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Domain-Driven Design

Page 14

by Eric Evans

  This is what motivates the integration into object systems of such nonobject components as business rules engines and workflow engines. Mixing paradigms allows developers to model particular concepts in the style that fits best. Furthermore, most systems must use some nonobject technical infrastructure, most commonly relational databases. But making a coherent model that spans paradigms is hard, and making the supporting tools coexist is complicated. When developers can’t clearly see a coherent model embodied in the software, MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN can go out the window, even as this mixture increases the need for it.

  Sticking with MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN When Mixing Paradigms

  Rules engines will serve as an example of a technology sometimes mixed into an object-oriented application development project. A knowledge-rich domain model probably contains explicit rules, yet the object paradigm lacks specific semantics for stating rules and their interactions. Although rules can be modeled as objects, and often are successfully, object encapsulation makes it awkward to apply global rules that cross the whole system. Rules engine technology is appealing because it promises to provide a more natural and declarative way to define rules, effectively allowing the rules paradigm to be mixed into the object paradigm. The logic paradigm is well developed and powerful, and it seems like a good complement to the strengths and weaknesses of objects.

  But people don’t always get what they hope for out of rules engines. Some products just don’t work very well. Some lack a seamless view that can show the relatedness of model concepts that run between the two implementation environments. One common outcome is an application fractured in two: a static data storage system using objects, and an ad hoc rules processing application that has lost almost all connection with the object model.

  It is important to continue to think in terms of models while working with rules. The team has to find a single model that can work with both implementation paradigms. This is not easy, but it should be possible if the rules engine allows expressive implementation. Otherwise, the data and the rules become unconnected. The rules in the engine end up more like little programs than conceptual rules in the domain model. With tight, clear relationships between the rules and the objects, the meaning of both pieces is retained.

  Without a seamless environment, it falls on the developers to distill a model made up of clear, fundamental concepts to hold the whole design together.

  The most effective tool for holding the parts together is a robust UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE that underlies the whole heterogeneous model. Consistently applying names in the two environments and exercising those names in the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE can help bridge the gap.

  This is a topic that deserves a book of its own. The goal of this section is merely to show that it isn’t necessary to give up MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN, and that it is worth the effort to keep it.

  Although a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN does not have to be object oriented, it does depend on having an expressive implementation of the model constructs, be they objects, rules, or workflows. If the available tool does not facilitate that expressiveness, reconsider the choice of tools. An unexpressive implementation negates the advantage of the extra paradigm.

  Here are four rules of thumb for mixing nonobject elements into a predominantly object-oriented system:

  • Don’t fight the implementation paradigm. There’s always another way to think about a domain. Find model concepts that fit the paradigm.

  • Lean on the ubiquitous language. Even when there is no rigorous connection between tools, very consistent use of language can keep parts of the design from diverging.

  • Don’t get hung up on UML. Sometimes the fixation on a tool, such as UML diagramming, leads people to distort the model to make it fit what can easily be drawn. For example, UML does have some features for representing constraints, but they are not always sufficient. Some other style of drawing (perhaps conventional for the other paradigm), or simple English descriptions, are better than tortuous adaptation of a drawing style intended for a certain view of objects.

  • Be skeptical. Is the tool really pulling its weight? Just because you have some rules, that doesn’t necessarily mean you need the overhead of a rules engine. Rules can be expressed as objects, perhaps a little less neatly; multiple paradigms complicate matters enormously.

  Before taking on the burden of mixed paradigms, the options within the dominant paradigm should be exhausted. Even though some domain concepts don’t present themselves as obvious objects, they often can be modeled within the paradigm. Chapter 9 will discuss the modeling of unconventional types of concepts using object technology.

  The relational paradigm is a special case of paradigm mixing. The most common nonobject technology, the relational database is also more intimately related to the object model than other components, because it acts as the persistent store of the data that makes up the objects themselves. Storing object data in relational databases will be discussed in Chapter 6, along with the many other challenges of the object life cycle.

  Six. The Life Cycle of a Domain Object

  Every object has a life cycle. An object is born, it likely goes through various states, and it eventually dies—being either archived or deleted. Of course, many of these are simple, transient objects, created with an easy call to their constructor, used in some computation, and then abandoned to the garbage collector. There is no need to complicate such objects. But other objects have longer lives, not all of which are spent in active memory. They have complex interdependencies with other objects. They go through changes of state to which invariants apply. Managing these objects presents challenges that can easily derail an attempt at MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN.

  Figure 6.1. The life cycle of a domain object

  The challenges fall into two categories.

