Blissful Disaster

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Blissful Disaster Page 20

by Amy L. Gale

  “Who is it?” Nothing wrong with adding a little humor to the night, maybe it will relax my frazzled nerves.

  “Your friendly neighborhood earthquake-stopping, shark hunting, rock God.” His voice emits a frequency that sends my body into overdrive.

  All the nervous energy suddenly leaves my body. “Ah, and modest, too.” I pull open the door.

  Tyler stands tall in a perfectly fitted three-piece classic black tuxedo. I follow the fabric from his chiseled biceps to the black vest buttoned along his abs, continuing to the silver and black tie that hangs just above the promised land. My body temperature skyrockets, like volcanic lava flows through my veins. Dear God, how am I supposed to keep my hands off him all night? Whoever made that suit should market it as male lingerie. I continue to stare like I’m in some sort of walking coma.

  “You can stop drooling now.” Tyler winks and walks inside.

  I shake my head, jolting back into reality. Caught red-handed, nothing like embarrassing myself right from the get go. My face is probably a hundred shades of crimson.

  “My turn to stare.” He takes a step back and sweeps my body from head to toe. “You look gorgeous.”

  He pulls a dozen red roses from behind his back. I guess I was caught up in the moment I didn’t even notice he had them. His hopeless romantic aura shines through, even though he’d never admit it. “You didn’t have to do that.” I sniff the beautiful red buds, taking in the sweet aroma. “I love them.”

  “Keeping it classy.” He flashes a sexy half smile. “Looks like I’ve got some hot eye candy on my arm tonight,” he says as I turn to put the flowers in a vase.

  “Right back atcha.” I may have to spend half the night, keeping the ladies away, like some kind of formally dressed ninja.

  “You ready or are you going for that getting there late thing?” Tyler slides his hands in his pants pockets.

  Well, I doubt I’ll ever be ready, but I hate being late. I mean, I know people think it’s fashionable, but I don’t want to rush. One of my goals for tonight is to avoid falling on my face.

  “Let’s head to this shindig.” I lock my arm with Tyler’s and guide him toward the door.

  He looks at me, sporting a devious smile. What’s he up to tonight? Quiet and smirking spells scheming. My stomach quivers. Come on Ali, get it together. What’s the worst that can happen? Ugh, note to self, don’t ever ask that, especially when butterflies swarm in my stomach and I’m ready to spew out the panini I ate at lunch. We head down the three flights of stairs at the speed of a sloth. Walking in heels is not my strong suit, especially not in these black pumps. I wish I had my Louboutins back, but alas, they are now in shoe heaven.

  We continue to the sidewalk. I scan both sides of the road but Tyler’s flashy car is nowhere in sight. He’s going to love this.

  “Okay, this time I really can’t see the car.”

  He lifts a finger, and a limo pulls up to us. “We’re going in style tonight, babe.”

  I melt into a puddle right there. He did all of this for me? I close my eyes and take a deep breath holding back a few tears. No need to turn on the water works even though I feel like I’m in the middle of a really good chick flick.

  Even if Lexie and Jenna gave him a few pointers, he really hit this one out of the park. A man dressed in a suit, complete with a chauffeur hat pulls open the door and Tyler and I slide inside.

  I scoot as close to him as possible without sitting on his lap. “In case I forget to tell you later… I had an awesome time tonight.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, babe.” He brushes his lips against mine as the car takes off.


  Elaborate crystal chandeliers cast a moonlit glow through the ballroom, sending flecks of silver starlight all around. I hold on to Tyler, tighter than necessary, as we make our way inside. Dozens of people form small groups, sipping champagne, and talking with their whole bodies like they might win an academy award for hand gestures. I guess impressing a colleague takes dedication.

  Who am I kidding? I’m not cut out for the whole schmoozing thing. I get it, you need to get in with the right person, and there’s a ton of them here tonight. Everyone in this room has one thing in common, we all want to write a killer article, get exposure, and make a name for ourselves. So how am I supposed to stand out? Other than having Tyler on my arm, I’m just like everyone else.

