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Born to Prophesy

Page 29

by Hakeem Collins

  Out of rejection, Jesus became chief Cornerstone (Matt. 21:42–43; Acts 4:11; Eph. 2:20). He became what He was designed, created, and called to be. Jesus asked an important question to His disciples. He asked them, “Who do men say that I am?” and some of them said the prophet, some said John the Baptist. They were wrong, except Peter, who received revelation from the Father that Jesus was the Son of the living God. Jesus said to Peter that flesh and blood did not reveal that to him, but the Father in heaven. Peter got a revelation of Jesus’ true identity as a Son of the Father. He was able to know Jesus’ origin and prophetic identity.


  Most people that you may come in contact with may never know who you are by revelation and relationship. They may know you by word of mouth that you are a prophet or etc. Your peers may never know what you have been born and created to do until they spend time with you and see God working through you. Some people will see the power of God working through you and still reject you, like those who saw God was with Jesus and still hardened their hearts.

  But Jesus overcame temptation, rejection, and persecution by knowing His Father, His calling, purpose, identity, and prophetic assignment. Jesus operated, spoke, and lived like a King. Regardless of whether or not all people received Him to be their Messiah, Savior, Redeemer, and King, there was a remnant of believing Jews that followed Him.

  The current population of the world is 7 billion people, and everyone was born and created by God to do something unique. That does not mean that everyone will fulfill their call, but you do not have to be that one.

  Jesus’ passion was to please the Father and finish His work. Jesus did not have to say that He was King. His prophecy declares it. Let your prophecy declare your coming and you coming into that prophecy. Have you heard the saying, “You are what you eat”? I believe it’s true to a certain extent, but I would go on to say that you are your prophecy. Guard your prophecy and become that which the Lord has spoken over your life. Jesus was the prime example.

  We can see in the Word of God during the life of Jesus that an angel of the Lord came to Jesus’ mother, Mary, with a prophetic message, and the angel said to her, “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.” The prophecy of the birth of Jesus is found in Isaiah 7:14, which says, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Jesus’ name means “Savior” in Hebrew, Immanuel, which is interpreted as “God with us.”

  Jesus’ calling was to save His people from the law of sin and death and redeem them back in right standing and fellowship with His Father. We can see specially that God knows us by name and knows every detail of our lives. It’s important to know that one’s calling has been outlined before they were ever conceived. Mary did not realize that she was birthing the Messiah, that what was conceived in her was of the Holy Spirit.


  In the Gospel of Luke 1:26–37 there is a miraculous birthing that took place in Mary. Jesus was conceived in the womb of the Holy Spirit, and Mary’s virgin body would be the natural conduit of what was done in the spirit. Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit and birthed naturally through Mary.

  And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible.

  —LUKE 1:26–37, KJV

  An individual must know the purpose of their birthing and what God has called them to. Jesus’ assignment in the earth and what He was born to do was connected to His name. He was to save His people. He was to be Immanuel to the people He was called to. He was born Jesus, Savior, to His people; that was the main purpose of His birthing.

  Jesus’ mother Mary received a prophetic word, which in due time came to pass with the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everything spoken by the prophets and written in the Law was a type and shadow of the reality and prophetic fulfillment of Christ being birthed. Mary received a word from an angel with a prophetic message that would change her personal life but also that of humanity. Could you imagine Mary having angelic encounters and being chosen by the Lord to birth the Messiah and Savior? Mary was born to serve her purpose, to be the mother of Jesus, but in her womb, as a virgin, she would conceive a child born of the Holy Spirit.


  The word of the Lord found her, and she had to receive the prophecy spiritually in her mind and soul before her natural womb and body would receive the seed that was imparted by the Holy Spirit. Joseph didn’t understand the supernatural pregnancy, but it was in heaven’s plan to fulfill all righteousness in the earth through Christ. Jesus fulfilled all prophecies that were spoken of Him to the letter. He was the fulfillment of prophecy. When we receive a word from the Lord it is our responsibility to war over our prophecies but also to walk in prophetic fulfillment. A person doesn’t have to run around asking prophets for a word of the Lord. There are times where the word of God will find you. People who run around looking for a prophecy all the time are mistaken and immature.

