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Retaliatory Justice (The Talionic Files #1)

Page 10

by Tawa M. Witko

  I snort and laugh as I take a large sip of my drink. “I’m the executive chef at the restaurant. I actually made the gumbo.”

  He turns his body to face me. He gets this puzzled look on his face before tapping his finger against his lips, thinking I presume. “Really,” he finally says. “So why were you serving food? I didn’t think chefs did that kind of thing.”

  I shrug. “The owners had special visitors and they only wanted me in there.”

  “Why, who was in there, some movie star?” he says with a laugh but it seems forced.

  “Umm, no, I don’t think so, but I don’t know who they were. I wasn’t introduced.”

  He is watching me but he looks a bit confused, like he is unsure of himself, which strikes me as odd. I know I don’t really know him but he seems like the kind of person who could have whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted. The noise in the bar is escalating as more people come in. Dang it, now I won’t be able to talk to him.

  “Hey, would you like to go somewhere else?” I ask, totally surprising myself.

  He breathes in deeply and looks conflicted and all of a sudden, I realize that I could have completely misinterpreted our supposed connection. I find him attractive, but maybe I’m not his type. Oh God! I can’t believe I put myself out there like that. I blow out a frustrated breath and then down the rest of my drink, which probably isn’t the best thing to do, but I need to get out of here before I embarrass myself even further. I turn quickly and start to walk away.

  “Hey wait,” he says, grabbing my arm to stop my movement.

  I don’t look at him. “I’m sorry. I never do stuff like this and, umm, I’m really embarrassed right now. I think I should go.”

  He pulls me between his legs and brings my body flush against his. I look up at him and he smiles as his hands move along my back and over my rear, pulling me even closer. His brows furrow for a moment and then his bottom lip enters his mouth. He looks like he is contemplating something again.

  “Can I kiss you?” he asks, bringing his eyes to meet mine.

  I know I flush because I can feel the heat against my cheeks and then his curled finger moving against it. His lips gently touch mine and a fire is ignited within me, a charge that brings me to life. I haven’t been intimate with anyone since Jonathan. I never wanted to, but with this man, I do. I’m desperate for more. My mouth parts, as does his, and I sweep my tongue inside his. He lets out some carnal moan and pulls me impossibly close to him as our kiss intensifies. I finally break away from him but let my lips hover near his.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I say, pecking him lightly on his lips.

  His hands go to my hair, wrapping one of my braids around his finger as he nods. “I’m staying at the Royale,” he says and then almost looks shocked that he suggested it.

  I don’t know what that’s about but I’m not turning back now. Santiago keeps telling me that I need to get out there, be with people. I don’t think he means having a one-night stand with some hot guy I met at the bar but, at this point, that’s exactly my plan. I have never felt this level of attraction for anyone and I want to see where it goes. I step back and take his hand, grinning as I start running towards the exit, dragging him with me. The minute we step outside, his arms are wrapped around my waist and his mouth is at my neck, sucking and nipping at my skin.

  “Oh God,” I mutter as my hand moves behind me to touch him.

  “Let’s go,” he says forcefully, grabbing the hand that was touching him.

  He takes me towards the alley where a car is parked illegally. Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m doing this. He unlocks the door and I slide in as he walks around the car, stopping before he gets in. I feel movement on the roof and open the car door to see him standing there with a pained expression on his face. He looks completely lost and I suddenly feel like maybe I am forcing him to do this. Is that even possible?

  “Are you okay?” I ask hesitantly, feeling like our moment is waning.

  He nods and opens his door so I quickly get back inside. He drives extraordinarily fast as we weave through traffic to get to his hotel, or should I say motel. He parks in front of his room and digs his key card out as he approaches my door. Swinging it open, he lifts me into his arms as his lips lock with mine. My legs immediately wrap around him as his arms hold me close to his body while he backs up to the door. He’s fumbling with the key card and not getting it in because his mouth hasn’t left mine so he can’t see what he’s doing. I giggle and reach behind him, grabbing the card in my hand. There’s only four ways this can go in and I get lucky with the first shot. We stumble through the door and onto the bed, kissing and groping like there’s no tomorrow.

