Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance)

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Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance) Page 36

by Alexa Davis

  “Shhh.” I patted Veil quietly, trying to keep him quiet. “I’ll see you later, okay? I won’t be long, just... Be good.” But he wasn’t listening to me; he was howling away to himself.

  I clicked the door behind me and let out a deep sigh of relief. I’d gone from being desperate to see Milo to needing to get away quickly, and that didn’t stop here. I rushed to my car.

  God, this is insane. I knew I was acting like a crazy person, but it was beyond that now.

  By the time I pulled up outside the salon, I felt a sense of hysteria overcoming me. I needed to talk. I felt like I was bursting with the information building up inside of me, but it didn’t take me long to realize that Laynee wasn’t here yet.

  To distract myself, I grabbed the cleaning equipment and furiously started to scrub the place, taking out my sexual frustration on the floors and mirrors. Everything was already clean, just as it always was, but I needed to do something, and unfortunately for me, the book of appointments was pretty empty again.

  Shit, how the hell am I going to change that? Sure, renting out the cabin was working well so far, but I had no idea if I’d be able to do it again. I wasn’t sure if I could strip the memory of me and Miles off the walls. It would be far too weird...

  And I certainly didn’t have any intention of getting myself in the same confusing mess again! I wanted this business to work. I was so desperate for it to pick up, why wasn’t that enough? Why couldn’t I just magically make that happen? Couldn’t the universe sense my desperation?

  “Hi!” Laynee sang as she finally joined me. “Oh, God.” Her face fell the moment she saw me. “You’re cleaning like a maniac; what’s going on? Something’s happened, hasn’t it?”

  She slumped into one of the chairs and leaned forward to examine me closely. “Is it Milo? Has something happened? Did he react badly to the news you’re moving back home?”

  “No, he doesn’t know yet,” I admitted with a pout, putting some elbow grease into one of the walls, despite the fact that there weren’t any stains there. “He wasn’t home until late last night. I think he went fishing with Landon or something.”

  “Landon? Really?” She raised her eyebrows in shock. “That seems random.”

  “Well, I don’t know.” I flustered a little bit. “I think he came down here for some sort of investment thing, and I guess Landon must be it...”

  “So, maybe he isn’t leaving for good.” She grew excited by that news, her eyes lighting up and her hands gripping onto the chair. “Maybe he’ll be back here a lot, dealing with his company, or whatever.”

  “Does it work like that? I don’t think it does.” I didn’t want to be a downer, but there wasn’t any point in getting happy about something that would never happen. “I think investors just hand over the money and wait for their return. I doubt he’ll be back here again.”

  “Oh,” she said, looking as defeated as I felt. “Oh, okay, that sucks.”

  “Yeah, so I didn’t see him last night or this morning, so I haven’t had the chance to tell him anything yet. And now my apartment will be ready tomorrow, and I won’t get a chance to... to...” To be honest, I wasn’t totally sure how I wanted to finish that sentence.

  Luckily, at that moment, our first and only customer for the day strolled through the doors, taking the heat off me. It was Miss Ramsey, an older lady who actually didn’t live too far away from my apartment.

  “I’ll do this,” Laynee murmured. “You take a moment to work out what you want to do.”

  That was all well and good, but I knew what I wanted to do – I just wasn’t totally convinced that it was the right thing. I sat down, my brain flickering from decision to decision, tuning everything else out, until Laynee raised her voice loud enough to drag me back into the room.

  “So, Miss Ramsey, I have a hypothetical question for you.” She shot me a look, and I gave her a blank, confused expression back. “What would you do if you had a totally hot guy living under your roof, one that you wanted bad, and he wanted you bad, too...”

  I gasped loudly, unable to believe that she was being so brazen. And using my life, too... although I had to admit that I was intrigued to see where this conversation would lead. If there was one thing I desperately needed, it was advice.

  “But you had to leave for whatever reason, and you were afraid of getting your heart broken?”

