Blissful Disaster

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Blissful Disaster Page 21

by Amy L. Gale

  Amazing, even though he wants to rip Jake apart limb from limb, he turned on the perfect gentlemen switch. Kind of like how a sociopath goes through all the motions but never actually feels anything. Great, I’ve turned him into a psycho, way to go, Ali.

  “Want another drink?” He turns toward me.

  “Yeah, I’ll come with you.” I stand and sip the small amount of champagne left in my glass. “Nice talking to you, Lynne.”

  “Likewise.” She smiles.

  I came, I saw, well I didn’t quite conquer, but at least I know what happens at these events. Tyler struggled through something he obviously hates just to make me happy. He paid his dues. Maybe it’s time we head out before things get any more intense.

  I weave my arm through his and march toward the bar, trying to keep up with his fast pace. “Want to head out after this drink? I had enough of the corporate world for today.”

  He stops and faces me. “Ali…”

  Jake rolls in like a tornado, unwelcome and ready to spin everything out of control. He smirks, staring at the two of us with glossy eyes. A low groan forms in Tyler’s throat. Great, a showdown. I’ve got two choices, get Jake to leave or get Tyler out of here. Is either option possible?

  Jake stumbles toward us, pointing his finger in our direction. “Looks like you’re tight with Mr. Turner’s wife. Maybe you can cover her cat’s wedding,” he slurs. “It would be a great accompaniment to your dog spa piece.” He laughs, swaying from side to side.

  “I’m going a different route, broadening my horizons. I can feature you in my article on sloppy drunks who can’t even zip their pants.”

  A few people near us burst into laughter. Jake looks down and quickly pulls up the zipper, getting the material stuck as he struggles. The laughter turns into a small roar.

  Jake’s face turns crimson. “Whatever… hard to get a decent suit these days.” He takes a step backward, knocking into a woman.

  The woman lets out a loud sigh. She holds out her glass, champagne dripping down the stem. She flashes a death glare in Jake’s direction and stomps away.

  Tyler slides his hands in his pockets, a knowing smirk on his face.

  Jake shoots fire from his eyes. He stands in front of us, like a linebacker. Doesn’t he realize he’s making things worse? Next, he’ll slam his drink down and scream “you shall not pass”.

  I shattered his goal of making me look bad tonight, or maybe he did it himself. Whatever. The desperation in his eyes sends a chill from my spine to my feet. Why is my spidey sense suddenly kicking in?

  I take Tyler’s hand. “Ready?”

  He intertwines his fingers though mine and navigates around Jake like he’s the drunk uncle ruining a classy wedding. We head toward the door.

  “Hey, Ali…” His voice makes my skin crawl.

  Tyler stops. My heart rate triples. Every sense in my body screams run… get out, but my feet plant themselves to the floor. Tyler turns around. I spin toward the nemesis saying my name.

  Jake smirks. “I’ve got a great idea. Beneficial for both of us,” he yells through the room.

  Jane shakes her head, she rushes toward him like she’s about to duct tape his mouth shut.

  He sips the last of his drink and tosses the glass on the table next to him. “How about I throw one of my decent assignments your way.” He points toward Tyler. “And in exchange, you can bang me just like you did him. I bet you’re a good fuck.”

  Tyler rips his hand away. Hellfire sweeps through his face, burning crimson. He charges forward, like a freight train out of control. Jake’s sarcastic smile melts from his face, his eyes widen. Maybe his brain function kicked in enough to alert him of the severity of the situation. I stand still, paralyzed.

  Jake holds up his hand. “Listen...”

  Tyler doesn’t even slow. He storms forward and punches Jake in the face. Gasps fill the room. Everyone stops, all eyes upon the two of them. Jake flails for a second and then falls backward, knocking over the table behind him. Tyler kneels above him, grabbing him by the vest of his three-piece suit.

  “Dude, you think you know it all. Well, let me educate you, man. She’s mine… got it?”

  Jake stares up at Tyler through half-opened eyelids, blood dripping from his lip. He tries to nod.

  “No one EVER talks to her like that… and if some scumbag like you even tries it, you deal with me.” Tyler loosens his grip and moves to his feet.

