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Born to Prophesy

Page 20

by Hakeem Collins

  Secondly, the Old Testament prophets were tremendously inspired of the Lord to write the infallible Scriptures and prophesy what was scribed. In the New Testament there is no record of a new covenant prophet ever writing the infallible Word of God and prophesying what he had written. Even today there is no prophet or an apostle adding to the Word of God. Not to say that prophets and apostles do not write books, articles, and songs today; but they don’t write the Scriptures.

  The prophets of old had to wait for the Lord to speak to them and come upon them. If a prophet came out prematurely with a presumptuous word, then they were labeled a false prophet and in some cases publicly stoned to death for the word not coming through. I truly thank God for His grace and truth today as a new covenant believer. Can you image if someone gave a prophetic word that was off, and his punishment was death? I believe we would not have a lot of people prophesying. But thank God for His love and saving grace. As the Old Testament was written primarily by prophets and the New Testament was written by apostles, there is no biblical reference that the New Testament prophets wrote the infallible word.

  Furthermore, the New Testament prophets’ direction, guidance, and word come from the Word of God, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and confirmation through other prophets in the church; while the Old Testament prophets, as I stated, didn’t have the Spirit or even the Word because they had to wait on the Lord to download His will and mind. Hosea, Isaiah, Joel, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel and other minor and major prophets were gifted to write the infallible Scriptures. What is the difference between a major prophet and minor one? Well, my understanding is that it had nothing to do with how great they were, but was measured by their level of influence and how extensive their book was. For example, if a prophet writes a 300-page book on the prophetic and another prophet writes only 150 pages, which is larger? Well, the 300-page one is, of course—but this doesn’t mean the content in the 300-page book is more powerful than the 150-page one. I have read some profound books that were only twenty to fifty pages, while some larger ones lack true substance on the topic or subject.

  Moreover, in Israel’s history in the Old Testament the prophetic ministry was the only ministry beside the judges that was instrumental in the overall plan of God for His people. These men and women were holy prophets of God, while at the same time proclaiming His word, and were the prophetic symbol of God’s voice to Israel. When the people saw the prophets coming in the Old Testament, there were two things that came to their mind: judgment or liberation.

  In the Old Testament the prophets were also called or known as:

  • The prophets (Hosea 12:10)

  • Seers (1 Sam. 9:9; 2 Sam. 24:11; Amos 7:12; 2 Chron. 33:18; Isa. 29:10)

  • Man of God (1 Sam. 9:6; 1 Kings 12:22)

  • Holy men (2 Pet. 1:21)

  • Servants (Hag. 2:23)

  • Messengers of God (Isa. 42:19)

  • The interpreters (Isa. 43:27, NRSV)

  We can also see a similarity between the Old and New Testament prophets, because some Old Testament prophets were women. There are denominations today that do not believe in women preaching or having an influence and call from the Lord to ministry, which is not the Spirit of God. The Lord will use whomever He wants to use. If there were women oracles of the Lord in the Old Testament, then God is still going to use women today and in any generation. The Bible says in the New Testament that in the last days He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, which included “sons and daughters,” servants and “handmaids” according to Acts 2:17–22, which was a prophecy spoken by the prophet Joel. (See Joel 2:28–32.)

  In the Old Testament, women were divinely inspired of the Lord in their generation. These women of God were called prophetesses. The Old Testament prophetess is basically referring to a female prophet of God. Some Old Testament female prophets include:

  • Deborah, who was a prophetic judge, a mother in Israel who led the song of the Lord in combat with Barak (Judg. 4:4).

  • Anna, who was a prophetic prayer warrior, intercessor, and mother in Zion who committed her life to fasting and prayers in the temple at the age of eighty-four; she came from the tribe of Asher and the priests gave her was given residence in the temple by the priests (Luke 2:36–38).

  • Miriam, who was Moses’ older sibling, sung the prophetic song of the Lord and used the art of prophetic dance (Exod. 15:20).

  • Prophet Isaiah’s wife, who shared in the prophetic team ministry with her husband at times (Isa. 8:3).

  • Huldah, who was used of God to prophesy and teach the Word of the Lord in Jerusalem (2 Kings 22:12–20; 2 Chron. 34:22).

  • Noadiah, who was a false prophetess during the season of restoration from enslavement in Babylon (Neh. 6:14).

  In the New Testament there were false prophets, including the famous personality who claimed to be a prophetess:

  • Jezebel, who is the only so-called prophetess that the New Testament reveals as being labeled a prophetess. This false prophet was notorious for perverting and teaching false doctrine as a prophetess and teacher (Rev. 2:20).

  • Philip the evangelist had four daughters who were not called to the ministry office of the prophet or called prophetesses, but, interestingly enough, they prophesied by the Spirit of God (Acts 21:7–9).

