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Blissful Disaster

Page 22

by Amy L. Gale

  I step into the elevator and press the button with my trembling finger. Maybe I should’ve taken the stairs. The last time I stepped into the elevator and walked into work internally disheveled I summoned an earthquake. Just as the doors move to close, a hand slides in between them.

  My heart rate triples. I focus on the smooth fingers and perfect cuticles, probably freshly manicured. I let out the breath I’d been holding. Did I seriously expect lightning to strike twice? Why would I even think Tyler was going to rush here to insist on talking to me? Last time, he demanded answers. No need to clear up what happened this time.

  The doors slowly open back up. I raise my eyes and stare at the devil. Jake struts in, his head pointed to the ceiling like the air is better suited for him up above. I stand tall, refusing to move an inch. As far as I’m concerned, he could plummet down the shaft. He brushes past me and leans against the back wall, tapping at his cell phone screen.

  I swallow hard, trying to force the wave of nausea to the depths of my stomach. I grip my purse strap, gazing at him from the corner of my eye. Dark glasses cover most of the purple mark on his left cheek. A line of dried blood holds together his bottom lip, swelled a quarter larger than its normal size. Despite the fact he looks like he just crawled out of an MMA octagon, a smug grin still graces his brutalized face.

  My lips upturn into a small smile. Good for the bastard. He deserved everything he got and probably more. Maybe Jake learned you can only push people so far. And you won’t always come out unscathed. You mess with the wrong person you get what you have coming. I mean, he bullied me for weeks. I guess he figured I’m just a feeble woman who can’t do a thing about it. Too bad I didn’t get to smack that smile off his face, at least for a little while. What the hell am I thinking? Now I sound like we’re meeting after school at the playground. Did Tyler have that much of an effect on me?

  Jake walks out of the elevator like he’s about to accept a Pulitzer. I fight the urge to stick my foot out and trip him. Doesn’t matter, right now I’m about to face the inevitable. I swallow hard trying to alleviate the ache in the back of my throat like a thousand bees just stung me at the same time. The elevator doors move, closing me in. I step out a split second before they shut. Fresh new start, here I come.

  I fidget with my fingers. Déjà vu floods through me. Was I this nervous the first time I stepped into her office? Probably, no chance of impressing her this time. No, it’s pretty much a meeting to follow protocol.

  Claire lifts her eyes from her desk. “You can both go right in.” Her cold stare sends chills from my head to my feet.

  Jake pulls open the door and walks inside, dropping the door right on my shoulder. I huff. Why not be an asshole until the last possible second? No sense in redeeming himself now. I push the door back open and slip inside. It slams shut behind me. I scan the room, taking in the panoramic view of L.A. one last time. Jake already made his way to the leather chair.

  Jane sits tall in her chair. Her hair slicked back into a tight bun. My pulse skyrockets. She intimidates merely with her presence. You can literally feel her when she’s in a room. It’s almost like a superpower. I move my trembling legs forward, gripping onto my purse for dear life.

  Her eyes burn through me, watching my every move. I pick up the pace. Procrastinating won’t change things. Like I always say, best to get it over with just like ripping off a Band-Aid. Only this time, the Band-Aid is directly attached to all my hopes and dreams.

  I slip out of my heel, buckling my knee. By some miracle from the heavens I catch myself before I plummet to the floor, but my purse spins off into oblivion. Why not add one last embarrassing moment to the list.

  Jake bursts into laughter. He covers his mouth with his hand like he’s trying to be discreet. The fakeness oozes through.

  Jane stands up. “Shut it… now.” She points at Jake and then turns toward me. “You okay, Ali?”

  Heat spreads across my face, no doubt it’s pure crimson. I nod. Might as well leave my last impression the same as my first, clumsy and unprepared. I scurry to the far end of the office and throw the mascara, keys, and loose change that escaped from my purse back inside. I head back and plop down into the hard leather seat next to Jake.

  Jane sits back down. “Take of your sunglasses. This isn’t happy hour at the Cabana.”

