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Of Wolves and Men

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by Barry Lopez

  lupa, as term, 219, 226, 242

  Lupton, Richard, 221, 222

  Lupus (constellation), 277

  Lupus erythematosus, 216m

  lycanthropy, 232, 243-44. See also shapeshifting; werewolves

  Lycaon, 231-32

  Lyceum, 271

  lynx, 67

  McCulloch, Florence, 218

  mai-cob, 123

  Maine, 14

  Mainz, archbishop of (A.D. 870), 239

  Makah Wolf Ritual, 129-32

  male wolves, 3, 28, 29, 32, 44, 49, 52, 66, 103, 193

  Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), 206, 219, 239-40

  man as prey, 4, 69-70, 123, 240

  attacked by wolves, 69-71, 149, 176-77, 177m, 221, 268, 281

  dead on battlefields, 144, 150, 208, 232, 273

  verification of, 70

  Managarm, 275

  Mandan, 114

  maned wolf, 17

  mange, scarcoptic, 183

  Manifest Destiny, 142, 184

  Manitoba, 71m

  Marie de France, 235-36, 254

  markings, 24, 45-47, 47

  Mars, 210, 242

  masks, wolf, 129-31, 131

  Mather, Cotton, 142

  mating, 26, 32-33, 36

  Maturin, Charles Robert, 268

  Maupassant, Guy de, 267

  Maximilian of Wied, 175

  “meat drunk,” 53

  Mech, L. David, 57, 62, 65, 67-68, 72

  medicine, wolf parts as, 105-6, 108, 110-12, 213, 222

  medicine animal, wolf as, 105

  Mekiana, Justus, 81

  Mexican wolf, 13m, 195

  Mexico, 13, 195-96

  Michigan, 13, 72

  Middle Ages, 205, 206-11, 254

  enemies of Church in, 238-41

  medicine in, 213, 215

  werewolves in, 226, 227-30, 238–41

  wild man in, 228-30

  Minnesota, 13, 21, 100, 101, 139, 150, 151, 156-57

  Mokoshan, 90

  Montaigne, Michel de, 258

  Montana, 13, 168, 197

  cattle industry in, 181-83

  Montana Stock Growers’ Association, 190 moon, 38

  “Moonlight, Wolf,” 174

  Moore, Edward, 253

  moose, 55-56, 57

  mortality, 29-30. See also pups

  Mount McKinley National Park, 26, 66, 72

  Mowat, Farley, 38

  Mowgli, 267

  Munro, H. H. (Saki), 268

  Murie, Adolph, 25, 26, 37, 38, 39, 63, 72, 224, 290

  music and wolves, 221

  My Antonia (Cather), 268

  mythology, Teutonic, 210, 221, 234

  names derived from wolf animal, 17-18, 209m

  disease, 216m

  game, 113

  native American, 106, 118, 119, 120, 120m, 121

  Norse, 273-74

  plant, 113, 208

  Nash, Roderick, 141, 143

  Naskapi, 88-93, 95, 113, 123

  Naskapi/wolf correspondences, 89-90

  Natalis, Saint, 236m

  native Americans

  correspondences with, 99-101, 103-4, 104-5, 169-71, 191

  cosmology of, 102

  and death, 95, 119

  elusiveness among, 100

  fear of wolves by, 123

  identification with wolf by, 101, 105, 112, 118, 129-30, 132-34

  integration into environment of, 104-5 killed by wolves, 4

  killing of wolves by, 108-9

  names for wolf among, 106, 118, 119, 120, 120m, 121

  rituals of, 109, 120-21, 128-32, 169. See also individual names

  stock lost to strychnine by, 179

  tales of, 92m, l10m-111m, 121-22, 133m, 210, 262, 269

  view of animals by, 86, 102, 104 warriors among, 114-20

  wolf parts used by, 104, 105-6, 108, 109-12, 114-15, 120-21, 172

  women and wolves among, 120-21

  See also individual tribes

