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Royal Vampire Kingdom - The Complete Collection: Quick & Dirty Paranormal

Page 29

by Ivy Banks

  Reality pounded at her instantly as Lucas was pushed back against the desk, dropping the man to the ground.

  Panicked and almost dead, the masked intruder tore open the office door, screaming for his partner to run in gasping breaths.

  To Penelope’s shock, Lucas Hanover stood up, a small, cruel smile on his lips. Moving faster than she had ever seen anything move, he pounced on the fleeing man, pinning the smaller man to the floor.

  She stared in horrified fascination as Lucas’ teeth ripped into the man’s throat, a splash of red soaking the clean-cut billionaire’s face.

  Unable to witness any more of the gore, Penelope turned her head, bile filling her mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched the other, bigger man flee out the front door, leaving the crowd to disperse in a hysterical frenzy.

  “Penelope, are you hurt?”

  Lucas’ voice jarred her back to where she stood. She looked at him, blood dripping from the side of his mouth. At his feet lay the still-warm corpse of the violent offender.

  She shook her dark hair and leaned against the wall, and pointed at Angel.

  “She’s hurt. He hurt her.”

  He nodded and she stared at him, noticing the holes that the bullets had made.

  “How… how are you not dead?” she whispered.

  He turned to her urgently and grasped her shoulders. “You must never tell anyone what you have seen here,” he told her, and Penelope swallowed more thick fear down her throat.

  His intensity frightened her, she’d never seen him like this before.

  “When the police arrive, you will not tell them that you saw him shoot me. Do you understand, Penelope?”

  She nodded and he released her.

  “The story is, I came back and overpowered him. Everything else is the same, but do not mention the shooting.”

  Again, she bobbed her head in agreement, eyeing the shredded neck of the man on the floor.

  “Your secret is safe with me, Mr. Hanover,” she whispered, watching him strip off his shirt.

  Police closed in on the building and Lucas quickly dug a new shirt out from the closet. Penelope rushed over to Angel who was beginning to moan quietly. She cradled the other woman’s head in her hands, examining the blow she had taken.

  “She needs an ambulance,” Penelope called to her boss.

  “Son of a bitch,” Lucas muttered. “I knew this was an inside job.”

  She glanced over at him, now leaning over the dead assailant. He had pulled the robber’s ski mask off his face. It was one of the club’s bouncers, Carlos.

  They exchanged a look as officers came storming into the back room and Penelope was certain that her emotions were plain as day on her face.

  Who is Lucas Hanover?

  Chapter 4

  When the last officer left, Lucas ground his teeth together, the metallic taste of Carlos’s blood still in his mouth. Lucas locked the front door and did a sweep of the building, ensuring that everyone had left.

  This is going to be brutal for business, he thought. Two clubs violently robbed at gunpoint in a two-week span. And one of the guys was an employee.

  Lucas believed the second assailant was an employee as well. It would explain the inside knowledge that they seemed to have. But Lucas had a more immediate problem on his hands: Penelope.

  The girl had been a dancer at the club for three years and he liked her, but she was his employee…and a mortal. Could she be trusted not to speak of what had happened?

  She hadn’t breathed a word to the police, but he had no way of knowing that she would stay quiet forever. He made his way behind the bar and toward the corridor leading to the office. Carlos’ blood still stained the walls, although his body had been taken away to the coroner.

  As he pushed open the still ajar door to the office, he took a deep breath. Is it time to move on again? After all the time I spent building this empire, it would be a shame to let it all go, but what choice will I have? I killed a man with my teeth in front of a witness. That is going to raise some eyebrows.

  Penelope sat on his desk, her long legs crossed as she stared at him. He felt the same draw to her that he always felt in her vicinity. He wanted her, but had always forced himself to keep the relationship strictly professional.

  She liked him too. He could tell by the way she stared at him adoringly.

  “What are you doing in here?” he demanded, glancing behind him as if she might not be alone. “I thought you went home.”

