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Domain-Driven Design

Page 10

by Eric Evans

  There are inevitable situations in which the purity of the object model must be compromised, such as for storage in a relational database. This chapter will lay out some guidelines for staying on course when you are forced to deal with these messy realities.

  Finally, a discussion of MODULES will drive home the point that every design decision should be motivated by some insight into the domain. The ideas of high cohesion and low coupling, often thought of as technical metrics, can be applied to the concepts themselves. In a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN, MODULES are part of the model, and they should reflect concepts in the domain.

  This chapter brings together all of these building blocks, which embody the model in software. These ideas are conventional, and the modeling and design biases that follow from them have been written about before. But framing them in this context will help developers create detailed components that will serve the priorities of domain-driven design when tackling the larger model and design issues. Also, a sense of the basic principles will help developers stay on course through the inevitable compromises.


  The interaction between modeling and implementation is particularly tricky with the associations between objects.

  For every traversable association in the model, there is a mechanism in the software with the same properties.

  A model that shows an association between a customer and a sales representative corresponds to two things. On one hand, it abstracts a relationship developers deemed relevant between two real people. On the other hand, it corresponds to an object pointer between two Java objects, or an encapsulation of a database lookup, or some comparable implementation.

  For example, a one-to-many association might be implemented as a collection in an instance variable. But the design is not necessarily so direct. There may be no collection; an accessor method may query a database to find the appropriate records and instantiate objects based on them. Both of these designs would reflect the same model. The design has to specify a particular traversal mechanism whose behavior is consistent with the association in the model.

  In real life, there are lots of many-to-many associations, and a great number are naturally bidirectional. The same tends to be true of early forms of a model as we brainstorm and explore the domain. But these general associations complicate implementation and maintenance. Furthermore, they communicate very little about the nature of the relationship.

  There are at least three ways of making associations more tractable.

  1. Imposing a traversal direction

  2. Adding a qualifier, effectively reducing multiplicity

  3. Eliminating nonessential associations

  It is important to constrain relationships as much as possible. A bidirectional association means that both objects can be understood only together. When application requirements do not call for traversal in both directions, adding a traversal direction reduces interdependence and simplifies the design. Understanding the domain may reveal a natural directional bias.

  The United States has had many presidents, as have many other countries. This is a bidirectional, one-to-many relationship. Yet we seldom would start out with the name “George Washington” and ask, “Of which country was he president?” Pragmatically, we can reduce the relationship to a unidirectional association, traversable from country to president. This refinement actually reflects insight into the domain, as well as making a more practical design. It captures the understanding that one direction of the association is much more meaningful and important than the other. It keeps the “Person” class independent of the far less fundamental concept of “President.”

  Figure 5.1. Some traversal directions reflect a natural bias in the domain.

  Very often, deeper understanding leads to a “qualified” relationship. Looking deeper into presidents, we realize that (except in a civil war, perhaps) a country has only one president at a time. This qualifier reduces the multiplicity to one-to-one, and explicitly embeds an important rule into the model. Who was president of the United States in 1790? George Washington.

  Figure 5.2. Constrained associations communicate more knowledge and are more practical designs.

  Constraining the traversal direction of a many-to-many association effectively reduces its implementation to one-to-many—a much easier design.

  Consistently constraining associations in ways that reflect the bias of the domain not only makes those associations more communicative and simpler to implement, it also gives significance to the remaining bidirectional associations. When the bidirectionality of a relationship is a semantic characteristic of the domain, when it’s needed for application functionality, the retention of both traversal directions conveys that.

  Of course, the ultimate simplification is to eliminate an association altogether, if it is not essential to the job at hand or the fundamental meaning of the model objects.

  Example: Associations in a Brokerage Account

  Figure 5.3

  One Java implementation of Brokerage Account in this model would be

  public class BrokerageAccount {

  String accountNumber;

  Customer customer;

  Set investments;

  // Constructors, etc. omitted

  public Customer getCustomer() {

  return customer;


  public Set getInvestments() {

  return investments;



  But if we need to fetch the data from a relational database, another implementation, equally consistent with the model, would be the following:




  public class BrokerageAccount {

  String accountNumber;

  String customerSocialSecurityNumber;

  // Omit constructors, etc.

  public Customer getCustomer() {

  String sqlQuery =



  return QueryService.findSingleCustomerFor(sqlQuery);


  public Set getInvestments() {

  String sqlQuery =



  return QueryService.findInvestmentsFor(sqlQuery);



  (Note: The QueryService, a utility for fetching rows from the database and creating objects, is simple for explaining examples, but it’s not necessarily a good design for a real project.)