  “That isn’t a problem,” Miss Ramsey scoffed. “That’s got an easy answer.” I leaned forward, forgetting trying to be cool. I needed to know what this obvious answer was and why I couldn’t see it. “I’d bang his brains out; life is too short to be worrying about feelings. You want to regret what you have done, not what you haven’t.”

  “I totally agree.” Laynee gave me a knowing look, and I couldn’t help smiling back, my face heating up. That was what I wanted to do – badly – and when she put it like that, it was more and more difficult to see why I wasn’t doing it.

  Ugh, this is crazy. Why aren’t I just hopping into bed with this gorgeous man? Why am I so concerned about what might or might not happen in the future? I already got the sense that he wanted me – he’d certainly been more than up for it the last time – but then we went and had that stupid conversation, deciding to just be friends. Can I be that inconsistent? Will he think I am crazy if I totally change my mind?

  Okay, so I needed a plan for this; I needed to decide what I was going to do. I was thinking about this now, considering it, and I had to go in there with a game plan. I needed to cook dinner, set the scene, and then maybe something could happen. Maybe once we spent a nice evening together and I dropped the bombshell on him, he wouldn’t be able to resist and he’d make the first move.

  I could just picture the scene now. He’d stand up, shocked, and beg me not to leave. Then he’d wrap his arms around me and pull me in for a loving embrace, kissing me hard and passionately. Then he’d carry me and take me to the bedroom, where he’d ravish my body...

  “Eliza,” Laynee suddenly snapped, dragging me from my thoughts. “Are you okay? We lost you there?”

  “Oh, God, sorry.” I leaped up, knocking a whole bunch of papers to the ground as I did. I was so embarrassed to have been caught thinking such naughty thoughts, as if they could read my mind. “Ugh, I’m an idiot today, sorry.”

  “Yeah,” Miss Ramsey stage whispered to Laynee. “I think my advice was right. She does need to jump this man’s bones. It might sort her out.”

  I rolled my eyes, hating the fact that discretion wasn’t an option here, but there was nothing I could do now. I just had to hope that Milo didn’t communicate with many people while he was here, that he continued to pretty much keep to himself, so I could keep my dignity intact. At least, a little bit.

  Well, I’d likely be safe until tomorrow anyway, and that was when everything had to come to an end. After that? Well, it probably wouldn’t matter anymore – a thought that damn near killed me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Milo – Tuesday

  I tried to spend the day productively. I tried to get my plans for Landon in order, making note of everything he wanted to do so that when I went to Justin for advice, I had everything in my mind. I was excited about this opportunity, happy to move forward with it, but I wanted to get everything nailed.

  But I wasn’t getting as far along with it as I would have liked, since my mind kept wandering in a different direction. I kept thinking about Eliza, driving myself crazy. And the fact that I hadn’t heard anything from her didn’t help things. I just wanted to see her, speak to her, and know where her head was at.

  Is that her?

  Veil jumped up excitedly, racing to the window, which meant her car was pulling up in the driveway. I quickly raced to the mirror, checking out my slightly disheveled appearance. I screwed up my nose at my expression, unhappy with what I saw, but it was far too late to change. In fact, I was pretty sure that I could hear her steps outside the door.

  My heart pounded in my throat, emotions dancing
in my chest. I smiled brighter than I ever had before. It was official. I’d become a sad little schoolboy with a crush. I didn’t think this was desirable to women – if anything I felt like it might put Eliza off – but I just couldn’t stop it. I had absolutely no control over myself anymore.

  “Hey.” I slid into the front room. “How’s it going? Oh, oops, let me help you with that.”

  She was struggling in with more grocery bags, which made me feel bad. Sure, I’d more than paid for my time here, but it didn’t feel right for her to be spending so much money on me. She was having money and business troubles, yet she kept buying me food when she didn’t have to.

  “I would have made dinner,” I told her as I took the bags from her hands. “Sorry, I didn’t even think about it.”

