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Page 7

by Ahren Sanders

  It takes less than one second for me to get to her side, lifting her out of the chair and sitting us back down, her across my lap. She doesn’t have time to react before there’s a loud roar of laughter around us. Joe, Darren, and Perry all high-five, and Perry takes out his phone, his fingers flying across the screen.

  “Did I miss something?” Bizzy leans in to whisper in my ear.

  “I think we both did.”

  “You should have seen your face!” Darren points at me, still shaking. “Damn! Wish I had that shit on video.”

  “I didn’t even get to use my good stuff. That may have been a record.” Perry chuckles and puts his glasses back on.

  “Anyone care to explain?” I ask, even though I have a good idea what’s coming.

  “I had to believe it to see it. The infamous Crenshaw Bennett. Untouchable, cold as ice, and hard as steel. No one’s going to believe this.” Perry gives a low whistle.

  “Gail?” I look for confirmation.

  “Yes,” all three say in unison.

  “What am I missing?” Bizzy huffs and narrows her eyes at me.

  “Let me explain.” Darren raises his hands in the air like he’s in a classroom. “So Gail called me this morning to confirm the trip. When I questioned the change in plans, she said she had no details, but suspected, and I quote, ‘Mr. Bennett’s taking some personal time with a close friend.’ She also told me that personal friend would be accompanying us today. It wasn’t so much what she said but how she said it. I’ve got three sisters. I can spot the sound of romance. And Gail, she was all romance.”

  “Fucking Gail.”

  “That woman scares the shit out of me.” Perry gives an exaggerated body shiver. “She flat out told me to be on my best behavior or she’d kick my ass. She explained that Mr. Bennett would have a lady friend joining us, and if I pulled an attitude like I did yesterday, she’d personally make me regret it.”

  A low cackle escapes from Bizzy, and she slaps her hand over her mouth, trying to hide her amusement. Finally, she gives up and laughs out loud. “Gail is the sweetest woman I’ve ever met. To hear she threatened to ‘kick your ass’ is hysterical!”

  Perry, Joe, and Darren all exchange a look and turn to me. I know what they’re thinking; it’s not only my reputation that’s tough. Gail can cut a man off at the knees and smile while doing it.

  “Bizzy, Gail and I have a reputation to upkeep. Let’s not give these guys the wrong impression.”

  “What? She is sweet!” Bizzy defends.

  Changing the subject, I pin Perry with a glare. “Obviously, you got the reaction you wanted. Are you going to quit flirting with my girlfriend now?”

  He throws his hands in the air innocently. “Like I said, I didn’t even get to my good stuff.”

  “Save it for another woman, Casanova.”

  “Touchy, touchy.”

  “Be a shame for that pretty face to get damaged right before we start scheduling promo shots for the season.”

  His grin falls slightly, but he straightens his stance and holds my stare. “Yeah, that would be a shame. Especially since my new agent’s fees are going to cut into my plastic surgery fund.”

  I jerk my chin, acknowledging his decision. He knows about my rate hike. He knows he fucked up with his attitude yesterday. But he also knows I’m a great agent, and he wants me to represent him.

  Bizzy squeezes my shoulder, pride written all over her face. She knows what happened and understands the importance of his statement. My usual spike of adrenaline when landing a deal is nothing compared to the way her expression hits me. Without thinking about our audience, I lean in and steal a quick kiss, letting my lips linger a little longer than anticipated.

  “Okay, now I’m definitely going to be Gail’s favorite. Not to mention, I have proof.” Darren waves his phone at me with a shit-eating grin, showing off the picture he took.

  “When the hell did Darren Jackson, one of the toughest running backs in the NFL, turn into such a sap?”

  “Hey, man, like I mentioned, I have three sisters. Besides, Gail told me to make sure and get pictures. This should make her happy.”

  “Jesus,” I mutter, dropping my head to Bizzy’s shoulder.