  I grip my place card and scan the room for table number five. Maybe coming here was a mistake. I’m still a newbie, not even close to ready for this kind of event. I mean, I don’t even know anyone here other than Jake, and I have nothing good to say to him. My stomach knots. Well, if all else fails at least I get to spend an amazing night with Tyler.

  I shift my gaze toward him. He stands tall like he’s the movie star everyone came to see. I guess he’s used to all eyes upon him, walking out onto the stage to a massive crowd of people who came to see him play. What’s it like to be so… confident?

  He locks eyes with mine. “Wanna grab a drink, babe? Or should we walk around so I can show off my arm candy?”

  Wildfire spreads across my face. I think he’s got that backwards. “I definitely need a drink.”

  We make our way to the bar on the far end of the room. Eyes stare through me like they’re not sure if I belong here either. I take a deep breath and stand tall, no harm in following Tyler’s lead. Of course, I’m not the rock star, in this scenario, I’m one of the many fans vying for some attention.

  He scans the room. “Don’t forget to point out those guys who always hit on you.” He lowers an eyebrow. “You okay?” He leans against the bar, turning the heads of at least ten women.

  Of course, he’d remember that little white lie. I hate to break it to him, but I’m lacking groupies at work. I force a smile. “Yeah, just a little intimidated.” I take a glass of champagne from a serving tray as the waiter glides past us.

  “What? Are you kidding me? Look around.” He grabs my hips and pivots me until I’m facing the crowd of people, mingling around the room. “Really take a good look. These people got nothing on you, babe. They’re all clones of each other.” He drops his hands and turns to take a slug of beer.

  “I’m just like them.” I down the rest of my champagne and set the glass on the bar.

  “Are you crazy? You are nothing like any of them.” He tips his chin toward a woman, probably in her mid-thirties wearing a painted on black dress. “Watch, she touches that suit she’s flirting with every ten seconds.”

  Her hand caresses the man’s bicep as she speaks. Okay, I get it. Some people are willing to do anything to get cozy with the entertainment execs. At least Tyler knows I don’t go that route.

  “And how about him?” He gestures toward a guy, probably fresh out of school, trying to hold back a grimace every time he sips his drink. “Bet he wishes he was playing beer pong instead of downing scotch.”

  “At least they’re trying.” I fidget with my fingers. Yep, and I’m here gawking like a wallflower dying for the popular kids to accept me into their group. People watching isn’t going to help my career.

  “That’s the thing. You don’t have to try… you’ve got it.” He finishes his beer and sets the glass on the bar for a refill. “You know that first article that ripped us apart.”

  I lower my head. “Yeah.” Worst thing I’ve ever done, even though it gave my career the jump start it needed.

  “Everything about it was awesome… you know, except that it was about us.” He moves closer and slides his arm around my back. “These people need you… not the other way around.”

  Tingles sweep along my skin. “That’s the best compliment of my life.” I lean into Tyler, giving him a peck on the cheek. What the hell were Jenna and Lexie talking about? Tyler’s more in his element than me. Without him, I’d be lost.

  “True story.” He winks.

  “Only one problem, none of them know it.” I snag a stuffed mushroom from the server. Great, here I go eating and drinking eve
rything in sight. Why wasn’t I blessed with losing my appetite when I’m nervous?

  “Then show them what they’re missing.”

  “It’s not that simple. I can’t just pick up a bass guitar and shred it like no one’s business. And I can’t bring a portfolio to these shindigs. It’s all based on word of mouth and who I can impress on my own.” I nibble my lip and scan the room, looking for any familiar face.

  “That’s what’s wrong with corporate America. It’s not what you know it’s who you know.” He sighs and shakes his head.

  “I’ve got to play the game if I want to make it.” I take a cocktail napkin and gently dab my mouth. With my luck, I’d talk to the owner of J&C records with a big piece of spinach between my teeth. I rub my lips together, trying to even out any last bits of lipstick. What a day to forget my purse at home. “Do I look okay?”

  Tyler tucks a stray hair behind my ear and leans in close. “You are the most beautiful woman here. Anyone who can’t see that is blind.” His eyes widen like they’re about to devour me.

