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Some Like It Hotter (Sweet Life in Seattle #3)

Page 13

by Andrea Simonne

  Giovanni is good. Her favorite kind of man—the kind who loves oral sex. She remembers it from last time. He’s deliberate and patient, and she has the distinct sense he’s enjoying it as much as she is.

  It doesn’t take long before the first glimmer of ecstasy arrives. Lindsay has been blessed with the ability to come easily and often, so she’s tempted to hold back before lowering her body over his, before taking his cock in her mouth. But she doesn’t, and instead his musky scent surrounds her.


  It’s been ages since she’s done it, but now she wonders why she ever stopped because it’s the perfect symphony of intimate and dirty.

  He groans when she grabs him. “Wait,” he gasps, trying to stop her.

  But she doesn’t want to wait. She wants him to join her on this merry-go-round, so she gives him her best effort. It’s happening fast, but somewhere amid all the lust her chest goes tight, and a funny emotion takes hold of her—tenderness, of all things. Tenderness toward Giovanni. It surprises her and she realizes it’s the same as when he gave her that smile earlier. She closes her eyes and gives in, lets it flood through her right before her orgasm explodes and she’s out of control.

  A second later, his powerful body trembles beneath her. His erection grows harder and larger as he grips her ass, groaning like he’s still trying to fight it. But then he loses the battle, lost in ecstasy as he finally comes.

  Afterward, Lindsay lies on top of him, resting her head on his thigh. “My God, I think I’m in love with you,” she breathes.

  He sighs deeply, chuckling a little as he tries to catch his own breath. “Me too,” he jokes as both his hands slide down her body.

  She swallows, tries to make sense of her feelings. The problem is she’s not joking.

  How is this possible? Lindsay wonders. It can’t be real.

  She can’t be in love with Giovanni because she barely even knows him.

  He hands her the box of tissues from the nightstand. She sits up, cleaning herself off before turning around to lie down beside him once more. As soon as she sees his handsome face and that lazy grin, a happy sensation washes over her—tenderness, excitement, and familiarity all rolled into one.

  Something that feels an awful lot like love.

  This isn’t happening.

  ‘The heart wants what it wants.’ It’s a saying she’s heard over the years, but has always dismissed as nonsense because her own heart has only wanted what she’s told it to—and it’s always followed directions perfectly.

  So, why is it misbehaving now?

  Especially for someone with Giovanni’s kind of issues. That’s the last thing she needs. Handling men is one of her special talents, and she’s good at it. She’s seldom burned by men because she’s always long gone before things get complicated.

  “Hey, is everything all right?” He studies her, too perceptive for his own good. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “I’m not staring at you.”

  “Yes, you are. You look pissed. Did I do something wrong?”

  She snorts.

  He licks his lips and lowers his voice. “I mean, I know that was quick, but I told you how it’s been a while for me. I’m surprised I lasted as long as I did.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Forget it. I don’t care about that.”

  “I tried to stop you from going down on me, but I’m only human.”

  “I told you I don’t care. I did it on purpose. I wanted you to come when I did.”

  His lazy grin is gone and she’s sorry to see it go. Instead, he’s wearing his usual tense expression. “What’s wrong, then?”

  She rolls away from him and onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” The words sound absurd, and she’s not sure why she’s telling him. Probably because she knows he’ll talk her out of it.

  “Is that right,” he responds. “Look, Lindsay, I don’t think my ego requires this much stroking, though I appreciate the effort.”

  “I’m not trying to stroke your stupid ego!” She glares over at him, but unfortunately, he’s so appealing she turns away again. “You think you know everything better than anybody else, so why the hell would I bother stroking your ego?”

  “So, you’re telling me you’re in love with me for real?” His tone is heavy with disbelief.

  “Yes, I’m serious.”

  He chuckles.

  “Is this how you always act when a woman says she’s in love with you?”

  “Come on, we barely even know each other. There’s no way you’re in love with me.”

  Lindsay likes what she’s hearing and rolls back toward him. “I know, it’s impossible, right?”

  “I have to admit we have great chemistry, but it’s only lust.”

  She grins. “Lust I can handle. I enjoy lust.”

  “Powerful lust.” He draws her closer. Their eyes meet and they’re gazing at each other. Giovanni smiles that crazy-beautiful smile, and her insides go quivery again.

  “You’ve been through a lot today,” he murmurs, stroking her back. “Anybody would be feeling emotional after what happened.”

  She nods. “You’re right, that must be it.” Of course, these feelings came on before the robbery, but she decides to keep that to herself, figuring maybe she’s just confusing things. “Have you ever been in love?” she asks instead.

  His breath stops and the hand caressing her back slows. It only lasts a second, but a second is long enough.

  “Yes,” he finally admits. His fingers begin lightly drifting down her spine again. “A long time ago.”

  “Who was she?”

  He shakes his head. “No one important. What about you? Have you ever been in love?”

  “Of course. I’ve been married twice.”

  “And you loved them?”

  “I think so.” Lindsay is trying to remember if she had these same tender, stomach-quivering feelings for either of her ex-husbands, and what’s strange is she’s not sure. She certainly cared for them, especially her first husband. “My first husband I definitely loved.”

