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Lovers in law

Page 7

by Exley Avis

  I placed my hand flat on his chest, registering his racing heartbeat and the deep rumble of his breathing. His lips hovered close to mine, slightly parted and begging to be kissed. I couldn’t stop staring at them or imagining how they’d felt working their way out across my collar bone.

  “Getting involved with you would be a terrible idea,” I said eventually although my words lacked conviction.


  “It would be impossible to hide it from the clients or colleagues.”


  “Neither of us would be able to concentrate on the case.”

  “I can’t think straight now so what’s the difference?”

  “It’d be highly unprofessional.”

  “But a lot of fun.”

  “I’m not sure I can go through with it.”

  Radford lowered his lips closer to my ear. “I’m sure you can.”

  He smelt of expensive aftershave and champagne. I already knew how good he tasted.

  “I think you need to tell me exactly what you have in mind,” I said. “I wouldn’t want us to be at cross purposes.”

  Radford laughed softly, his warm breath sweeping across my neck and shoulders, sending shivers down my spine. “I’m sure I don’t need to spell it out for a clever girl like you.”

  I bit my lip and moved my hand lower down his chest, edging towards his belt but stopping short. I circled my thumb on his abdomen and the muscles clenched beneath my hand.

  “Just to be on the safe side, why don’t you explain it?” I invited as I slid my hand inside his well-cut jacket and pulled him towards me. “For the avoidance of doubt.”

  Intrigued, Radford smiled wickedly and played along. “From the minute I first saw you, I’ve wanted to fuck you. Kissing you only confirmed what I already knew. I want to fuck in you every position you’ve ever dreamed of and a few more we’ll make up as we go along. And if it weren’t for the fact that I have tens of thousands pounds worth of fees resting on this case, I’d be hailing a cab right now and taking you out of here.”

  “And are you as good in bed as you are in court?” I couldn’t resist asking.

  He allowed himself an arrogant smile. “I do all my best work in the nude. I suspect you do too.”

  Desire surged through me like a flash flood, washing away my resolve and weakening my knees. The image of Radford lying naked on crisp white sheets with his huge cock in his hand came rushing back to me and my mouth watered.

  But he still hadn’t won me over. This was my career we were talking about and I didn’t want him to think he could take me to bed a few times and then throw me aside when he got bored. I deserved better than that.

  He saw my hesitation and backed off, physically and emotionally. I felt cold without his body so close to mine and longed to pull him back against me but it was neither the time nor the place. Any minute now the clients would come looking for us and I didn’t want Daniel Greene finding Radford and I discussing the possibility of having sex sometime soon.

  “You’re assuming I feel the same way,” I said, warning him not to be too sure of himself. “Maybe I don’t want to have an affair with you.”

  Radford pushed himself away from the wall and looked me up and down, his eyes finally coming to rest on my hips. His smile curved, deliciously slow and full of invitation.

  “Your decision’s already made,” he told me, giving me his best cross examination stare. “You want to fuck me as much as I want to fuck you.”

  “You have no evidence to support that.”

  His hand moved down to cup my bum. “Of course you’re going to fuck me. Why else would you have come to dinner tonight without wearing any knickers?”

  Chapter Six

  I’m telling you, Allie Lawless is dynamite. Explosive, unpredictable and leaving a trail of devastation in her wake.

  I’d arrived at The Savoy when everyone was half way through dinner to find Allie on her feet and Daniel Greene mopping his trousers. Given Greene’s reputation, it took me less than a second to work out what had happened. I don’t know how I stopped myself laying the guy out flat.

  But then Allie heard my voice, turned to face me and my heart stopped at the sight of her smile.

  She was wearing the tightest of black dresses that clung so closely around her perfect arse I saw immediately she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Thank God my jacket was fastened because the suddenness of my erection drained the blood from my head and I felt faint. I’ve always had this fantasy of meeting a woman in a bar and finding out she wasn’t wearing anything under her dress.

