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Lovers in law

Page 17

by Exley Avis

  “I couldn’t put you to that trouble,” she said but I could see how much she was tempted by the thought of avoiding a long cab ride out to Islington in the dead of night.

  “Please, Allie. I want to take care of you. Make life easier. Let me.”

  I handed her the phone and she called her friend, mouthing thank you to me while she waited for an answer. Ten minutes later, I was in a cab to Islington after a very appreciative kiss from Allie in the lift back down to reception. She was very lucky I didn’t throw her over my shoulder and carry her straight to bed but I’d already made that stupid promise about keeping my hands to myself.

  Allie didn’t call until eleven thirty that night and I walked down to collect her from her office. I didn’t need to ask whether she was tired. Her green eyes were dark and clouded and her whole body sagged with exhaustion. I’d pulled enough late nights to know how she felt and led her straight up to the spare room when we reached my flat.

  She slipped her arms around my neck and pulled me close, stifling a yawn as she did so. “I’d like nothing more than to fall asleep in your arms but I suspect it wouldn’t end there,” she said, speaking for both of us. “I like being taken care of. Thank you.”

  Although, lying in my cold and lonely bed, I thought of a hundred other ways of taking care of Allie that didn’t involve separate rooms. My cock refused to lie down and go to sleep, keeping me awake until the early hours and, when I did fall into an exhausted doze, it was only to dream of all the places in my flat I wanted to fuck her.

  In one particularly vivid dream, I was lying on my front with Allie’s tongue working its way down my spine and her hand slipping under the sheet to caress my arse. I sighed and stretched, wriggling the sheet down lower and clenching my cheeks in ecstasy.

  “Good morning, handsome,” a voice whispered close to my ear, bringing me reluctantly back to consciousness, only to find the delicious sensations around my arse still going on.

  Sharp nails trailed down my back, making me purr with pleasure and sink down deeper into the mattress. Soft lips then kissed the redness away, travelling down to the cleft in my bum before Allie’s teeth took a playful bite of the sensitive flesh. My cock hardened and leaked pre-cum onto the sheets. The bed smelled of sex, making me even hornier.

  “What time is it?” I asked, finally opening my eyes.

  Disappointingly, Allie was already fully dressed and sitting on the edge of my bed, destroying all my fantasies of an early-morning quickie. “It’s not six yet but I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”

  I turned over, pulling the duvet up to preserve my modesty, even though we’d once gone a long way beyond that. Allie raked her nails through the hair on my chest and pinched at my nipples before leaning down to kiss in a line from my pecs to my navel.

  “I adore your body,” she whispered against my skin when she rested her head on my abdomen. “And I wish I had the time to show you exactly how much.” She gazed up at me and I wanted so much to lie there all day with her. “May I stay over tonight too?” she asked needlessly.

  “I’d love that. It’s wonderful to wake up and find you here.”

  She sat up and kissed me full on the mouth, allowing me to hold her close for a moment so I could absorb the scent of soap and fresh make up on her skin. With a final kiss, she left me in bed, although her cheeky look back from the doorway told me she knew exactly what I’d be doing to my cock as soon as she walked out of my flat.

  I came within seconds of the front door closing, the imprint of her lips still on my chest and the scent of her skin lingering around me. If I didn’t get the real thing into my bed very soon, there was every danger I’d die of sexual frustration and I began plotting Allie’s downfall.

  She reappeared at my flat after midnight, dropping her briefcase in the hall and flopping down onto the sofa. Fatigue had rendered her skin ashen and she fell asleep before I could even offer her something to eat.

  Rather than wake her, I carried her upstairs to bed and lay her down gently. She half stirred when I started to unbutton her blouse but she helped me to slip it off, too tired to do it for herself. Underneath, she wore the shocking pink bra with black bows that had whipped up my imagination that first day and would no doubt keep me going for the rest of the night. My cock snapped to attention and my tongue watered to lick between those beautiful breasts and taste her rosy nipples.

