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Royal Vampire Kingdom - The Complete Collection: Quick & Dirty Paranormal

Page 19

by Ivy Banks

  “I am not choosing him over you, Asher. He’s not my new boyfriend, he’s here to protect me. I want someone who cares that I’m terrified. I want someone who’s concerned that someone is trying to kill me. And I want someone is who man enough to actually do something about it.”

  “You can have her,” said Asher as he glared at Baxter. “I’ll send my assistant over later today to get my things.”

  Meadow didn’t say a word as she watched Asher walk out her front door. She hoped she would never have to see him again. She looked back over at Baxter, who gave her a sympathetic look.

  “I think I want to be alone for a while,” she said.

  Baxter nodded.

  Chapter 5

  Meadow drifted off to sleep and her head filled with thoughts of fangs, blood, and a faceless man chasing her through a dark alley. Just as her attacker was about to pounce, she woke up from a knock at the door.

  Still in a daze, it took Meadow a moment to realize she was in her bedroom and safe. She looked at the time.

  Five o’clock? How could I have slept all day?

  Another knock.


  It was Baxter.

  “Yes? Come in.”

  The door opened. “There’s a car at your gate. The man says his name is Craig, and that he’s Asher’s assistant.”

  “Okay. Let him in and tell him to wait in the foyer. I just need to get Asher’s things together.”

  Baxter nodded and left the room.

  After grabbing a canvas bag, she filled it with Asher’s toothbrush, deodorant, and the few articles of clothing that he had left. Feeling relieved to finally have Asher out of her life, she headed to the living room with his belongings.

  Craig stood in the foyer looking down with slumped shoulders while he fidgeted nervously. He was average height and lanky with thinning, mousey brown hair and a nasally voice that got under her skin. Everything about him made Meadow uncomfortable. Craig was the type of guy who always stared at young women for too long and could never hold a normal conversation. His comments were always inappropriate and awkward, so Meadow had avoided him at all costs whenever she was in his presence.

  Baxter stood next to Craig with his arms folded across his chest. Her bodyguard was at least six inches taller than Craig, and Meadow was glad to have him there. Craig was already eyeing Meadow, and her skin prickled underneath his glare.

  “I have Asher’s things,” said Meadow as she held out the canvas bag.

  Craig responded, “Asher gave me a bag filled with your belongings, too. Sorry about the break-up, Meadow.”

  “It’s not your—”

  Before Meadow could finish her sentence, Craig drew a gun from his jacket and shot Baxter point blank in the head.

  Meadow screamed and ran over to Baxter’s prostrate body.

  Craig grabbed Meadow by the hair and pulled her off Baxter and turned her around to face him.

  “It’s finally time, Meadow. We are finally alone. I can fulfill my promise,” said Craig.

  “What are you talking about? What promise?”

  “Oh, Meadow, how can you say that? For months, I’ve been telling you I want your blood. Now, I can finally have it. Don’t be scared; I know you’ll like it when I do it, just like you did when Drake did it.”

  “It’s a movie!” she yelled. “I can’t believe it was you this whole time. What’s wrong with you! You aren’t a fucking vampire you sicko!”

  Baxter’s voice echoed throughout the room. “But I am…”

  Like a flash of lighting, Baxter pounced on Craig and slammed him to the floor.

  Meadow couldn’t make a sound. She was in shock. Baxter turned to look at her, and she saw two prominent fangs protruding from his gums. Baxter focused his attention back to Craig and sank his fangs into the assistant’s neck and drank.

  Bile rose in Meadow’s throat. What’s happening? Oh my god, what’s happening?

  Baxter dropped Craig’s lifeless body to the floor. He stood and looked at Meadow, and for a brief moment, she was terrified as she wondered if he would kill her next. But then, she looked into Baxter’s eyes. Malice was not present in his intense gaze, only concern.

  Meadow was still unable to speak, and she was still terrified.

  “You don’t need to be afraid of me, Meadow.”

  Finally, she found her voice. “You… you killed him.”