  Let’s refine the model by qualifying the association between Brokerage Account and Investment, reducing its multiplicity. This says there can be only one investment per stock.

  Figure 5.4

  This wouldn’t be true of all business situations (for example, if the lots need to be tracked), but whatever the particular rules, as constraints on associations are discovered they should be included in the model and implementation. They make the model more precise and the implementation easier to maintain.

  The Java implementation could become:

  public class BrokerageAccount {

  String accountNumber;

  Customer customer;

  Map investments;

  // Omitting constructors, etc.

  public Customer getCustomer() {

  return customer;


  public Investment getInvestment(String stockSymbol) {

  return (Investment)investments.get(stockSymbol);



  And an SQL-based implementation would be:

  public class BrokerageAccount {

  String accountNumber;

  String customerSocialSecurityNumber;

  //Omitting constructors, etc.

  public Customer getCustomer() {


  + customerSocialSecurityNumber + "'";

  return QueryService.findSingleCustomerFor(sqlQuery);


  public Investment getInvestment(String stockSymbol) {

  String sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM INVESTMENT "

  + "WHERE BROKERAGE_ACCOUNT='" + accountNumber + "'"

  + "AND STOCK_SYMBOL='" + stockSymbol +"'";

  return QueryService.findInvestmentFor(sqlQuery);



  Carefully distilling and constraining the model’s associations will take you a long way toward a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN. Now let’s turn to the objects themselves. Certain distinctions clarify the model while making for a more practical implementation. . . .

  Entities (a.k.a. Reference Objects)

  Many objects are not fundamentally defined by their attributes, but rather by a thread of continuity and identity.

  A landlady sued me, claiming major damages to her property. The papers I was served described an apartment with holes in the walls, stains on the carpet, and a noxious liquid in the sink that gave off caustic fumes that had made the kitchen wallpaper peel. The court documents named me as the tenant responsible for the damages, identifying me by name and by my then-current address. This was confusing to me, because I had never even visited that ruined place.

  After a moment, I realized that it must be a case of mistaken identity. I called the plaintiff and told her this, but she didn’t believe me. The former tenant had been eluding her for months. How could I prove that I was not the same person who had cost her so much money? I was the only Eric Evans in the phone book.

  Well, the phone book turned out to be my salvation. Because I had been living in the same apartment for two years, I asked her if she still had the previous year’s book. After she found it and verified that my listing was the same (right next to my namesake’s listing), she realized that I was not the person she wanted to sue, apologized, and promised to drop the case.

  Computers are not that resourceful. A case of mistaken identity in a software system leads to data corruption and program errors.

  There are special technical challenges here, which I’ll discuss in a bit, but first let’s look at the fundamental issue: Many things are defined by their identity, and not by any attribute. In our typical conception, a person (to continue with the nontechnical example) has an identity that stretches from birth to death and even beyond. That person’s physical attributes transform and ultimately disappear. The name may change. Financial relationships come and go. There is not a single attribute of a person that cannot change; yet the identity persists. Am I the same person I was at age five? This kind of metaphysical question is important in the search for effective domain models. Slightly rephrased: Does the user of the application care if I am the same person I was at age five?

  In a software system for tracking accounts due, that modest “customer” object may have a more colorful side. It accumulates status by prompt payment or is turned over to a bill-collection agency for failure to pay. It may lead a double life in another system altogether when the sales force extracts customer data into its contact management software. In any case, it is unceremoniously squashed flat to be stored in a database table. When new business stops flowing from that source, the customer object will be retired to an archive, a shadow of its former self.

  Each of these forms of the customer is a different implementation based on a different programming language and technology. But when a phone call comes in with an order, it is important to know: Is this the customer who has the delinquent account? Is this the customer that Jack (a particular sales representative) has been working with for weeks? Is this a completely new customer?

  A conceptual identity has to be matched between multiple implementations of the objects, its stored forms, and real-world actors such as the phone caller. Attributes may not match. A sales representative may have entered an address update into the contact software, which is just being propagated to accounts due. Two customer contacts may have the same name. In distributed software, multiple users could be entering data from different sources, causing update transactions to propagate through the system to be reconciled in different databases asynchronously.