  Now here it was coming true with the sexiest woman I’d met in a long time – even if it was a case of look but don’t touch.

  Although I’d hoped to sit within touching distance of Allie I found myself next to the odious Daniel Greene, a man I have difficulty tolerating at the best of times. After mauling Allie like that he was lucky to get through dinner with his teeth intact. However, I was very polite and humoured him by listening to every excruciating detail about his new car. I focused on the big, fat fee he’d be paying me soon and smiled through gritted teeth, pretending I was fascinated, when all I wanted to do was gaze across at Allie in her dirty-sexy dress and slide my hand up under its hem.

  As soon as she left the table, I excused myself too and followed her out of the restaurant, taking my time to admire that beautifully moulded arse of hers. Sensing I was behind her, she turned and waited for me, and I steered her to a corner out of sight of the table.

  I wanted to book a room there and then. But I sensed she still wasn’t ready and backed off. This amount of pleasure was worth waiting for. I contented myself with a quick squeeze of that lovely bum to check if my underwear theory was correct.

  No panty line and a crimson blush from Allie told me all I needed to know – my wanking fantasy was secure for later, even though I’d have preferred to have my hands on the real thing.

  Predictably, Daniel Greene offered to see Allie home at the end of the night but she was having none of it.

  “I’ll be fine in a cab,” she assured him, her voice firm but Greene was too drunk to notice when he was getting blown off.

  “It’s no trouble. My driver’s brought the Bentley. You may as well travel home in style.”

  “She said, no.” I stepped between him and Allie, trying very hard to keep a lid on my temper, despite Greene practically salivating over her. I signalled that she should say goodbye to the others and fetch her coat while I kept Daniel out of the way. Considering we hadn’t known each other for very long, Allie and I already had a good line in telepathy going and she beat a hasty retreat.

  Not wanting to let Greene out of my sight for a moment, I steered him out to the main doors and half-helped, half-threw him into the back seat of his waiting car. His chauffeur leaned in to fasten the seatbelt and I got the impression it wasn’t the first time he’d had to do it.

  A taxi had pulled up just behind Greene’s Bentley and I hailed it for Allie, who’d emerged from the hotel looking anxious.

  “Don’t worry. He’s in his car,” I said. “Do you want me to ride home with you to make sure you’re okay?”

  She clutched my arm and smiled up at me, her body dangerously close to mine and just begging to be fondled again. “I might be in more danger from you than from drunken Daniel,” she said with a laugh. “If you came back to my flat, things could quite easily get out of hand – so to speak.” She kissed me lightly on the cheek. “See you Monday.”

  I heard her give the cabbie an address in Clerkenwell as she settled into the back seat and gave me a cheeky wave out of the window. I smiled, even though my cock wanted to die from disappointment, and watched her cab pull out into the late night traffic.

  Being a good lawyer isn’t just about keeping up to date with legislation or being able to quote case law blindfold. It’s also about intuition – knowing when something’s not quite right and having a sixth sense for trouble. As Daniel Greene’s Bentley pul
led out behind Allie’s cab, it felt like someone had walked over my grave and my spine prickled. I took the next taxi, gave the driver Allie’s address and told him to follow at a discreet distance.

  After a mile, I realised my hunch was right and that Daniel was following her. I told my cabbie to hang back and drop me off around the corner from her block of flats, from where I saw Allie alight from her cab and do a double take at the sight of Daniel Greene standing behind her.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded, fumbling in her bag for her keys. “You’d better get back in your car and leave right now.”

  Before she could get her key in the lock, Daniel lunged for her, pinning her back against the wall as he tried to kiss her but she fought him off.

  “Get off,” she yelled, appealing to Daniel’s driver for help but he just looked the other way. It apparently wasn’t the first time he’d done that either. “Leave me alone or I’m calling the police.”

