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Hot Knights

Page 49

by Rue Allyn

  “You are just as beautiful as always, my love, but you should not be so vain. I would love you no matter your form.” Sabin smiled. “Although I will admit that you have a very pleasing form.”

  Her fingers proved that Sabin was correct, her skin showed no traces of the fire. “You took the brunt of the fire, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but I’m sorry to say that I could not take it all. I’m a hulking brute as you once said, but apparently not hulking enough.” He traced his finger against her soft skin. “Your redwood did take some heat, but the moss that grew over you healed you.”

  Tera clawed away at the remaining moss that encased her legs. Grimacing slightly from pain, she pulled her shirt up. Two large scars existed where the tree had suffered from the axe. “You’re right, the mystical qualities of the forest have taken good care of me. I have only a subtle reminder. I thought that I was dead.”

  Sabin clutched her to his naked chest, and she let herself be comfortable there. Tera still couldn’t confront the elephant in the forest. “I know that we just had really great sex, but love? You don’t have to feel guilty about Chaos or the Nunanish or the dragon or anything.”

  Dark flicks of gray entered Sabin’s eyes. “Thanks.” He paused before continuing, as if he had taken the time to silently condemn himself. “And we didn’t just have sex. It was three days ago.” Now his eyes held a familiar hunger.

  “Three days ago?” She tried to stand, but weakened and relaxed back against Sabin. “The coffee shop is probably falling to pieces without me. I bet you we’re all out of our popular loose leaf teas and Sparrow doesn’t even have the supplier’s number.” Tera realized her coffee shop related rant was Greek to Sabin. Actually, he probably knows Greek.

  “Yes. Perhaps that’s why Sparrow came here in such a fury. I can imagine the loss of certain beverages in such an establishment would be troubling.” His mischievous smile was not lost on her.

  “Sparrow’s here?”

  If ever the tall warrior could look sheepish, he did so now. He jerked a thumb in the direction behind him, signaling her to peek around his shoulder. There lay Sparrow in a heap on the ground.

  Tera’s eyes lit up with concern. “What did you—”

  “Why does everyone always accost me with this question?” But he grinned and continued before she could speak. “I got it—big, hulking brute. Don’t worry, my darling. The worst of young Sparrow’s problems will be a massive hangover.”

  “She’s drunk?”

  “Yes, and will be suffering from the after-effects of the narcotic fog as well.” Tera lifted a brow suspiciously. “What would you have me do, my love? She would not hear my words and continued to come at me like an owl. Literally. I can fight dragons, but I am not accustomed to such puny, fragile opponents. I did not want to harm your good friend.”

  Tera smiled and laughed for the first time since her injuries. She noticed that he also seemed to glow, basking in the moment of lightness. He leaned into her and pressed a kiss upon her lips. The kiss was slow at first, but then Sabin parted her lips with his tongue against her own. He expertly stroked the inside of her mouth like a dance and she arched into his body. His chest was bare, his shirt in a bloody mess by her side, and she ran her hands along his body.

  She shivered as a thread of desire coursed through her, urged on by Sabin’s intoxicating kisses. As if he could sense her longing, his hands traced down her body, stopping to caress her curves before continuing down.

  Sabin used his free hand to undo the button of her leather pants. A gasp of anticipation escaped her lips just as he reached for her most sensitive spot. His fingers rubbed and teased her, circled her.

  As Sabin slipped his tongue into her welcoming mouth, her body shook at the thought of what he could do to her. And now his able fingers circled her core, massaging her there gently when she least expected it. She felt her muscles begin to throb with pleasure and wetness seep from her core. Tera quickly escalated toward orgasm. Sabin took his lips away from her mouth to flash her a sensual smile. He was the image of hot sex. “I want to bring you to ecstasy.” And then he sank his fingers into her and fulfilled his promise.

  Tera let her body go lax against Sabin as he wrung that last shudders of pleasure from her body. His voice was low and thick with need as he spoke, “Gods, I need you.” She looked into his eyes sleepily with anticipation. Sabin smiled. “I am glad that you feel the same, but I’m not so greedy as to take pleasure from your body so soon after injury.”


