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Page 6

by Tarra Blaize

  “It’s up all the way.”

  “It’s freezing!” she protested, but regretted her words a moment later when, with an ill-disguised curse, he jerked the steering wheel to the right to pull over sharply on the gravel. With a lithe twist of his body, Gethin maneuvered his way into the backseat with her.

  “You’re wet too,” she warned breathlessly. His scent was all around now, dark and masculine, and she could see fangs protruding just a bit more than usual. His shirt was more damp than soaked by now, but there was no missing how the thin linen cloth clung to the dense muscles of his chest, the curve of his biceps. His eyes were darker, dark enough that the scarlet color could probably be mistaken for an odd brown should someone observe from far away. And there was no mistaking what burned in his eyes, what made his fangs slowly, elegantly elongate as her heart raced. Fear and desire were hand in hand when it came to Gethin, but she was finally going to let desire take control with no intentions of reining it back in.

  “Are you going to bite me?”

  He cupped her cheek in his palm and lifted it up and to the left, exposing the long, delicate line of her neck. His thumb brushed against her wildly fluttering pulse. “Scared? You should be,” he rasped. “But first things first.” He brought her face towards him, sliding two fingers between her parted lips. She hesitated for the briefest moment and then dragged her tongue across the slightly rough skin on his fingertips before snapping her teeth in a decidedly ungentle bite. His breath whooshed from his lungs with something akin to a snarl as he leaned over her and kissed her. His tongue entwined with hers, drawing out goose bumps of an entirely different nature.

  He was slowly pushing her down until her back was against the car seats even as she arched her upper body towards his in an effort to press every inch of her aching body flush against his. The muscles, the sheer immovable, impenetrable wall of his body weighed on hers in such a wicked, erotic way that she wrapped her arms around his back and grabbed fistfuls of the material to drag him closer.

  His hands had been braced on either side of her, but now he shifted his weight so that one hand gripped her hair, keeping her pinned down flat under him, and the other ripped at the blanket with a savagery he didn’t even try to hide. Growling deep in his throat, Gethin tore at whatever cloth separated his 38

  body from hers. She tugged hard at the front of his shirt. The buttons gave way with little popping and tearing noises. He reared back momentarily on his haunches to fully remove the shirt, and as he lifted his arms to be parallel to the low ceiling of the car, all the hard, smooth expanses of silky golden skin she’d always fantasized about were there on display for her. She couldn’t help but sit up too and run her nails across the waves of muscles that suddenly undulated across his chiseled chest. She wanted to see if he tasted just as smooth and hot and masculine as he smelled.

  When all those lovely muscles bunched, she dragged her tongue across his chest and relished the oddly sweet and salty taste of his skin. She’d barely finished when his hands clamped over hers, raising them over her head to pin them against the seat. Bare beneath him, as if she were a sacrifice to a pagan ruler of the underworld, Layla struggled to breathe as she felt the tides of lust start to drag her under to the point of no return. Fear was a live flame, flickering and twisting in her core, but the heat only added to the razor edge she teetered on, and she knew which side she was going to jump to. So when Gethin opened his mouth, need hot in crimson eyes, she said simply, “Yes.”

  He pulled away from her embrace to study her face, traces of doubt still there on his. Desperate to get rid of them so that nothing else stood between them, she hooked her legs around his waist and pulled her body flush up against his, wanting his weight to press her into the cushions. She relished the masculine rasp of hair against her hardened nipples, the skin of her stomach, her sensitive thighs, the bare soles of her feet.

  The hard heat of him had her writhing against him, craving more.

  “I won’t stop after his,” he warned her.

  She answered by biting him.

  At the sensation of her sharp little teeth, his self-restraint snapped and he tunneled his fingers through her thick, damp hair. A cry escaped her as he fastened his teeth against the delicate skin of her throat, hard enough that she froze, quivering. Her thighs gave way as he settled between them, rubbing his hardness against her slick folds, heightening sensitivity until she felt like a bow drawn taut. Yet she was too afraid to move, to demand that he do more, as the needle-like teeth stung her skin. She had her head pressed as far back as she could, but a part of her, wanton and wicked, wondered what would happen if she pushed against those teeth. If she let him taste her, take her in a way that no mortal ever could—such was the power he had over her.

  She slowly leaned into it, and he pulled away with a snarl. “Not during your first time,” he ground out. “Don’t push me. You’re not ready yet.”

  “But I want to,” she demanded.

  He responded by nudging the head of his cock against her entrance, and as she felt the broad, blunt head demand access she couldn’t help but marvel at this—this man she held in her arms. Sculpted body shone golden with exertion, chiseled face with its set jaw and glowing red eyes, damp curls flush against his forehead—it was all hers, and hers alone.


  And then he pushed in, and she thought no more. Pure sensation, of her being engulfed, filled, overwhelmed her. Her throat ached where he’d rested his fangs, and she could almost imagine the slide of teeth into her skin. His head was flung back, his breathing in time with his thrusts. She heard her own gasps match his, surpass his, become erratic as she lifted faster and faster to match his increasing thrusts. His hands held her head still, crushing his mouth to hers, tongue driving deep to assert dominance. She sank her nails into his back, marking him clearly. Damn it, she was so close, but each time she felt herself start to give into the pleasure he slowed down, taunting her, teasing her with the ultimate pleasure dangled just out of reach.