  natural histories, 213-15, 257

  development of, 215-21

  Navajo werewolves, 123-24

  Neurians, 233

  Newfoundland wolf, 14

  Newhouse, Sewell, 190

  Newhouse traps, 189-90, 190

  New England, 290

  New Mexico, 192, 290

  New York, 290

  Nez Perce, 105, 288

  Nitaina, 124-28

  Nivordus of Ghent, 259

  Norns, 273

  Norris, Frank, 267

  Norse mythology, 273-76

  North Carolina, 289

  northwest coast tribes, 101, 105, 113, 128-32, 262

  Northwest Territories, 194

  Notable Things (Lupton), 222

  Nuliayuk, 123

  Nunamiut, 3, 22-23, 59, 78-86, 110m

  acuteness of, 81-83

  hunters among, 82

  observations of wolf by, 81, 291

  Nyktimos, 231

  “Occurrence in Dreams of Material from

  Fairy Tales, The” (Freud), 267

  O’Connor, Jack, 160-61

  Odin’s wolves, 273

  O’Donnell, Elliot, 237

  Olaus Magnus, 234

  “Old Wolf in Seven Fables, The,” 262

  old wolves, 3, 66-67, 86, 87-88, 89-90, 262

  olfaction, 48-50

  Omaha, 65, 101

  omega animal, 52

  Ontario, Canada, 194, 195

  Opie, Iona and Peter, 264

  oracle, wolf as, 103

  Oregon, 287, 288-89, 291

  Oregon Trail, The (Parkman), 176

  Orton, Alda, 39

  Osiris, 273

  Oto, 107

  Ouachita National Forest, 141-12

  Outdoor Life magazine, 160, 187

  outlaw wolves, 149-50, 188, 191-93, 193m

  Owl Friend, 115-17


  characteristics of, 34

  identity of, 36-37

  size of, 26, 70, 176

  structure of, 34-35

  variability by season of, 36

  See also social structure

  paramilitary terminology, 32

  parasitism, 29

  Parkman, Francis, 176

  “Parson’s Tale, The” (Chaucer), 225

  Pattie, James O., 176

  Pausanius, 231

  Pawnee, 65, 101, 102, 110-13, 132-33

  creation legend of, 133m

  Wolf Man, 132

  Wolf Star, 210

  payment, wolf parts as, 147, 172, 208, 239

  Peck, Robert, 179

  pelage, 11, 19, 21-24.

  See also black wolves; white wolves


  as medicine, 222

  native American uses of, 104, 105, 106-8, 109-12, 120-21, 123

  as payment, 172

  value of, 21, 80, 177, 179

  werewolves and, 123, 233, 234

  See also wolfing

  Perception of the Visual World, The (Gibson), 87

  Perrault, Charles, 250, 263-64

  Peter and the Wolf (Prokofiev), 262

  Peters, Roger, 48-50

  Petronius, 233

  Phaedrus (fabulist), 254

  Phaedrus (Plato), 269

  Physiologus, 213-14, 215, 216-19

  Pimlott, Douglas, 16, 62

  plants associated with wolves, 109, 112, 113, 117, 121, 208, 216, 220, 222

  and werewolves, 237

  Plato, 231, 269

  play, 4, 11, 37, 67-68, 84

  Plenty Coups, 106

  Pliny, 205, 216, 218, 219, 231, 233

  Plutarch, 216, 221, 242

  poetry, wolves in, 252m, 259, 268-69

  poisoning of wolves, 139, 194-95, 271.

  See also government hunters;

  strychnine populations, of wolves, 13-14, 184-85, 193-94, 195-96, 289.

  See also extinct populations

  postural communication, 43-48, 44, 45

  body gestures, 47

  facial expressions
, 44, 47

  markings, 24, 45-47, 47

  piloerection, 43

  reassurance displays, 48

  pouncing, 10, 36

  Prairie (name of wolf), 279-83

  predation on domestic stock. See domestic stock

  predator control, 139, 141, 148m-49m, 169, 171-74, 181-83, 288. See also individual methods