  I muffle a laugh.

  Jake slides off his glasses. The white part of his eye blotches with red, as if he’d been drinking straight gin for a week. His entire eyelid gleams dark purple, getting lighter as it reaches the brow. Last time I saw that type of disaster was when I tried a smoky eye technique to match my vampire Halloween costume.

  “What were you both thinking?” Jane rises from her chair and paces the length of her desk.

  Neither one of us say a word. I’d like to tell her this is all Jake’s fault. He pushed me, bullied me, and insinuated I sleep with the interviewees to get a good a story. I mean, he did all of that. She’s seen it, he said it in front of her many times. Truth be told, I let him get away with it. I never once stood up for myself or told Jane I met Tyler before the interview. Tyler told her that himself. Maybe if I grew a set and put him in his place long ago I wouldn’t be sitting here right now. Never again.

  “You both represent me when you are at these events. You know how this looks?” She rubs her forehead. “You look immature and unprofessional… and you made this office look like recess at preschool.” She shakes her head, still pacing. “What’s going on between you two?” She puts her hands on her desk and leans forward. “Well?”

  “Sorry Jane. I can’t deal with Ali’s unprofessionalism.” Jake looks at me, and then back at Jane. “It’s disgusting if you ask me.”

  Jane huffs and sits back in her chair.

  I let out a low growl and spin around toward him. “And what exactly do you have a problem with? Is it that I brought Tyler to the event? For your information, we’ve been dating for months. I did nothing unprofessional. You concocted these scenarios in your brain. Maybe you should use some of that creativity on your stories. Or get a life so you don’t have to worry so much about mine.”

  Oh my God, did I say that out loud? The words flow like hot lava. I sit back in my chair and press my lips closed, obviously not my most professional moment. Jane might throw me right out the window at this point.

  Why stop now, at this point there’s nothing to lose. I sit up tall. “Jane, I think Jake will do whatever it takes to make me look bad so he can get the best assignments. I stay away from the dirty politics of this world. I want my writing to speak for itself.” I fold my hands across my lap.

  “And it does. You are an amazing writer, Ali. But you can’t have your boyfriend starting brawls at black tie events. Don’t ever let a guy hold you back. You’ve got a great future ahead of you if you can stay on track.” She turns toward Jake. “And you, were you at a corporate event or a frat party?”

  Jake flashes a smug grin. “You know how it is, Jane. The guys were handing me drinks and the finest cigars. I wanted to fit in with the gentlemen. You know, make connections.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “Really. Well, look around. This isn’t the boys club and we’re not living in the 60’s.” She taps her fingers on the desk. “Your stories need depth, the writing is mediocre at best, work on that rather than impressing the gentlemen.” She makes quotation marks in the air with her fingers. “And one more sexist comment like that I’ll make sure you never work for any magazine in L.A…. Got it?”

  He nods. I resist the urge to jump out of my chair and cheer. Did he seriously think that mentality was going to fly with Jane? I mean, hello, she’s a woman. God, he’s even stupider than I give him credit for.

  She looks at me, then turns toward Jake. “Whatever this is between you two ends now.”

  We both nod.

  She sits back in her chair. “You only get one second chance. Don’t make me regret it.” She flips through her folder. “You’re both on probation for a month. Durin
g that time, you’ll be checking quotes and research.”

  Jake huffs. “You can’t be serious. It’s prime time for fall television… hell, it’s an election year.”

  “And you won’t be covering either. Claire will set you up downstairs. Please close the door on your way out.” She leafs through papers like we’re not even in the room.

  The dark cloud lifts, spreading its silver lining. I survived the wrath of Jane. A month of research and quote checks is nothing compared to unemployment. Of course, Jake made it through this too but not completely unscathed. I bet his skin crawled when Jane praised my writing and ripped his apart. Good, he deserves a little dose of reality. Plus, now he knows there’s no boys club here. Nope, girl power.

  Jake storms out of the room. Jane looks up for a second, shakes her head and goes right back to the paperwork. I navigate my way through the office, paying careful attention to my footing and slowly closing the door behind me.