  She adjusts, rearranging her body to sit up straight. “So, guys, tell me about you! I met Joe last night, but we didn’t get much of a chance to know each other.”

  The whole mood shifts instantly. Asking a group of three men, especially professional athletes, to talk about themselves, is one way to completely change the conversation. For the next hour, I sit and listen to each of them talk about their positions, boasting louder than necessary when trying to outdo the other.

  I already know almost everything they tell her since I make it a point to know my clients, but she listens intently, giving them her full attention. When Darren starts talking about his season, she amazes him with her football knowledge.

  “I get that you’re dating a sports agent, but damn, you know a shitload about the game.”

  “Oh, Shaw didn’t teach me. My best friend, Nicky, did.”

  “She must be a huge fan,” Darren says.

  Bizzy snorts and shakes her head, looking over her shoulder at me. “They don’t know?”

  “Not by me.” I shrug.

  She turns back to them and starts to explain. “Nicky is a man. He’s a player in Miami. You may know him—”

  Darren slaps his hands together loudly, cutting her off and causing her to jump a little in my lap. “Nicky? In Miami? As in Nick Bennett?”

  “That’s him.” She nods enthusiastically.

  “The same Nick Bennett that’s Crenshaw Bennett’s brother?” Joe points at me.

  “That’s him. He’s how Shaw and I met, really. It was a long time ago, but we’ve been friends forever.”

  “Shit!” Darren runs his hands down his face then cocks his head to the side. “No offense, but that motherfucker gave us the worst loss of the season last year.”

  “I was there! It was a great game.” She reaches over to pat his hand. “Better luck next time.”

  He moves his hands over his heart, acting wounded. “I’m glad we don’t have to play them this year. It’s still a raw wound.”

  “I’m a nurse, so I can tell you with medical expertise, this kind of wound will heal.”

  “Shit, I need a beer.” Darren walks over to the cooler, mumbling something under his breath.

  The Captain yells back that we’re approaching the spot, and the mate starts to get our rods ready. Joe and Perry move to him, watching as he prepares.

  “You know,” Bizzy twists her body, placing her hands on my chest, “I didn’t take you for the possessive type.”

  “Only with you. Not that I have a lot of experience in this area, and I’ve always been protective of you. But today, it was different. Seeing Perry flirt with you set off something I’ve never felt before, and it felt fucking great.”

  “It really did,” she agrees.

  “So kiss me.”

  She doesn’t hesitate to slant her head and lean in, running her lips across mine softly. Too soon, she jumps up, yanking me with her.

  “Come on! I may be the only woman on this boat, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want the full experience. Meaning, my turn on rotation.”

  “By all means.” I give a little chuckle.

  “Wait, are you making fun of me?”

  “I’d never.” I try my best to hide my grin.

  “I’m great at fishing!”

  “Biz, we’re going to be catching fish that are going to fight like hell. I thought we’d be on rotation together.”

  She narrows her eyes, places her hands on her hips, and cocks her head to the side. “You don’t think I can reel in my own catch?”

  I bite my tongue, trying to avoid her gaze, and search for the right response. Apparently, I think too long, because she clears her throat loudly, waiting for me.

ybe I want to help you?” I try weakly.

  “Try again.” She doesn’t buy it at all, giving me an evil stare. Instead of scaring me, it turns me on.

  I reach out and tag her around the waist, tugging her into me until she’s flush against my body. “Okay, I’ll rephrase. There’s no doubt in my mind you can manage. But in the case you start to struggle, it’s me helping you reel it in.”

  “What if I can do it myself?”

  “You don’t get it, do you? I know you can do it yourself, but it’s the perfect excuse to wrap my arms around you. Which is exactly where you belong.”

  Her breath hitches, and she grips my hips tightly.

  “Shaw,” her breathy rasp hits me everywhere.

  “Stop,” I force out. “I can’t take it. Six hours. That’s all we have is six hours, then I get you back to myself.”

  “Six hours, huh?” her face takes on a whole new expression. One that makes every nerve in my body sizzle.