  She shook her glorious mane of dishevelled hair, her lower lip quivering slightly.

  Slowly, she lowered herself from the desk onto her too high heels and stepped toward him.

  “I wanted to thank you,” she whispered, her voice cracking slightly. “He was going to—”

  “No,” Lucas interrupted, watching as the sultry brunette stopped in front of him. The thought of someone trying to hurt her made his blood boil. Something about her was special, and no man would ever come close to harming her again. He would see to that.

  Even with her stilettos, she was four inches shorter than him. She did not meet his gaze, but he felt the unshaken fear still emanating from her.

  Without thinking, he reached for her, cupping her chin to pull her face up. “Nothing was going to happen to you,” he told her softly, their eyes meeting. A wave of strong desire to protect her washed over him.

  At his words, she shuddered and began to cry, releasing the terror of the night from her body. Lucas pulled her toward his barrel chest and held her. He would never have forgiven himself if something had happened to her, especially on his watch.

  As he held her head, stroking her soft hair, she turned to look up at him with her doe-eyes. She snaked her arms up and around his neck and slowly pulled his face down to hers. Their lips met slowly, her tongue tracing his lower lip before biting it gently with her teeth. Their tongues met again, and Lucas thought he’d never felt such a soft and passionate kiss before.

  Her hand slowly ran down his torso, finding its way up under his shirt, exploring the peaks and valleys of his muscular physique. As her fingers played with the edge of his pants, running her finger along the hem, sending a light shock of testosterone through him, he gently reached down and took her hand in his.

  “No,” he said softly between kisses. “Tonight has been too much. This wouldn’t be right; you’re still in shock. Besides, I’m your boss.”

  “I’ve always wanted to be with you,” she said. “You’re not like other men. You’re kind, sweet, and talk to me like I’m a person—not just a piece of ass. And if you’re worried about me being your employee… I’ll quit.”

  “I can’t…” Lucas persisted. “I am not going to take advantage of your vulnerability.”

  “You can and you will… I almost died tonight. I have a new outlook on life, and the first thing I want to experience is you!”

  Lucas couldn’t hold back. He crushed his lips down on hers, wanting to alleviate the fear in her face, and hungrily, she returned his kiss, her hands encircling his broad back.

  “You saved me,” she breathed, her mouth traveling down his chest.

  She knows my secret, he thought, watching her dark hair go lower on his body, feeling her small hands undoing his pants patiently. And she is so beautiful, so sexy.

  Exposed, he felt himself collapse against the office desk as Penelope took him in her mouth lovingly, her dark eyes, studying his face as she sucked his growing shaft with slow, erotic strokes. His hand reached for her full breast beneath the sequined material, teasing her taut, pierced nipple.

  Her tongue grew wetter, her movements faster, as Penelope’s hand cupped his round swaying testicles, massaging them with gentle roughness. Lucas groaned, pushing his hips so she took him entirely into her throat.

  This won’t do, he thought, his prismed eyes flying open to stare at the dancer eagerly devouring him. I want her, all of her.

  Yanking her to her feet, he lifted her onto the desk, spreading her widely
apart. She shook her head pleadingly, given him full permission to take her.

  Abruptly, he ripped her red thong from her olive hips and rubbed himself against her. She had a clit piercing to match her nipple rings and Lucas relished the feel of the cool metal against his raging member. Her entry was slick and hot, and he forced himself not to lose control. His eyes traveled to her throat and he wondered what she tasted like as he began to thrust into her.

  Kitten mewls filled his ears, but he was unable to look anywhere but at the pulsating in her jugular, calling to him over and over.

  You can’t, Lucas told himself, but he was beyond the point of reasoning as Penelope’s cries became impassioned screams. She leaned back on the desk, locking her ankles around his neck, tightening her entry around his already well-fit cock. He could feel the throb of his incisors poking through his gums as his eyes traveled between her nipple rings and her pure, pulsating neck.

