Book Read Free


Page 31

by Noelle Marie

  “He’s dead.”

  Bastian didn’t even twitch as the callous words shot out of his mouth and Katherine wasn’t stupid – she could read between the lines. He had killed Cain. She couldn’t find it in herself to feel sorry for the man. Not after all he’d done to her – to Sophie and Bastian. Instead, the news of Cain’s death merely brought relief.

  And curiosity.

  “If Cain’s dead,” she asked, “then who’s going to take over as head alpha? The council – Haven Falls itself – needs a leader, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, it does. But for now, the community is still reeling over Cain’s betrayal.”

  Katherine blanched. “Everyone knows what happened?”

  “No one knows the exact details of the attack except for the pack, but everyone else has been informed that Cain injured you and Sophie in an effort to hurt me and that he played a large part in my parents’ deaths.” Bastian nervously ran a hand through his unruly hair. “I admit that some have been calling for me to take over position of head alpha after Cain’s treachery was revealed, but I’ve just been so preoccupied with you, Katherine – so worried that I’ve barely been able to function – and I haven’t given them a response yet.”

  Katherine looked down, suddenly finding her fingernails very interesting. “But I’m awake now – clearly on the mend. Won’t you need to give them an answer?” She paused. “What are you going to tell them?”

  Bastian frowned, refusing to answer for a long moment. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “I really don’t.”

  Forcing herself to meet his azure gaze, Katherine immediately saw the fear and apprehension in the man’s blue eyes. But she could see longing there too.

  She knew what she had to do and chose her words carefully. “Bastian, I know I never knew them, but your mom and dad… they’d have to have been crazy not to be proud of the man you’ve become. They loved you with all their hearts – you and Sophie – and I have no doubt that they’re loving you still from wherever it is people go when they die. No matter what it is you decide to do, that won’t change.” She took a deep breath. “But,” she added hesitantly, “I think that your father would have wanted this for you. He would’ve deemed no one but you worthy enough of being his true predecessor.”

  Katherine watched Bastian’s reaction to her declaration very closely, knowing there was a chance that what she’d said would offend him. She knew nothing of Bastian’s relationship with his parents when they were alive after all. As her words soaked in, however, Katherine could literally see the tension leave Bastian’s shoulders and she knew she’d said what he’d needed to hear.

  “You really think that?” he asked.

  Katherine grinned. “Yeah.”

  Bastian allowed a hint of a smile to creep onto his face. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right,” Katherine assured, but her grin drooped a little at the edges as she allowed anxiety to worm its way into her heart. Becoming head alpha was a huge commitment. She knew that mountains of responsibilities and duties came with the job. It would be a huge draw on his time. “But will I ever see you?” The question flew past Katherine’s lips without permission. She could feel heat flood her cheeks as she realized what she’d asked. “I mean you’ll have so much to do,” she quickly explained. “Becoming head alpha… it’s a big deal.”

  Bastian’s eyes softened. “Are you kidding? Whether I become head alpha or not, I’m never letting you out of my sight again. Nothing good ever comes of it.”

  Katherine wasn’t sure whether she should have been relieved by the assurance that Bastian planned on spending plenty of time with her or insulted by the insinuation that she couldn’t take care of herself. She hadn’t quite decided when Bastian completely caught her off guard by tenderly trailing a finger down her left cheek. “You’re so pretty when you blush.”

  Katherine’s already red face burned fiercely at Bastian’s words, but the unexpected compliment didn’t fluster her enough to allow the raised skin she could feel beneath Bastia’s lone finger to go unnoticed.

  “What is that?”

  Bastian jerked his hand back like he’d been burnt. “It’s just a small scar. Don’t worry, it’s faint,” he attempted to assure her, “and will fade even more with time.”

  Katherine wasn’t exactly comforted by that. “Can I see?” she asked.

  It was obvious that Bastian wanted to deny her request, but he sighed and reluctantly stood. “Hold on.” He disappeared into the room’s adjoined bathroom before swiftly emerging with a handheld mirror clutched in his fingers. He reclaimed his spot on the floor by Katherine’s bed and held the small, oval mirror up for her.

  Paying no mind to the horrid state of her hair or the feverish look to her cheeks, Katherine stared at the so called small scar. Cain’s claw had certainly got her good. The raised line of skin was faint, like Bastian had said, but it was extensive and stretched all the way from the outside corner of her left eyebrow to her chin.

