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Born to Prophesy

Page 7

by Hakeem Collins

  In response, we must ask this serious question, What is the sole role of prophecy for the church today? Prophecy has been despised before. Moses was persuaded that the Lord desired to delegate his governing apostolic authority to a vast number of leaders and called seventy elders to a leadership meeting at the tabernacle. Two of them were absent. The prophetic Spirit of the Lord fell on the sixty-eight who were in attendance. Surprisingly, the Spirit of God also came upon the two who were found left in the camp, and they began to prophesy as well. The people who heard these two elders, Eldad and Medad, reported them out of jealousy and being uncomfortable, since they wanted them to stop prophesying.

  Moses’ wish that all of the Lord’s people were prophets (prophetic) began to be manifest corporately on the Day of Pentecost when the Spirit of the Lord fell on the baby church and prompted them to speak out in tongues, which were the manifestation of the Lord’s might. Peter, under the inspiration and influence of the Holy Spirit, interpreted the miraculous outpouring:

  This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.”

  —ACTS 2:16–18 (QUOTING JOEL 2:28–29)

  Peter describes the Pentecost manifestation of tongues as a variety of the prophetic gift at work. The New Testament Scriptures make it clear that the Spirit is a universal gift to the body of Christ and that prophecy is the characteristic gift of the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul outlined specifically that the ministry gift of prophesying was for every believer: “For you can all prophesy one by one” (1 Cor. 14:31, NKJV, emphasis added; see also v. 5, 24). I believe that there is a spiritual renewal and awakening coming to the twenty-first century church in her expectation of the universality of prophecy among those of the kingdom of God.

  When we try to start and establish ministries, churches, and believers without this gift being active, it is like trying to swim across the Atlantic Ocean dog-paddling: it can be done, but it will take a lot of time and will be harder to accomplish. We should take in serious consideration Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians, in which he writes that the gift of prophesying is indispensable to the church. In this passage the importance of the ministry gift of prophesying is viewed from Paul’s passion for it. He goes on to admonish the Corinthian church to “desire earnestly to prophesy” (1 Cor. 14:39, NKJV; see also 12:31 and 14:1).

  In all the various lists and discussions of the gifts in Paul’s letters the only constant gift is prophecy. Whenever Paul makes a point to classify and identify the gifts in terms of importance, prophecy is given preference over all the rest. (See 1 Corinthians 14:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:19.) Only in the two passages of Scripture where Paul speaks of gifted men (prophets) rather than of the gift of prophecy do prophets fall into second rank behind apostles. (See 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 2:20; 4:11.)

  The Spirit of God is not constrained, confined, limited, or restricted to the tabernacle of Moses, but the Spirit of the Lord desires to tabernacle as a covering, protector, and revelator to His people. Just like the wind blows sovereignly where He will, it’s up to a believer to move where the wind blows and have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking. The Bible says to “whoever has ears, let them hear” what the Spirit of the Lord has to say (Matt. 11:15).

  Having an understanding of the prophetic and how to operate can be difficult at first, and once the training wheels come off there may be times one may hit and miss through trial and error, but know that with much exercise in that ability to hear and speak, prophesying will become second nature.


  The two elders of Moses had enough faith to prophesy, sing the song of the Lord, and minister before the Lord within the camp. When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon a person, they are empowered. We can also see in Numbers 11:25 that God came down in a cloud and spoke to Moses and took of the spirit that was on him and mantled the seventy elders with the prophetic spirit. While it rested on them all, they began to prophesy. This passage of Scripture also states that they did not prophesy again; it is discouraging to know that after having an encounter with the Lord and receiving the prophetic spirit to prophesy, they did not prophesy again.

  I believe that they couldn’t prophesy outside of divine authority, which was placed in Moses. The prophetic spirit needed to be governed, and Moses was the lead elder of Israel. The elders couldn’t prophesy without Moses’ oversight, and they needed to possess Moses’ meek and humble spirit. Just imagine giving a powerful prophetic word for someone in your church or ministry and being moved by the inspiration and unction of the Holy Spirit to minister, but later on, because of unbelief, fear, insecurities, and unworthiness, you do not prophesy ever again from that point on.

  I have witnessed in the past that prophets and prophetic people stop prophesying because of past sins, struggles, circumstances, situations, and proclivities that cause their anointing, gifting, and ministry to become inactive or dormant. The enemies of the prophetic are unbelief, fear, pride, rebellion, self-condemnation, a religious spirit, and covetousness. I cannot count how many times God used me to minister to broken, defeated, wounded, prideful, rebellious, bitter, and rejected prophets. The Lord would use the power of prophecy to restore their self-worth, honor, dignity, identity, purpose, and respect. The same Holy Spirit that gives one the unction to function is the same Holy Spirit that can allow a person to overcome personal issues.

