the last time both of us enjoy making love."

  As she looked at him, she felt surprised – now she was seeing more of the real Rik Jinx, starving the creature in his head had brought back much of the man he really was. Jinx pumped up on human flesh would have demanded to fuck her, not gently take her by her hands, look into her eyes and speak of making love...

  "But first I want to do something else," he said, letting go of one of her hands but keeping a firm grip on the other as he led her towards a shadowy open entrance that led to an indoor market.

  "Where are you taking me?"

  He glanced at her as the went inside and the air was filled with the fumes from exotic food stalls and trails of incense that hung in burners from a nearby shop doorway.

  "I'm taking you somewhere special. This could be my last night alive..." he muttered, looking left and right, trying to recall the location of the place he was seeking.

  They went through the centre of the market and then into a covered walkway where shops lined each side.

  "Here it is," he said, taking her towards a place where the entrance was covered by a velvet curtain. In the windows either side of the entrance she saw rings of all shapes and sizes on a black velvet display, and as they entered the place she pulled back on his hand.

  "You sick bastard! Get a grip, Rik! No more of this, I'm not having any more piercings!"

  His eyes widened as he stared at her, then he shook his head.

  "No, no...not that kind of ring..."

  He led her over to a table that was wired into the wall, slid a half gold bar into it and placed his hand on the scanner.

  "You do the same," he told her.

  She placed her hand on the glass and a light passed over it.

  "What is this for?" she demanded, but he gave no answer as he looked to the illuminated screen and started to type into a keypad.

  Sin looked around, saw other people walking about the place, some were using other machines set into the wall, while others were coming in and out of the place, looking in the window then returning to discuss the jewellery.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Your turn," he said, indicating to the key pad.

  "What do I do?"

  "Enter your name."

  "Rik, I don't like this...I want to know what's going on."

  "Just do it, you've got three minutes to follow on from me or it shuts down and I''ll have to pay to restart all over again."

  She gave a sigh, looked at him suspiciously but for now saw no trace of insanity in his gaze.

  "Okay...but there had better be a good reason for this."

  "Just do it, please..." he said as impatience crept into his voice.

  She typed in Lucinda Karrina Kendall, then noticed another part beneath, asking to state her occupation. Psychologist, she typed, noticing Jinx had filled out his side of the details Ritchie Gregory Mason Jinx, occupation, Pilot.

  "What is this for?" she asked again.

  "You'll see," he replied, then he entered the details, and waited as the computerised program ran through processing. As a document printed out and came through a slot, a compartment slid back and as Sin was looking at the printout slowly emerging from the machine, Jinx grabbed her left hand and slid a ring on to her finger.

  "That's done," he said, tearing off the print out and grabbing the other ring and putting it on his own hand, "At least if I don't live, or at least don't live to remember it, you will."

  She stared at the paperwork in her hand, then he grabbed her other hand, flashed his own gold band and then raised her hand, kissing the back of it.

  "Quickest official service in the known universe – all computerised and done in three minutes. It's officially recognised everywhere – even on earth, the records will be sent to the main system and shared on every database. You just married me, Mrs Jinx!"

  Her jaw dropped as she stared at him.

  His eyes sparkled as he smiled.

  "I told you, I'd make it up to you for everything I did and this could be my only chance. When this is over – when I'm cured – you'll see the better side of me all the time. I love you, Sin."

  She was still staring at him.

  "Say something..."

  "I love you too," she whispered, still feeling stunned as he took her in his arms and kissed her urgently, their kiss lasted to deepen as he held her tightly, then he pulled back, still holding on to her.

  "Let's get a room somewhere, Sin. We don't want to spend our wedding night on the ship, let's do something different."

  She was still feeling stunned as he led her out into the street once more. He kept a tight hold on her hand as they headed towards the row
of hotels, they were noting striking, looking grimy and run down, but it was still running through her mind: She had just married Rik Jinx. Married him in a three minute, automated quickie service on a shit pit of a planet at the back end of the galaxy...

  "This one has vacancies," he said, turning towards the steps that led up to a wooden door.

  She glanced at him as they went up to the door, there was a look in his eyes she had never seen before, a look of desperate need to make amends for everything and to do it now before it was too late...

  Jinx rang the buzzer and requested a room. The door made a beep as it opened and they went inside to a narrow, white hallway with a high ceiling. There was a man sat behind a desk that was protected by a metal grille, he was large and armed with a blaster and Jinx did all the talking, asked for the best room in the hotel and she silently wondered if such a thing existed, the carpets were worn, the whole place looked faded and in need of redecoration.

  Jinx paid and received keys through a slot beneath the grille, then he took her hand, turned for the stairway and led her up quickly.

  As they reached the third floor, he glanced at the closed door numbers and then found the right one, and led her over to it and unlocked it, they went inside and he closed the door behind them, sliding two heavy bolts across to be sure they would not be disturbed.

  Sin looked around the room at the bare boards and the old furniture, there was a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a TV on the wall that was switched off. Beyond the bedroom was a bathroom, it was tiled and white and looked old, but it was surprisingly clean, as were the sheets on the bed.

  "It's not much," Jinx said to her, "But the big hotels are too far off and I want to see the Professor early tomorrow morning. Her treatment centre is just around the corner from here."

  Then he fell silent thinking about the creature inside his head that was trying to urge him to kill his new wife and eat her raw.


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