  To receive a prophetic word from the Lord an individual must understand the severity of receiving one, because the person is now held accountable by God to fulfill it. I personally as a prophet do not look for, nor am I desperate for prophecy, because I know that we are judged by them if we do not obey. There is nothing wrong in asking for a prophetic word from seasoned, integral, and trained prophets who have a true word from God, but we must honor and respect them as well. We must honor them with prayers, intercession, and most importantly, financial seeds and blessing. A person is not paying for a prophecy, but they are honoring the man and woman of God for their time, gift, and ministry.

  Jesus was not running all over Jerusalem looking for a prophetic word. He was more concerned about fulfilling the prophecies that were prophesied concerning Him and the current status of the world. When we focus on kingdom things, then other natural things will come.

  Have you ever needed a word and went all over to look for it, and it never came. But then when you stopped and refocused on kingdom business, all of a sudden a season came and you were being called out here and there? We as believers must understand the timing and divine seasons that we walk in. I don’t look for more prophecies; I fulfill the ones I have already received. Jesus was the primary model and example of walking in accordance to His Father’s will and purpose in the earth.


  The word of the Lord will find you at a place when you most need it. I can remember in my youth going to a church service at the age of fourteen. There was a woman of God who I did not know that people called a prophetess. She began to move in the Spirit of God and began to speak in tongues, and then she suddenly called me out before hundreds of people in front of the church and prophesied to me saying, “Young man, you have a unique call on yo
ur life, and God has called you from your mothers’ womb and has anointed, appointed, and set you apart for His holy calling to become His prophet. You are called to be great. All this what I am saying to you might not make sense now, but later in life it will all make sense, and you will be His mouthpiece for His glory.”

  When this specific prophetic word came to me I was singing in a community choir. I did not have any clue what a prophet was and what nations I was called to. I can remember the woman of God laying her hands on me, and I fell down under the power of God and could not move because it felt like a huge hand was preventing me from moving. So, like Jeremiah and Isaiah, I encountered the same prophetic words that they received.

  We must ask ourselves what we have been born to do and become for the Lord. In Isaiah 49:1 (NLT) it says, ‘Listen to me, all you in distant lands! Pay attention, you who are far away! The LORD called me before my birth; from within the womb he called me by name.” Paul the apostle said in Galatians 1:15 (ESV), “But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace.” But when it pleased God, Paul traced all his hopes of eternal life and all the good influences that had ever borne upon his mind to God. The question to ask is, Who separated Paul? That is, who destined him, or who purposed Paul from birth that he should be a preacher, teacher, and an apostle? Jesus, as well, was born on purpose and was born to fulfill what was written by the Law and prophesied by the Prophets of old.

  God, who is the omniscient one, has total knowledge of everything concerning us, because He is the Creator and the Father of the universe. In Latin the word omnis means “all,” and sciens means “knowing.”72 Omniscience is the capacity to know everything. With that in mind, God knew everything because everything started with Him.


  A person must first know without a shadow of a doubt why they were born and who created them. In understanding God’s original intent, purpose, and plan for our lives, we need to seek the counsel of God for those imperative answers. Everything created in the universe came from a God-thought. That thought was a divine thought that brought into being that which was not there before in the natural. Whatever the Lord creates, He tests it out, and once it has passed His test, then He approves it by saying it is good to be used now.

  For example, if I were created to be a one-passenger-seat racecar which had been designed for maximum speed and light cargo and then tried to function as an eight-passenger SUV, then I would be operating in a dysfunctional way, outside of the purpose that the manufacturer had engineered, modeled, and designed me to function as. Even though both are vehicles, a racecar is designed to be smaller, lighter, and drive with increased speed. On the other hand, an SUV is designed to seat more passengers with heavy cargo and is not created for racing purposes.

  It’s imperative to know why we are here, which can be found in the mind of God, the man-ufacturer. With any automobile company, the manufacturer of the model cars will test their product before they put it on the market for the consumers. So with the Lord, He has already test approved you before you were born.


  We must understand that we are God-approved and can endure any task or test because He has already tested us out. There are not recalls when God creates you. King David in Psalm 139:14 (GW) said, “I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this.” David had a revelation that God’s works were miraculous and amazing as he thought about God and creation. Understanding that you were born to fulfill a specific call and were made for His eternal purpose should make anyone praise the Lord as David did.

  God created man in His image and according to His likeness, giving man divine legal rights to rule in the earth, and with that in mind, man can accomplish his God-given assignment and purpose knowing that he has been given dominion over the works of God’s hands. When one comes into the full understanding and revelation that they were created by God on purpose and for His eternal plan, then His will in their lives can be accomplished successfully.