  The heat of a thousand suns radiates through every inch of me. The words melt my soul. For the first time in forever, I feel beautiful, and it has nothing to do with the elaborate dress or fancy up-do. Tyler softens his gaze, his clear blue eyes gleam. Right now, I’m the only person that exists in his world. I shift my weight, trapping him against the bar.

  “I see you’re having a good time.” Jake smirks and points to the bartender. “Gin and tonic”.

  The voice rips through me like nails on a chalkboard. My chest tightens. I take a step back from Tyler, still breathless. I guess I lost myself in the moment, now I look like the girl in the painted on dress. When Tyler stands before me saying perfect things and looking hot as hell in that suit, keeping it G-rated is near impossible, I’m only human.

  I take a deep breath. Okay, Ali, let’s step up the professionalism a notch. “Tyler, this is Jake. We work together.”

  Tyler reaches his hand to shake Jake’s just as Jane marches up to the bar. Her black fitted dress with a small sleeve and lace at the top screams professionalism with an elegant flair. The large diamond studs in her ears cast a rainbow of color with every step.

  “I take it everyone’s having a good time.” Jane gives us a quick once-over. A pleased grin graces her face.

  “Ali certainly is.” Jake sips his drink. “Nice to meet you, Tyler. Jane, have you met Ali’s date… you know, he’s one of the band members from her first article.” He flashes his anchorman smile.

  My heart pounds in my ears. What the hell is he doing? Making me look unprofessional in front of our boss won’t benefit him at all here. No, he just likes to get a rise out of me. Or maybe he’s one of those assholes that like to bring others down to build himself back up. Either way, it’s not happening tonight. My hands clench into fists.

  She lifts a brow. “No, don’t think I had the pleasure. Jane Reiser.” She holds out her hand.

  Tyler takes it and gives a soft handshake. “Pleasure’s all mine.” He sips his beer. “You know Ali’s article was hardcore, gave us great exposure.”

  “I can see you’re very appreciative.” Jake leans back against the bar like he’s God’s gift to the world. “Not many rock stars accompany the reporters.”

  Tyler’s skin flushes. He stares at Jake with cold eyes. “Yeah, well Ali and I have known each other a while. We had a blast at her last party, to celebrate her promotion.”

  Jane wrinkles her forehead. “Oh, so you didn’t just meet at the interview.” She gives Jake a dirty look. “I’ll see you two later. Nice to meet you, Tyler.” She walks away.

  Tyler darts forward, stopping inches before Jake. “What the fuck is your problem, man?” He mutters through clenched teeth.

  Jake takes a step back. “Call off your attack dog before you embarrass yourself any more.” He shifts his eyes to mine.

  I wedge myself between them. Just what I need, a fight breaking out over me. Definitely not the way I want to stand out. Tyler’s a tiger ready to strike and Jake’s the annoying fly swarming around until he’s finally swatted. I’ve got to get them away from each other if I plan on surviving tonight.

  I press my hands against Tyler’s chest, trying to back him up. He barely budges. A bead of sweat forms along my hairline. I’ve got to stop this before it goes any further. No doubt, Jake will torment him until he snaps. Stupid game plan but for some reason it works for the jerk. I slide my hands up and wrap my arms around Tyler’s neck, resting my head on his shoulder. He takes a deep breath and relaxes his tense muscles. I let out the breath I’d been holding. Thank God.

  I press my lips against his earlobe. “Please, just ignore him. This night is important to me and I know he’s the biggest asshole on the planet but please, let it go for tonight,” I whisper.

  Tyler sighs and lifts my chin. “Wait. You want me to stand here and do nothing while he tries to burn you to the ground?”

  I nod.

  “You can’t be serious, babe.” He steps back and gestures for the bartender to refill his beer.

  “He’s making himself look like an unprofessional moron… he can bury himself.” How can I make him understand I don’t need a gallant white knight to fight for my honor? Not tonight. Sometimes saying nothing speaks louder than any words.

  He blows air out of puffed cheeks and leans against the bar. “Whatever.” He slams his beer and sets the empty glass down for a refill.