  “I did,” said Baxter. “He was going to kill you.”

  “You drank his blood. What are you?” She questioned.

  “I think the answer is obvious.”

  “A vampire? You’re as crazy as he is,” she said.

  Meadow stood up and ran, knowing she wouldn’t be able to outrun him, vampire or not. Somehow, she managed to get to her room without Baxter catching her. She slammed the door and locked it.

  She ran to her nightstand and pulled out her cell phone to call the cops.

  I can’t call the cops. They’ll think I’m crazy.

  She dialed Caroline.

  “Hello? Meadow? Are you okay? Baxter just texted me.”

  “Caroline. I don’t know what to do. It turns out Craig was the one harassing me. And Baxter saved me, but he’s… he’s… Oh, you’re never going to believe me.” Meadow was sobbing uncontrollably.

  “Baxter is a vampire. I know, dear.”

  “What? You knew? How is this even possible? This can’t be real!”

  Caroline sighed. “It is real, dear. I have known Baxter my entire life. He has been friends with my family for generations. When I knew you were in trouble, I asked him to help.”

  “Caroline, is this some sort of prank? I’m not a moron, there are no such thing as vampires.”

  “Honey, calm down,” Caroline reassured. “Baxter’s message said Craig shot him in the head. Is that true.”

  “Y-y-yes,” Caroline stammered as she tried to make sense of it all.

  “Ok, well then you just saw a man get shot in the head, then jump up and drink his attacker’s blood. I don’t know what more I could tell you to convince you that vampires are real, and that you were just saved by one.” She continued, “Baxter is safe. You are like a daughter to me, Meadow. I would never put you in harm’s way. Do you need me to come over?”

  Meadow considered her question. “No. Thank you. Should I call the cops?”

  “No. Baxter will handle everything. He’ll take care of you.”

  Meadow hung up the phone and slowly made her way back to the foyer at the front of her house. Craig’s body was no longer there. She walked into her living room and found Baxter sitting on the couch.

  She had so many questions, but didn’t know where to start, so she asked the first thing that came to her mind. “What happened to Craig?”

  “I have people to handle that sort of thing. He’s gone. You won’t be questioned.”

  “Your people?”

  “I don’t deal with messes,” said Baxter. “My family is very powerful, so I can walk away and let someone else handle the grunt work.”

  “If you’re family is so powerful, why are you working for me?”

  He laughed. “I’m not working for you. At first, I was here as a favor to Caroline. Her great-great-grandfather and I were once friends. I’ve remained friends with the family for years. When Caroline first told me that she wanted me to protect a young woman from a man claiming to be a vampire, I thought the idea was ridiculous, but agreed to do it anyway. Then, I met you, and I wasn’t protecting you for Caroline’s sake anymore.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve been alive thousands of years, and I’ve never wanted someone the way I want you.”

  Meadow bit her lower lip. His directness pierced her. The thought of a man as powerful and gorgeous as him wanting her sent a quiver to her core. He was dangerous, strong, and she had wanted him from the moment she saw him.

  “Let me take you away from here,” he said.


  “My place. Someone�
�s going to come and clean. It’s best you aren’t here when the cops get here. I have an alibi prepared for you.”

  Well, Caroline said to trust him, thought Meadow.

  With that, she followed him out her front door. A blacked-out Escalade was waiting for them and Baxter opened the door for her. She climbed in and he followed, sitting down next to her.

  She didn’t say a word as they rode together in silence. He also remained silent, but held her hand, which comforted her. She wasn’t paying attention to where the car was headed, and instead tried to make sense of the fact that she was sitting next to a vampire.

  Meadow’s mind was brought back to the present as the Escalade drove up a long, winding road before entering the gate to one of the largest mansions she had ever seen.

  “How can you afford this working as a bodyguard?”

  Baxter laughed. “I told you. I was doing Caroline a favor. My wealth wasn’t built protecting people.”

  The sound of his laugh put her at ease. “You know, I have a little experience with vampires,” Meadow said, referring to her movie role.