  “Sorry, your girl’s a whore.” Jake smirks through bloody teeth.

  Tyler goes into attack mode. He pounces on Jake like a lion taking down an antelope. He holds Jake down with one hand and punches him with the other. Blood splatters along the white linen tablecloth, turning the elegant venue into a war zone.

  “You don’t know when to shut your friggin mouth,” Tyler yells in between punches.

  Jake’s eyes roll back, and he lies limp on the floor. Mr. Turner yells for security. Four men, who look like they could be body slamming each other in a wrestling ring, rush to the fight. They yank Tyler off Jake and escort him out of the building.

  Everyone turns their attention from Jake and stares up at me, squinting their eyes like they’re trying to read my mind. A flush creeps across my cheeks. I fidget with my fingers, cringing. It’s like I’m in the middle of a nightmare. How could Tyler do this to me? He promised, no fights.

  Jane struts up to me and grabs my arm. She pulls me out into the hallway like a child being scolded. “What the hell is going on?”

  My stomach drops to the floor. I swallow hard. “I’m sorry… Tyler shouldn’t have handled it that way.” It’s all I could say.

  She saw everything go down, heard the things Jake was saying. Just because he’s lying unconscious doesn’t mean I have to take the hit for his actions. He’s an asshole and got what he deserved, even though it wasn’t the time or the place. What am I thinking? Tyler knows better. I’m sure he deals with drunk fans who have a few too many and say things to piss him off. Isn’t he beyond the solving problems with violence phase? Plus, he promised me he wouldn’t fight with Jake tonight, and he broke it.

  “You’re damn right.” She lets out a loud breath and paces in a small circle. “How am I supposed to explain this?” She wipes her hands across her face. “Jake has been shooting digs at you all night. Is there something going on I should know about?”

  I shrug. “Not that I know of. I have no idea what his problem is with me.”

  “I’ve got to smooth things over in there. Go home now. I think your presence will make things worse at this point. I want both of you in my office first thing Monday morning.” She pats down her dress, plasters a fake smile on her face, and marches back into the room.

  Tears stream down my face. I should probably get used to the bottom of the barrel assignments if I can even get them at this point. Jesus, I may not even have a job. My arms tremble. I wipe my clammy hands against my dress. What the hell happened? Tonight was supposed to be amazing, instead it turned into a testosterone-induced World War III. Looks like Tyler’s not the only one who’s not welcome here. Nope, apparently I’m taking the hit too. I slowly make my way down the hallway to the main entrance. What am I going to say to him?

  A cool wind greets me as I step outside. I wrap my arms around myself and navigate down the steps. The dark night gives way to a few bursts of starlight. I head down to the sidewalk, conjuring a speech for when I see Tyler. Where the hell is he?

  I walk to the end of the block. “Tyler?”

  Nothing, not even the chirp of a cricket. My chest tightens. I trot on my toes to the rear parking lot, “Tyler.”

  An aching resonates through my soul. I close my eyes, hoping for a voice in the distance. Nothing. I head back to the front of the building and sit on the steps. Third time’s the charm. “Tyler,” I yell a little louder. Still nothing. I cover my face, unable to stop the river of tears flowing through. How can he do this to me… again?


  The l
etters Tyler flash across my cell phone screen yet again.

  Chloe grabs it before I can send the call to voicemail. “Stop calling, don’t text, forget Ali exists. You’ve destroyed everything.” She presses her finger onto the screen so hard it’s a miracle it didn’t come through the other side.

  I wipe away the millionth tear rolling down my cheek. “Thanks for rescuing me yet again.”

  Amazing he didn’t take the hint after the twenty unanswered texts and ten phone calls gone straight to voice mail. I guess he just doesn’t know when to stop. What can he possibly say to change things?

  Tyler ruined Chloe’s night too. She ran out on her date, clutching her purse like she just stole the silverware from the swanky restaurant where they were dining. Then she rushed to come pick me up. I owe her so much it’s no use keeping track anymore.

  “Like I was going to let him do any more damage.” She puts her hand on my shoulder. “Don’t waste another second crying over him.” She lowers her chin and slides her hand away. “He’s so not worth it. And the bastard flew right underneath my radar.” Her lips move into the best pouty face made from anyone over six years old.