  He seems to find her answer amusing. “You don’t sound entirely certain.”

  “It was like ten years ago. I was really young.”

  “Why did you get divorced?”

  “He was a musician and I kept worrying he would cheat on me.”

  “Did he?”

  “No.” She thinks back to those early days of her marriage to Josh. All the fanfare. His band started getting more attention, and there were always girls hanging around.

  “How long were you married?”

  “A little over a year, though we were together for a couple of years. The breakup was my fault. I just couldn’t handle being married, so I ended it.” Every time Josh was out late with band rehearsals or went on tour, she worried he’d cheat on her. It was like a strange kind of madness possessed her. She knows he never did, but she couldn’t get past it. In the end, Josh begged her to stay, but they were trying to have a baby, and when she couldn’t get pregnant, she took it as a sign.

  “What about the second husband?”

  “He was sort of a mistake. It only lasted a few months. I ended that one too.” She married him on the rebound. He was a fellow artist she met in a class. She tried to get pregnant with him as well. That’s when she finally went to the doctor. They couldn’t find anything wrong with her at the time, though she eventually discovered she was infertile.

  “Hmm, I think I’m seeing a pattern here. What about other relationships?”

  “There have been a few . . . more than a few,” she admits. “I’m not cut out for long-term commitment.”

  Giovanni watches her, considering her words. “Not exactly a great track record you have there.”

  “Give me a break. This from a guy who uses women like an addict searching for his next fix?”

  He frowns then stops touching her, rolls onto his back, and goes silent.

  Lindsay reali
zes she shouldn’t have been so blunt. It’s a character flaw she’s always struggled with a bit. Despite everything, she’s curious about him. His brother, Anthony, seems fairly well-adjusted, so she can’t understand why Giovanni turned out the way he did.

  Minutes go by and still he doesn’t say anything.

  “Did I offend you?” she finally asks.


  She puts her hand on his arm. “Then tell me something. Why are you so screwed up?”

  He closes his eyes. “I don’t think the parents of the children whose lives I’ve helped change would say I’m screwed up.”

  She quiets at that. It’s true. In fact, she’s certain the parents of those children include him in their prayers of gratitude every single night. “I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about you.”

  “I don’t want to discuss any of this.” His voice has that brisk note of finality she’s come to recognize from him. He rolls back toward her and draws her close. “Do you know what I’ve missed the most about sex?”

  “Lovers who ask a lot of nosy questions?”

  He smirks for a second, but then his gaze softens. “Kissing.”

  “Mmm, I could tell.” She licks her lips.

  “And the taste of a woman’s skin.” He brings his mouth to her throat, tasting her.

  Her breath hitches.

  “Your scent is incredible,” he whispers in her ear. “And you’re right. It is like a drug.”

  “What else do you miss?”

  He pulls back and looks into her face. “Do you really want to know?”

  “I do.” Her breath is coming faster now. “I want to know everything.” She slides one hand down to grip his firm ass.

  His expression changes, goes hungry, and his only answer is his mouth on hers, his large body pressing her into the mattress. She knows he’s changing the subject, but decides to let him because this is the kind of subject change she doesn’t mind at all.

  I never should have told her. The thought rings through Giovanni’s mind like an alarm bell. That was a mistake.

  There’s no room for mistakes in his life, and he’s not used to making any.

  He’s still not sure what possessed him to tell Lindsay one of his deepest, most shameful secrets. He assumed it would push her away, but instead it appears to have drawn her in and now she’s like a dog with a bone.

  The truth is he shouldn’t be in bed with her at all. After eight months, it’s only one slip. And Lindsay is going to be his wife soon—however temporary.

  He knows he’s rationalizing, grasping for any reason to make this right because he wanted her from the moment he laid eyes on her. He knew she’d be exactly what he needed, and he was right. Energetic and lusty with just the right amount of seductive allure. He’s always enjoyed bed partners who were confident in their sexuality.

  He was surprised when she came up with the whole business about being in love with him though. At first, he thought it was her strange sense of humor because he honestly never knows what’s going to come out of her mouth, and then he thought she was trying to manipulate him. When it dawned on him she was serious, he knew it was the shock of being robbed today and felt guilty for taking advantage of the situation.

  Not that he’s planning to stop now because he’s past the point of no return. It’s like being thrown a lifeline after months at sea. She tastes too good. Feels too good. He can already tell it’s helping him shake off the adrenaline.

  She breaks the kiss but doesn’t move away, instead licks the corners of his mouth. “I like these—each little dip.”

  He’s not sure what she’s talking about but enjoys her tongue lapping at him like a cat.

  “Mmm . . .” She licks him some more. “You have such sensual lips.”

  He feels oddly flattered. Women mostly compliment him on his size—especially his height, and then his dick when they finally see it. Which is apparently Lindsay’s next stop as her hand slides down his chest, over his stomach, and lower until she’s grabbed hold of him. Hard and heavy as stone again. He lets her handle him this time. She kept trying to reach for him earlier, but his control was on a hair trigger.

  “Such a big, hard cock,” she whispers. “Is it all for me?”