  Baxter laughed harder this time. “I have a little experience with humans.”

  He placed his hand on Meadow’s knee. She placed her hand on top of his and slid it up her thigh until his fingers slid under the hem of her dress and brushed against her panties.

  The entire day was a whirlwind of emotions. First, she broke up with her boyfriend. Then, she was almost killed, but then saved by a mythical creature, who just happened to be the hottest man she’d ever seen.

  The vampire slowly moved his fingers, toying with her lower lips through her panties. Her body’s response was immediate as she felt the moistness from her sex seep into the cotton lining of her thong.

  “Let’s go inside,” said Baxter as he removed his hand just before the driver opened the door.

  After leading her down a small sidewalk, they came to two large French doors. Baxter opened the doors and motioned for Meadow to step inside.

  “Do you want a tour?” he asked.

  “Only of your bedroom,” Meadow replied lustfully.

  Baxter grabbed her hand and led her up a granite spiral staircase. At then end of a long hallway lined with closed doors, they finally stopped in front of a large wooden door Meadow assumed led to his master suite.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” He smirked, almost devilishly. “It will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.”

  “Just be gentle,” said Meadow, fluttering her eyelashes.

  “Not a chance,” growled Baxter as he picked her up and carried her into the enormous bedroom.

  The ocean view from the large windows overlooked the Pacific immediately caught Meadow’s eye. Baxter placed her down and Meadow walked over to admire the beautiful scenery. The sun was setting and the sky was illuminated in hues of pink, purple, and orange. The sun’s warm rays reflected off the tops of the waves, making them shimmer like diamonds.

  Fingertips brushed her wavy auburn locks off her shoulder. She glanced over as Baxter’s lips made contact with her neck. A shiver rolled down her spine, and a sigh passed her lips. Meadow’s pink nails brushed through his tousled black hair, feeling the softness of every strand.

  “Enjoying the view?” he whispered into her skin.

  “It’s beautiful,” she responded in a breath as he pressed up against her back.

  Meadow felt his erection against her rear, which brought a smile to her lips. She turned her head to look back at him.

  “That view is nothing compared to mine,” he said as he stared deep into her eyes, and brushed her cheek with his fingertips.

  Meadow felt her knees go weak. Her eyes fluttered closed to focus on his touch. One of his large hands glided from her side, down to the hem of her pale orange dress. Baxter’s hand met her delicate panties, once again stroking her heat through the fabric.

  Biting her lip, Meadow pressed her ass against his groin. The cotton lining of her panties grew wet from her arousal as he continued to tease her. Her body was ready for his.

  Baxter stepped forward, pushing her against the glass wall. Her forehead rested on the windows as he continued to send waves of pleasure through her core with his touch.

  The sound of his pants unzipping made Meadow turn to look at him just in time to see his pants fall to the floor. He pulled down his boxers, revealing his large erection. With a swift, graceful motion, he kicked his pants and boxers to the side as he tore off his shirt.

  Not wasting a second, Baxter slipped Meadow’s dress off over her head and removed her bra, as she anticipated the feeling of him filling her. She bent her knees slightly and pushed her bottom out, as she rested her hands flat against the window. He roughly pulled her now soaked thong down and tossed it aside.

  Grasping her firmly with one arm around her waist, he used his other hand to penetrate her with two fingers. Meadow gasped at first, the roughness startling her, but her voice quickly turned into a moan.

  Two fingers pressed deeply within her massaged her g-spot expertly. The sensation was uncomfortable at first, but as she relaxed, her body responded to his experienced touch. Her ass lifted higher instinctively, to expose herself more to him. Baxter withdrew his fingers suddenly, and parted her lower lips with his rock-hard cock. He had to enter her slowly because of his size, but she loved the way he felt, the walls of her sex hugging his member snugly.

  As he began to move rhythmically inside of her, she felt a wet finger slide between her soft smooth cheeks. Glancing back to him, Meadow gave him a questioning look.

  “Trust me,” Baxter urged. “I’d never do anything to you that wasn’t for your pleasure.”