  “Yep, just like a stealth bomber. Flies in surreptitiously to save the day but ends up leaving everything in flames.” My life turned into a pile of ashes, charred from the flames of love.

  I sigh. The worst part, I did this to myself. I broke my number one rule, stay out of relationships and focus on work. I mean, the whole reason I came to L.A. is to build my career. A one night stand with a rocker and everything’s gone to shit. Did aliens remove my brain for examination and forget to put it back?

  Maybe they should’ve taken my heart instead. It takes forever to put it back on the line but only a second to shatter it into pieces. Was everything he said to me a lie? I don’t get it. He didn’t pull out the charm for sex, he could get that anywhere. I screwed him, big time with the story. Was this all a ploy to get back at me, hurt me in the worse way possible? Bravo, he hit the goal.

  A few stray tears fall down my chin. Hollowness fills my aching chest like a piece was ripped out leaving a void of emptiness. Why did I give him my heart and leave the rest of me exposed, vulnerable? God, I’m an idiot. Why would I put myself through this again when the first time nearly destroyed me? This time might finish me off.

  I slump over, leaning against the arm of the couch. “Why did I do this to myself?”

  “Are you serious? You did nothing wrong.” Chloe pulls me into a side hug.

  “Not true. I should’ve stayed single.” I shake my head.

  “Oh yeah, because you oozed happiness before you met him.”

  I slide from her grip and crinkle my forehead. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  She shrugs. “In the last four years, I haven’t seen you as happy as you were these last few months… you know, except for today.”

  Is she insane? I throw my hands in the air. “I might as well shoot up drugs, take in the euphoria of the high and live for the moment, then wish for death when I crash.” I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. Especially since Chloe’s brother almost died from a heroin overdose a few years back. Thank God he cleaned up. What I’m going through now is nothing compared to the hell she and her family endured.

  She shakes her head. “Would never work. You hate needles.”

  I let out a slight chuckle. Leave it to Chloe to make me laugh when I want take off and join a monastery. “Sorry, Chlo. I didn’t mean it.”

  She nods. “I think the female praying mantis has the right idea… you know, ripping off the male’s head after mating. Saves a lot of trouble.”

  We both erupt into a mess of giggles.

  My laughter quickly turns to tears. The levee breaks again. Tears roll down my face like a raging river. I close my eyes, trying to shut off the water works but my tired body slumps. I cover my face with my hands.

  Chloe hugs me, her arms trembling.

  I take a deep breath and pull away, wiping away as many tears as I can. “The worst part is that I still wish he was holding me. Telling me he screwed up and he’ll fix everything.” I sink into the couch. “Nothing can repair this damage.” I’m right back where I was six years ago, shattered into pieces. How can I pick them up this time?

  Chloe reaches over to the end table and hands me some tissues. “He called you like, a million times. I bet he feels the same way.”

  I shake my head. “He ruined everything. I can’t talk to him again… ever.” I wipe my eyes with the tissue. “It sounds like you’re sticking up for him. He singlehandedly ended my career by acting like an immature ass. Besides starting a fist fight at a black-tie event, he just left me there to fend for myself. How could he just leave me?”

  “Sorry, momentary lapse of judgement. He’s scum. Worst human being that exists on the planet.” She hands me another tissue. “I just want you to be happy.”

  Yeah, me too. Right now, happy isn’t on the cards. “Thanks.”

  She stands up and yanks my arm. “Come on, you’re not moping around all day over a guy. That’s not our style.”

  I slump back into the couch. “I don’t want to go out. Not today.”

  “Fine, then I’ll order pizza, and we’re watching chick flicks and making cocktails.” She grabs the remote and surfs through the guide. “Ah ha. Hot vampires turning a town upside down.”

  I peek through my stinging eyes. “The Lost Boys?” I’ve already lived through the mayhem and pretty much had the life sucked out of me. Watching vampires do it to someone else is like reliving it again. “Stop. Let’s watch American Psycho.”

  She presses the remote. “Christian Bale for the next two hours. Nice.”

  I grab Chloe’s cell phone from the table and hand it to her. “Extra cheese and mushrooms.”