  It will solve your problems. She can’t say anything if she is an immortal too. And, she’d enjoy it.

  He shook those thoughts from his mind. No, I can’t. I can’t turn her… but I can taste her.

  She watched him through half-closed eyes as he focused on her neckline, as he thrust into her.

  “Bite me,” she breathed. “Do it.”

  He was losing control, his sack grew tight and he tensed, grinding his teeth together until he couldn’t take it any more. He grabbed her ankles and spread them wide, feasting on the full access to her body. He dove forward and buried his face in her throat. Her neck stretched further back, as if she was taunting him.

  “Take me Lucas, oh take me,” she yelled, as their bodies moved together in an intense build-up of sexual energy. She clawed at the back of his broad shoulders as he sucked her sweet neck with fervor. His hands caressed her body everywhere, lost in the overwhelming pleasure of her. She grabbed the back of his hair, pulling at the nape as if holding on for life and Lucas felt her muscles clench around his cock as she soaked him with her orgasm.

  The intensity of drinking the warm, metallic liquid that poured from her neck while she shattered around him sent him over the edge. Hot juice spurted out of him into her burning center and Lucas’ teeth closed around the sweet vein in her neck.

  He sucked her ruthlessly, feeling her grow limper, his climax slowly ending.

  I need to stop. I’m taking too much blood.

  The haze which had overwhelmed him in his fervent moment of passion suddenly dissipated and Lucas pulled back from her in horror.

  It was too late.

  Penelope lay dead atop his desk, her smooth olive skin now a glowing ivory.

  “No!” he screamed, trying to pick her up. “No! Please, Penelope, wake up!”

  Logically he knew that no amount of pleading would bring her back and he closed his eyes as if willing the scene to undo itself.

  There was only one thing left to do; he had to turn her.

  He gnashed a welt into his wrist and pressed it to her lips, forcing the supply of immortal blood into her system. Soon, he felt himself growing weak from the lack of blood and reluctantly pulled back, staring at the dead girl.

  It’s not working! How can it not be working?

  He couldn’t understand why she was not waking. He had turned hundreds over the ages. He smothered a gasp of horror, realizing that he had killed her in the throes of passion.

  There was no escaping the gravity of what he had done. He had murdered a woman in cold blood, one he had tried to protect. Now he must run away and start anew. Carlos’ death was justified, but this—this was horrific.

  “I am so sorry,” he whispered, bending over her, smothering a sob. He had never been so devastated in his existence.

  “I wanted to protect you,” he breathed. His arms cradled her lifeless body, his face buried in her thick hair.

  “You did protect me.”

  He whipped his head up and stared open-mouthed at Penelope who was now looking at him. Her dark eyes glimmered with the shimmer of eternal life and she ran her tongue sensually over her protruding incisors as she smiled at him.

  “You’re alive!” he gasped, his typically stagnant pulse roaring in his ears. “I thought I killed you!”

  “Well, I imagine you technically did,” she replied flippantly. “But it seems you’ve also given me new life.”

  He swallowed and nodded.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, and she laughed playfully.

  “Hungry,” she replied, a curious glint in her eye. “And what’s more, I know exactly where to go to eat.”

  Chapter 5

  “Lucas! It’s four o’clock in the morning!” screamed Steve, seemingly startled that his boss was at his front door.

  Lucas and Penelope shoved past the man and into his apartment, their eyes an identical glow of malice.

  “I do my best work at night,” Lucas replied, closing the door. He turned to Penelope who nodded in agreement.

  “What are you doing here?” asked Steve nervously.

  “I’m just wondering where you were tonight when everything was happening,” Lucas replied, flopping onto the worn loveseat. “I had just talked to you about getting a better handle on your security team.”

  Penelope joined him, perching on the club owner’s lap. Steve stared at the scene, his brow furrowing.

  Lucas could read the sudden panic in his face.

  She was right. It was him. Steve and Carlos were the attackers.

  “I was, uh, there…” Steve faltered, looking anxiously about as if seeking an escape.