  “What’s your name?” I moan out through our kiss.

  “Does it really matter?” is his quick reply.

  I stop moving and stiffen underneath him. He looks at me and I know I have my bitch face on. He smiles as he kisses me playfully but I’m not budging. I’m not a whore and I am not the kind of person that has one night stands and I realize in that moment that that’s exactly what he thinks I am because that’s exactly how I am acting. I can’t do this. I push him off of me with a huff as I start marching towards the door. I can’t believe I thought I could do this!

  “I’m sorry, this was mistake,” I say, trying to mask my tears and the anger I feel at myself.

  “Valentino, my name’s Valentino,” I hear from behind me.

  I turn and face him. He’s sitting on the bed, looking hot and delicious with this remorseful little boy look on his face. God, I wish I could read minds because I really want to know what he’s thinking right now. He breathes in deeply. His mouth opens to say something but no words come out. He takes another deep breath and this time he is able to speak.

  “I don’t do things like this normally but...” he hesitates slightly. “Will you spend the night with me?” he asks and once again that shocked look is on his face.

  He looks down and shakes his head. He seems so confused and lost all of a sudden and his vulnerability touches me. Taking a deep breath, I walk back over to him, standing between his legs. His hands immediately go to my rear as he looks up at me, a questioning look on his face. I smile as my hand moves to his head.

  “My name’s Dominique,” I say, running my hand over the fuzz on his head. It reminds me of the soft fur on a coconut.

  “That’s a beautiful name,” he says with a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Dominique.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Valentino,” I reply almost shyly.

  I steady myself and then hesitantly grab the hem of my blouse, I pull it up and over my head. His eyes shift from my face to my chest as he watches me unsnap my bra, exposing myself to him. He breathes in deeply as his hands begin to move over me, touching me in ways that ignite every sensor in my body. Jonathan was a tame lover, sweet and almost innocent, but this man. He could probably make a living doing this. My eyes close as I feel his mouth move to my skin.

  “Valentino,” I moan, enthralled by the sensations he’s creating within me.

  He moans against me, I quickly undo my slacks, letting them and my panties drop to the floor. The minute they are gone, he stops what he is doing, his blue eyes darkened. He jerks me closer to him as he begins kissing along my stomach while his fingers caress me. My body is vibrating from his touch and I know that it won’t take long for him to make me reach an orgasm.

  “I think you have too many clothes on,” I say, grinning as I reach for the zipper on his pants.

  He smiles as he lifts his rear so I can remove his pants. They bunch at his ankles but I am only focused on the magnificent sight before me. He tosses me on the bed and I know I shouldn’t giggle but I do because it’s all so surreal. He grins before capturing my mouth again. He is wild and passionate and when he pulls away from me I find myself arching forward, trying to kiss him still. He wags his brows and steps back slightly to get the remainder of his clothes off. I see him step up slightly so I know he is re
leasing himself from his slacks. There is a loud thump and I am distracted by it. So much so that I actually sit up to try and figure out what it is but Valentino has other things in mind as he straddles my hips, holding the foil package between his fingers.

  “Come here,” I say outstretching my arms around his neck, pulling him down to me.

  We begin kissing again, sloppily I might add. His mouth is all over me, my lips, chin, jaw, neck, sending shivers over my entire body. His lips are utter perfection as they sweep across my pebbled skin. My hands are moving up and down his back when I hear the rip of the condom wrapper so I reach my hand around and stroke him a couple of times before he swats my hand away and rolls the condom on himself.

  “You ready for me, Dominique?” he asks in a voice that is husky and raw.

  “Yes, now, please,” I beg needing him.

