Domain-Driven Design
Page 16
ENTITY FACTORIES differ from VALUE OBJECT FACTORIES in two ways. VALUE OBJECTS are immutable; the product comes out complete in its final form. So the FACTORY operations have to allow for a full description of the product. ENTITY FACTORIES tend to take just the essential attributes required to make a valid AGGREGATE. Details can be added later if they are not required by an invariant.
Then there are the issues involved in assigning identity to an ENTITY—irrelevant to a VALUE OBJECT. As pointed out in Chapter 5, an identifier can either be assigned automatically by the program or supplied from the outside, typically by the user. If a customer’s identity is to be tracked by the telephone number, then that telephone number must obviously be passed in as an argument to the FACTORY. When the program is assigning an identifier, the FACTORY is a good place to control it. Although the actual generation of a unique tracking ID is typically done by a database “sequence” or other infrastructure mechanism, the FACTORY knows what to ask for and where to put it.
Reconstituting Stored Objects
Up to this point, the FACTORY has played its part in the very beginning of an object’s life cycle. At some point, most objects get stored in databases or transmitted through a network, and few current database technologies retain the object character of their contents. Most transmission methods flatten an object into an even more limited presentation. Therefore, retrieval requires a potentially complex process of reassembling the parts into a live object.
A FACTORY used for reconstitution is very similar to one used for creation, with two major differences.
1. An ENTITY FACTORY used for reconstitution does not assign a new tracking ID. To do so would lose the continuity with the object’s previous incarnation. So identifying attributes must be part of the input parameters in a FACTORY reconstituting a stored object.
2. A FACTORY reconstituting an object will handle violation of an invariant differently. During creation of a new object, a FACTORY should simply balk when an invariant isn’t met, but a more flexible response may be necessary in reconstitution. If an object already exists somewhere in the system (such as in the database), this fact cannot be ignored. Yet we also can’t ignore the rule violation. There has to be some strategy for repairing such inconsistencies, which can make reconstitution more challenging than the creation of new objects.
Figures 6.16 and 6.17 (on the next page) show two kinds of reconstitution. Object-mapping technologies may provide some or all of these services in the case of database reconstitution, which is convenient. Whenever there is exposed complexity in reconstituting an object from another medium, the FACTORY is a good option.
Figure 6.16. Reconstituting an ENTITY retrieved from a relational database
Figure 6.17. Reconstituting an ENTITY transmitted as XML
To sum up, the access points for creation of instances must be identified, and their scope must be defined explicitly. They may simply be constructors, but often there is a need for a more abstract or elaborate instance creation mechanism. This need introduces new constructs into the design: FACTORIES. FACTORIES usually do not express any part of the model, yet they are a part of the domain design that helps keep the model-expressing objects sharp.
A FACTORY encapsulates the life cycle transitions of creation and reconstitution. Another transition that exposes technical complexity that can swamp the domain design is the transition to and from storage. This transition is the responsibility of another domain design construct, the REPOSITORY.
Associations allow us to find an object based on its relationship to another. But we must have a starting point for a traversal to an ENTITY or VALUE in the middle of its life cycle.
To do anything with an object, you have to hold a reference to it. How do you get that reference? One way is to create the object, as the creation operation will return a reference to the new object. A second way is to traverse an association. You start with an object you already know and ask it for an associated object. Any object-oriented program is going to do a lot of this, and these links give object models much of their expressive power. But you have to get that first object.
I actually encountered a project once in which the team was attempting, in an enthusiastic embrace of MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN, to do all object access by creation or traversal! Their objects resided in an object database, and they reasoned that existing conceptual relationships would provide all necessary associations. They needed only to analyze them enough, making their entire domain model cohesive. This self-imposed limitation forced them to create just the kind of endless tangle that we have been trying to avert over the last few chapters, with careful implementation of ENTITIES and application of AGGREGATES. The team members didn’t stick with this strategy long, but they never replaced it with another coherent approach. They cobbled together ad hoc solutions and became less ambitious.
Few would even think of this approach, much less be tempted by it, because they store most of their objects in relational databases. This storage technology makes it natural to use the third way of getting a reference: Execute a query to find the object in a database based on its attributes, or find the constituents of an object and then reconstitute it.
A database search is globally accessible and makes it possible to go directly to any object. There is no need for all objects to be interconnected, which allows us to keep the web of objects manageable. Whether to provide a traversal or depend on a search becomes a design decision, trading off the decoupling of the search against the cohesiveness of the association. Should the Customer object hold a collection of all the Orders placed? Or should the Orders be found in the database, with a search on the Customer ID field? The right combination of search and association makes the design comprehensible.
Unfortunately, developers don’t usually get to think much about such design subtleties, because they are swimming in the sea of mechanisms needed to pull off the trick of storing an object and bringing it back—and eventually removing it from storage.