  There would be no escape, not this time. He had gotten away twice. It wouldn’t happen a third time.

  “Yes, you were,” Penelope agreed. “You were holding a gun on the club while Carlos was about to attack me.”

  The head of security’s face turned waxen at her matter-of-fact tone and he shook his head in denial.

  “No!” he replied. “That’s simply not true.”

  Penelope rose to her feet, stalking toward him slowly as if she was about to give him a lap dance and Lucas watched her, his eyes absorbing her every move.

  “You should have tried to disguise your voice,” she purred, offering him a wry smile. “Did you think that the music was too loud for anyone to make it out?” she asked sweetly. “I recognized it. It just took me a while to place it, but I know it was you.”

  Steve slapped away at her hand and stepped back, sheer desperation coloring his pudgy face. He looked at Lucas for help.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t have to listen to this shit from a stripper,” Steve snarled. “How long have I worked for you, Lucas? You can’t believe I would do anything like this!”

  Penelope glanced back at Lucas and they exchanged a long-amused look. Lucas smiled encouragingly at her.

  “You got this?” he asked and she grinned.

  “Oh yes,” she assured him. “I have never been so prepared for anything.”

  Turning back to an extremely unnerved Steve, Penelope shrugged and nodded.

  “I agree. You don’t have to listen to this shit. Especially from me.”

  Without warning, Penelope swooped in, sinking her teeth into the bouncer’s neck, savoring the sweet taste of his blood as he tried to break free from her clutches, but there was no point in fighting.

  In seconds, Penelope had rendered him unconscious, thirstily sucking at the plasma oozing from the puncture marks in his throat.

  “Easy, easy!” Lucas called, laughing. He pulled her back gently and stared at her.

  “What?” she demanded. “It’s delicious!”

  “Yes,” he replied. “But if you take too much your first few times, you will make yourself sick. You must learn to pace yourself. You’ll learn over time.”

  Penelope smiled at him, wiping the blood from the corners of her lips.

  “Will you teach me all your tricks?” she asked excitedly.

  Lucas looked at the smoldering brunette. It was obvious his attract
ion to her over the years was more than lust. She had been his mate all along, but he could never admit that to himself.

  Will I teach her all my tricks? Lucas wondered. In all of his years, he had never once yearned for companionship. Lucas had always been a lone wolf, not trusting anyone.

  Yet as he looked at the eager woman, staring at him with desire and excitement, he could not imagine traveling alone ever again. Unexpectedly, a mate had been thrust into his life and he was happy, despite the oddity of the circumstances.

  “Yes,” he replied, smiling. “I will teach you everything I know.”


  Ready for your next book?

  Take the new series by Chloe Vincent for a spin!

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  Secrets & Dark Magic

  Sometimes it’s good to have a guardian angel in your corner…even if she’s a little bit bad.

  Books By Ivy Banks

  Vampire Kingdom Series

  The Complete Royal Vampire Kingdom Collection (Books 1-15)

  (Each is a stand-alone story)

  The Hitman’s Weakness (Book 1)

  Private Lesson (Book 2)

  Taming The Billionaire (Book 3)

  Billionaire Boss’ Obsession (Book 4)

  Cowboy Crush (Book 5)

  House Call (Book 6)

  Double The Fun (Book 7)

  Waves of Pleasure (Book 8)

  Rock Hard (Book 9)

  The Starlet’s Bodyguard (Book 10)

  Billionaire Blackmail (Book 11)

  Mountain Mayhem (Book 12)

  Nurse On Duty (Book 13)

  Trouble In Paradise (Book 14)

  Dancer’s Delight (Book 15)

  About the Author

  Ivy Banks is a respectable lady by day…well, for the most part. But being a loving wife and upstanding citizen doesn’t mean you have to lose your racy side! Ivy writes hot contemporary romance stories. She likes to create a world and then play in it for awhile, letting her imagination run wild and her fingers type without inhibition.


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