  Many people ask these questions often: Why am I here? What should I be doing? Where am I to be going? and, Who am I called to be? These questions can be answered, as we know the nature of God and His intentions. God will never create anything that was not good.

  Jeremiah was told by God what His plans were for him. He was on the mind of God. Our business is God’s business. Likewise, Jesus was about His Father’s business at a very young age, because that was on His mind and heart. He knew what He was destined to be, and you would find Jesus in the synagogues with the elders and Jewish teachers of His day. He was where He was supposed to have been in the temple, learning and growing in wisdom and stature of the Spirit.


  You are God’s business. In other words, God was minding His business concerning your destiny in life. Psalm 8:4 (nas) says, “What is man that you are thoughtful of him, And the son of man that You care for him?” You are on the heart of God, and in His heart lies the blueprint of your life. He is the Master and Father of life. He has the overall master plan for your life.

  Jeremiah like many of us today, needed to know that if the Lord knew him before the foundations of the world, then it was the Lord that also knew what he was able to accomplish in his prophetic journey. The Lord will not put too much on us so that we cannot handle the calling on our life. If the Lord has called you and made you to be what He desires, then He has already equipped you with the necessary tools to accomplish that task. We must understand that whatever God created, it is very good initially (Gen. 1:31).

  Jeremiah needed reassurance and affirmation from God the Creator about the Father’s identification that validated and confirmed the task and purpose of calling him. I believe that most people are trying to make sense out of life and are in search of their true identity, purpose, and destiny. The answer to their question is to be found in God, who is the originator of origination. In humans there is a quest to discover their true purpose for living and what they should be doing during their lifespan. Some may know at an early age why they were created while others can take a lifetime to finally discover their true assignment in the earth. Regardless, if it’s early or late in one’s life, the main thing that one must understand is who created them, why they were created and what they are created to do.

  It is never too late to walk in your purpose when there is a sense of identity and affirmation from God Himself.


  God, being the Creator of life, had Jeremiah in mind before He decided to form and fashion him in the bowels of his mother. It all started in the mind of God. Psalm 31:14–15 (amp) says, “But I trusted in, relied on, and was confident in You, O Lord; I said, You are my God. My times are in Your hands; deliver me from the hands of my foes and those who pursue me and persecute me.” We must understand that we are in the timing of the Lord. What one does with their time ultimately will determine how fast one fulfills what God has called them to fulfill. It is imperative to know that regardless of age, time is an interruption of heaven’s clock. Therefore, in eternity there is no time or space in God, but there is time in the earthly realm for man to fulfill their personal prophecy. Time is the measure of a person’s life, and they must value their time by any means necessary.

  We must move in the prophetic timetable of the Lord. We must understand by divine revelation in the above passage of Scripture that David submitted his time to the hands of the Lord. He said that his time was in the Lord’s hands. God created time for man so they can measure their life and progress, but the Lord doesn’t live by nor is He regulated by natural time or chorological seasons. Discovering God’s original intent and eternal purposes is measured by the quality of usefulness of your time and knowing your identity in Christ. Time expires when you stop doing what you were born to do.

  The mai
n emphasis of this book and following chapters is discovering your prophetic voice, gift, nature, and identity in Christ Jesus. I believe everyone that was created by God was created to do something creative and unique for their generation. My desire and burden is to help a generation to fully embrace and know their God-given purpose, potential, calling, and to walk in prophetic fulfillment like so many examples of people throughout the Bible did.

  The purpose of this book and why it was written with you in mind is to unlock the hidden gems, jewels, and spiritual treasures on the inside of you. I truly believe that you have been created with prophetic insight, abilities, gifts, talents, nature, and yes, your own voice. As I stated before, we’ve been birthed out by prophecies, and it is God’s intention that we fulfill what He has spoken. Every believer who has the Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of them has the prophetic nature of God and has a prophetic voice, meaning that you have something to say and that your voice shall be heard throughout the earth and unto your generation.


  The secret to finding your own prophetic voice and nature is hidden in God, who is a God of originality and creativity. The Bible says that the worlds were framed by the word of the Lord. You can create your own world and life by the words you speak. That is prophetic creativity. The Bible also tells us to call those things which be not as though they were (Rom. 4:17). That is the power of the spoken word. You are what you speak. In other words, you are what you prophesy. That is exactly what God did in Genesis.


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