  “Your wish is my desire.” She blows me a kiss and heads to the kitchen to grab the take out menu.

  Ugh, why can’t I rewind my life? My stomach drops. Jane’s going to rip me a new one in about twelve hours. After that, I’m back to square one. I’ll miss my cubicle. Of course, I sure as hell won’t miss my neighbor. Maybe Tyler threw the first punch, but Jake started the fight.

  My cell phone screen lights up, glowing through the dim lit room. I glance down, scanning over the bright white letters.

  I’m sorry. Please forgive me, babe.

  I flip it over and slide it across the table. A few more tears escape. Shutting him out is damn near impossible. I mean, with Josh he was gone. No choice in the matter. No wondering “what if” and “should I.” This time it’s my call. I keep second guessing myself. Am I making the right decision? Come on Ali, be strong. Tyler and I were doomed from the start and what happened last night solidifies the fact we shouldn’t be together.

  I grab a pillow, pressing it close to my body like it might help hold me together. How am I supposed to forget the way his arms wrap around me, blocking out the rest of the world? Or the way his musky cologne jolts my body into a frenzy. The stray hairs that dance along my face when I’m nuzzled against him. An ache forms in my chest. Is it possible to feel your heart break?

  I quickly wipe away a tear. He woke my body, making it come alive in a million ways. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it, bringing me to the brink of irresistible insanity that only exists between the two of us. That kind of chemistry only happens in chick flicks and romance novels but I had it. And now it’s disappeared into oblivion.

  How am I supposed to forget all of it? His voice echoes in my head like an iPod on repeat, calling me babe. The most derogatory, sexist term that I love to hear roll off his tongue. God, I just want him back. I take a deep breath. Come on Ali, this is for the best.

  Chloe sets two pink drinks down on the table. “Pizza’s on the way, what did I miss?” She plops on the couch next to me.

  My world fell apart. I’m contemplating how I’m going to make it through another day living in hell on earth. “Not much. Christian Bale and his colleagues ar
e showing off their business cards.”

  She scans me from head to toe. “You okay?” She grimaces.

  Not even close. I’m the absolute furthest thing from okay possible. “Yeah, fine.” What’s the point in telling her the truth? Pity won’t help me through this, and there’s nothing else she can do for me. She’s here and that’s more than enough. I grab a drink from the table.

  “Chloe’s famous hurricanes” She flashes a smile and sips her drink.

  Ah, how fitting. I gulp down almost half the glass. The cool liquid burns my throat. Whoa, she made these super strong. Maybe she knows exactly what I need. A concoction to shut my mind down for a little while. At this point, I’ll try anything.

  I slug down the rest and slide my glass on the table in front of her. “Hit me up again.”

  “You sure?” She taps her fingernails against the glass.

  I raise my eyebrows and shoot her the you-can’t-be-serious look. “Oh yeah.” It’s about the only thing I’m sure of at the moment.

  “Coming right up.” She mixes up another one and hands it to me. “To a fresh start.” She raises her glass and clinks it with mine.

  We both take a sip. I force a smile. Aren’t new starts supposed to be filled with hope and infinite possibilities? I know exactly what’s in store for me. I slug down half the glass. The concoction is mostly juice with a swig of alcohol. Maybe I’ll be the bartender next time. I get it, she’s trying to help, and I love her for it, but I don’t want a new life. I want the life I had three days ago.

  Tomorrow everything changes. A whole new world awaits me. A fresh new start filled with broken dreams and heartbreak.


  The first day of the rest of my life. The words echo through my brain like a war cry. I repeated them to myself over and over again the first time I walked into this building. Of course, today they have a whole new meaning. I take a deep breath.

  My heels click on the tile of the long stretch through the foyer to the elevator. I close my eyes for a second and take in the sound; muffled voices, the tap of my shoes against the tile, the beeping of the elevator signaling it’s time to jump in to enter a world of possibilities. My stomach drops to the floor. Why did I always think knowing this is the last time would make things easier? I mean, I wished on every fallen star for another minute with Josh so I could make the most of it. I’ve never been so wrong. Knowing this is it makes you focus on the inevitable instead of taking in the moment.


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