  Jake stands at Claire’s desk, quickly sliding on his sunglasses to hide his dirty little secret. He got his ass kicked from running his mouth. I lag behind, waiting until he steps into the elevator before heading to Claire’s desk. I could care less what he has to say and I sure as hell am not afraid of him. I just would rather stay away. No need to let his negative black soul infiltrate me.

  I step up to Claire’s desk. “Any chance you can set me up as far away from him as possible?”

  She holds back a smile. “I’d have the same request if I had to work with him,” she whispers. “Oops, did I say that out loud.”

  I smile. It looks like Jake made quite an impression on all the staff here.

  She hands me a mountain of paperwork. “You can head down the basement, pick any table you want. It’s like a huge library down there.”

  “My kind of place.” I hold the papers close to my chest. “Thank you.”

  Just as I’m about to head to the elevator my phone rings, vibrating through my purse. I set the paperwork down on a chair and pull it out. My eyes peruse the white numbers flashing across the screen. Oh my God, it’s happening.


  My body freezes, paralyzed. I stare at the screen, it’s all I can do. My hand trembles, slowly willing my body to move. Everything happens in slow motion, like one of those dreams where you struggle to run but you move at a turtle’s speed. Suddenly the vibrating stops.

  I suck in a breath, my eyes still glued to the screen. Dammit, I missed it. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s like I’m afraid to grasp an opportunity, or maybe I’m scared of the words coming from the other end.

  My phone chimes and the voicemail icon flashes across the screen. I exhale slowly, releasing the breath bottled up in my chest. All hope isn’t lost, not yet anyway. I shove my phone back in my purse and hit the elevator button. I’ve got to hear the message, but not here, not like this.

  I stop on the main floor and rush through the foyer like a raging river chases me. I’ll have the next month to fact check in the basement, no need to hurry down there now. I keep going, paying careful attention to my footing. With my luck, I’ll crash into a pillar and smash my phone. I escape into the mammoth parking lot, trekking forward until I see the silver hue of my car. At last, a safe haven.

  I click the key fob and plop into the driver’s seat, slamming the door behind me. I lean back and take a deep breath, staring out of the windshield. The cloudy sky turns dark, like an evil took over in a few seconds flat. Please don’t let this be an omen of things to come.

  I dig in my purse and take out my cell phone. The voicemail icon still graces the homepage. A few drops of rain smack against the windshield growing in intensity. A split second later, the heavens unleash their fury. The pounding rain drums against my car, blocking out any other noise. Why is there always an obstacle? I don’t get it. Some people float their way through life with no setbacks, taking everything that comes their way. How the hell do they get off so lucky? Every time I try, divine intervention makes it take a turn for the worse. I can’t even hear my goddamn voicemail.

  I fling the phone onto the passenger seat and rest my head on the steering wheel. A few tears roll down my cheeks. Yeah, I know life isn’t fair, but I’ve paid my dues, where the hell is my break? I take a deep cleansing breath and wipe away my tears. Come on Ali, suck it up. Sulking or feeling sorry for myself won’t make a difference. Time to put my big girl panties on and see what’s in store for me.

  I sit up and grab my phone. It’s now or never. I press the voicemail and hold the phone to my ear. Light flashes into the corner of my eye. I turn to the left and gaze out the window. The rain stopped, leaving behind a brilliant rainbow, boasting its colors throughout the sky.

  “Allison, it’s Kate Winters from Newswatch Weekly. I wanted to let you know your article comes out tomorrow. I’ve had a shipment sent to your home. I’ve got to tell you, it’s a big hit here. Everyone cringes when they read about your ordeal. Being trapped in an elevator during an earthquake brings out the worst fears for some of us. I was hoping we could chat. Tyler was right about your talent. I’d like to discuss working together on a more permanent basis. I hope to hear from you soon.”