  As I removed her skirt and stockings, I realised she wouldn’t have resisted had I stripped her naked and fucked her right there. Barely awake, she would have curled her arms around me and welcomed me into her body, but it was late and I couldn’t take advantage like that.

  Any other woman, I wouldn’t have wasted the opportunity, but Allie deserved better and I left her alone in bed.

  The following morning, the sound of Allie moving around upstairs woke me. The thought of her naked in the shower, or slipping those perfect legs into sheer, black stockings, made me hard in an instant and I kicked off the duvet so I could give my cock some solo attention.

  One hand behind my head and the other pumping hard, I relaxed back onto the pillows and let my fantasies run riot.

  “Do you want some help with that?” Allie asked from the doorway, standing a moment to watch me stroking my huge erection.

  I stopped, unusually embarrassed at being caught out, and yet incredibly turned on by the sight of her in a suit and high heels, walking towards the bed.

  She sat down and slid her hand between my legs to cup my balls, never taking her eyes off my cock. The tip shone with pre-cum and she traced a pattern in it with her finger before tasting it. My balls were ready to explode against her palm.

  “Would you like me to watch, or can I touch?” she asked, knowing the answer already.

  I surrendered to her, adoring the feel of her cool, slender fingers clenching around my shaft. With her eyes fixed on my face, her hand began to move – slowly, instinctively, teasing my pleasure to a crescendo.

  “That feels so good,” I moaned and thrust my hips up toward her hand. I could see in her eyes that she loved having so much power over me and I was her willing slave.

  “I adore your cock,” she said softly. “I’ve wanted it hard inside me for weeks. My pussy’s been on fire for you.”

  “Then take off your clothes.” I undid the buttons on her jacket. “Come to bed.”

  Before she could argue, I sat up and kissed her – a deep, sexy kiss that carried me beyond the limits of self control. Allie’s tongue ravaged my mouth, drinking in my desire for her. She was hot – aroused and ripe to be fucked – and waiting to make love to her suddenly seemed a ridiculous idea.

  I forced her knees apart and plunged my hand up her skirt until my fingers touched her lace panties. They were hot and wet, soaked by her arousal. The stitching cracked as I pulled them roughly aside and forced two fingers deep inside her warm, luscious pussy.

  Allie cried out and threw back her head. My thumb found the hard nub of her clit and flicked back and forth across it, making her scream my name. The walls of her sex clenched around my fingers, drawing them deeper into her and I suddenly needed my cock to take their place.

  “Take off your clothes and let me fuck you,” I begged. “I can’t wait any longer.”


  With Allie’s hand pumping my cock, my fingers inside her succulent pussy and her mouth hot against mine, I exploded into orgasm far sooner than I wanted too. Cum shot up onto my belly and soaked her fingers while my body spasmed in rapture. Every muscle tensed to breaking point. Every tendon tightened to curl me around the bliss that began and ended with Allie’s hand around my cock.

  “Oh my God. I’m sorry. That wasn’t meant to happen yet,” I told her raggedly as the last shudders of pleasure died away.

  I kissed Allie feverishly, soaking up the taste of sex and desire to quell my disappointment. My long fingers curled to stroke her G-Spot deep inside, while my thumb caressed her clit. I’d made her come often enough to know she was
on the brink of surrendering to pleasure but she refused to let herself go.

  “Let me make you come,” I urged, kissing the soft skin behind her ear. “I want to taste your pussy and feel you come against my tongue.”

  I heard the smile in her voice when she refused. “Don’t think you’re getting away that easily, Radford Byrne,” she said. “You promised to make love to me. If your silver tongue makes me come now, you might tell the judge that you’ve already fulfilled your obligations. I can’t allow that.”

  My thumb continued its dance around the root of her pleasure, weakening her resolve with every stroke. “What do you suggest? We can’t leave this delicious pussy unsatisfied all day.” To prove it, I pushed a third finger deep into her to remind her how good my cock would feel.

  “That’s so good,” she gasped, tilting her hips so I could drive my fingers in deeper. Her breath stopped and a vein in her neck pulsed rapidly, betraying her excitement. I watched her reclaim control of her body as she begged me not to make her come yet. “I want you inside me. Naked. With my legs wrapped tight around your back and your hips pounding against mine.”