  Katherine knew it was stupid to cry over something as silly as a scar, but could feel the moisture begin to build in her eyes anyway. Bastian snatched the mirror away when he saw it, grabbing the small brunette’s chin and forcing her to look at him.

  “You’re beautiful – the prettiest girl in the entire village. The scar only adds to your allure. It’s the mark of a fighter – a warrior.”

  Katherine managed to keep the tears that threatened to fall at bay, but couldn’t subdue the surge of emotion that the man’s words caused to rise within her. “Bastian?”


  Katherine took a deep breath before asking the question she’d been dying to know the answer to since she’d met the man. “What do I smell like to you?”

  A long nerve-wracking minute passed before he finally responded, but as he spoke, she could hear nothing but sincerity in his voice. “You smell warm and sweet – like flowers blooming in early spring. Like rose petals as they open and welcome the nurturing rays of the sun. You smell like joy and happiness and home and… just everything. Like everything anyone could ever want.”

  Katherine could feel her heart pounding – threatening to leap right out of her chest – as she let his answer sink in. She thought of Bastian’s scent – of the way the man smelled to her. Like the strong pine trees of the forest. Like the freshness of rain somehow combined with the appealing smokiness of a campfire. Like the musky smell of sweat and hard work – like man.

  “We’re mates, aren’t we? Destined mates?” The words tumbled out of Katherine’s mouth without thought. “Why else would Cain come after me? It’s why you bit me and why… it’s why I feel this way toward you.”

  Katherine realized that if she was wrong, Bastian’s rejection would but swift and harsh, but she couldn’t bring herself to take back the words – they rang of truth.

  She knew she was right when Bastian gently grasped her hands in his, stroking her fingers with the pads of his. “Yes,” he admitted in a near whisper, before abruptly pressing the back of her hands to his forehead like some desperate beggar, but imploring her for forgiveness instead of money or food. “I’m so sorry, Katherine. I should have told you right away, but I was terrified. After watching what happened to my parents – seeing my father waste away in front of me after my mom was killed – I didn’t want a mate. I thought of it as more of a curse than anything. To have my soul tied so intimately to someone else’s that my very life depended on hers and vice versa – it wasn’t something that I wanted to deal with.”

  Katherine jerked her hands out of Bastian’s grip. She understood, but the words still hurt. Bastian didn’t want a mate. Especially not a destined mate. And really, who would? The concept sounded romantic at first, but her heart had essentially been enslaved to his and his to hers the moment they’d met – before they’d even really knew each other.

  “I’m sorry that my very existence is such a burden to you.” As much as she understood, Katherine couldn’t stop the bitter words f
rom escaping.

  “No!” Bastian venomously denied. “No!” He lowered his voice. “Let me finish. I won’t deny that I thought of our connection – of you – as a hindrance in the beginning. As misguided as it was, I was on a mission to hunt down my parents killers when our paths crossed. It was bad enough that I was endangering my entire pack by pursuing these men, I didn’t want to have to worry about you too – some girl I didn’t even know. But don’t you see? I was so ignorant – so wrong. You’re not just some girl. You’re smart, and kind, and so damn brave. I’ve been such a fool, trying to protect the both of us from this bond. But Katherine, as much as I’ve tried to fight them, my feelings for you have only grown stronger. I… I love you.”

  So many emotions – a little bit of trepidation, but mostly jubilance and validation – swelled at Bastian’s unexpected confession. Katherine could have sworn her palpitating heart was so overjoyed that it stopped for a moment, but her response was tumbling past her lips a moment later so it must have kept beating. “I… I think I love you too.”

  Bastian’s answering smile was magnificent. “I can work with that.”

  Katherine couldn’t help but stare as the skin around Bastian’s eyes crinkled and the adorable dimple on his right cheek made an appearance. He looked so happy – a stark contrast to how he’d appeared when he first came into the room. And gazing at him, Katherine knew. She knew that despite the trouble she always seemed to stumble into and despite the heavy responsibilities Bastian faced by becoming head alpha, somehow everything would work out. They would navigate what it meant to be destined mates together.

  Bastian gently cupped either side of Katherine’s face. “Can I kiss you?”

  Katherine smiled at the question, but instead of answering with words, pressed her lips to his. And as their mouths moved lovingly against each other’s, Katherine knew that she could handle anything that came her way as long as he always there to smile at her like that and kiss her like this.





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