  “Actually,” she sighed sadly, setting things down before turning to face me. Her soulful eyes looked cold and distant, causing a hollow sensation to burst across my chest. Whatever words were about to come out of her mouth, I already knew that I wasn’t going to like them. “This is more of a goodbye dinner than anything else.”

  What? I wanted to scream, to cling to her, but I forced my lips to remain sealed and my arms to stay clamped by my side. Even if I didn’t like it, I had to hear her out.

  “The landlord finally fixed the pipes in my apartment, so I can go back home. Tomorrow, actually, so I wanted to let you know how grateful I am that you had me here. It would have been difficult for me if you didn’t.”

  “Oh, sure...” I gulped, trying to make the sadness go down. I should have known that this was coming, I should have been expecting it, yet it hit me like a thump in the face. “Oh, right, well, of course.” I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, but from her expression, I didn’t think I was totally pulling it off. “Well, it’s been great having you.”

  “I’m just going to get changed, and then I’ll be out to cook.”

  As she raced away, seemingly wanting to keep her emotions from me, too, I wanted to yell out, to beg her to stay, to tell her that Florence wouldn’t be the same without her by my side, but I couldn’t. This was a business arrangement; we’d started this knowing that it wouldn’t be for the full two months, but still... It was all happening too soon.

  I glanced down at Veil, wondering if he could understand the situation, too. Before Eliza came into my life, I wouldn’t have even considered him comprehending anything, but now... Well, now I wasn’t so sure.

  “I know, buddy.” I smiled, ruffling his fur. “It’s gonna suck without her.” I didn’t feel as silly talking to him now – it was becoming much more natural to me. “But we gotta do what we gotta do.” I’d be gone soon enough, anyway; this was just a good way to prepare for me for that.

  I can’t let her go. All logic aside, I just wanted her to stay.

  “So, how does stir fry sound to you?” she called from the other room, making me miss her even more. She wasn’t even gone yet, and I felt empty without her. “I thought something quick would be nice, and I got some wine, too.”

  “I’ll start it,” I told her, trying to keep my tone upbeat. “That’s so simple, even I can manage it.”

  “Thank you.” As she came back into the room in shorts and a casual t-shirt, the image of her tugged violently on my heart strings. I wanted to go to her, to hold her, to never let her go – but this night wasn’t about that. It was us having a friendly goodbye, a thank you dinner. This would likely be the last time we saw each other before I left.

  “So, how did things go with Landon? Did you enjoy your fishing trip?”

  “I actually caught something!” There was that pride again, lacing my tone. “It was awesome; he showed me around the factory, too.”

  “And are you thinking of investing?” As she handed me a glass of wine, our fingers brushed against one another, sparking that electricity all over again. We didn’t acknowledge it, though.

  “I am, actually. I didn’t think I would, but he has a lot going for him. He’s smart, he’s got a good business head, and he deserves some encouragement.”

  “Yeah, he’s a good guy. I think he’ll do well. But if you didn’t think you were going to invest, then why did you come here? You booked a pretty expensive trip for two months, and you didn’t even think you were going to get anything from it.”

  Because I almost died... Because I got sick... Because I needed a break from my shitty life. I could have told her everything. I could have opened up to her, but for some reason, I still couldn’t do it. I just didn’t want that sympathy in her eyes; I didn’t ever want to see her looking at me like that.

  “Oh, because I wanted a break,” I told her evasively. “Sometimes running casinos and life in Vegas, it’s all just a little... blah.” Shit, I sounded like an arrogant idiot. “I don’t know. Don’t you ever think about running away?”

  “Well, maybe I did a little when I lost my grandma because everything here reminded me of her. But aside from that, I’ve never wanted to leave. Florence is my home, and I love it here.”

  Another person obsessed with Florence – there had to be something in that. It did seem to me like the sort of place a person remained in forever, and not in a scary, claustrophobic way, either. In a nice, contented way.

  “Yeah, I can see that,” I replied with a smile. “It’s amazing here.”