  Put like that, how could I refuse? I stopped rubbing her clit but left my fingers where they were. “I’ll be thinking about fucking you all day,” I said. “I have a tricky hearing in front of a ferocious judge this morning. If I lose, it’ll be your fault.”

  “So what? I’m helping complete Aiden’s deal at noon. How am I supposed to focus on contracts when I can still feel your fingers inside me?”

  The thought of unflappable Allie floundering amongst stacks of files made me laugh. “So can I see you later?” I asked, ready to drag her away from her desk if necessary.

  “I already have plans.” She stopped my mouth with a lingering kiss when I started to complain. “Plans for you,” she explained. She sank down lower on my fingers and squirmed to imprint their shape inside her sex. Her juices soaked my fingers but I planned on making her even wetter later on. “To thank you for helping me out, I’m buying you dinner at the new Italian on the South Bank. I’ll meet you there at eight.” She kissed me again. “Now I have to go or I’ll be late.”

  She stood up, easing herself off my fingers very slowly and gently, and letting out a low sigh of pleasure. With her hand still around my cock, she led me into the bathroom and filled the basin. Very gently, she washed the cum from her hands and my belly, the warm water and her slippery fingers around my cock coaxing my erection back to life until I was fully hard again.

  “This is mine. For later,” she said, drying my cock on a warm, soft towel. My balls swelled and I imagined battling the leaden sensation for the rest of the day. “So no wanking in the shower as soon as I’ve gone,” Allie warned. “Save your appetite.”

  “Now who’s not playing fair.”

  “At least I’m not playing hard to get.”

  Allie leaned in and kissed me goodbye but I followed her to the door, still stark naked, with my cock jutting out in front. I hoped a cold shower would settle things down because I felt as horny as hell.

  “Wear red tonight,” I said, pulling against me for one last kiss. “Red dress. High red shoes. Red lace panties that I can tear off as soon as we’re back here.”

  “Perhaps I don’t want to sleep with you,” she teased.

  I shrugged. “Who’s talking about sleep?”

  I was on edge all day. Hovering somewhere between excitement at seeing Allie again, anticipation at all the wicked things I wanted to do to her body and the most colossal arousal.

  This was where relationships scored over casual sex, I decided. A night out on the town, nine times out of ten, ended with sex of some sort – enough to keep me satisfied for another few days. But being on a promise from six o’clock that morning had ramped up the excitement levels beyond bearable. I’d even made a couple of schoolboy errors in my hearing that morning and had had to think on my feet to recover the situation.

  Thank heaven the long court gown hid a multitude of sins I had yet to commit.

  Rather than keep Allie waiting, I arrived early at the restaurant and ordered a bottle of champagne. I kept my eyes fixed on the door, ready for the first glimpse of her, feeling as nervous as a schoolboy on his first date. But when she finally appeared, every fear, every thought, drained from me and the world fell away.

  Walking towards me was the most beautiful, provocative, sensual woman I had ever laid eyes on. Allie’s red dress was slashed low between her full breasts and pulled in tight around her ribs. The soft skirt swished around her long legs, skimming her knees and I immediately thought how easy it would be to slide my hand up inside its folds during dinner.

  Her delicate stilettos were the kind that were designed to be worn by a naked woman in a horny man’s bedroom – high, pointed and hot, shiny red – and I wanted their imprint on my chest before the night was out.

  My cock stiffened before my imagination had even had chance to consider her underwear.

  Every erotic fantasy I’d ever had immediately came to life and I let out a long, slow breath as I tried to bring my heart rate under control.

  When she reached me, Allie stood on tiptoes and pressed herself against me to kiss my cheek. “Close your mouth, Radford,” she whispered. “It’s rude to stare.”

  But I wasn’t the only one staring. A dozen men had watched her walk across the restaurant and, when she climbed onto the bar stool beside me, I felt all my Christmas had come a month early.