  “Harder,” she pleaded, and moaned as he suddenly pulled away, demanding hands around her waist, turning her over so that she was on her knees with her breasts against the seat. She could taste the sweat pouring down her face, hear the sound of flesh pounding, small growls emitting from his throat.

  The throbbing heat turned white-hot, and she was dimly aware of her cries, full-throated as she surrendered gratefully to the orgasm that flashed through her body, leaving her exhausted and trembling in its wake. She felt his hips thrust erratically, felt him crush her hips to his as he thrust forth one last time, the long, hard length of him pulsing inside of her.

  They stayed like that for a long time, until the heat that had fogged the windows of the car began to clear and their erratic breathing eased into one, slowing down. He gently turned her to her side, cocooning her against his hot body as she turned into his chest to wrap her arms around him, feeling, for the first time, utterly at peace.

  “What now?” she mumbled, finally.

  He chuckled into her hair. “Round two?”


  His laughter was louder, longer, lighter than she’d ever heard it. “Don’t tell me a little sex is too much for you to handle, Layla.”

  “One hour recovery, please,” she retorted. “I’m getting sick after all. Don’t want you to catch it—oh.”

  She stiffened. “Speaking of catching—”

  “No sexual diseases, thank you. I’m not human.”

  She ignored his tone. “I was more referring to…other risks of unprotected sex.”

  “Can’t impregnate you if you’re fully human.” When she looked up at him, eyes startled, mouth open to ask more questions, he simply leaned forward and kissed her until her eyes glazed over. “Maybe you’re part demon, given that you can see us. You certainly bite like one. Which might be a problem, except the chances are slim to none, and I’d put all my money on the latter. Time for questions later—ones you’re safe knowing the answers to, at leas
t. But now that I’ve warmed you up, will you sleep?”

  “Only if you hold me until then.”

  He did.


  Chapter Six

  She woke slowly, aware first of the silken sheets against her skin, and then of the warm body lying so near hers. She opened her eyes and looked directly into ones that were heavy lidded, wicked and more than a tad smug. “Good morning,” she managed, aware her cheeks were bright red. A glance around told her that she must be in one of his apartments. Whereas the first one had resembled a fortress, this place looked like it had been plucked from the pages of an interior design magazine. Warm colors and deep browns melded together into one of the most luxurious bedrooms she’d ever seen in her life.

  “Good morning, Ms. Layla Roads,” he rumbled deep in his chest and stroked a possessive hand over her exposed breast. “I was rather hoping you’d wake up soon. I’ve plenty of things I want to do with you, one of which involves discussing your latest escape. The other deals with a repeat of last night, but with fangs.” He flashed his, and she highly suspected that something else about him was erect right now as well.

  “Which first?” she asked, feeling the delicious soreness of her body as she stretched. Her neck tingled as his words brought fantasies to life. How light she felt without the burden of Nathanial’s safety weighing on her and the threat of death so far away. Gethin had made her safe again, but more than that, he made her feel…


  She was human. Mortal. He was a demon. Immortal.

  And that was that.

  As if sensing the sudden change in her emotion, his face went from playful to serious, the blank mask starting to slide back on. Her heart ached, a swift, hard yank that left her reeling.

  “How did you escape from my house?”

  “I’m not completely sure,” she admitted, scooting back until she was half-sitting with her shoulders against the headboard. The cold metal reminded her of who—and what—she was dealing with. As seductive and delicious as he was lounging in the twisted bedding naked, under it all he was still an immortal killer who would never let emotion intercept with duty. “I…prayed.”

  His eyebrows went up. “I didn’t peg you as the praying type, Ms. Roads. I assume you got an answer?”

  “They’ve certainly never answered my prayers before, and I assure you there were plenty in behalf of Nathanial,” she fired back. “My skin started glowing and no one else could see me.” She remembered that

  bright explosion of light, the warm glow, and wished for the briefest moment that she could feel that again.

  As if she were safe and secure, but above all, loved.

  “Odd,” he mused. “That they would respond to you now. Though I suppose you escaping did force you to ultimately face that you need help. And here we are. I must remember to thank them when I see them again.”

  “Wouldn’t the angels kill you on sight?” she queried. She remembered the few times she witnessed angels and demons coming together. The first time she’d seen such a battle, she’d wept when she watched an angel be overwhelmed and killed.

  “Oh, Layla,” he chided. “Haven’t you figured it out yet?”

  Layla was quiet for a long moment. “You’re one of the good demons,” she finally admitted, grudgingly. “Even though you enjoy assassinating everyone.”

  “Not everyone. Only nasty demons and humans who stuck greedy hands into places they shouldn’t even know about.” Lazily, he tugged at the sheet covering her. She tightened her grip and tugged back.

  “Stop it, Gethin.” She felt like throttling him. “All I could ever glean was that Vyn wanted to kidnap or kill someone before you did, and I’d appreciate it if you told me what the hell was going on.”