Now from a technical point of view, retrieval of a stored object is really a subset of creation, because the data from the database is used to assemble new objects. Indeed, the code that usually has to be written makes it hard to forget this reality. But conceptually, this is the middle of the life cycle of an ENTITY. A Customer object does not represent a new customer just because we stored it in a database and retrieved it. To keep this distinction in mind, I refer to the creation of an instance from stored data as reconstitution.
The goal of domain-driven design is to create better software by focusing on a model of the domain rather than the technology. By the time a developer has constructed an SQL query, passed it to a query service in the infrastructure layer, obtained a result set of table rows, pulled the necessary information out, and passed it to a constructor or FACTORY, the model focus is gone. It becomes natural to think of the objects as containers for the data that the queries provide, and the whole design shifts toward a data-processing style. The details of the technology vary, but the problem remains that the client is dealing with technology, rather than model concepts. Infrastructure such as METADATA MAPPING LAYERS (Fowler 2003) help a great deal, by making easier the conversion of the query result into objects, but the developer is still thinking about technical mechanisms, not the domain. Worse, as client code uses the database directly, developers are tempted to bypass model features such as AGGREGATES, or even object encapsulation, instead directly taking and manipulating the data they need. More and more domain rules become embedded in query code or simply lost. Object databases do eliminate the conversion problem, but search mechanisms are usually still mechanistic, and developers are still tempted to grab whatever objects they want.
A client needs a practical means of acquiring references to preexisting domain objects. If the infrastructure makes it easy to do so, the developers of the client may add more traversable associations, muddling the model. On the othe
r hand, they may use queries to pull the exact data they need from the database, or to pull a few specific objects rather than navigating from AGGREGATE roots. Domain logic moves into queries and client code, and the ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS become mere data containers. The sheer technical complexity of applying most database access infrastructure quickly swamps the client code, which leads developers to dumb down the domain layer, which makes the model irrelevant.
Drawing on the design principles discussed so far, we can reduce the scope of the object access problem somewhat, assuming that we find a method of access that keeps the model focus sharp enough to employ those principles. For starters, we need not concern ourselves with transient objects. Transients (typically VALUE OBJECTS) live brief lives, used in the client operation that created them and then discarded. We also need no query access for persistent objects that are more convenient to find by traversal. For example, the address of a person could be requested from the Person object. And most important, any object internal to an AGGREGATE is prohibited from access except by traversal from the root.
Persistent VALUE OBJECTS are usually found by traversal from some ENTITY that acts as the root of the AGGREGATE that encapsulates them. In fact, a global search access to a VALUE is often meaningless, because finding a VALUE by its properties would be equivalent to creating a new instance with those properties. There are exceptions, though. For example, when I am planning travel online, I sometimes save a few prospective itineraries and return later to select one to book. Those itineraries are VALUES (if there were two made up of the same flights, I would not care which was which), but they have been associated with my user name and retrieved for me intact. Another case would be an “enumeration,” when a type has a strictly limited, predetermined set of possible values. Global access to VALUE OBJECTS is much less common than for ENTITIES, though, and if you find you need to search the database for a preexisting VALUE, it is worth considering the possibility that you’ve really got an ENTITY whose identity you haven’t recognized.
From this discussion, it is clear that most objects should not be accessed by a global search. It would be nice for the design to communicate those that do.
Now the problem can be restated more precisely.
A subset of persistent objects must be globally accessible through a search based on object attributes. Such access is needed for the roots of AGGREGATES that are not convenient to reach by traversal. They are usually ENTITIES, sometimes VALUE OBJECTS with complex internal structure, and sometimes enumerated VALUES. Providing access to other objects muddies important distinctions. Free database queries can actually breach the encapsulation of domain objects and AGGREGATES. Exposure of technical infrastructure and database access mechanisms complicates the client and obscures the MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN.
There is a raft of techniques for dealing with the technical challenges of database access. Examples include encapsulating SQL into QUERY OBJECTS or translating between objects and tables with METADATA MAPPING LAYERS (Fowler 2003). FACTORIES can help reconstitute stored objects (as discussed later in this chapter). These and many other techniques help keep a lid on complexity.
But even so, take note of what has been lost. We are no longer thinking about concepts in our domain model. Our code will not be communicating about the business; it will be manipulating the technology of data retrieval. The REPOSITORY pattern is a simple conceptual framework to encapsulate those solutions and bring back our model focus.
A REPOSITORY represents all objects of a certain type as a conceptual set (usually emulated). It acts like a collection, except with more elaborate querying capability. Objects of the appropriate type are added and removed, and the machinery behind the REPOSITORY inserts them or deletes them from the database. This definition gathers a cohesive set of responsibilities for providing access to the roots of AGGREGATES from early life cycle through the end.