  He pushes into me quickly, no easing into it, just bam, he’s there. He’s working me fast and hard and I’m trying to keep up with him when he suddenly slows down. He swallows and looks at me, his lips are slightly parted and he is taking quick breaths, like he had been running and then stopped unexpectedly. He is looking at me like he wants to say something but he doesn’t know what it is. Although I enjoy the concept of him wanting to make love to me, I feel like he needs more and, in all honesty, at the moment so do I.

  “Faster, Valentino, go faster,” I say, passing my tongue over my lips.

  He nods and brings his mouth to mine, kissing me intensely while he thrusts wildly. I’m kneading his back, feeling him within me until he gasps loudly and then grunts as a string of curse words echo in the room. His body stills momentarily and then he begins thrusting again slowly, while his hands move to hold my cheeks as we kiss tenderly. I move my legs around his waist and wrap my hands tighter around his neck. His hips continue to sway rhythmically as he moves one hand away from my face and slips it between us. My God! I never want this moment to end.

  11 Karma

  Valentino Masterson

  July 2nd

  I awake with my hand entwined in Dominique’s braids. She’s sleeping soundly with her arm draped over my chest and her cheek nestled against my heart. It’s been a long time since I spent the night with a woman and it’s oddly comforting. My fingers gently scrape against her scalp, she mewls softly, snuggling closer to me and I can literally feel her lips form a smile against my chest. I know getting attached to her is probably a bad idea but I simply don’t care right now. It feels good to care about someone. No, that’s not true, it feels utterly terrifying. I’m completely out of my element but have no desire to do anything about that. I sigh and close my eyes as my mind drifts to four days ago and how I ended up at Le Creole, meeting this amazing woman in my arms.

  Four Days Ago

  June 27th

  I wake and find myself lying by the door. My temple is throbbing and I can feel wetness there. Reaching up, I touch the wetness and bring my fingers in front of me… blood. The events of last night come flooding back to me, thinking I was being followed, going to Jack’s, coming home and the subsequent fight with Tony. I sit up gingerly and immediately feel lightheaded. Well, this isn’t good! I dig out my phone and call the one person I know I can trust with something like this.

  “I think I need your help,” I stutter before my eyes start to feel droopy.

  “Valentino, are you okay?”

  “There was someone in my house.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  My lids close and it seems like only moments later that my eyes shoot open at the sound of a key in the lock. I blink my eyes as Joseph enters with his gun drawn. He looks down at me, his face full of concern as he brings a finger to his lips, informing me not to make a sound. He then proceeds to check my house. I don’t believe Tony is still here but I am grateful that he is checking. Joseph may be retired from the force, but he still carries the policeman within him. When he comes back to the living room, he holsters his weapon and squats down next to me, turning my head slightly to the side to check my injury.

  “I think you need stitches.”

  “You do it. I know you can. I’m…” I swallow thickly, my throat is so dry and I feel like I’m about to pass out. “I’m not going to the hospital, Joseph. They’ll ask too many questions.”

  “All right but it’s going to hurt unless you happen to have some kind of anesthetic in your medical kit.”

  I shake my head slightly. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Hold on,” he says and a few minutes later he is back lifting a bottle to my lips. “Drink this.”

  I blink my eyes and take two large swallows of Jameson and then nod at him. He cleans off my wound and starts the process of stitching me up. My eyelids close as I try to control the pain and I’m immediately drawn back to when I was eight and had been injured with a fishing knife. Joseph had stitched me up right there and my dad, well, he was amazing, keeping me focused on him instead of what was happening. I can still hear his comforting words as the pain became unbearable.

  “Valentino, look at me.”

  “Dad?” I question as my eyes slowly open. I’m confused, am I… dreaming?

  Joseph sighs softly and offers me a small smile. “You zoned out on me for a minute there.”