  Sparrow’s spritely voice called out from across the clearing. “Geesh, since when did you become a sexpot? I’m right here for cryin’ out loud. I wake up from a drug-induced haze to moans and groans—you’d think I was in a sorority, not a forest.”

  Tera laughed and peeked around Sabin’s broad shoulders. “You’re awake!” Her hands went to button her pants.

  “You’re awake!” Sparrow exclaimed back. “And at least you don’t have a migraine the size of Texas.”

  Tera stood up and pulled her shirt up to show Sparrow her war wounds. “I’ve got my own battle scars, dear.”

  Sparrow shot daggers with her eyes at Sabin who stood tall next to Tera, his hand comfortably on her hip.

  “Don’t look at him like that, Sparrow. He’s the reason it’s not worse.” Holding her hands out, she welcomed Sparrow across the clearing for a hug. “I’m lucky I’m alive.”

  Sparrow hugged her body tightly to Tera. “I was so worried when I never heard back from you. And this morning worry turned into a complete freak-out after my Magic Eight Ball told me you weren’t getting any.” Sparrow winked at her. “But clearly that has changed.”

  Tera laughed and both women looked at Sabin, who flushed under their attention. Sparrow slapped her palm to her forehead. “Oiii.”

  Sabin smiled slightly. “Dragon blood does wonders for hangovers. Had I known, Tera, that your friend couldn’t hold her liquor, I would have bled more from the Quetzalem before sending him to prison. Your friend obviously needs a personal stash.”

  “Hey,” Sparrow interjected.

  Tera wasn’t fazed. “Dragon blood, huh? Guess I will not be ordering a Bloody Mary in the Fog Realm any time soon.”

  Together, Sabin, Tera, and Sparrow walked through the barrier of mist and through the forest until they reached an exit leading from Muir Woods. As they walked, Sabin drew many stares. Sabin had handed over his weapons to Tera for concealment, but the strap still crossed his strong muscled torso. The cold weather and thick fog only made the gigantic warrior more conspicuous with his leather pants and exposed chest. The park ranger eyed him curiously.

  Looking directly at the uniformed employee, who was at least a foot shorter, Sabin smiled. “I get hot when I hike.”

  “This guy just returned from Burning Man.” Sparrow added, patting him on the back as they passed. Pointing at the leather pants hanging low on his hips, she whispered playfully to the young park ranger, “Leather pants. Old habits die hard, I guess.”

  • • •

  The next morning, Tera woke in her own bed after a night of incredible pleasure. Turning over in bed, she nestled into Sabin’s warm, naked body. The Knight seemed quite comfortable despite the fact that his feet hung over the end of the bed.

  “Good morning, Dryad.” Sabin cupped her face, satisfaction and adoration plain on his face. “You’re absolutely glowing this morning.”

  A sensual gleam played in Tera’s gaze. “It’s nice to be fully recovered.” A laugh escaped her. “And by fully recovered, I mean fully pleasured.” She smiled at the man who, just the night before, had given her more orgasms than she could count. After the first two, the aunts had mystically enhanced the room with a sound barrier. Apparently the old walls of the Victorian left little to her roommates’ imagination.

  “I meant what I said in the forest, Tera.” He tucked a wavy lock of auburn hair behind her ear. “I love you.”

  His words triggered waves of incredible
happiness and discomfort for a confusing mix. Artemis had taught her to be a strong independent woman. Not to fear men, but to despise them and recognize their weaknesses. Artemis had loved many times in her immortal life, and it had never served her well. Men had treated her like filth, like nothing, and in turn, she watched men treat nature’s forests and oceans with the same regard.

  But Tera had seen none of that in Sabin. As a matter of fact, she hadn’t seen any weaknesses in him unless it was to love a mortal. The thought made Tera sad as well. Sure, she wouldn’t age before she died, but she’d still die. And dying would be all the more painful if she left behind a true love. And Sabin would live on, years and years after her, giving women the same pleasure like he had just given her.

  “Why does the thought of my love make you frown?”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t tell you that I love you back. And honestly, I think you’re crazy to say that you love me.” A dangerous storm brewed in Sabin’s eyes. She quickly righted her words. “I don’t mean to say that I don’t believe you love me. I saw the way you looked at me as you carried me through the forest, and while I laid on the ground. I’ve never had someone look at me like that. When I said thank you, I meant it. I was thanking you for letting me know love before I died.”