  God is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh regardless of age, nationality, gender, profession, etc. The Holy Spirit is readily available to be received and to speak. More in the Old Testament, the prophets had close-knit relationships with kings just like new covenant prophets should be in direct relationship with apostles and senior leaders of a local church. A prophet doesn’t have authority uncovered, unaccountable, and in direct relationship with others to bring balance and reinforcement to their ministry.

  In the Old Testament, as I stated, men approached God through another person, such as a priest, but primarily it was done through the prophets. We see today in the twenty-first century church people going to God through their pastor or leader. While there is nothing wrong with receiving wisdom, counsel, and confirmation, the Holy Spirit has been sent to guide us and lead the believer into all truth. The Bible says there is safety in a multitude of advisors, but we cannot replace the Holy Spirit with prophets, pastors, or anyone else.

  Moreover, the kings in the Old Testament truly benefited from the prophetic ministry of the prophets:

  • David had Gad the seer and Nathan the prophet (2 Sam. 12; 24:11).

  • Ahab related with prophets Elijah and Elisha (1 Kings 17:1; 19:16).

  • Saul and David both received the prophetic ministry of Samuel (1 Sam. 9–10, 16).

  • Solomon benefited from Nathan, who was called to his daddy as well (1 Kings 1:38).

  • Rehoboam consulted with Shemaiah the prophet (1 Kings 12:21–22).

  As we can see, the prophetic ministry is not only important to the body of Christ, but God also sent them to kings. Jeremiah was sent to kings and nations to prophesy words of judgment to prophetically reform that nation and bring hope. New Testament prophets worked hand in hand with pastors and especially apostles sent by the Holy Spirit through the church. In the apostolic age in the first century, prophets were still used to declare the word of the Lord to His people and remind them of the new covenant and the Lord’s promise of the Holy Spirit. We are in the days of Elijah where we are going to see great waves of miracles, healing, and prophetic revival that will change generations. The slogan of my ministry, Hakeem Collins International, is “Reform nations to change generations.” It’s about the next generation. God is going to use the prophetic anointing and prophetic creativity to birth something unprecedented, unpredicted, and unconventional in this season of restoration. You were born to prophesy and be successful.


  As I stated before, prophets and prophecy are God’s idea for His glorious church. Throughout the Old and New Testaments we see that the prophetic dimension and ministry is emphasized more
than any other, with the exception of the apostolic/apostles ministry. In my own life I have been touched and revolutionized by the power of prophecy. There have been times when I was at my lowest and felt misunderstood by those I trusted, but suddenly I would receive an e-mail, text message, or an inbox message from someone sharing a testimony that a prophecy I gave them has jump-started their life and they are actually seeing the Word of God unfold and come to pass.

  At the moment of feeling unwanted and isolated, the Lord would send several people who had been blessed by the prophetic ministry to encourage me to keep advancing the King and His kingdom. When I read countless messages from different people, most of whom I don’t remember, because I have ministered to thousands personally throughout my short life, these testimonies that flood my e-mail and social media sites are godly reminders that I was born to do this.

  Interestingly, I have found that when someone finds out that I am a prophet, the first thing they do is ask me for a prophetic word. I have seen people chase me down for a prophetic word and not let me leave their presence until they received one. In addition, there have been times where I have been asked to give personal, individual prophecies to a meeting of about 150 people, which I can do by the grace on my life, but it is time-consuming and draining at times.

  The point that I am trying to make is that there is an increasing demand for the prophetic ministry. Can you imagine what Jesus felt like when He was ministering in the power of God?

  Team ministry is so needed today in the body of Christ. My brother and I travel a lot across the country ministering as a prophetic teaching and preaching team. The Bible says one can send a thousand to flight and two can chase ten thousand. The power of team ministry will cut down on a lot of time and eliminate haughtiness, pride, the appearance of a one-man show, and selfishness. Prophetic ministers, along with the rest of the fivefold, are God’s equippers and enablers to get the saints ready for their own personal ministry or call by the Holy Spirit. We are in the days of the saints taking hold of the kingdom and advancing it for God’s glory. Prophecy is a sign to the believer, but I believe that prophecy will also be used to convict the hearts of the unbelievers.

  Cecil M. Robeck Jr. states “Prophecy appears to be given with an existential value in mind. It is given through a specific individual, to a specific individual or group of individuals, at a specific place, and within a specific time frame. Within that context it may be said to have a specific message with specific value.”53 I like what he shared, that the prophetic brings value to a specific person regardless of where you are. As I stated before, that prophetic word will find you! God values you so much that He has a “tailor-made” prophetic word that will fit your life.

  Moreover, Wayne Arden Grudem observes: “Prophecy, then, is superior to the other gifts because the revelation on which it depends allows it to be suited to the specific needs of the moment, needs which may only be known to God.”54 We see the importance of this divine gift to the body of Christ.