Clients request objects from the REPOSITORY using query methods that select objects based on criteria specified by the client, typically the value of certain attributes. The REPOSITORY retrieves the requested object, encapsulating the machinery of database queries and metadata mapping. REPOSITORIES can implement a variety of queries that select objects based on whatever criteria the client requires. They can also return summary information, such as a count of how many instances meet some criteria. They can even return summary calculations, such as the total across all matching objects of some numerical attribute.
Figure 6.18. A REPOSITORY doing a search for a client
A REPOSITORY lifts a huge burden from the client, which can now talk to a simple, intention-revealing interface, and ask for what it needs in terms of the model. To support all this requires a lot of complex technical infrastructure, but the interface is simple and conceptually connected to the domain model.
For each type of object that needs global access, create an object that can provide the illusion of an in-memory collection of all objects of that type. Set up access through a well-known global interface. Provide methods to add and remove objects, which will encapsulate the actual insertion or removal of data in the data store. Provide methods that select objects based on some criteria and return fully instantiated objects or collections of objects whose attribute values meet the criteria, thereby encapsulating the actual storage and query technology. Provide REPOSITORIES only for AGGREGATE roots that actually need direct access. Keep the client focused on the model, delegating all object storage and access to the REPOSITORIES.
REPOSITORIES have many advantages, including the following:
• They present clients with a simple model for obtaining persistent objects and managing their life cycle.
• They decouple application and domain design from persistence technology, multiple database strategies, or even multiple data sources.
• They communicate design decisions about object access.
• They allow easy substitution of a dummy implementation, for use in testing (typically using an in-memory collection).
All repositories provide methods that allow a client to request objects matching some criteria, but there is a range of options of how to design this interface.
The easiest REPOSITORY to build has hard-coded queries with specific parameters. These queries can be various: retrieving an ENTITY by its identity (provided by almost all REPOSITORIES); requesting a collection of objects with a particular attribute value or a complex combination of parameters; selecting objects based on value ranges (such as date ranges); and even performing some calculations that fall within the general responsibility of a REPOSITORY (especially drawing on operations supported by the underlying database).
Although most queries return an object or a collection of objects, it also fits within the concept to return some types of summary calculations, such as an object count, or a sum of a numerical attribute that was intended by the model to be tallied.
Figure 6.19. Hard-coded queries in a simple REPOSITORY
Hard-coded queries can be built on top of any infrastructure and without a lot of investment, because they do just what some client would have had to do anyway.
On projects with a lot of querying, a REPOSITORY framework can be built that allows more flexible queries. This calls for a staff familiar with the necessary technology and is greatly aided by a supportive infrastructure.
One particularly apt approach to generalizing REPOSITORIES through a framework is to use SPECIFICATION-based queries. A SPECIFICATION allows a client to describe (that is, specify) what it wants without concern for how it will be obtained. In the process, an object that can actually carry out the selection is created. This pattern will be discussed in depth in Chapter 9.
Figure 6.20. A flexible, declarative SPECIFICATION of search criteria in a sophisticated REPOSITORY
The SPECIFICATION-based query is elegant and flexible. Depending on the infrastructure available, it may be a modest framework or it may be prohibit
ively difficult. Rob Mee and Edward Hieatt discuss more of the technical issues involved in designing such REPOSITORIES in Fowler 2003.
Even a REPOSITORY design with flexible queries should allow for the addition of specialized hard-coded queries. They might be convenience methods that encapsulate an often-used query or a query that doesn’t return the objects themselves, such as a mathematical summary of selected objects. Frameworks that don’t allow for such contingencies tend to distort the domain design or get bypassed by developers.
Client Code Ignores REPOSITORY Implementation; Developers Do Not
Encapsulation of the persistence technology allows the client to be very simple, completely decoupled from the implementation of the REPOSITORY. But as is often the case with encapsulation, the developer must understand what is happening under the hood. The performance implications can be extreme when REPOSITORIES are used in different ways or work in different ways.
Kyle Brown told me the story of getting called in on a manufacturing application based on WebSphere that was being rolled out to production. The system was mysteriously running out of memory after a few hours of use. Kyle browsed through the code and found the reason: At one point, they were summarizing some information about every item in the plant. The developers had done this using a query called “all objects,” which instantiated each of the objects and then selected the bits they needed. This code had the effect of bringing the entire database into memory at once! The problem hadn’t shown up in testing because of the small amount of test data.
This is an obvious no-no, but much more subtle oversights can present equally serious problems. Developers need to understand the implications of using encapsulated behavior. That does not have to mean detailed familiarity with the implementation. Well-designed components can be characterized. (This is one of the main points of Chapter 10, “Supple Design.”)