  “Let yourself know love again, Tera. Don’t be afraid.” Cupping her face, he gave her a lingering kiss, the softness of his lips an adept persuasion.

  When the kiss ended, she sighed. “It’s you who should be scared. If you spend a lifetime with me, and I probably have at least 400 years, maybe even a 1,000, you will be heartbroken to watch me die.”

  “I only relish the luck that I have since most humans have a mere hundred years to find and enjoy their love.” Running his hands down her body beneath the covers, he grinned. “I’m a lucky bastard, and now I’m not giving you up. You can’t scare me away, Tera.”

  Tera heart constricted at the confession. The thought of having Sabin by her side was incomprehensible happiness. But then a shadow crept into her mind, the darkness that reminded her of her mother. How will Artemis take it? If she knows I chose a man, she will forsake me.

  “I’m sorry, Sabin. I can’t think about this now. Let’s just enjoy this as it is.”

  Finally, Sabin spoke. “I have much business to attend to in the Fog Realm.” He got out of the bed and pulled on his leather pants. Bending to where she sat nestled in the covers, he pressed a chaste kiss against her cheek. “I’ll find the ferry myself.”

  She leapt out of bed. “No, stay.” But Sabin’s determined look said otherwise. “I’ll walk you to the ferry then. Just let me throw on some clothes. And I’ll find you something to wear. I’m sure Sparrow has a shirt or something in her closet that might fit you. She always has men lusting after her.”

  “No, Tera. Rest.” He swept Tera off her feet and laid her back in bed. With that, he walked out of the bedroom, and down the hall past a kitchen full of gossiping Wiccans and out the door.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Although he was back in the Realm of the Fog, Tera’s dry words hung in the air like poison. Sabin had expected as much, but she had seemed so happy the night before, he didn’t guess that she would be so quick to sabotage it. He would just have to teach her not to be afraid of love. But for now, he would give her space.

  Sabin folded his arms across his chest as he stood in front of the cell where his fellow Knights of the Fog were still trapped. His mind was immediately assaulted by the soldiers in a whirl of questions and insults.

  “Let’s do this out loud before I get a headache.”

  “You should not have left us in here for such a length of time.” Rowen spoke levelly. “It did not take us long to realize that we had been fooled.”

  “Sabin does not think himself above cruel and unusual punishment. Having us sit here like dogs with the scum that we sent here ourselves,” Zeth growled as he stood, his face just inches from Sabin’s, separated by a clear mystical barrier.

  “I apologize, comrades. There is much we need to speak on.” Sabin assessed each of the Knights, as if weighing just how angry they might be. After all, they had been locked up near a week’s time. “I have done much fighting this past week; I hope that I do not have to battle the three of you once more.” Meeting Zeth’s glare, he continued. “Should I summon High King Breasal for our meeting?”

  Sodor broke the silence. “Let us not further embarrass ourselves in front of the High King.”

  Rowen nodded, placing a calming hand on Zeth’s shoulder. “Yes, we have done much of that lately. Let us behave like Knights, not brutes, and discuss what has happened.”

  Sabin nodded and released the mystical barrier that separated them. To his satisfaction, he did not have to waste time trading blows with Zeth. Instead, the warrior simply glared at Sabin. “This is not over. You will not get away with locking us up while you feasted on the delights of your Dryad.”

  Fists clenched at his sides, Sabin fought to obey his own orders of civility at the mention of Tera. “Let us speak at Rowen’s estate.” The Knights nodded and made their way through the prison. Sabin did pause for a moment to stare into the cell containing the three Quetzalem. Sabin glared at the copper-winged demon that’d been in Muir Woods. “I’ll be back for you.”

  Stepping out of the prison, Rowen reached forward, his hand beginning to glow against the foggy air. His palm traced a slit through the fog, creating a portal to his home in the Aerion Realm, the plane of wild horses where the group could find privacy. The realm was a gift from the Gods to the immortal horse Aerion, born from Poseidon and Demeter. Now the place was a haven for many species such as the Pegasus, centaur, and unicorn.