  Her body rubs against mine before she steps back and tips her head, eyes darting between the guys behind us and back to me.

  “Shaw Bennett, I’ve been waiting ten years… Six hours is nothing.”

  She saunters away, my eyes glued to her ass.

  Her perfect, sexy, swaying ass.

  I’m buying a boat. My brothers and I have been tossing the idea around for a few years, but we’ve never acted on it. After today, the decision is made. Watching Bizzy’s excitement and hearing her laughter sealed the deal. I’m buying a fucking boat, and I’m taking Bizzy out every chance we get. And next time, I won’t have to share her with anyone. It’ll be just us.

  I take a sip of my beer and turn on my phone, noticing several missed calls from a number I don’t recognize. The only message I have is from Mathis, wanting to know if we caught anything. I shoot him a quick text and a picture of the five of us with our catches from the day. Then I Google boat sales in Miami.

  “She’s really something, Shaw. You need to hold on to her.” Perry sits next to me and motions with his head to Bizzy.

  I look at her, lying on her stomach with her head resting on her hands. Once we started our ride back, she decided to take advantage of the time to work on her tan. When she slipped out of her clothes, exposing her black bikini, I almost jumped out of my skin, my eyes bulging. She gave me a shy smile and laid down, thankfully shielding most of herself. Now, her eyes are closed as she sleeps.

  “I don’t plan on letting her go, so don’t get any ideas.”

  He gives a little chuckle, shaking his head. “Wouldn’t dream of it. But if she ever gets rid of your ass, I’ll be in line.”

  “Afraid you’ll be waiting a long time.”

  “Wow, that serious, huh?”


  “Gotta say, after our meeting, I did my own research on you. Saw that chick you were with at last year’s ESPY awards. She didn’t hold a candle to Bizzy. You traded up.”

  I wince at the memory, now thinking of the way Bizzy looked at me when we got in the limo. At the time, I thought she was nervous for Nick since he was presenting and hated public speaking. But now I know better, she was hurt seeing me with a date.

  “Yeah, I’d rather not think about that.”

  There’s a pause in the conversation as my mind tries to even remember that night. The only thing I can recall is how we partied late, and Bizzy charmed every one of my clients. My date left soon after the event when she realized I wasn’t interested.

  “So,” his tone turns serious, pulling me from my thoughts, “I owe you an apology.”

  “Done. You apologized to Gail, which means you apologized to me.”

  “We really gonna do this? You think you can take me to the next level?”

  I notice the same expression I’ve seen endless times on my clients. He wants to be reassured he’s making the right decision.

  “On the ice, you’re in charge. Keep doing what you’re doing and kicking ass. Off the ice, stay out of trouble. It’s no secret you’re a hot head; your reputation precedes you. I’m not asking you to change because your reputation is part of who you are. I’m asking you to be aware of your surroundings. You’ve got a lot of people gunning for you, wanting to hit where it hurts.”

  “That’s the part of this that sucks. I came out of college only wanting to play. I didn’t think about the rest of this shit. Now, I don’t know who I can trust.”

  “Unfortunately, that comes with the territory. Men will be nice to your face, waiting to stab you in the back. Women will come after you looking for a way to get to your money. Everyone will want a piece of you. You can trust me to always have your best interest in mind.”

  “You really going to tack another ten percent on the contract?”

  “Yep.” I take a sip of beer to hide my grin.

  “Come on, man… we’re buds now.” He drapes an arm around my shoulders and gives me a pitiful attempt at looking sad.

  I shove him off and shake my head. “I said you can trust me, not that I trust you. You have to earn that.”

  “Ouch!” He falls over, clutching his chest. “That hurts.”

  Darren and Joe laugh at him, obviously hearing what was said. My phone starts ringing, and Gail’s name scrolls across the screen.

  “If it isn’t Cupid herself,” I say with a smile and walk inside the boat cabin.