  “I’m suddenly not very hungry,” I admitted, pouring Allie a glass of champagne. I spilled it – too busy looking at the ruby pendant nestling in her cleavage. “Why don’t we just get out of here now.”

  Allie’s sensual lips curved into a smile so full of promise I thought she was about to agree. “This is foreplay, Radford. You’re being seduced. And when I’ve bought you dinner, I’ll expect something in return.”

  Her hand rested on my knee, her nails the same slutty red she’d worn that first day in chambers. They’d look so sexy scratching down my chest later.

  “Did you complete Aiden’s deal,” I asked in an attempt to lower the sexual tension.

  “Finally.” She rolled her eyes. “He disappeared yesterday afternoon and we couldn’t reach him to clarify some last points. When we did, he was half way up a hill in Yorkshire.”

  “Yorkshire?” Aiden hadn’t mentioned anything to me about heading north.

  “Don’t ask. He was very secretive. I was praying we’d sort it all out so I could get away early to go lingerie shopping.”

  “And did you?”

  “I did.”

  “What did you buy?” I needed graphic details – colours, textures, ease of removal.

  “I bought several things actually. All of which will appear on the menu over the weekend.”

  “What do I get for an appetiser?”

  “Red. That’s all I’m saying for now.”

  It was more than enough. Testosterone came to the boil somewhere in the lower half of my body.

  Luckily Allie had booked a table in a private booth because the pre-Christmas parties drowned out much of our conversation. It gave me the perfect excuse to lean in close to her, using any pretext to touch her. A stray strand of hair that needed tucking behind her ear. A finger down her thigh to find out whether she was wearing suspenders or hold-up stockings. [The former, in case you’re interested]. An arm around her as we looked at the wine list together.

  I gave her all my best lines; flirting outrageously, making her laugh and throwing her a compliment every other sentence. In return, she went out of her way to drive me mad with lust. A careless hand resting on my thigh, a finger slipped in between shirt buttons, a filthy suggestion whispered to me behind the menu. The banter was fast and hot, and I was as turned on by her mind as I was by the whisper of her stockings against my calf.

  But half way through the evening, I realised I was trying too hard to impress her. The battle was already won. Why else would Allie be sitting beside me looking
so beautiful? If we were going to build on that night, and turn it into any kind of relationship, it was time we both lifted the lid and went down deeper than we’d ever allowed anyone to go before.

  It was time to be honest and I licked my lips nervously.

  “Until now, dating’s always felt like appearing in court,” I admitted, my defences crumbling to lay my innermost emotions bare. “I turn up, say the lines and, when I win, I get my reward.”

  “Sex,” Allie guessed, although there was no condemnation in her voice. “You make it sound like a bad thing.”

  “Pretending to be someone else is always a bad thing.”

  “Then tell me who are you Radford? Who am I getting involved with?”

  Her green eyes pierced my soul, seeing past the front put up by Radford Byrne – successful barrister, terrifying opponent and ruthless womaniser – leaving me exposed and uncertain and stupidly desperate for her approval.

  “I’m thirty-five years old,” I began. “My client list reads like a Who’s Who of the world’s construction industry. I own a penthouse overlooking the Thames and I have the latest Aston Martin on order. My opposite numbers fear me in court because I’m a ferocious advocate. My hourly rate would make your eyes water but my clients know they can’t afford to use anyone else because I’m a winner. A wealthy, renowned winner.”

  “So that’s who’s been sharing my table for the last two hours. I wondered who he was.” Allie entwined her fingers with mine before leaning in to kiss me lightly on the cheek. But she sighed heavily, ominously, and a sense of foreboding crept in between us.. “The man you’ve just described is perfect. He’s handsome, sexy, confident, successful. Women have been giving him covert glances all night. He’s told me jokes, made me feel beautiful and, at the end of the evening, he’s hopefully going to take me back to his penthouse for some mind-blowing sex.”

  “Now you’re making it sound like a bad thing.” I’d heard enough witness testimony to know there was one, huge but coming.

  “But…if that’s the kind of man you really are, I know already that you’re not someone I’m looking for long term.”


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