  predator/prey signals

  announcement of availability, 58

  between buffalo and wolf, 57-59

  “conversation of death” in, 62, 94-95

  Kruuk on, 56-57

  prey, 10, 54-55, 59, 61, 289

  bystander phenomenon in, 62

  as factor in territory, 55, 64, 100-1

  location of by wolves, 66-67

  See also individual types; killing of wolves; surplus killing

  prey selection, 4, 54-55, 58-59, 61-62

  “conversation of death” in, 94-95

  Nunamiut on, 84-85

  private property, 147, 196

  Prokofiev, Serge, 262

  Pueblo Indians, 99, 128

  Pulliainen, Erkki, 72

  pups, 28, 34-35

  behavior in, 28-29, 35, 280-81

  communal care of, 35-36

  diseases of, 27

  growth of, 36

  killing of, 185, 188, 191, 197, 224

  learning in, 31, 33m, 35, 36, 50

  mortality of, 27, 29, 51

  raised in captivity, 16, 279-83

  social structures of, 27, 28-29, 35, 48

  vocalizations of, 40–43

  purification ceremony for women, 120-21

  Pythochares, legend of, 221

  Quebec, 93, 195

  Quimby, General, of Sandwich, 157-58

  rabid wolves, 69, 71, 71m, 194-95, 208, 269

  Blackfoot cure for bite of, 123

  distinguished by track, 83

  ravens, 3, 10, 67-68, 68, 82, 85, 105, 273

  red, color of wolf, 102, 106, 118, 120, 124,


  “Red Wolf, The,” 268

  red wolves, 14, 15, 19, 25, 30, 54, 152, 279-83, 289-90

  regurgitation, 35, 41, 48, 91

  Remington, Frederic, 174

  Remmler, F.W., 156

  rendezvous sites, 33m, 36

  reintroduction of wolves, 289-90, 292 resting behavior, 11

  retribution, law of, 145

  reward for man as wolf prey, 70

  Reynard the fox, 250, 259

  Reynolds, G. W. M., 267

  ritual preparation for hunt, 90

  River (wolf name), 279-83

  Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 268

  Roman Church, 205, 208, 213, 214, 238-39 Romulus and Remus, 226, 242, 248, 248 Roosevelt, Theodore, 142, 153-54

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 242

  Russell, Jeffrey, 227, 229

  Russia, 13, 21, 53, 153-54, 155, 156, 237, 261

  sacred meat, 92-93, 95-96

  saints and wolves, 205, 206, 209, 212, 214, 246m

  Saki. See Munro, H. H.

  Salmon River, 288

  Scandinavia, wolves in, 13

  scapegoat, wolf as, 52, 140, 184, 226, 227, 233

  scent glands, 24, 49

  scent marking, 49-50

  scent posts, 10, 49

  scent rolling, 50, 51, 51

  Schenkel, Rudolph, 44, 47, 81

  Scripture, 141, 184, 210, 214, 218, 226, 240

  Sea-Wolf, The (London), 269-70

  “Sea Wolf, The” (Haida folktale), 92m

  Seiar of Hadramaut, 236

  sensory activity, 10, 11, 50, 85, 281-82

  separate reality of other organisms, 285

  Seton, Ernest Thompson, 69, 192-93

  “Seven Little Goats, The,” 263

  sexual hierarchies, 31-32, 34-35

  sexual imagery associated with wolves, 219, 226, 239, 242, 251, 263, 264-67, 269

  sexual maturity, 29

  shadings. See markings

  Shakespeare, William, 210, 252m

  shapeshifting, 205-6, 230, 234, 239, 262-63, 269, 272

  “Sheem,” 262-63

  sheep, 59, 138, 172-73, 220-21, 273

  industry, 172-73, 182

  and wolf, 225

  “Shepherd Boy and the Wolf, The,” 255m

  “She-Wolf, The” (Saki), 268

  Shoshoni, 99

  Sigmund, 234

  Singh, Rev. J. A. L., 245–47

  Sioux, 110m, 112, 113, 116m, 121

  size, 10, 18-19, 36, 263m

  Skoll, 274, 275

  Sleeping Wolf, 118-19

  Small Ankles, 133-34

  smelling. See olfaction

  Snake River, 288

  social structure, 31-37

  among captive wolves, 32-33, 292-93

  as dynamic, 33

  females in, 32

  Naskapi/wolf, 89-90

  in pack, 34-36

  sexual hierarchies, 31, 292

  Solinus, 216, 219

  Son of the Wolf, The (London), 269

  songs, 104, 116m, 117m, 129

  Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School, 244

  Soracte, Mount, 233

  sourwood, 109

  South Dakota, 192

  Spain, 30

  Speck, Frank, 92

  speed, 11, 25m

  Spirit of the Caribou, 90

  sport hunting, 153-66.