  1. Maintaining integrity throughout the life cycle

  2. Preventing the model from getting swamped by the complexity of managing the life cycle

  This chapter will address these issues through three patterns. First, AGGREGATES tighten up the model itself by defining clear ownership and boundaries, avoiding a chaotic, tangled web of objects. This pattern is crucial to maintaining integrity in all phases of the life cycle.

  Next, the focus turns to the beginning of the life cycle, using FACTORIES to create and reconstitute complex objects and AGGREGATES, keeping their internal structure encapsulated. Finally, REPOSITORIES address the middle and end of the life cycle, providing the means of finding and retrieving persistent objects while encapsulating the immense infrastructure involved.

  Although REPOSITORIES and FACTORIES do not themselves come from the domain, they have meaningful roles in the domain design. These constructs complete the MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN by giving us accessible handles on the model objects.

  Modeling AGGREGATES and adding FACTORIES and REPOSITORIES to the design gives us the ability to manipulate the model objects systematically and in meaningful units throughout their life cycle. AGGREGATES mark off the scope within which invariants have to be maintained at every stage of the life cycle. FACTORIES and REPOSITORIES operate on AGGREGATES, encapsulating the complexity of specific life cycle transitions.


  Minimalist design of associations helps simplify traversal and limit the explosion of relationships somewhat, but most business domains are so interconnected that we still end up tracing long, deep paths through object references. In a way, this tangle reflects the realities of the world, which seldom obliges us with sharp boundaries. It is a problem in a software design.

  Say you were deleting a Person object from a database. Along with the person go a name, birth date, and job description. But what about the address? There could be other people at the same address. If you delete the address, those Person objects will have references to a deleted object. If you leave it, you accumulate junk addresses in the database. Automatic garbage collection could eliminate the junk addresses, but that technical fix, even if available in your database system, ignores a basic modeling

  Even when considering an isolated transaction, the web of relationships in a typical object model gives no clear limit to the potential effect of a change. It is not practical to refresh every object in the system, just in case there is some dependency.

  The problem is acute in a system with concurrent access to the same objects by multiple clients. With many users consulting and updating different objects in the system, we have to prevent simultaneous changes to interdependent objects. Getting the scope wrong has serious consequences.

  It is difficult to guarantee the consistency of changes to objects in a model with complex associations. Invariants need to be maintained that apply to closely related groups of objects, not just discrete objects. Yet cautious locking schemes cause multiple users to interfere pointlessly with each other and make a system unusable.

  Put another way, how do we know where an object made up of other objects begins and ends? In any system with persistent storage of data, there must be a scope for a transaction that changes data, and a way of maintaining the consistency of the data (that is, maintaining its invariants). Databases allow various locking schemes, and tests can be programmed. But these ad hoc solutions divert attention away from the model, and soon you are back to hacking and hoping.

  In fact, finding a balanced solution to these kinds of problems calls for deeper understanding of the domain, this time extending to factors such as the frequency of change between the instances of certain classes. We need to find a model that leaves high-contention points looser and strict invariants tighter.

  Although this problem surfaces as technical difficulties in database transactions, it is rooted in the model—in its lack of defined boundaries. A solution driven from the model will make the model easier to understand and make the design easier to communicate. As the model is revised, it will guide our changes to the implementation.

  Schemes have been developed for defining ownership relationships in the model. The following simple but rigorous system, distilled from those concepts, includes a set of rules for implementing transactions that modify the objects and their owners.1

  First we need an abstraction for encapsulating references within the model. An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes. Each AGGREGATE has a root and a boundary. The boundary defines what is inside the AGGREGATE. The root is a single, specific ENTITY contained in the AGGREGATE. The root is the only member of the AGGREGATE that outside objects are allowed to hold references to, although objects within the boundary may hold references to each other. ENTITIES other than the root have local identity, but that identity needs to be distinguishable only within the AGGREGATE, because no outside object can ever see it out of the context of the root ENTITY.

  A model of a car might be used in software for an auto repair shop. The car is an ENTITY with global identity: we want to distinguish that car from all other cars in the world, even very similar ones. We can use the vehicle identification number for this, a unique identifier assigned to each new car. We might want to track the rotation history of the tires through the four wheel positions. We might want to know the mileage and tread wear of each tire. To know which tire is which, the tires must be identified ENTITIES also. But it is very unlikely that we care about the identity of those tires outside of the context of that particular car. If we replace the tires and send the old ones to a recycling plant, either our software will no longer track them at all, or they will become anonymous members of a heap of tires. No one will care about their rotation histories. More to the point, even while they are attached to the car, no one will try to query the system to find a particular tire and then see which car it is on. They will query the database to find a car and then ask it for a transient reference to the tires. Therefore, the car is the root ENTITY of the AGGREGATE whose boundary encloses the tires also. On the other hand, engine blocks have serial numbers engraved on them and are sometimes tracked independently of the car. In some applications, the engine might be the root of its own AGGREGATE.