  I press play again as soon as the message stops. Okay, so it’s quirky, but I need to make sure I didn’t imagine all of this. Trauma clouds memories and today was a cyclone. Kate’s voice fills the car. The words sing to my soul. I pinch my arm. Ouch, yep it’s real. Kate Winters wants to discuss working with me and it’s all thanks to Tyler. My dream job sits before me on a silver platter held in part by the man I love. Only one problem, his world collides with mine, causing a supernova of destruction. Can I crawl from the ashes of the aftermath again or will we both go down in flames?


  “Tell me you called her back,” Chloe yells as she flips through the pages of Newswatch Weekly.

  “I will.” I hold the magazine up trying to control my trembling fingers. Shake, Rattle, and Roll: By Ali Whitman sits smack dab in the middle of the periodical. A smile spreads across my face like wildfire. It happened, my first byline in a nationally acclaimed magazine. No smut reporting, no digging for juicy gossip from the past, just professional honest writing.

  Did Tyler see this yet? A brick drops in my stomach. Devil’s Garden has a hero, and everyone now knows it. Maybe it’ll have some impact on their new record, bring in a whole new genre of fans. He deserves success. He brought mine directly to me. I nibble my nails.

  “Ali, this article is amazing. You didn’t tell me the half of it. And Tyler… every woman in America is gonna want some of that now. I might want to date him.”

  I swing my head around and give her a death stare.

  “Ah, good, I got your attention.” She closes the magazine and turns toward me. “What’s up? You’re acting like you broke a heel off your Manolos.”

  I scrunch my eyebrows. “Uh, I don’t have Manolos… but yeah, I know.” I drop the magazine on the table and sink into the couch. “What do I say when I call her… I mean, I want to work for Newswatch Weekly but do I lie and say Tyler and I are still… on speaking terms?”

  She puts her hand on my shoulder. “Listen, you wrote the article. You earned this. Tyler may have gotten you into the club, but you danced on the tables all on your own.” She winks.

  I laugh. “Yeah, great comparison. Maybe you should write.”

  She smacks my arm, playfully. “Call her.”

  I nod and grab my cell phone. A kaleidoscope of butterflies swarms my stomach, sending my heartbeat into overdrive. My hand trembles as I press the call back number. Chloe was right, like always. A fresh new start awaits me. Am I ready for it?

  “Kate Winters.”

  I clear my throat. “Hi Kate, it’s Ali Whitman.” I break out into a frenzy of shivers like I’m trekking across the Himalayas in the middle of a blizzard. Thank God we aren’t on a Skype call.

  “Ali, your article is burning through the pages of Newswatch Weekly. The CEO personally called me to ask wh
ere I found you hiding.” She muffles the phone for a second. “Would you like to be part of the team? There’s an opening for a news reporter in our L.A. office.”

  I bounce on my toes. Oh my God, a news reporter. I close my eyes and picture my name on a feature article… Supreme Court’s Landmark Ruling by Ali Whitman. Warmth radiates through my body like the heavens shine down upon me. This is it, my big break. I slowly open my eyes and pace around the room.

  Chloe mouths “What?” All I can do is flash her a full-teeth smile.

  “Hello… are you still there?”

  I jolt back to reality. “Yes… Kate, I’m very interested in the position.”

  “Wonderful. Let’s set up a meeting to discuss the details. How about Monday morning at ten?”

  “I’ll be there. I look forward to seeing you.” I press end on my cell phone and set it down on the coffee table. “I got the job.” I sprint toward Chloe. She meets me in the middle of the room. We both lock arms and jump up and down like we just won the lottery.

  “Congratulations, Al.” She pulls me into a hug.

  I take a deep breath, letting my brain fully comprehend what just happened. I’m a news reporter for Newswatch Weekly magazine. Everything I’ve worked for has paid off. I’m finally exactly where I want to be. It’s completely perfect… well almost.

  Chloe pulls away. “We’ve got to celebrate… where to this time?”

  I take a step back. “Oh no… no celebrating. We can order in. No clubbing, no dancing, no drinking… no going out to celebrate, period. You know where that got me last time.”


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