  “Not kidnap or kill,” he chided. “That’s only if she keeps running away from us. You have to understand, Layla, that we’re all looking for this mysterious human someone because she did something no one should have been able to do.”

  “A she? And human?” She’d entertained the idea of demon kings on the run and traitorous angels, but whatever understanding she thought she had of the paranormal creatures was toppling fast.

  “I told you human women are the most dangerous things I’ve encountered so far. For a bit I even entertained the thought that you might be the woman we’re looking for.”

  “That I did what? What did she do?”

  “She opened the portal between Hell and Earth.”

  There was a long, long silence while Layla gaped at him. Finally, in disbelief, she said, “That’s what it’s all about? Finding whoever caused this turmoil? I thought you knew and it was just a secret being kept from us humans. I can see and hear you guys, sure, but I had nothing to do with unleashing anyone. As far as my powers go, that’s about it.”

  Gethin shrugged. “You can sense us no matter what safeguards we have, and you sure as hell are reclusive enough. For a while we had some intelligence swearing the woman who did so was blonde. Given that you were the first blonde I’d met with any kind of psychic capabilities, I couldn’t help but wonder if the next cosmic joke would be fate dumping my target in my lap without warning.”

  “It was definitely a woman?” Her mind was spinning with possibilities. All the assassinations, tortures, blackmailing… It was no wonder every human, angel and demon was itching to get to the bottom of the mystery. Entire religions had imploded, crime ran unchecked in most cities, and more than one 42

  country had gone bankrupt when its citizens fled to more secluded areas in the world. Earth, as everyone knew it, was over forever. “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  “Because if I thought you were a candidate after reading a background check on you, then others might as well. You should be prepared. But we’ve got a new lead. A brunette this time. You human women are such trouble, you know that?”

  “She might not be human. She might be an angel. Or a demon.”

  “She’s definitely part-human and has been on the run for five years straight ever since that portal opened up in the Nevada desert. Whoever she is, she has a lot of help and a lot of power.” He shook his head, admiration obvious. “I’m working with the angels to get her, so that she can reseal the portal.

  Preferably with the more…mentally unstable demons on the other side.”

  “Why do the demons want her?”

  “Depends which group you ask.” He tugged at the sheet again, a frown on his face. “The demons who wish to have some kind of peaceful co-existence with the humans and angels just want to kill her so they don’t get sealed away again.”

  “Oh, that sounds very peaceful,” she snapped.

  “Other demons want to use her power to into Heaven. Get revenge for the millenniums they were imprisoned. It’s bad enough we’re on the saintly being’s back porch. You can imagine they have no desire to let us in.” He sneered. “So they asked me to do the dirty work for them.”

  “And what do you get in exchange?”

  He was quiet for a long, long moment. “I get to stay on Earth, and never go back to that forsaken place,” he finally whispered. “Before we escaped… Words cannot describe how we all existed down there.

  Born into war only to die in war. Imagine facing an entire life trapped in Hell, where loyalty and love are valued above all because there is so little of it. Nothing but endless treachery, betrayal and battle. And we’re free now. It’s a heady feeling. No one wants to give that up.”

  “Do you think the angels will kill the woman?” She felt anxious for the fate of this human. Surely it hadn’t been intentional on her part.

  “If they believe it’s for the greater good, who knows? If she’s half-angel instead of half-demon, it’ll help her case a lot. Angels are extremely biased with that sort of thing. Just like humans.”

  “Well, of course we think demons are evil.” She sounded more defensive than she meant to. Crap. She slid down the headboard and stared at the ceiling, trying to process all she’d learned. There were mor
e people then. More people who had powers others didn’t. “Crime isn’t even documented anymore, it’s so common. If demons aren’t evil, who is?”

  “Am I evil?”

  “Well, no,” she admitted. “You’re trying to do good. I see that now.”


  He chuckled and rolled on top of her, letting his weight rest on her as he dipped his head to nuzzle the side of her neck. “Better hope I wasn’t bullshitting you. Though one of the first things we learned when we broke free was how incredibly gullible human women are to a handsome face.”

  “I am not gullible.”

  He ducked the pillow she swung at him.

  “You’re emotional about me already, which is even worse. You won’t survive long in this new world.”

  Her face burned at his charge, but couldn’t deny it. She didn’t love him. She…cared about everything that was going on. Besides, if he wasn’t the rampaging murderer she thought he was, why shouldn’t she have some feelings towards him? It wasn’t like anything would come of it. “There’s nothing wrong with being emotional,” Layla said stiffly. “In fact, I’d say I’m stronger for it. As for being emotional about you… I like you. I’m attracted to you. We had sex. It was fun. We might do it again. And then we’ll go our separate ways. I’ll go back to hacking computers and die in sixty or so years. I might even meet my brother when he’s older. Maybe I’ll get married and have kids myself. You’ll live on and on until you’re killed fighting demons. All by yourself. I think I have the better deal there.” She felt tears sting and she turned away from him. “So now what do we do?”

  His words were as cold-hearted as hers. “We can go our separate ways, as it seems that’s all you want.

  You go back to your life, I go back to mine.”

  Too easy, she thought. “What about Nathanial?”

  “What about him?”


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