  Most of the prophets I relate and connect to all tell the same type of story: they were not given the opportunity to prophesy or speak what was on their heart because of something personal. Their current leadership did not understand prophets or the prophetic ministry. This type of negligence done by the senior leader of a church or the prophet themselves can cause internal damage if not addressed quickly. We are not to neglect any gift that has been given to us. We are to be stewards over that which the Lord has given.


  To neglect your spiritual responsibilities is to deny your own inheritance and birthright as God’s ambassador. In the local church, a prophetic culture is established when those with unique gifts of the Holy Spirit are operating under authority. First Timothy 4:14 encourages believers not to neglect the gift that was given by prophecy and with the laying on of hands of the presbytery (eldership team). Holy Spirit gifts are transmitted or transferred through impartation, as we see with Moses and his eldership team receiving the spirit of prophecy.

  The Holy Spirit needs to be imparted first before one can prophesy by the Spirit of God. Without the Spirit of God, impartation will be limited in its function, because prophecy is inspired by the Holy Spirit. As gifts are imparted through godly leadership and through the laying on of hands and prophetic words, a person is legally able to operate within the areas of grace, calling, and the measure of rule given by God and confirmed through other authorized witnesses and leaders in the church.

  The gift of prophecy is limited in function to exhortation, edification, and consolation, which brings encouragement and strength. The spirit of prophecy is simply sharing the heartbeat of Jesus Christ. We must not operate outside our measure of rule and grace. Every believer can minister prophetically, not just in a capacity limited to words only but through the arts, such as prophetic song, dance, music, and drama.

  There should be a prophetic culture established in every local assembly, church, ministry, and nation. I love the prophetic ministry just as I love and need to eat and drink. Why? Because food and drink are essential to our health, well-being, and life. So is the prophetic function, because the prophetic gift is the only gift that brings life and prosperity. The prophetic spirit brings life and nourishment to areas that may be desolate, deprived, and isolated. The prophetic spirit empowers you to do and say things that in your own natural ability and
strength you could not do.

  I can only imagine what a believer with the prophetic gift can do when they prophesy. The prophetic strength and faith like Samson will be on you to prophesy with power by the Spirit of God. It will have to take humility to operate on this level. I believe a prophet is dangerous to the kingdom of darkness when he or she prophesies, but prophets are more potent when they are silent as well. A prophet’s mantle, grace, measure of rule, and jurisdiction are accompanied by an arsenal of angelic ministering spirits. When a prophet or someone with a prophetic anointing prophesies, there are angels released to carry out the word of the Lord. Prophesying is the least a prophet in the office does.

  This book is written specially for those who desire to prophesy and to discover their prophetic voice, gift, nature, and spirit. If we as humans all can speak and communicate, even though there are different dialects, accents, and languages, what we have in common is that we can communicate. With that being said, we all are not prophets, but we can all prophesy to communicate what God is saying. Regardless of one’s gifting, this book will help believers become sons and daughters of the kingdom who can operate in the prophetic oil and Spirit of God with power and confidence.


  Moses wanted to see the elders function in the prophetic because he knew it impacted his own life. How many leaders today have a heart like Moses to give what they have and impart some of it to the next leadership? Moses was not afraid of any such effects from the prophetic spirit that was placed on the seventy by God. Moses desired that the Lord’s people were prophets. In other words, Moses desired that they be possessed by the prophetic spirit. It should be every leader’s desire and passion to see their people, congregation, leadership team, and spiritual sons and daughters move in the prophetic dimension.

  Moses wished that every individual person among the people of Israel were prophets. These prophets were to be either extraordinary or ordinary as ministers of the word. Since if all became prophets there would be none to prophesy to or to teach and instruct (likewise, all would be not rulers or helpers and assistants in government, for then there would be none to be governed), Moses’ statement is to be taken comparatively and is designed to show how far Moses was from an envious spirit in regard to the gifts of others. His wish, if it was the will of God and consistent with the order of things, was that every man had as great or greater gifts than he had, therefore qualifying them for public service and usefulness. This was the modesty and meekness of Moses. There is a sense indeed that all the Lord’s people, all good men, are and should be prophets, and by the grace of the Spirit of God they are qualified.

  Senior leaders, if you are raising up an apostolic and prophetic house, start equipping, training, recognizing, activating, and releasing those called to the prophetic ministry and office of the prophet. The prophetic is vital to the growth and spiritual climate or temperature of a local church. Things are birthed when we speak what God desires to speak; it will happen through prayers, fasting, and worship unto God. God wants to speak to His people on an individual level and corporate level. God loves to deliver His word to people who are ready to transition and go beyond the mundane and familiar.


  In Exodus 19:3–5 (NKJV) it reads, “And Moses went up to God [Elohim], and the LORD called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel: ‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.’”