  Figure 6.2. Local versus global identity and object references

  Invariants, which are consistency rules that must be maintained whenever data changes, will involve relationships between members of the AGGREGATE. Any rule that spans AGGREGATES will not be expected to be up-to-date at all times. Through event processing, batch processing, or other update mechanisms, other dependencies can be resolved within some specified time. But the invariants applied within an AGGREGATE will be enforced with the completion of each transaction.

  Figure 6.3. AGGREGATE invariants

  Now, to translate that conceptual AGGREGATE into the implementation, we need a set of rules to apply to all transactions.

  • The root ENTITY has global identity and is ultimately responsible for checking invariants.

  • Root ENTITIES have global identity. ENTITIES inside the boundary have local identity, unique only within the AGGREGATE.

  • Nothing outside the AGGREGATE boundary can hold a reference to anything inside, except to the root ENTITY. The root ENTITY can hand references to the internal ENTITIES to other objects, but those objects can use them only transiently, and they may not hold on to the reference. The root may hand a copy of a VALUE OBJECT to another object, and it doesn’t matter what happens to it, because it’s just a VALUE and no longer will have any association with the AGGREGATE.

  • As a corollary to the previous rule, only AGGREGATE roots can be obtained directly with database queries. All other objects must be found by traversal of associations.

  • Objects within the AGGREGATE can hold references to other AGGREGATE roots.

  • A delete operation must remove everything within the AGGREGATE boundary at once. (With garbage collection, this is easy. Because there are no outside references to anything but the root, delete the root and everything else will be collected.)

  • When a change to any object within the AGGREGATE boundary is committed, all invariants of the whole AGGREGATE must be satisfied.

  Cluster the ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS into AGGREGATES and define boundaries around each. Choose one ENTITY to be the root of each AGGREGATE, and control all access to the objects inside the boundary through the root. Allow external objects to hold references to the root only. Transient references to internal members can be passed out for use within a single operation only. Because the root controls access, it cannot be blindsided by changes to the internals. This arrangement makes it practical to enforce all invariants for objects in the AGGREGATE and for the AGGREGATE as a whole in any state change.

  It can be very helpful to have a technical framework that allows you to declare AGGREGATES and then automatically carries out the locking scheme and so forth. Without that assistance, the team must have the self-discipline to agree on the AGGREGATES and code consistently with them.

  Example: Purchase Order Integrity

  Consider the complications possible in a simplified purchase order system.

  Figure 6.4. A model for a purchase order system

  This diagram presents a pretty conventional view of a purchase order (PO), broken down into line items, with an invariant rule that the sum of the line items can’t exceed the limit for the PO as a whole. The existing implementation has three interrelated problems.

  1. Invariant enforcement. When a new line item is added, the PO checks the total and marks itself invalid if an item pushes it over the limit. As we’ll see, this is not adequate protection.

  2. Change management. When the PO is deleted or archived, the line items are taken along, but the model gives no guidance on where to stop following the relationships. There is also confusion about the impact of changing the part price at different times.

  3. Sharing the database. Multiple users are creating contention problems in the database.

  Multiple users will be entering and updating various POs concurrently, and we have to prevent them from messing up each other’s work. Let’s start with a very simple strategy
, in which we lock any object a user begins to edit until that user commits the transaction. So, when George is editing line item 001, Amanda cannot access it. She can edit any other line item on any other PO (including other items in the PO George is working on).

  Figure 6.5. The initial condition of the PO stored in the database

  Objects will be read from the database and instantiated in each user’s memory space. There they can be viewed and edited. Database locks will be requested only when an edit begins. So both George and Amanda can work concurrently, as long as they stay away from each other’s items. All is well . . . until both George and Amanda start working on separate line items in the same PO.

  Figure 6.6. Simultaneous edits in distinct transactions

  Everything looks fine to both users and to their software because they ignore changes to other parts of the database that happen during the transaction, and neither locked line item is involved in the other user’s change.

  Figure 6.7. The resulting PO violates the approval limit (broken invariant).

  After both users have saved their changes, a PO is stored in the database that violates the invariant of the domain model. An important business rule has been broken. And nobody even knows.

  Clearly, locking a single line item isn’t an adequate safeguard. If instead we had locked an entire PO at a time, the problem would have been prevented.

  Figure 6.8. Locking the entire PO allows the invariant to be enforced.

  The program will not allow this transaction to be saved until Amanda has resolved the problem, perhaps by raising the limit or by eliminating a guitar. This mechanism prevents the problem, and it may be a fine solution if work is mostly spread widely across many POs. But if multiple people typically work simultaneously on different line items of a large PO, then this locking will get cumbersome.


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