  I blink a few times and bring my fingers to my temple, feeling the bandage there. Instinctually I run my thumb over the scar on my palm, the only remnant of the stitches I got when I was kid. Joseph notices but doesn’t say anything as he helps me up and leads me to the sofa. I immediately find myself laying down, my eyelids heavy. He forces me to take a couple of pills and then I am out again. When I wake, its early morning and I glance around looking for Joseph. I can’t imagine that he left, not without saying something to me first. The light is on in my bedroom so I head back there and see him standing in front of my Sicignano wall. His arms are crossed and even from this angle I can see that his brow is furrowed angrily.

  “Joseph,” I say and he turns to me.

  His face is worn and he looks tired. He runs his hands through his hair and softens his expression before walking over to me. He smiles before touching around the perimeter of my stitches. When he sees me wince in pain, he frowns and reaches inside his pocket for the bottle of pain pills, dropping a couple in my hand. I pop them into my mouth, swallowing quickly.

  “What happened tonight?” he asks firmly, making sure I know that he expects me to tell him everything.

  I walk to the wall and tap Tony’s picture. “This man was in my house.”

  “It’s not clear on your wall whether he works for Carmine or Enrico?” Joseph asks but he seems pained to even say their names.

  “He worked in New York with Carmine and has recently come here. He’s been with Enrico a few months now but I’ve only seen him recently.”

  Joseph winces at the mere mention of Carmine’s name and walks to his picture, boring a hole into it with his glare. He then turns to me, his normal gentile face hard.

  “You’re on to something or he wouldn’t have sent someone. The fact that Carmine, or I suppose it could have been Enrico, didn’t have you killed was a message. He wants you to know that he can get to you easily.”

  I nod and sigh. “I figured that as well.”

  He waves his hand towards my wall, pointing angrily at it. “Enrico now knows what you know, which means Carmine does as well.”

  I close my eyes and lock my hands behind my neck. Damn it! Joseph is right. I have shown my hand. Who knows how long Tony was in here. He could have snapped pictures of everything I have listed. Thankfully, not everything is here but there is enough to make them possibly cautious or delay what they were going to do.

  “I swore to your father the day he died that I would remember my oath to look after his family should anything ever happened to him. You are all that is left and I’ll be damned if I break a promise to my best friend. There is no way you’re staying here,” Joseph says with such force and determination that I have to open my eyes.

  “What are
you talking about?” I ask.

  “You can’t be here. You can stay at our place. It’s safe and secure and…”

  I raise my hand to stop him. “Not that. Obviously, I can’t stay here. What I meant was, what do you mean you talked to my dad the day he died? You never mentioned that before.”

  I’m not sure whether I’m angry or hurt that he withheld that information. He turns abruptly and snatches Carmine’s picture off my wall. He holds it in front of me, his brows furrowed as he moves closer to me. I have never seen him this upset about anything.

  “We were getting close to him. Val called me an hour before you were all to leave. He said to call the guys because he had something for the Four Aces to mull over. I asked him what it was but he said he had Claire with him and couldn’t talk about it, he then asked me if I remembered what I promised him the day you were born. I told him I did. All he said was good, you never know. When I tried to get more information out of him, he said that we would meet later that night so we could talk about what he found out.” He pauses and takes a steadying breath. “That never happened, as you well know.”

  I swallow thickly and stumble back as my hands go to my ears, trying to stop the ringing. I feel Joseph’s hand on my shoulder as he guides me to the bed. Hunching over, I am desperate to gain some form of control but am unable to as flashes of that day force themselves violently in front of me. I start feeling sick, like I might throw up or something, and feel the bed shift. Soon, there is a trash basket near me and a hand rubbing on my shoulders.

  “I’m sorry. I haven’t talked about your father in a long time but... I can’t lose you. You understand that, right? Not only because I see you as my son but...” his voice gets shaky, which somehow affects me as well. “You’re all I have left of Val and I won’t bury him again.”

  I nod because I don’t have any words. All I have are feelings and I don’t like that. I close my eyes but I know sleep won’t come to me tonight. Instead, I will be thinking of my father and wondering what he found out before he was brutally killed with the rest of my family.


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