  The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16 (NKJV), “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” We can see that the Word of God is given by the inspiration of God. Prophecy outside of the Word of God is not sufficient enough to build on, but prophecy within the parameters of the Holy Scriptures can be confirmed and supported. Just as the Word of God is inspired and given by the Lord, so likewise when God-inspired prophecy comes forth through holy men of God. Second Peter 1:20–21 (NKJV) says, “ . . . knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” It is interesting to me that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. In other words, a prophet’s vision, dream, or heavenly encounter is not their own vision, dream, or encounter, but is inspired by God; they spoke as they were moved by the Spirit to speak. The guidelines for the prophecy should never overextend the inspired one of God and should never be replaced by prophecy.

  Therefore, there is no biblical prophecy that was ever produced merely because a man or woman wanted to prophesy (by the will of man). The prophetic in Scripture was given only by God through men, who “spoke” as they were carried along or moved by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the active, revelatory agent working within the Old Testament prophets and through their lives and circumstances as they prophesied. This is a key verse for the doctrine of Scripture, indicating that Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, but at the same time men spoke God’s words, using their own personalities, knowledge, background, definition, and style. “They were carried along” implies that the inspiration of Scripture was invisibly directed by the Holy Spirit, though without overriding the personalities of the human authors or the prophets and teachers.

  Therefore, Scripture is fully the Word of God, even though it is recorded in the words of men. The exact way in which this was accomplished remains a divine mystery and not a private interpretation. What is true of Old Testament prophecy is true of all Scripture (see 2 Tim. 3:16). The only parameter and true guideline for the prophetic is found in the Word of God. We must understand and never make the mistake to overemphasize inspired prophecy (rhema) only over the inspired word of God (logos). In other words, a rhema prophetic word should never replace the logos written Word of God. That is why 1 Corinthians 13:9 states, “We know in part and we prophesy in part.”

  The prophetic word comes from God in part and the revelation may come later as well in part. The revelation can be accurate through a prophecy but the interpretation can be totally off track. That’s why we must wait on God for the interpretation and just prophesy according to the proportion of our faith and allow Him to give us the interpretation, because revelation can come in bits and pieces. This is why team ministry is important for the purpose of understanding what is being revealed by the Spirit through other people working together to get the full picture. We must understand that in the prophetic function there are three elements that may come forth through three or several different people:

  1. Revelation

  2. Interpretation

  3. Application

  People shouldn’t solely look to prophecy as the only guidance. We should admonish believers to have a recorder, write their personal prophecies down and share them later with other people for clarity and understanding. Prophecy to me is like an onion that has multiple layers that need to be unfolded with time to understand the fullness of what is being said. Second Peter 1:19 (ESV) says, “And we have something more sure, the prophetic word, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” The Word of God is a more sure word of prophecy, a lamp that shines in dark places that brings guidance and direction.

  The prophetic comes to confirm the will, mind, and purpose of God that is already revealed through Scripture. I have seen people tell me what their prophecy outlined but they were not able to judge through the Scriptures to see if it was valid enough to walk out. I also have been in meetings where they focused on prophecy only and not on teaching the Word of God. This is dangerous and has the potential to create a culture of prophetic “junkies” and “babies” who would rather hear a prophetic word than preached Word of God. We know that prophecy is an important part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, but if we idolize it we run the risk of being deceived. The prophetic ministry was an important part of the first century, and it is just as important today in the twenty-first century. The ministry of the Holy Spirit will inspire you to minister in the prophetic realm if you yield to His leading.


  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that you co
me short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  I love this passage of Scripture because the apostle Paul was open and transparent about his heart toward his spiritual children in the Corinthian church. He shared that he thanked God always concerning the grace the Lord had given to them by enriching them in everything in all utterance and all knowledge. The word enriched stood out to me and I looked it up. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word enrich as “to make rich or richer, to add to or improve with additions and to add beauty to.” What were they commended for? They were commended that they were enriched in everything by the Lord in all utterance. It is the Lord’s desire that we are enriched in the prophetic utterances of the Lord. Prophets and prophetic people are to make themselves rich in the prophetic dimension.

  In other words, we are to upgrade and become wealthy in operating in the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. No one is impoverished in the kingdom of God, but we all can do our best to become prophetically enriched or to improve. I have come to the realization that in the prophetic ministry I can always find room to grow, advance, learn, and improve. I will go so far as to say that the prophetic is important to the church of Jesus Christ because it builds up the corporate body and adds beauty. Prophecy can add and make one richer in his or her faith in God and bring about personal improvement. In the vocal gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are prophecy, diversities of tongues, and interpretation of tongues, prophecy is more superior because of its long-term impact and the effect it can bring about. The only reason that prophecy is relevantly important is because it is a ministry that constructs or builds up.


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