  The night’s hardly begun and disaster fills the air. Maybe Jenna and Lexie were right, Tyler’s not equipped to deal with the dirty politics of the entertainment world. Rock stars can get away with temper tantrums and fights. Hell, most of their fans even think it’s cool, but it doesn’t work like that when you’re on the other side of the fence.

  I hold back a tear about to fall. “Please, I need you tonight.” I lift my eyes and stare into his baby blues.

  He hooks an arm around my waist and pulls me against him. “I’ve always got your back, babe. Just keep him away from me.”

  Easier said than done. “I’ll try. Promise me… no more fights.” I nibble my lip.

  “Yeah.” He kisses my cheek.

  Okay, not completely convincing, but I’ll take it. Half of me loves that Tyler throws down to protect my honor like I’m in the middle of an old time romance. The other half hides under the covers, scared to death that he’s about to go all psycho. A pressure cooker can only take so much before it bursts open, steam spewing.

  “Let’s find our seats.” I take a step back and glance at the place card still in my hand, crumbled to oblivion. Okay, table five. For the love of God, please don’t let Jake be at our table.

  Tyler gestures to the bartender for another beer. “Need a refill?”

  I nod. Last time I drank this much alcohol, I woke up next to Tyler so maybe tonight will take the same route. At this point, I’m better off observing and planning my mingling strategy for the next event.

  I grip my glass of champagne with one hand and take Tyler’s with the other. He stands tall and follows my lead. We weave through the small groups, still mingling, some laughing like they’ve just heard the funniest joke in the world. Half the guests sit at their tables. The rest swarm the bar. I scan the crowd. Jake sits at a half-full table, sipping his gin and preaching to a group of people who stare at him like he’s reciting the secret to immortality.

  My heart pounds as my eyes peruse the table number. I take a deep breath as the black number comes into focus, table number six. The weight of a thousand tons floats from my body. I see table five and pick up the pace like I’m in the last leg of a marathon.

  “This is us.” I set down my glass of champagne and plop into a seat, so my back is to Jake’s table.

  Tyler’s beer sloshes to the rim of the glass as he sets it down. He sits beside me. His lips form a hard line, like a chiseled sculpture unable to move.

  Silence kills me. When Josh and I would have one of our five-minute fights, he’d refuse to speak. I
t drove me insane. Of course, if I nibbled his ear a smile burst through his stone cold face, and we’d be kissing the next minute. That tactic won’t work in this scenario.

  I set my hand on Tyler’s thigh. “Thanks for coming here tonight, I know it’s not your thing.”

  He lets out a muffled laugh and shakes his head. “Yeah, watching some douche insult my girl and not being able to do shit about it.” He sips his beer and puts the glass down on the table, harder than necessary. “Definitely not my thing.”

  A wave of energy flutters through my heart. The words “my girl” repeat in my brain like a broken record. I close my eyes for a second, erasing the rest of the world. How does he make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, even when he’s just about ready to go on a killing spree, Jake his first victim?

  I get it, Jake’s way out of hand and thinks he’s the master of the universe but causing a scene at a black-tie event isn’t the way to deal with it. You’ve got to hit him where it hurts, his pride. I slide my hand over his. “He already made himself look like an ass in front of Jane. He’s his own worst enemy.”

  Tyler turns my chin toward him. “No one treats you like that and gets away with it.”

  My lip trembles. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

  “Ali,” Jane interrupts.

  I lean back and shift my eyes toward Jane.

  “I’d like you and Tyler to meet Roger Turner, CEO of Entertainment Rocks! and his wife Lynne.”

  I stand up and tug on Tyler’s arm, giving him the signal. “Great to meet you.” I shake both their hands. Tyler stands and follows suit.

  “Ali, I loved your article on the Elle Crowley. It showed a whole different side of the issue.” Lynne takes the seat next to me. “Are you a reporter too, Tyler?”

  “No, I only write songs.” He flashes a smile.

  “That’s fabulous. Music speaks what words can’t express.” She tips her glass toward Tyler and sips her champagne.

  “Thank you.” He lifts his glass and takes a swig of beer, finishing the glass.


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