  Even though she’d never allowed a man to touch her in that way, Meadow knew he had centuries of experience. When she nodded at him, Baxter smiled and gently pressed a wet fingertip into her ass, using her own fluids as a lubricant.

  At first she was unsure, but as he thrust into her pussy, her arousal spiked. He pressed his finger in slowly, just to the first knuckle, allowing her to get comfortable before pushing in farther to the next. His finger then pressed down toward her vagina, making Meadow gasp loudly. Inexplicable pleasures emanated through her.

  His cock plowed into her core as he caressed her g-spot anally. Meadow pushed backward every time he moved into her, sending his member deeper into her tight, wet hole. She looked out at the ocean as he fucked her roughly, moans and cries of ecstasy passing her lips carelessly.

  The beautiful ocean view in front of her, and the beautiful man behind her, was almost more than she could stand. The thought of such a powerful man wanting her so badly filled her with joy just as his powerful cock filled her with carnal bliss.

  With her face pressed against the cold glass, Baxter’s finger stimulating her g-spot, and his fully engorged member pounding and stretching her sensitive flesh, Meadow orgasmed and nearly dropped to her knees, unable to suppress her lust-filled cries.

  As her knees buckled Baxter caught her and brought her close to his chest as he withdrew himself from her sensitive sex.

  Baxter stabled her and turned her to face him before kissing her cheek. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Reaching down, he picked her up by the back of the thighs, hooking her legs around his hips. Leaning her back against the glass, he pushed his rod right back inside her. Meadow was still sensitive from her orgasm, so Baxter moved slowly at first. He supported her body weight as he pushed up inside of her. Holding her by the small of the back, he then moved away from the glass and walked to the luxurious, four-poster, king-sized bed just a few yards away.

  He placed her on the edge of the bed, but remained standing himself, as the bed was raised high off the floor. Baxter held her pelvis up by gripping her firm buttocks and keeping her legs wrapped around his hips. He quickened his pace, and his cock rapidly pushed into her sex as he leaned down and grazed his teeth over her nipples before he took one in his mouth, sucking on the light pink skin as he quickly h

  Meadow found herself moaning again, her hands clutching the roots of his midnight locks. The tip of his cock repeatedly pressed into a sensitive spot within her, building her rapidly toward yet another orgasm. How did Baxter have this kind of sway over her? How was it he knew her body even better than she knew it herself?

  Baxter peeled back from her chest momentarily, and gazed into her eyes. Reaching underneath her, he eased his fingertip back inside of her rear. This time, it didn’t come as a shock. He fingered her slowly, adding a little more finger with each stroke. As his hips picked up the pace, Baxter coaxed his finger inside until he reached the last knuckle. He pressed upward toward her sex again, sliding it in and out in a smooth motion. Meadow found it indescribably sexy, enjoying the vulnerability and sensuality of the act.

  Then, Meadow grabbed his other hand and slid it up her stomach, between her breasts, and to her mouth. His sky-blue eyes searched her green hues as she tenderly took one of his fingertips between her lips. Her teeth grazed the pad of his finger before her tongue gently stroked the entire thing. Meadow sucked lightly on the finger, watching his eyes ignite with a new surge of desire. Baxter pounded into her rapidly, moving his index finger swiftly as he watched her suck on his other hand’s middle finger.

  “Can you trust me again?” he asked.

  Without hesitation, Meadow nodded, enthusiastic about what he had in store.

  Baxter leaned down and pressed his teeth against her neck, before she felt his fangs pierce her skin. At first, it was slightly painful, but as she neared climax once again, her body filled with endorphins as every cell in her body came alive in a dance of primal ecstasy. With just a few thrusts, Baxter peaked, while the waves of her second climax pulsed through her.

  He collapsed on top of her. Meadow’s legs quivered from the pleasure. Baxter withdrew his hands from her as he took a moment to catch his breath.

  Eventually, he lifted his head from her neck and smiled down at her.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “My bite intensifies your pleasure.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad I trusted you.”


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