  See also wolfing stare, 4, 62, 175, 219

  starvation, 152

  Stefansson, Vilhjalmer, 70

  Stephenson, Robert, 79, 81-82, 83, 290


  associations, 190, 191

  as avengers, 266

  losses by, 182, 191, 192

  stones and wolves, 219, 221, 264

  “Strafing Arctic Killers,” 144

  strychnine, 139, 178, 179-80, 190

  Stump, Peter, 240

  submissive behavior, 44-45, 47, 48

  subspecies, 14m, 14-16

  summer activity, 10, 13, 37

  Summers, Montague, 241-42

  Sun Dance ritual, 128

  Superior National Forest, 50

  Supernova (Lupus), 277

  supracaudal gland, 24, 49

  surplus killing, 4, 54, 55m, 56-57, 95

  Swan’s Head, 106-8

  sweet grass, 112

  swimming, 25

  symbol, wolf as, 142, 143, 205, 210, 226, 239

  Tamworth, New Hampshire, wolf siege at, 157-58

  Tasha, 105

  Tasmanian wolf, 18

  Taylor, J. H, 179

  teeth, 25-26, 67, 222, 263m

  temperature regulation, 19-21

  temples of Apollo, 272

  Tepehuanan Indians, 196

  territory, 63-67, 292

  marking of, 48-49

  sharing of, 65

  trespass in, 51, 65, 66

  variability of, 64–65

  territory, native American/wolf correspondences, 85, 99-101

  Texas, 14, 152, 243m

  theriophobia, 140

  “Three Little Pigs, The,” 263

  Three Toes of Harding County, 192

  Thurber, James, 264

  timber wolf, 289

  Tlingit, 101

  Tomarctus, 17

  Topsell, Edward, 222

  track, 10, 20, 20m, 83

  transplanting wolves, 72

  trappers, 39m, 162-63, 164, 187, 188, 192

  on Great Plains, 177-78

  reminiscences of, 196-99

  Trapper’s Guide (Newhouse), 190

  traps. See hunting

  travel, 10-12, 21, 25, 66

  Troilus and Cressida, 210

  tse-ka, 129

  Tuberville’s Booke of Hunting, 223

  Turkey, 242

  Twelve Days, 229-30, 234

  Twenty Years on the Trapline (Taylor), 179 twilight, 209, 210

  Twilight of the Gods, 275-76

  Tyr, 275

  Ungava Bay, 93

  ungulate diseases, 58

  Uses of Enchantmen
t, The (Bettelheim), 264

  Vandover and the Brute (Norris), 267

  Vargamors, 229

  Verdun, Michel, 241

  Victor of Aveyron, 244, 245, 245

  Vidar, 276

  vocalizations, 38-43, 42, 43. See also individual types

  Volsungs, 234

  Von, River, 275

  Wagner the Wehrwolf (Reynolds), 267

  Wallace, Dave, 168-69, 196

  Washington, George, 172-73

  Weasel Bear, 116m

  Webster, John, 268

  weight, 18-19, 36

  werebeasts, 230

  werewolves, 205-6, 235, 236m, 226-42

  beliefs about, 124, 150, 208, 236-37

  benevolent, 230

  characteristics of, 233-34, 237

  involuntary, 236-37

  in literature, 230, 235-36, 267-68

  Lycaon as, 231-32

  in Malleus Maleficarum, 239

  among the Navajo, 123-24

  persecution of, 208, 227-28, 239-41

  as projection of humans, 226, 228, 230, 232-33

  voluntary, 236

  cf. wild man, 228-30

  women as, 229

  See also lycanthropy; shapeshifting

  Werwolves (O’Donnell), 237

  White, T.H., 221

  White Fang (London), 269

  Whitehead, Alfred North, 284-85

  White Sage, 121

  white wolves, 21-22, 175, 176, 191, 220m, 267, 269

  wilderness, 140-44

  wild man, 206, 228-30

  wild woman, 229

  William of Parlerne, 230

  Williams, O.W., 159

  Williams, Roger, 142

  willows, 102, 132

  winter activity, 11, 36

  Witchcraft in the Middle Ages (Russell), 229

  “Wolf, The,” 267-68

  “Wolf and the Crane, The” 256m, 260

  “Wolf and the Hunter, The,” 255m

  “Wolf and the Indian Dog, The,” 110m-11m

  “Wolf and the Lamb, The,” 254m-55m, 256

  “Wolf and the Mouse, The,” 255m

  “Wolf and the Shepherds, The,” 256m

  wolf bands, 105, 115-20

  Wolf Belly, 119

  wolf berries, 113

  wolf bundle, 107, 107, 132

  wolf children, 242-48, 245

  of Hesse, 242

  wolf cults, 232, 233

  wolfers. See hunting

  wolf farming, 185

  “Wolf Girl” (of Texas), 243m

  “Wolf Helps the Dog, The,” 256m

  Wolf House, 269

  wolf hunting. See killing of wolves

  Wolf Hunters, The (Grinnell), 179

  wolf imagery, 113, 144, 155, 206, 209, 225-27

  in fable, 251

  in Middle Ages, 210-11

  in poetry, 268-69

  sleighs pursued by wolves, 155, 257, 268

  in World War II, 226

  wolf management, 288-84, 290, 291-92


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