  Object modeling tends to lead us to focus on the attributes of an object, but the fundamental concept of an ENTITY is an abstract continuity threading through a life cycle and even passing through multiple forms.

  Some objects are not defined primarily by their attributes. They represent a thread of identity that runs through time and often across distinct representations. Sometimes such an object must be matched with another object even though attributes differ. An object must be distinguished from other objects even though they might have the same attributes. Mistaken identity can lead to data corruption.

  An object defined primarily by its identity is called an ENTITY.1 ENTITIES have special modeling and design considerations. They have life cycles that can radically change their form and content, but a thread of continuity must be maintained. Their identities must be defined so that they can be effectively tracked. Their class definitions, responsibilities, attributes, and associations should revolve around who they are, rather than the particular attributes they carry. Even for ENTITIES that don’t transform so radically or have such complicated life cycles, placing them in the semantic category leads to more lucid models and more robust implementations.

  Of course, most “ENTITIES” in a software system are not people or entities in the usual sense of the word. An ENTITY is anything that has continuity through a life cycle and distinctions independent of attributes that are important to the application’s user. It could be a person, a city, a car, a lottery ticket, or a bank transaction.

  On the other hand, not all objects in the model are ENTITIES, with meaningful identities. This issue is confused by the fact that object-oriented languages build “identity” operations into every object (for example, the “==” operator in Java). These operations determine if two references point to the same object by comparing their location in memory or by some other mechanism. In this sense, every object instance has identity. In the domain of, say, creating a Java runtime environment or a technical framework for caching remote objects locally, every object instance may indeed be an ENTITY. But this identity mechanism means very little in other application domains. Identity is a subtle and meaningful attribute of ENTITIES, which can’t be turned over to the automatic features of the language.

  Consider transactions in a banking application. Two deposits of the same amount to the same account on the same day are still distinct transactions, so they have identity and are ENTITIES. On the other hand, the amount attributes of those two transactions are probably instances of some money object. These values have no identity, since there is no usefulness in distinguishing them. In fact, two objects can have the same identity without having the same attributes or even, necessarily, being of the same class. When the bank customer is reconciling the transactions of the bank statement with the transactions of the check registry, the task is, specifically, to match transactions that have the same identity, even though they were recorded by different people on different dates (the bank clearing date being later than the date on the check). The purpose of the check number is to serve as a unique identifier for this purpose, whether the problem is being handled by a computer program or by hand. Deposits and cash withdrawals, which don’t have an identifying number, can be trickier, but the same principle applies: each transaction is an ENTITY, which appears in at least two forms.

  It is common for identity to be significant outside a particular software system, as is the case with the banking transactions and the apartment tenants. But sometimes the identity is important only in the context of the system, such as the identity of a computer process.


  When an object is distinguished by its identity, rather than its attributes, make this primary to its definition in the model. Keep the class definition simple and focused on life cycle continuity and identity. Define a means of
distinguishing each object regardless of its form or history. Be alert to requirements that call for matching objects by attributes. Define an operation that is guaranteed to produce a unique result for each object, possibly by attaching a symbol that is guaranteed unique. This means of identification may come from the outside, or it may be an arbitrary identifier created by and for the system, but it must correspond to the identity distinctions in the model. The model must define what it means to be the same thing.

  Identity is not intrinsic to a thing in the world; it is a meaning superimposed because it is useful. In fact, the same real-world thing might or might not be represented as an ENTITY in a domain model.

  An application for booking seats in a stadium might treat seats and attendees as ENTITIES. In the case of assigned seating, in which each ticket has a seat number on it, the seat is an ENTITY. Its identifier is the seat number, which is unique within the stadium. The seat may have many other attributes, such as its location, whether the view is obstructed, and the price, but only the seat number, or a unique row and position, is used to identify and distinguish seats.

  On the other hand, if the event is “general admission,” meaning that ticket holders sit wherever they find an empty seat, there is no need to distinguish individual seats. Only the total number of seats is important. Although the seat numbers are still engraved on the physical seats, there is no need for the software to track them. In fact, it would be erroneous for the model to associate specific seat numbers with tickets, because there is no such constraint at a general admission event. In such a case, seats are not ENTITIES, and no identifier is needed.


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