  “I’m only Cupid if you finally opened your eyes,” she replies.

  “Consider them opened, but something tells me you already knew that.”

  “Well, I will say you’ve been pretty obvious lately.”

  “Is that why you’re calling on a Saturday afternoon? To check on my love life?”

  “Considering you’ve never had one, I think I deserve to. But sadly, no, that’s not why I’m calling.”

  “Everything okay?” A million thoughts race through my mind. It’s not unusual for me to get business calls at all times, and considering my phone’s been off, it makes sense the calls would go to Gail.

  “Business wise, yes. I hate to even bother you, but—”


  “Do you know a Sasha Crane?” She pauses, and her hesitation makes the hair on the back of my neck stand.

  “I do, why?”

  “She’s trying to get a hold of you. Quite persistently.”

  “What does she want?” I spit out.

  “Apparently, to talk to you. She’s called numerous times today. Your office calls are rolling to me, and I finally answered. I didn’t know who she was, and she isn’t in any of our client files. She said you weren’t answering your cell. When I explained you were out of town and wouldn’t be returning until Tuesday, she assumed you were in Atlanta at Nick’s game. Her attitude turned very hoity, insisting I schedule a meeting for Tuesday.”

  “Shit, did you?”

  “Hell no, I told her you were booked. She turned into a royal bitch, telling me she is a lawyer friend and has to speak with you regarding a case.”

  “She’s no friend of mine, and I wouldn’t call her a lawyer. We have no business relationship.”

  “I know. I researched her while she was ranting about how important she is and that I’d regret it if I didn’t do what she said.”

  “How’d you leave it with her?”

  “That’s why I’m calling. After she realized her ranting wasn’t working, and I wasn’t intimidated, she changed her tune. She apologized a little too sickly sweet for my taste. It was like she was bipolar. She told me she’d drop by the office next week. She’d like to meet me in person.”

  “Shit. We need to talk to Angie in reception. I don’t want her near our office.”

  “Crenshaw, who is this woman?”

  The use of my first name sets me even further on edge. Her tone is a mixture of worry and aggravation.

  “That woman is a mistake. A past mistake that wants more from me and seemingly didn’t take the hint when I walked out her door.”
br />   “Is she going to be a problem?”

  “No, I’m sorry you had to deal with her.”

  “It’s not me I’m concerned about. Maybe you didn’t understand me. Is she going to be a PROBLEM?”

  The force behind her words is clear; she’s asking about Bizzy. “Absolutely not. She’s nothing to me.”

  “Okay, good, so I’ll keep playing interference.”

  “Appreciate it, Gail. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “You’d never make it. Thank you, by the way, for the flowers.”

  “You deserve them, and so much more after today.”

  “I’ll settle for the snapshot that just came through. I like that Darren.”

  “Jesus.” I look out the back window and see Darren pointing to his phone and grinning like a fool.

  “Gail, I need another favor.”

  “I must warn you, I’m almost out of miracles. Rearranging your entire weekend took some talent.”

  “I need you to find me a reputable boat dealer. I want something large, but not too large that I can’t manage it. It needs to have at least two bedrooms.”

  She starts to laugh, and the sound ringing through the line puts a smile on my face.

  “I’ll have a something on your desk by Wednesday.”

  “Thank you, Gail. I owe you.”

  We hang up, and I turn my phone off again, heading back outside. I go directly to Bizzy, who’s now awake and propped on one elbow, laughing at something Joe said.

  She catches my eye and winks then turns her attention back to Joe. With that one small gesture, the aggravation of Sasha Crane is easily forgotten.

  Chapter 8


  “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask, crawling into bed next to Shaw.

  “Talk about what?”

  “Whatever that call on the boat was about.”

  “It was Gail, calling about a work issue. But it’s all taken care of.”

  “You sure?”

  “As far as I’m concerned, it was inconsequential. Someone trying to get a hold of me but Gail handled it.”

  “You looked pretty annoyed.”


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