  Rowen’s medieval castle stood tall against a golden sky, surrounded by an eternal field of green. The Knights entered and made their way through the empty home to sit in the library. Rowen spoke to his comrades mentally. Would anyone have a drink?

  Sabin shook his head, but Zeth and Sodor accepted some old-fashioned mead.

  Sodor was the first to speak. “I would apologize for shooting you, Sabin, but I have already served enough punishment in the prison. And, you must know, we thought we were doing what was right at the time. It looked like you had not only deserted, but abetted a demon’s escape.”

  Rowen agreed. “It only looked worse to find you with the Dryad. After all, men have done many ill deeds to appease a woman.”

  “Yes, but in this case, it was you all who committed the deeds the Goddess of Chaos set in place.” Sabin gritted his teeth as he communicated telepathically with his comrades.

  “Yes. Not long after you sent us to prison, we were visited by the Goddess of Chaos.” Rowen sounded disappointed in himself. “I realized that night in the park that something was off when you took the bullets as you did.”

  “Tell us, Sabin, what happened after you fell through the portal?” Sodor questioned.

  “I fell with the Nunanish who promptly became a cloud and fled. I couldn’t locate the Nunanish demon with so many humans around. The portal was above an island filled with people, so I swam to the nearest shore to search out the Nunanish. I quickly realized that I was correct in its location. The area had already been infected with violence so I fogged the population. Before I could seek out the fleeing demon, I was attacked by Tera.”

  “The Dryad.” Zeth grumbled.

  Sabin smiled. “Yes, the one who, if I recall, maced you and gave you a kick that almost knocked you on your ass.”

  A smile crept to Zeth’s lips for the first time. “That tiny can packed quite a punch. Leave it to humans to create such a mundane weapon for such powerful use.”

  Sabin continued. “The Nunanish went into hiding instead of infecting more victims. It was then I began to wonder who was behind the demon. As we all know, the Nunanish are not known for their restraint.” The Knights nodded in agreement.

  “After our meeting, I did not encounter the Goddess until a couple of days passed. Eris must have seen that I would halt
the violence and chaos she tried to unleash on the human city, so she took her revenge on me once more. She lured Tera and I to the forest where the Nunanish had manifested itself.” Sabin’s eyes simmered with anger that was not lost on the other Knights. “And there, Chaos used the copper Quetzalem to torture and kill Tera. He hacked apart her tree and tried to burn it with his flame. He sits in the jail now. I am not ashamed to say that I would have killed it had I had sufficient time. I took care of the Nunanish.”

  “And the Dryad?” Rowen’s voice reflected obvious concern. The closest friend to Sabin, the Knight recognized he was disturbed.

  “She is fine now. I witnessed the healing powers of her forest. That is why I could not return sooner.”

  Sodor and Rowen nodded, but Zeth still seemed perturbed. “I would see High King Breasal punish Chaos.” Zeth’s voice was sharp like gravel.

  “You know it’s not so easy as that. She is a Goddess. You recall the Trojan War—she went unpunished for that as well, and it was all her fault.” Sodor explained.

  “The Goddess of the Hunt has taken Eris into her own hands.” Sabin smiled. “I have a feeling that the lithe huntress is quite content to subdue the Goddess who harmed her Dryad. My Dryad.”

  “Your Dryad, huh? Good for you.” Zeth rang pessimistic, but it was nothing new. “All may be well for now Sabin, but make no mistake, you break one law and I will send you to that prison. I have not gained a taste for being caged like a dog.”

  Sabin nodded.

  “All right then, let us get back to work comrades.” Sodor held up his drink in salute.

  Rowen slapped a hand against Sabin’s shoulder. “Good to have you back.”

  Glad to be righted with his fellow Knights, Sabin replenished his artillery and stepped back into the Portal Realm. But his mind was still in San Francisco.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Three days later, Tera sat in the corner of her coffee shop sipping a soy latte. The place was full tonight because it was Sparrow’s evening to sing. She always scheduled her friend to sing the day before open-mic night to encourage new talent to come to the shop. At the table tucked away in the corner, Tera sat with Sparrow’s aunts and mom.


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