  Allie’s hands came up to force Daniel away as she raked her shoe down his shin and stamped on his foot but he wasn’t to be put off so easily and doubled his efforts. He was a big man and quickly overpowered Allie, putting his hands either side of her head and forcing his lips down on to hers, no matter how hard she kicked and struggled.

  By this time I was running toward them. “Get your filthy hands off her, Greene,” I yelled. “Leave her alone.”

  Daniel turned toward me in alarm and I made the most of my chance by landing a punch hard against his jaw. He lurched backwards, almost dragging Allie with him, and hit the floor heavily, the impact sobering him up.

  He was on his feet again in an instant and charging toward me, one of his flailing fists catching me above the eye and splitting the brow. Allie tried to intervene, shouting at the pair of us to stop, but by now I had Greene on the floor and was getting ready to punch him even harder.

  “Don’t Radford,” she begged, holding my wrist above my head. “He’s not worth it. Let him go.”

  She was right, he wasn’t worth it, but the sight of the bruise on her cheekbone and her torn coat made me lose all sense of reason and my fist slammed into his face again for good measure.

  “Come near her again and I’ll finish the job,” I warned him, getting up from my knees. “If you so much as text her, I’ll kill you. Do you understand?”

  Greene raised himself up on one elbow and sneered at Allie. “What did she expect? Leading me on all night. Couldn’t keep her hands off me. If she weren’t such a prick-tease….”

  The sentence ended abruptly when my fist made contact with Greene’s right eye. He fell back against the road with a mighty groan, stretched out in the gutter where he belonged.

  With a look that fell some way between a warning and admiration, his driver helped him up and into the car. Only when it drove off did I turn back to Allie who was crying quietly and shivering beside her locked door.

  Without a word, I took her in my arms, holding her against me, and wanting to kill Daniel Greene for daring to lay a finger on her.

  She relaxed against my chest and slipped her arms around my waist. My body’s reaction was predictable and inconvenient, and I moved her away from me slightly so she wouldn’t feel my rapidly growing erection.

  “Let’s get you inside,” I suggested, taking her keys and unlocking the door. “Greene’s stupid enough to come back.”

  I followed her up three flights of stairs and let us into a top floor flat; a small, cosy apartment that obviously belonged to someone who spent more time at work than at home. I recognised the signs.

  She looked at her face in the mirror beside the front door and winced at both the bruise on her cheek and her split lip where Daniel’s teeth had bitten into her.

  “Do you want me to call the police?” I said, figuring it would serve Daniel right if she pressed charges. “God knows what would have happened if I hadn’t have arrived when I did.”

  She shook her head. “Men like that rarely get what’s coming to them. I’ll chalk it up to experience and give him a wide berth from now on. I think you warned him off for me.”

  She turned toward me, the thanks ready on her lips but, when she saw my face, she let out a cry of dismay. “Oh no. Look at you,” she said, laying her fingers tenderly against my cheek. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  A glance in the mirror showed a trail of blood coming from my split eyebrow and a grazed cheek where I’d stumbled against the wall. Not very attractive, and certainly not in keeping with my reputation as one of the country’s top barristers, even though they were battle scars earned in a good cause.

  I have to admit I liked the idea of being fussed over by Nurse Allie and let her sit me down on one of the high stools in her kitchen. She slipped off my jacket, undid my bow tie and loosened the top three buttons of my shirt before taking her medical kit out of a cupboard.

  “You’re going to have a lovely black eye in the morning,” she said, washing away the trail of blood and examining my split brow.

  To get a closer look, she pushed my knees apart and stood between my thighs, her hands either side of my face so she could twist it to the light. Had she leaned forward an inch more she could have kissed me and I held my breath, silently begging her to do it. Instead, she pinched the split skin on my brow together and applied a couple of steri-strips to close the wound.

  “You’ll live,” she said, suppressing a smile. “But you’re not quite so good looking as you were.”

  “I don’t know. Some women go for the rough and ready hero type.”