  “So, do you ever think you might come and visit again?” she asked innocently, sparking my interest. She wanted me to come back. She wanted me to visit again, and maybe I would.

  “Yeah, maybe,” I replied carelessly. “I do like it here, so we’ll see.”

  I glanced up at her for a reaction, and for a second, I was sure that I saw a smile on her face.

  Neither of us mentioned it again, and we had a very casual dinner where we both avoided any difficult topics. It was the perfect way to round off such a wonderful time, if we were going to remain as just friends.

  However, there was no denying the thick sexual tension that clung to the air. It went unspoken, neither of us even acknowledged it, but it was there the whole time. There would be the occasional look between us, the odd brush of a hand, her foot brushed against mine a couple of times, but still neither of us acted upon it. I kept waiting for some sort of sign, yet somehow it never came.

  “Well,” she said as she finally slung her drink back, finishing off her last glass of wine. “I suppose... maybe it’s time to get some sleep.” She looked imploringly at me, and I wondered if that was my chance, but before I could act upon it, Veil barked loudly, breaking the magic of the moment. “Goodnight.”

  “I’ve enjoyed you being here, you know,” I finally called out, causing her to spin around and look at me once more. “It’s been awesome, and while I’m glad your apartment livable again and that your landlord finally got off his ass to do something... it’s going to be weird without you here.”

  She nodded quickly, her eyes filling up with tears, and then she turned quickly and shut the door behind her, leaving it at that. I guess that answered my question: it seemed like we were done, so I needed to go to bed myself.

  I sighed sadly, cursing myself for not being braver, for not taking action sooner. Now I would have another long and sad night alone in my room, and tomorrow, she would be gone. That’d be the end of it completely.

  I was an idiot, but it was too late now.

  “Come on, Veil, let’s go.”

  But I couldn’t quite make it. I didn’t quite get to my room. I just stood there, staring at Eliza’s door, my mind flickering between decisions. It would be so easy to go to bed, to forget about it all, but it’d be much easier to knock on that door and to finally make it happen. I had no idea what she truly wanted, whether she thought it was a good idea, but I also didn’t want to regret anything.

  My heart was pounding, willing me to step forward.

  What if she rejects me, reminds me that we’re just friends?

  Can I sleep knowing that she is there, knowing this is my last chance?

  Shit. There wa
sn’t any fighting it anymore. I stepped tentatively forward, praying that this would be okay, that this would turn out the way I wanted it to.

  I lifted my hand, preparing myself to knock, my body freaking out like crazy, but before my skin could actually connect with the wood, the door swung open revealing a shocked, flushed Eliza.

  “Oh,” she gasped, staring at me. Our eyes communicated a million things with each other, emotions we had no idea how to say aloud, and that sent our sizzling chemistry running wild.

  I felt a wild, animalistic need building up inside of myself, and my whole body trembled as I almost lost total control. There was something about Eliza, something that brought out a side of me that I didn’t recognize, and I wanted to explore that further. I needed her. My body was pulsating for her. That magnetism was back and dragging me in toward her, and this time, I just wanted to succumb to it, to fall into her arms.

  Our lips crashed together. I had no idea who made the first move, just that our arms were tangled around one another and that we were stuck together like glue.

  I felt whole, complete with her in my arms, and when she pulled me into her room, it was as if all my Christmas wishes had come true at once. She was my dream girl, and she made me feel phenomenal. She was the only thing I wanted in the whole damn world – and that thought scared and thrilled me all at once.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Eliza – Tuesday

  I pressed my body up against the door to my room, where I’d been standing only a few moments before pondering whether I should go back out there and grab Milo. Only this time, he was with me – kissing me, touching me – and it felt wonderful.

  I’d done it: I’d taken action, and it had worked out for the best. Actually, it wouldn’t have even mattered if I didn’t because it seemed like Milo had exactly the same idea. He was out there, about to knock on my door, about to spark this, too.


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