  This bird is the king of the heavens and has keen vision and the ability to soar to great depths and heights. The Lord is all-knowing and all-seeing, and like the eagle’s vision, the Lord’s prophetic vision for the children of Israel was their full release and liberty. One of God’s burdens for His people was that they would come unto to Him again and not worship any other gods. The primary function of the prophetic is to redeem and turn the people’s heart back to the Lord. I call this “prophetic deliverance.” It was the power of the prophetic spirit and the Holy Spirit upon Moses that brought transition to a depressed and restricted people.

  In the days of Samuel the prophet we see that King Saul was being inaugurated in the kingly office. Samuel was instructed by God to anoint Saul as king over His people. God wanted to be their king, but they wanted to be like other nations, so God chose Saul. After being commissioned as king by Samuel, Saul encountered a company of prophets, and the Spirit of God filled him. He began to prophesy with the other prophets. One doesn’t have to be a prophet to prophesy, but King Saul prophesied like the prophets he encountered at Gibeah. He was possessed with the prophetic spirit and prophesied without any prior or former experience.

  This Holy Spirit impartation and these encounters are something God desires His people to take ownership of. Moses gave some of the honor that was upon him to Joshua, who was full of the spirit of wisdom through the laying on hands and the prophetic word. As Moses laid his hands on Joshua and charged him, Joshua received the impartation of the Spirit of God and walked in the authority of Moses.

  Joshua was possessed by the Spirit of God through the power of impartation, which caused him to possess authority. We must understand that Joshua already possessed the spirit of wisdom before he was commissioned by Moses. Moses, being an Old Testament type of Christ, was used as a deliverer for God’s people. There is deliverance, healing, and freedom through the word of the Lord.

  Chapter Four


  You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.

  —EXODUS 19:4–5, NKJV

  THE PROPHETIC WORD of the Lord will always bring deliverance from strongholds, struggles, yokes, and religious or worldly bondages. God promised that He would deliver His people through His word and used a mediator (Moses) as the prophet, intercessor, and judge to deliver the word of God to Pharaoh. The children of Israel were sold into slavery and were harshly oppressed by the Egyptians for over four hundred years. They continually cried out to God, and He heard them each time they lifted up their voices to Him.

  When it was time for them to be delivered, just as God promised beforehand, He used the imagery of an eagle to refer to Himself delivering them from the Egyptians’ grip. Three months after they were delivered God reminded them of His quick deliverance by calling their attention back to the imagery of the eagle. He said, “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself” (Exod. 19:4, NKJV). The nourishing and all-seeing eye of the Lord, like an eagle’s, is swift and focused to deliver, bringing justice and emancipation to those who have faced demonic, civil, societal, domestic, and religious injustices. God delivered the children of Israel by His word, just like the prophetic does when it comes to an individual. The prophetic word comes with the power to deliver as it is being delivered to the recipient.


  The prophetic brings deliverance to people who may be in a season of transition or in a valley of decision; they may even be in a place of bondage or enslavement personally, mentally, economically, socially, financially, domestically, relationally, psychologically, physiologically, spiritually, religiously, and emotionally. The prophetic is like eagles’ wings to bear one up and bring them into another dimension that they have not been to or known before. The prophetic brings change, freedom, and restoration. Simply, deliverance is going from one state to another or one place to another. In addition, the prophetic nature and dimension of God is that one is being prophetically transformed and reformed.

  Isaiah 40:31
says, “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” The prophetic word of the Lord gives a person new life, because the words that Jesus said that He speaks are spirit life or spirit and life. Have you ever received a powerful prophetic word and felt like you could soar and go higher? Or perhaps the prophecy made you feel anew and refreshed. God’s prophetic word gives strength to run, walk, and do things supernaturally by faith in God, without unbelief and doubt. The prophetic strength usually comes at times when one is faint at heart and weary.

  Exodus 19:4–5 (NKJV) says, “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.” You can see that God was reminding the children of Israel of His word and His covenant for them to keep. When a person receives a prophetic word from the Lord personally and/or through a prophet of God, one must understand that it’s conditional. At times it may be unconditional, but typically most prophetic words are conditional. God is requiring complete cooperation and obedience to fulfill His eternal purpose for your life.

  Moreover, God told the Israelites to obey His voice, meaning serving no other gods or substitutes and to keep His covenant, meaning His Word, commands, and will. That scripture makes it clear that once they had done what the Lord had commanded, then they would be marked as a special treasure to God above all nations and people in the earth, because the earth is the Lord’s. When I am going through and I am weary, I always have to mediate on past prophetic words and promises of the Lord and do a self-audit for the purpose of walking in obedience, thereby discerning the right season and timing of the Lord. Some prophetic words can take years to fulfill and some a lifetime. Even so, some prophetic words may be through the next generation or your natural and spiritual posterity, which is called a legacy.


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