  I expected her to move away but, instead, she put her arms around my shoulders and pulled herself closer. “As you got those scars in a battle for my honour, I suppose I ought to thank you properly,” she said, her lips against my cheek and her hand creeping its way down inside my collar. “Every girl likes to be rescued now and then.”

  “How do you intend thanking me?” I asked, thinking I ought to clarify. While I waited for an answer my hands moved onto that perfectly rounded arse that had been tormenting me all evening. It clenched against my palms, forcing her pubic bone up against my cock which, by now, had taken on a life of its own. I sighed contentedly.

  “I need to ask another favour first,” Allie said, tilting her chin upwards so I could see the split in her lip. “Would you mind kissing me so I can see whether I need to sue for personal injuries.” She pulled back playfully as I moved forward. “Only for evidential reasons, you understand. Just to assess the level of damage.”

  “I understand perfectly,” I said, undoing the clip holding her hair up on top of her head and running my fingers through it to shake it free. “I’ll be very professional about it.”

  Just in case her lips were painful, I let my mouth fall gently against hers and kissed her tentatively. She responded immediately, her lips flowering against mine, her mouth parting and drawing me in.

  Kissing Allie in my office, or in a dark doorway – where we might have been disturbed at any moment – had been exciting enough but knowing there was a locked door between us and the rest of the world, made us lose all sense of restraint.

  Our mouths fitted together perfectly, her soft lips submitting to mine as I kissed her more and more forcefully. She tasted so good. Hot and sweet. Her eager responses urging me to go further. My tongue explored her mouth and she sucked on it, passion slowly coming to the boil in that irresistible body of hers and spilling over into mine.

  Frustrated by only being able to reach under my collar, Allie pulled away slightly to give her hands room to undo my shirt buttons. No fumbling in the darkness this time. Within seconds she had my shirt stripped back across my shoulders, imprisoning my arms at my sides while her hands memorised every touchable inch of me.

  Her lips left mine for the first time and she stared down at my body, licking her lips as if she wanted to devour me. Her kisses had me breathing hard by now and she watched the rise and fall of my chest as her fingertips traced the hollows along the edges of my muscles. Without warning,
she lunged forward for a kiss and pinched hard on my nipples, sending exquisite pain down every nerve ending and into my cock.

  I lost control and moaned against her lips.

  She could do what she liked with me. If she wanted to strip me naked and torment my body to ecstasy, I wouldn’t be putting up any kind of a fight.

  My shirt hit the floor and I reached for her again. I wished now I’d paid more attention to her dress and worked out how to take it off – not that I’d thought I’d get this lucky. Instead, my hands dipped down to her hem and slid the black silk further up her thighs.

  I moved slowly – I didn’t want to frighten her off when I was already half naked – but she bit down on my lip and laced her fingers in my hair as she held her breath in anticipation.

  I couldn’t help the happy sigh that escaped me as my hands reached her stocking tops and then the delicious, naked thighs above them.

  Allie’s resistance had melted away with mine and she moved her hips, freeing her dress so I could push it right up over that beautiful bum of hers.

  It was luscious. Peachy. Even softer and smoother than I’d imagined. And each naked cheek fitted perfectly into the palm of my hand as if it had been waiting for me to discover it all this time.

  Allie pushed in harder between my legs and thought of her naked pussy separated from my cock only by my suit trousers sent me over the edge. A groan of pleasure and anticipation came from deep within me and I squeezed her lovely arse. Her smooth skin felt cool to the touch.

  “You’re cold,” I whispered.

  “Then you’d better think of ways to warm me up,” she said thrusting her hips against my groin, the invitation loud and clear.

  I didn’t need asking twice.

  I slid one hand down over her arse and into the sweet spot between her legs. Her hot, wet pussy begged me to lose my fingers inside it so I slid two in at once.

  Allie gasped and ground herself down onto my hand. The muscles clenched around my fingers, drawing them in deeper, the inside of her pussy like a velvet sheath.


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