  He closes his eyes as blood surges through him. Maybe that hair trigger isn’t so far off.

  Giovanni pulls her hand away. When she tries to reach for him again, he laces their fingers and brings their hands up near her face.

  “Here’s what going to happen, Lindsay. I’m going to kiss you for a nice, long while because it pleases me. Then I’m going to fuck you.” Her eyes light up and her breath trembles. “But only if you’re good and stop all this dirty talk. Understand?”

  “God, you’re a control freak.”

  “I haven’t had sex in eight months, so you need to give me a break here.”

  “What’s wrong with a little dirty talk?” She slides her free hand down to his ass. “It’s nice to get things heated up.”

  He snorts. “Things are heated up enough, trust me. I’d rather not embarrass myself any further.”

  “You didn’t embarrass yourself. Plus, you just came.”

  He doesn’t say anything. He knows he just came, but it barely made a dent. He’s already getting way too aroused.

  “I’ll do it on one condition.” She gives him a little smile.

  “What’s that?”

  “I want to take over.”

  It figures. “We can’t both be in charge.”

  “I know, so let me have my way with you. I’ve still got all those vibrator fantasies I want to live out.”

  He has to admit he’s curious about these fantasies of hers. Their eyes meet and he feels her leg slip behind his thigh. She’s soft and inviting, and a part of him wants to take her right now, though at this rate he’d probably last two seconds.

  “All right.” He sighs. “We’ll try it your way and see how it goes.”

  She gives him a wicked look, and he wonders what exactly it is he’s agreeing to. “Lie on your back,” she tells him.

  Giovanni releases her hand and rolls over, trying to avoid jostling the mattress too much with his large body. When he’s lying flat, he reaches back and tucks a pillow behind his head.

  She’s sitting back with her legs tucked under her, waiting patiently.

  He decides to attempt a joke. “What now, mistress?”

  Lindsay laughs then gives him another wicked look. Her long brown curls tumble forward, blocking his view of her body as she kneels before him. When he moves to brush her hair back, she stops him. “You don’t get to touch me.”

  “What?” He goes still with surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, that’s part of my fantasy. No touching allowed until I tell you.”

  “There’s no way I’m agreeing to that.”

  “You said you’d give it a try.”

  “Well, forget it.” He softens his voice and slides his hands down her hip. “Come on, Lindsay. I have to be able to touch you.”

  She leans closer until she’s hovering right above him. Her hair falls softly against his face, her feminine scent drifting over him, sweet and musky. “Just relax,” she whispers in his ear. “I promise you’ll like it.”

  “I don’t believe this,” he mutters, as she reaches down and grabs both his hands, placing them over his head.

  “Don’t make me tie you up.” She eyes him with a playful gleam.

  “You think I’d let you?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  He takes in her lively expression. She’s right. He would let her tie him up. To be honest, he’d probably let her do anything to him she wanted. It’s becoming apparent how beauty is the least of her charms. He’s never been involved with an artist before and has to admit he enjoys her offbeat way of seeing the world.

  “Close your eyes,” she tells him.

  He does as she asks.

  “Keep them shut, no peeking.” Lindsay climbs off the bed, and
he wonders what she’s up to. He hears her go into the bathroom and turn on the tap.

  She’s in there for a short while before there are sounds from the mini fridge. Giovanni can’t resist smiling to himself and with amazement realizes he’s having fun.

  He hears her feet padding softly on the carpet as she moves closer. “I’m impressed by how well you’re following instructions,” she tells him, getting back onto the bed. “I wasn’t sure if you could do it.”

  Not only is he having fun, but all this subterfuge is turning him on. Maybe there’s something to the notion of letting someone else take over occasionally.

  “For that, you get a little reward.” Suddenly, Lindsay is above him. He senses her body and then her mouth is on his, kissing him. Their tongues slide over each other’s in a sensual dance.

  When she breaks away, he opens his eyes, gazing up at her.

  “Hey, no peeking.” Her voice is breathy, mouth still open. A warm feeling glides through him as he remembers that this is her fantasy about him.

  He starts to reach for her but manages to stop himself in time. “It’s hard to keep my hands still.”

  “Relax,” she says softly. “Let someone take care of you for a change.”

  He blinks, his throat going tight as her words sink in. He can’t remember the last time someone offered to take care of him. For an instant, his body tenses with adrenaline, ready to dismiss all this as nonsense. I don’t need anybody to take care of me.

  But he knows it’s a lie. One he’s been living with for a long time.

  Giovanni closes his eyes again.

  He lets himself give in to Lindsay and all her seductive ways. Her mouth glides down to his throat then his chest, playing with his nipples for a while, using her mouth and fingers, before moving lower. Her hands caress him everywhere. All the while, there’s this strange energy coursing through him, pooling in the pit of his stomach. It’s mostly pleasurable, but there’s an edge to it he doesn’t understand.

  She pushes his legs apart and moves between them, biting his left thigh hard enough to make him groan. It should disturb him, but it’s turning him on even more.

  Lindsay moves away for a moment and takes something from the nightstand. He hears liquid sounds and then her hand is on his cock, grasping him, fingers pulling on his length in a way that means business.


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